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leading up to(lead up to中文翻译,lead up to是什么意思,lead up to发音、用法及例句)

04-09 投稿

leading up to(lead up to中文翻译,lead up to是什么意思,lead up to发音、用法及例句)

1、lead up to

lead up to发音

英:  美:

lead up to中文意思翻译


作为…的准备,导致; 使话题(渐渐)转向


lead up to双语使用场景

1、To lead up to and soften ( a dissonance or its impact ) by means of preparation.───调(音)通过准备调渐渐引入并柔和 ( 不和谐音及其冲击 )

2、The lead - up to the race war intensifies and inmates of all colors prep their weapons.───种族战争的导火索在一步步的加强,各种肤色的囚犯都在准备武器.

3、Tom concluded to let Huck lead up to the subject.───汤姆决定让哈克先谈这个问题。

4、Music To lead up to and soften ( a dissonance or its impact ) by means of preparation.───通过准备调渐渐引入并柔和 ( 不和谐音及其冲击 )

5、The lead-up to the wedding was extremely interesting.───婚礼的前奏非常有意思。

6、There is no lead up to this death, it just...happens.───没有一个死亡的理由,只是……就这样发生了。

7、Tom concluded to let Huck lead up to the subject.───汤姆决定让哈克先开口谈这个问题.

8、Four fine stone steps lead up to the front door.───四层精美的石阶引至前门.

9、Be careful when you lead up to this question.───当你把话题引到这个问题上来时要小心.

10、While he was drinking his moderate allowance , he said, with nothing to lead up to it.───他喝了一小杯酒, 突然没头没脑地说起这件事来.

11、personal assistant feature, widely predicted in the lead up to the launch, is one of my favourite aspects of today's event.───大家广泛预测将在发布会上处于主导地位的个人助理功能是今天发布会上我最喜欢的一部分。

12、These circumstances will lead up to war.───这些事件会导致战争.

13、The disease can lead up to a vicious circle of further trouble.───这一疾病会导致更加严重的疾病,从而形成恶性循环.

lead up to相似词语短语

1、to lead up to───引向

2、add up to───合计达,总计达

3、leads on to───引导到

4、leading up to───在…之前

5、lead on to───引导到

6、stand up to───经得起;抵抗;勇敢地面对

7、led up to───逐渐引到

8、lived up to───不辜负;做到;实践

9、leads up to───导致;作为…的准备

2、lead up to和lead into有什么区别?

"lead up to"和"lead into"在语义上有一些区别:

1. "Lead up to"指的是某事物或某事件之前的一系列发展或进展,强调其过程或事件之间的关联。它通常用于描述导致某个结果或事件的先决条件、准备工作或逐步发展的过程。

例如:The negotiations between the two countries led up to the signing of the peace treaty.(两国之间的谈判就是为了签订和平条约而进行的)

2. "Lead into"则强调某事物或某事件之后的关联或结果。它通常用于描述紧接在某个事件之后发生的事件或情况。它可以表示进一步导致或引出后续的情况或行动。

例如:The introduction of new policies led into a period of economic growth.(新政策的引入带来了经济增长期)

总结来说,"lead up to"强调的是事物或事件之前的逐步发展过程,而"lead into"则强调的是事物或事件之后的连续关联或结果。

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