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super monkey中文翻译,super monkey是什么意思,super monkey发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

super monkey中文翻译,super monkey是什么意思,super monkey发音、用法及例句

super monkey

super monkey发音

英:  美:

super monkey中文意思翻译



super monkey双语使用场景

1、Sega has sold more than 500, 000 copies of a $10 game called 'Super Monkey Ball' for the iPhone and iPod touch.───世嘉为iPhone和iPodtouch制作的游戏“超级猴子球”(SuperMonkeyBall)已卖出五十多万份拷贝。

2、Scroll to the collection of Super Monkey Ball Banana Bar!───滚动超级猴子球去收集香蕉吧!

3、Super Monkey Ball Adventure - Screens───超级猴球大冒险-游戏画面

4、A third group, acting as a control, played "Pure Pinball" or "Super Monkey ball Deluxe", both of which involve guiding a ball through mazes.───第三小组则作为对照,玩两部球出迷宫的游戏——“Pure Pinball”或“Super Monkey ball Deluxe”。

5、Vocal Concert by Jiang Xin and the Super Monkey Band (Including: Complimentary Drinks)───姜昕和她的超级猴子乐队——纯粹唱歌演唱会(含自助酒会)

6、Super Monkey Ball Touch And Roll───纳米漂移超级猴子球

super monkey相似词语短语

1、code monkey───程序猿

2、spider monkey───蜘蛛猿(产于中南美洲)

3、green monkey───绿长尾猴

4、spider monkeys───蜘蛛猿(产于中南美洲)

5、powder monkey───n.弹药猴

6、squirrel monkey───松鼠猴

7、howler monkey───吼猴


9、super over───超级结束

super monkey长沙酒吧怎么进?


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