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in memory中文翻译,in memory是什么意思,in memory发音、用法及例句

04-05 投稿

in memory中文翻译,in memory是什么意思,in memory发音、用法及例句

in memory

in memory发音

英:  美:

in memory中文意思翻译



in memory双语使用场景

1、That is the address in memory in the heap of the first byte that the user typed in.───那是用户输入的第一个字节在内存中堆的地址。

2、Further, the solidDB query optimizer recognizes the different nature of the in-memory tables by estimating execution costs in a new way.───而且,solidDB查询优化器通过以一种新的方式估计执行成本,判别内存中的表的不同性质。

3、At the peak of his powers Rublyov created his most famous icon, that of the Trinity (1422 - 1427) in memory of St Sergius of Radonezh.───在权力高峰,他鲁布廖夫创造了他最有名的图标),该三位一体(1422年至1427年在Radonezh记忆圣谢尔盖。

4、Selects from among the processes in memory that are ready to execute, and allocates the CPU to one of them.───选择内存中的就绪进程,并分配CPU给其中之一。

5、For a large number of widgets, this will quickly add up to a large footprint both in memory and JVM startup time.───对于大量的widget来说,这会导致内存和JVM启动时间的猛增。

6、While we may not recall our nocturnal visions, scientists increasingly believe our dreams play an important role in memory and learning.───尽管我们回想不起夜间梦景,科学家日益相信,我们的梦在记忆和学习中起重要作用。

7、Streams had run dry for the first time in memory.───溪流在记忆中第一次干涸了。

8、If pictures which have taken shape in memory can be brought out in words, they are worth a place in literature.───在记忆中成型的画面如果能用文字写下来,它们在文学上也是配占一席之地的。

9、But it was until I moved to CTTB, once I happened to open a book in memory of the VM Hua, and then I knew he was such a special person.───但是直到我搬到圣城,在一次无意中打开一本纪念上人的纪念册的时候,我才明白他是一个多麽奇特的人。

in memory相似词语短语

1、main memory───[计]主存储器

2、fading memory───[医]衰退记忆,消失记忆

3、fond memory───美好的回忆

4、in memoriam───悼念;为纪念

5、iconic memory───图象记忆;映象记忆

6、in theory───理论上

7、in mem.───在内存中。


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