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wonderful life中文翻译,wonderful life是什么意思,wonderful life发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

wonderful life中文翻译,wonderful life是什么意思,wonderful life发音、用法及例句

wonderful life

wonderful life发音

英:  美:

wonderful life中文意思翻译



wonderful life双语使用场景

1、I say to summarize such a wonderful life: the children play, chasing butterflies, elderly crane from hoe, childlike, all fun.───我用一句话来概括这样的美好生活,就是:“孩童嬉戏,追逐黄蝶,老人鹤发童颜,童心未泯,你来我往,普天同乐。”

2、It perhaps is the inheritor of films like It's a Wonderful Life, with it's unrelentingly happy and yet extremely tear-inducing ending.───可能是该**继承了《心想事成》的因素,情节虽然一直很让人愉悦,结局却令人伤心落泪。

3、Regardless of how wonderful life was inside the Great Central Sun, there was no goal of evolution home.───不管大中枢太阳中的生命是如何美妙,但它们都并没有进化回家的目标。

4、Congratulations. I present you with this diary to fill the pages with your special thoughts, special thoughts of your wonderful life.───我送给你这个日记本,可以装满你的独特思想,那些在你的美好生活中的独特思想。

5、Sincerely look forward to working with you on your support, for the wonderful life of a brilliant add.───真诚地期待能与您合作,在您的支持下,为美妙人生添上辉煌的一笔。

6、Most importantly, Thank you so much for offering me a great health to let me enjoy my wonderful life all the time.───感谢一体完善的宇宙智慧和上帝赐予我健康的身体,让我享受缤纷多彩的生活。

wonderful life相似词语短语

1、wonderful view───奇妙的景象


3、wonderful example───很好的例子

4、wonderful feeling───美妙的感觉

5、contented life───知足的生活

6、wonderful thing───太好了



9、wonderful news───极好的消息


be positive,then life is wonderful 积极面对生活,那样的话,生活是美好的双语对照例句:

1.On the face of it, then, artificial life looks like a wonderful thing. 从表面上看,人造生命似乎是一个杰作。

2.I wondered what if their life is their company then? 我想如果生活是他们自己的公司呢?

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