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newyear是什么意思(new year中文翻译,new year是什么意思,new year发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

newyear是什么意思(new year中文翻译,new year是什么意思,new year发音、用法及例句)

new year

new year发音

英:  美:

new year中文意思翻译




new year双语使用场景

1、A round of parties ushered in the New Year.───一系列的晚会迎来了新年.

2、He has been made an MBE in the New Year Honours list.───他被列入新年受勋者名册,获授英帝国勋章。

3、I'll see you in the new year.───新的一年里再见。

4、For Sandro, the new year brought disaster.───对桑德罗来说,新年给他带来了灾难。

5、The chimes of the huge bell rang in the New Year.───大钟的钟声迎来了新的一年.

6、Isabel was expecting their baby in the New Year.───伊莎贝尔年初要生孩子。

7、For Sandro, the new year brought disaster.───对桑德罗来说,新的一年带来的是灾难。

8、The Spring Festival is the lunar New Year.───春节即农历新年.

9、house should be habitable by the new year.───房子到新年时应该就可以住进去了。

10、Brazilians look gloomily forward to a New Year that even the president admits will be grey and cheerless.───展望新年,巴西人心情沮丧,甚至连总统都承认明年困难重重,不容乐观。

11、The two parties have been trying to unite since the New Year.───这两个党从新年开始就试图联合。

12、The restaurant was closed over the New Year.───元旦期间餐馆关门停业。

13、I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year.───新年第一天,我在美国开始了一次新的冒险。

14、I wish you a happy New Year!───祝您新年快乐!

15、Happy New Year to you.───祝你新年快乐!

16、We're going to Germany for Christmas and New Year.───我们要去德国过圣诞和新年。

17、Last summer she began telling friends that a New Year marriage was on the cards.───去年夏天,她就和朋友们说她有可能在元旦期间结婚。

18、Spring comes with the first moon of the new year.───正月里来是新春.

19、The oil shortages could lead the government to raise prices before the New Year.───石油短缺有可能导致政府在年前提高油价。

20、Gunmen in Ulster shed the first blood of the new year.───阿尔斯特的持枪歹徒制造了新一年的首起流血事件。

21、I was asked to contribute to a newspaper article making predictions for the new year.───我受邀为报纸撰写一篇文章,对新的一年进行预测。

22、He celebrated the arrival of the New Year with a party for his friends.───他为朋友们举行了一个聚会,庆祝新年的到来。

23、The big clock refused to welcome the New Year.───那个大钟拒不欢迎新年.

24、Come to the New Year disco and bring your partner!───携伴来参加新年迪斯科舞会吧!

25、The start of a new year is a good time to reflect on the many achievements of the past.───新年伊始是反思过去一年诸多成就的好时机。

26、The house should be habitable by the new year.───房子到新年时应该就可以住进去了。

27、It'll soon be New Year.───快过年了.

28、The children listened for the bell to announce the New Year.───孩子们等着听新年的钟声.

29、Don't wait until New Year to resolve to organise your life. There's no time like the present.───不要等到新年才下决心规划生活。要把握当下。

30、He returned home each year to celebrate Christmas and New Year with his family.───他每年都回家和家人一起欢度圣诞和新年。

31、Thailand is at its most vibrant during the New Year celebrations.───在欢度新年期间,泰国举国欢腾。

new year相似词语短语

1、gap year───n.空档年(源自英国,指学生离开学校一段时间,经历一些学习以外的事情。)

2、peak year───最高记录年份;最高纪录年份

3、new car───新车

4、new start───新起点

5、new era───新纪元报

6、leap year───闰年

7、next year───明年

8、new beau───新美

9、news leak───新闻泄密



new 读法 英 [njuː] 美 [nu]




1、New Wave 新浪潮 ; 新潮

2、New Kingdom 新王国时期 ; 新王国 ; 新王朝 ; 锻练王国新

3、New Sweden 新瑞典 ; 城市 ; 街道地址

4、New Historicism 新历史主义

5、New Holland 新荷兰 ; 纽荷兰 ; 纽荷兰公司 ; 新荷兰公司

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