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lights up中文翻译,lights up是什么意思,lights up发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

lights up中文翻译,lights up是什么意思,lights up发音、用法及例句

lights up

lights up发音

英:  美:

lights up中文意思翻译




lights up双语使用场景

1、Please extinguish your cigarette when the ` no smoking'signs lights up.───当"禁止吸烟 " 的指示灯亮时,请您熄灭香烟.

2、Step 3 : If the bulb lights up, the circuit works.───步骤 三: 若灯泡发亮, 表示电路是通的.

3、The Hunter lights up your window every night.───猎人星夜夜照着你的窗户.

4、Please extinguish your cigarette when the'no smoking'sign lights up.───当 “ 禁止吸烟 ” 的指示灯亮时,请您熄灭香烟.

5、Every city and town put their color lights up to make it Christmacy.───从乡村到城市,人们挂起彩灯来渲染圣诞气氛.

6、A casual light lights up a blankness after a long wait.───因为偶然的光亮,照彻了久久等待后的茫然.

7、The super mutant walks to one side of the room, and lights up acigarette.───{300}{}{房间的一侧烟头已经被堆成了小山.

8、A six - foot lamp - stand ( that ) lights up others but stays dark itself.───丈八灯台 —— 照见人家,照不见自己.

9、The Ritz was outlined against the lights up there.───高悬的灯光映照出里兹饭店的轮廓。

10、The switch can dim the lights up.───这个开关可以把灯调亮.

11、The sky lights up at sunset.───在日落时,开空亮了起来.

12、His face lights up as he speaks of his achievements so far.───当他谈及目前所取得的成绩时,显得神采奕奕地.

13、It is then when a smile lights up your face.───在你的脸上就会显露出笑容.

14、Whenever he becomes nervous he lights up a cigarette.───每当他神经紧张时,他总是开始抽烟.

15、The presence of Miss Dale illuminated him as the burning taper lights up the consecrated plate.───戴尔小姐的在场象燃烧的细长蜡烛照亮了装贡品的碟子一样使他容光焕发.

lights up相似词语短语


2、light up───照亮;点亮

3、lights out───熄灯;熄灯号;就寝时间

4、lightens up───放松,不要生气

5、lighted up───点亮

6、lights on───偶然遇见(碰见,发现);停落于

7、lights upon───偶然遇见

8、lighten up───放松,不要生气

9、lighting up───点火



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