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标准英语(standard english中文翻译,standard english是什么意思,standard english发音、用法及例句)

04-05 投稿

标准英语(standard english中文翻译,standard english是什么意思,standard english发音、用法及例句)

standard english

standard english发音

英:  美:

standard english中文意思翻译



standard english双语使用场景

1、What is standard English?───标准英语是什么 呢 ?

2、Some slangs finally did find their way to be part of the standard English.───一些俚语最终成了标准英语的一部分.

3、Those who insist on standard English grammar remain in a powerful position.───那些坚持标准英语语法的人仍处于强大地位。

4、Received standard English is sometimes called the king's English.───被认可的标准英语有时被称为纯正英语.

5、At its best, it makes standard English seem pallid.───往最好了说它让标准英语显得苍白.

6、Of all the varieties, standard English can best convey complex ideas.───在英语的各种变体中, 标准英语最能表达复杂的思想.

7、The dictionary's coverage of standard English is excellent.───这部词典在标准英语的收录方面做得非常好.

8、You should speak standard English.───你应该说标准英语.

9、The standard English accent, the a (for example in father) is pronounced aah, not like a like apple.───在标准的英国口音中,a(比如在father中)被发为aah,而不像Apple中的a。

10、Long time no see" now standard English.───long time no see是标准英文词组。

11、Please reenter the password again using the Standard English based text.───请使用基于标准英语的文本重新输入密码.

12、Singlish? like standard English, is just a kind of tool for communication.───和表准的英文一样, 只是一种用于交流的工具而已.

13、Black English can be more expressive than standard English.───黑人所使用的英语可能比正式英语更有表现力.

14、He wrote in standard English.───他用标准英文写作.

15、Believe it or not, there's no a thing as standard English.───信不信由你, 世界上没谓的标准英语.

16、ASCII is used to express a coding standard English characters.───ASCII是用来表示英文字符的一种编码规范.

17、If you speak standard English anywhere round our way, people tend to view you with suspicion.───如果你在我们这里说标准英语,大家就会对你产生怀疑。

18、I am an Australian citizen , I speak standard English.───澳大利亚籍, 标准英语口音.

standard english相似词语短语

1、standard errors───[统计]标准误差

2、standard amenities───标准设施

3、Standard Englishes───标准英语

4、standard class───标准舱;标准级

5、Standard English───标准英语;常速英语;规范英语

6、standard cells───[电子]标准单元;[电]标准电池

7、standard candles───[光]标准烛光

8、standard annuity───标准年金

9、standard function───[数]标准函数







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