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stave off中文翻译,stave off是什么意思,stave off发音、用法及例句

04-11 投稿

stave off中文翻译,stave off是什么意思,stave off发音、用法及例句

stave off

stave off发音

英:  美:

stave off中文意思翻译



v.避开,挡开,延迟; 暂时挡住; 避开(某事); 延缓; 推迟(令人不快的事物)

stave off双语使用场景

1、The Guiyang Evening News said the miners chewed coal to stave off their hunger pangs.───贵阳晚间新闻称,此三人通过咀嚼煤矿矿渣消除饥饿感.

2、But green rates do more for farmers than stave off currency changes.───原译文:但是,绿色兑换率是为了保护农民的利益,不是为了防止货币变化.

3、You have had to write checks to stave off the ever - insistent claims of your creditors.───你必须很快地据此而开出支票来偿付你的没完没了的欠债.

4、You have had to write checks to stave off the ever - insistent clains of your creditors.───你必须很快地开出支票来偿付你的没完没了的欠债.

5、A nap will stave off fatigue.───打个盹会消除疲乏.

6、He thought of riding a camel to conserve his strength and stave off hunger.───想到这里,他想骑上骆驼,省些力气可以多挨一会儿饥饿.

7、This will clean the blade, stave off rusting, and add weeks of shaving life.───这将会清洁刀片、防止生锈,延长几周使用寿命。

8、There's no sense of straining to stay awake or to stave off sleep.───没有那种持续的竭力保持清醒,从而延缓睡觉的感觉,我根本就没有睡意。

9、Though there were failures, too, It'seemed as if good management could stave off the tragedy.───虽然也有一些失败的例子, 但是看起来好的管理可以避免悲剧发生.

10、Some of the Molecules and Cells in Human Milk Actively Help Infants Stave Off Infection.───母乳中的有益分子和细胞在积极地帮助婴儿免受感染.

11、Eat plenty, especially the whole - grain kind; the extra fiber could help stave off colon cancer.───多吃谷物, 特别是整粒的谷物, 额外的纤维有助于减少结肠癌风险.

12、Tom is the best player to stave off defeat for our team.───汤姆是最好的运动员,能使我队立于不败之地.

13、But one of Italy's biggest property companies , Risanamento , is fighting to stave off its creditors.───不过,意大利最大的地产公司之一的Risanamento正想尽办法逃避其债主们.

14、The company managed to stave off bankruptcy for another few months.───公司想方设法又坚持了几个月而未破产.

15、Water rationing was implemented in order to stave off a water shortage.───实施限水措施是为了延缓缺水的现象.

16、Can Pollutant Stave off the Global Warming Crisis?───污染物可否推迟全球变暖危机?

17、I went on desperately reading to her - reading my own poems - anybody's poems - to stave off conversation.───我先是拼命地念诗给她听 -- 念我自己的诗 -- 还念别人的诗 -- 避免谈话.

18、It won't be pretty, but it could stave off some much uglier alternatives.───这种做法不见得漂亮,但可以避免一些非常讨厌的选择。

stave off相似词语短语

1、staves off───避开;延缓

2、leave off───停止

3、shove off───离开;开船

4、stove off───炉子关了

5、staved off───避开;延缓

6、gave off───发出(光等);长出(枝、杈等)

7、shake off───摆脱;抖落

8、stand off───疏远,远离;避开;离岸

9、scare off───吓跑


赶走基本解释◎ 赶走 gǎnzǒu(1)[staveoff]∶用棍棒或尤似用棍棒打退[动物或人]把狗赶走(2)[voteout]∶使不在职或不当权被新任的地方长官赶走(3)[dislodge;diveaway]∶强迫离开日本人始终未能把他们从这些山中赶走(4)[drive;oust;chase;banish]∶驱逐近义词遣散、驱逐、摈弃、斥逐

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