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makefor(makes for中文翻译,makes for是什么意思,makes for发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

makefor(makes for中文翻译,makes for是什么意思,makes for发音、用法及例句)

1、makes for

makes for发音

英:  美:

makes for中文意思翻译



makes for双语使用场景

1、This makes for fantastic results.───这种效果更神奇。

2、The movie makes for great conversation at the water cooler.───这本**是在工作场所闲聊的极好的谈资。

3、happy parent makes for a happy child.───幸福的家长造就幸福的孩子。

4、All this makes for a funny sort of German election, and one that has consequences for the wider European Union.───这给德国的大选带来了非常可笑的局面,这给整个欧盟都带来了影响。

5、Although varying the sentence structure makes for more interesting reading, the simple subject-verb-object is often the best option online.───虽然多样化的句式为文章添彩,但简单的主谓宾结构句式却是网上写作的最好选择。

6、but you don't have to be a Chicago-trained economist to see that such protectionism makes for bad economic policy.───但就算你不是芝加哥大学培育出来的经济学家,也能看出这种保护主义会产生糟糕的经济政策。

7、Popularity is a subjective phenomenon and many a sociologist is still trying to figure out what makes for popularity.───讨人喜欢是个很主观的现象,许多社会学家还在尝试找出什么导致一个人受欢迎。

8、A wide temperature differential between water and air makes for a more stable atmosphere with calmer winds over the relatively cold water.───水和空气之间的温差大,在相对冷的水域上方形成静风,使得大气环境更加稳定。

9、Second, the most direct measure of her contribution is the money she makes for her firm.───其次,衡量这位经纪人贡献的最直接指标,是她为自己公司赚到的钱。

makes for相似词语短语

1、as for───关于,至于

2、makes of───了解;用…制造

3、makes over───转让;移交;修改

4、make up for───补偿,弥补

5、makes after───v.追随;追逐;跟随

6、make for───导致;有助于;走向

7、making for───导致;有助于;走向

8、makes up for───补偿,弥补

9、takes for───认为;以为


Disappointment makes for bad manners .


So saying , he made for the door .


The step made for his door .


"man is not made for defeat," he said .


We are not all made for weighty business .


She was not made for mean and shabby surroundings .


New england's history made for earnestness .


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