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bosom friends中文翻译,bosom friends是什么意思,bosom friends发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

bosom friends中文翻译,bosom friends是什么意思,bosom friends发音、用法及例句

1、bosom friends

bosom friends发音

英:  美:

bosom friends中文意思翻译


心腹之交,密友,知己; 契合金兰; 良朋密友; 相视莫逆


bosom friends双语使用场景

1、pursuit of perfect service, make the patient's bosom friends.───追求完美的服务,做病人的知心朋友。

2、She had twelve intimate and bosom friends out of the twenty - four young ladies.───二十四 个同学里面,倒有十二个是她的心腹朋友.

3、Now that bosom friends meet , ho , I pour out my emotions.───既知音之邂逅兮遂倾余之衷怀 ﹒.

4、Anne and Diana are bosom friends.───安妮和黛安娜是心腹之交.

5、After that, they became bosom friends. They often played music, sang songs and traveled around together.───从那以后, 他们就成为了知心朋友. 他们经常在一起弹琴 、 唱歌,共同出去游山玩水.

6、They were bosom friends.───他们是知心好友。

7、Having bosom friends is a blessing in itself.───有知心朋友,本身就是一种幸福.

8、We've been bosom friends since we were at school together.───自从我们一起上学起,我们就一直是知心朋友.

9、Today, High Mountain and Running Water a figure of speech about the bosom friends.───今天, 人们用“高山流水”来比喻知心朋友.

10、Julia and Linda were bosom friends as girls and are still fond of each other.───朱莉娅和琳达童年时是知心朋友,现在她们依然十分要好.

11、Yes. He is one of my bosom friends.───是的。他是我的知心朋友之一。

12、Lucy and Mae are bosom friends. They're always together.───露西和玫是知心朋友. 她们总是在一起.

13、Frank Barry and John Delaney were bosom friends.───弗兰克·巴里有一位知心好友叫约翰·德莱尼.

14、I want a few bosom friends, unbound by ceremony, and willing to confide in me.───我要几位知心友,不必拘守成法,肯向我尽情吐露他们的苦衷。

bosom friends相似词语短语

1、bosom friend───知己;知心朋友;契友

2、be friends───成为朋友

3、woman friends───女性朋友


5、personal friends───私人朋友

6、school friends───同学;校友(schoolfriend的复数)

7、best friends───最好的朋友,好朋友

8、best friend───最好的朋友,好朋友

9、good friend───好朋友,挚友


交朋友的英文:make friends

friend 读法 英 [frend] 美 [frɛnd]



1、boy friend 男朋友

2、real friend 真正的朋友;真朋友

3、be friends with 对…友好;与…交友

4、net friend 网友

5、bosom friend 知己;知心朋友;契友


I've never found it hard to make friends so I suppose I was lucky that way.


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