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marketing campaign中文翻译,marketing campaign是什么意思,marketing campaign发音、用法及例句

04-06 投稿

marketing campaign中文翻译,marketing campaign是什么意思,marketing campaign发音、用法及例句

marketing campaign

marketing campaign发音

英:  美:

marketing campaign中文意思翻译

[经] 市场运动


marketing campaign双语使用场景

1、The marketing team brainstormed for hours in designing the marketing campaign for the new product.───行销小组脑力激荡多时,集思广益,设计新产品的行销策略.

2、Suppose that a multinational established in the Netherlands starts a European advertising and marketing campaign.───假设一间跨国公司设在荷兰开始欧洲广告和营销活动。

3、Therefore, in the example above, the store path of an extended site indicates that both marketing campaign data and presentation information are looked up from the same presentation Asset store.───因此,在上面的实例中,扩展站点的存储路径表明从同一表示资产存储中查找营销活动数据及表示信息。

4、Digital and social marketing will be a core element of the marketing campaign.───数字和社交营销将成为此次营销活动的核心元素。

5、The marketing campaign was a flop. The product didn't sell.───市场宣传彻底失败,产品卖不出去.

marketing campaign相似词语短语

1、marketing campaigns───营销活动(marketingcampaign的复数)

2、advertising campaigns───广告战;广告运动

3、marketing manager───市场销售经理

4、bombing campaign───轰炸战役

5、advertising campaign───广告活动

6、whispering campaign───n.有计划的诽谤性造谣;政治诽谤运动

7、lobbying campaign───游说活动


促销运动;大的促销活动。 marketing campaign 英[ˈmɑːkɪtɪŋ kæmˈpeɪn] 美[ˈmɑːrkɪtɪŋ kæmˈpeɪn] [词典] 促销运动;大的促销活动; [例句]Do you engage sexy advertising in your marketing campaign? If not, you should. 你曾经在你的营销活动中使用性感广告吗?如果没有,你应该试试。

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