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total weight中文翻译,total weight是什么意思,total weight发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

total weight中文翻译,total weight是什么意思,total weight发音、用法及例句

total weight

total weight发音

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total weight中文意思翻译



悬重; 总重量

total weight双语使用场景

1、The total weight approaches 100 pounds.───总重量将近一百磅.

2、The weight of seeds of 1 and 2 step branch, accounted for 45 % and 38 % of total weight respectively.───1级、2级分枝种子收获量最多,分别为种子收获总量的45%和38%.

3、The round shaped Emeralds weigh .40 Carat Total Weight.───圆形的祖母绿总重量为0.40克拉.

4、The sum of the total weight and the force is sometimes called boundary neutral force.───总重量与压力之和有时也称为边界中和力.

5、The diamonds are round in shape I 1 clarity, G - H color and weigh .15 Carat Total Weight.───圆形的钻石净度为I1, 颜色为G -H,总重量为0.15克拉.

6、All - metal frame body structure type, empty weight and total weight of the relatively large, about 0.65.───机体结构采用全金属构架式, 空重与总重之比较大, 约为0.65.

7、Discards can reach 90 % of the total weight of the catch in some fisheries , it adds.───一些渔业中丢弃量可达总量的90%以上.

8、Their total weight is only slightly less than that of your own liver.───它们的总重只略轻于你自己的肝脏。

9、Adults about the real human skeletal muscle total weight of 40 %.───成人身上真正的横纹肌约占人体总重量的40%.

10、It is not just total weight, but obesity itself that's dangerous.───因此,是肥胖症本身而不仅仅是体重构成了危险.

11、The total weight for this bike was 19.2 pounds without pedals.───总重量为这个自行车19.2磅踏板.

12、Packing mark include: product type, mass, product batch, checker number , net weight, total weight.───包装外标识内容包括: 型号 、 数量 、 生产批号 、 检验工号 、 毛重及净重.

13、The total weight of this highest quality rice is 30 kg.───这种极品大米的总重量为30公斤.

14、Total weight: 9.6 ounces.───总重:9.6盎司。

15、Personnel clouds unable to retain, how many of eolian total weight loss.───人事浮云留不住,几多风尘总消瘦.

16、The Skin is the body's largest organ and constitutes approximately 15 % its total weight.───皮肤是身体最大的器官,组成大约占身体总重量的15%.

total weight相似词语短语

1、body weight───[人类]体重

2、legal weights───n.货物实重

3、legal weight───n.货物实重

4、equal weight───同等权量;持股观望(股票评级,EuqalWeight)

5、ideal weight───理想重量

6、atomic weight───[物]原子量

7、to weight───重量

8、bear weight───承受重量

9、goal weight───目标权重

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is, 因为主语是weight

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