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supposing that中文翻译,supposing that是什么意思,supposing that发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

supposing that中文翻译,supposing that是什么意思,supposing that发音、用法及例句

1、supposing that

supposing that发音

英:  美:

supposing that中文意思翻译


假定; 如果


supposing that双语使用场景

1、Supposing that he asks you, will you go?───假如他邀请你, 你去 吗 ?

2、Then I will buy the best clothes — always supposing that I get rich.───要是我发了财,我就买最好的衣服.

3、The best explanation is to be had by supposing that those people who behave this way — Let's suppose many of us who behave this way.───最好的解释就是,假设有这种行为的人们-,让我们假设我们当中很多人有这种行为。

4、Supposing ( that ) you are wrong, what will you do then?───假如你错了, 那你会怎么办?

5、Supposing ( that ) it rains, can we play the match indoors?───要是下雨的话, 我们在室内比赛行 吗 ?

6、I was watching from the kitchen window, as he went up to her, and, supposing that no one else could see him, kissed her.───他朝她走过去的时候,我正从厨房的窗户里看着,他以为没人能看见他,就吻了她。

7、He erred in supposing that the house was empty.───他错以为那幢房子是空的.

8、I wonder if I was right in supposing ( that ) the price of air - conditioner will soon rise.───空调器 不久就要涨价,我这么想不知是否正确.

9、Suppose / Supposing ( that ) we miss the train, what shall we do?───如果我们误了火车, 我们将怎么办?

10、Supposing that she changes her condition in life, what then?───假设她结了婚, 以后会 怎样 ?

11、So, supposing that you are sitting in a company meeting and the presenter puts up the first slide.───那么假设你在公司开会,演讲者打开了第一张幻灯片。

supposing that相似词语短语

1、supporting cast───配角演员组

2、being that───因为

3、supporting actors───配角

4、supporting role───n.配角

5、supporting character───配角

6、supporting rôle───支持作用

7、failing that───不然的话;失败的话


9、supporting film───**加片;支持膜



“Supposed”通常用于表示一种假设或推测的条件,后面通常不加“that”,而是直接跟从句。例如:“Supposed he were here, what would he say?”(如果他在这里,他会说什么?)

而“supposing”则更像是一个连词,用于提出一个假设的条件,并且后面通常需要加“that”来引导从句。例如:“Supposing that he were here, what would he do?”(假设他在这里,他会做什么?)


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