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be present at(be present中文翻译,be present是什么意思,be present发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

be present at(be present中文翻译,be present是什么意思,be present发音、用法及例句)

1、be present

be present发音

英:  美:

be present中文意思翻译



be present双语使用场景

1、These conditions might not be present the next time.───这种条件下一次可能不再出现.

2、It was right that I should be present.───我自然应当到场.

3、I insist that you ( should ) be present .───请您务必 到场.

4、You are sincerely requested to be present at the party.───敬请您光临晚会.

5、They covenanted that their hostages would be present.───他们保证他们的人质到场.

6、You are earnestly requested to be present at the party.───恳请光临.

7、The situation required that he be present.───按法律规定,场边必须有一名医生。

8、You'd better reckon without me, as I am not sure whether I shall be able to be present.───你最好别把我算进去, 因为我能否出席还不一定.

9、According to law, a doctor must be present at the ringside.───按法律规定,场边必须有一名医生。

10、The situation required that he should be present.───这种情形需要他在场。

11、In the latter case, abscessation may be present inside the calvarium.───在后一种情况下, 颅内可能有脓肿形成.

12、Judith has a right to ask us to be present.───朱迪思有权让我们留下来.

13、A parulis, or gum boil, may be present near the involved tooth.───在患病牙齿附近可见齿龈脓肿或齿龈疖.

14、It is requested that all members be present at the party.───全体会员都被要求出席这次晚会.

15、The film-makers will be present at the screenings to introduce their works.───制作人将出席**放映礼介绍他们的作品。

16、The rules require us all to be present.───按规定我们都要到场.

17、He will be present at the meeting in person.───他将亲自参加会议.

be present相似词语短语


2、to present───呈现

3、present───adj.现在的;出席的;(事物)存在的;正在考虑的;现在时(态)的;n.礼物;现在,目前;(动词)现在式;(举枪的)瞄准;v.颁发;赠送;提出;展现;使发生;描述;出现;主持(节目);上演;介绍;出席;表达;提交(支票或账单);致谢;(教堂)向主教推荐已被委任的牧师就任;向法院正式提交;举枪瞄准 ;(疾病)症状显露


5、the present───当代;礼物;暂时



8、at present───目前,现在


2、be present的搭配介词?


1.According to law, a doctor must be present at the ringside.按法律规定,场边必须有一名医生。

2.You are earnestly requested to be present at the party.; You are cordially invited to the party.恳请光临。

3.I am delighted to be present to celebrate the arrival of pandas Tai Shan and Mei Lan to China.很高兴出席迎接熊猫泰山和美兰回归中国的活动。

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