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broke off中文翻译,broke off是什么意思,broke off发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

broke off中文翻译,broke off是什么意思,broke off发音、用法及例句

1、broke off

broke off发音

英:  美:

broke off中文意思翻译



broke off双语使用场景

1、She broke off, incoherent with anger.───她气得话都说不清了,便住口了。

2、The soldiers broke off their game. Scar rose to his feet, brow beetling. "What did you say, dwarf? Who do you think you are? "───士兵们停下了游戏。伤疤站起来,眉毛一挑。“你说了啥,侏儒?你以为你是谁?”

3、In a symbolic gesture, the rebels broke off the head of a statue of Colonel Gaddafi and kicked it along the ground.───在一个象征性的举动中,叛军击碎了卡扎菲上校雕塑的头部,并将它放在地面上踢。

4、he broke off, with a hint of threat in his voice, his eyes fixed on her in hostility.───他戛然而止,话里带有一种威胁的口气,目光怀有敌意地停留在她身上。

5、He broke off in the middle of a sentence.───他一句话说了一半就不说了。

6、(break off) They broke off business relations with that company as it suffered huge losses in the last fiscal year and went bankrupt.───他们与那家公司中断了生意来往,因为那家公司上一个财政年度损失惨重,已经破产了。

7、Barry broke off in mid-sentence.───巴里话说到一半突然停止了。

8、He broke off and began to walk up and down a desolate path of fruit rinds and discarded favors and crushed flowers.───他忽然停住不说了,沿着一条布满了果皮、丢弃的小礼物和踩烂的残花的小道走来走去。

9、He took a bar of chocolate and broke off a bit.───他拿出一块巧克力糖,折断一小块。

broke off相似词语短语

1、wrote off───勾销;取消;很快地写好

2、;oken off───中断;破掉(破裂后跌落)

3、drove off───驱散;击退;驾车离去

4、;oke out───爆发(火灾,战争等爆发);被提拔职务

5、book off───下班考勤登记

6、booked off───下班考勤登记

7、rope off───用绳索隔开;围起来

8、rake off───回扣(非正式)

9、choke off───使闷死;劝阻,阻止


broke off: v. 折断(突然停止,断绝,暂停工作)例句与用法:

1. The whole cast broke off for coffee in the middle of rehearsal. 全体演员在排练休息时喝咖啡。

2. She broke off a piece of chocolate and gave it to me. 她掰下一块巧克力给我.

3. He broke off in the middle of a sentence. 他一句话只说了一半就停住了.

4. He broke off his engagement to her. 他对她解除了婚约。

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