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music player中文翻译,music player是什么意思,music player发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

music player中文翻译,music player是什么意思,music player发音、用法及例句

music player

music player发音

英:  美:

music player中文意思翻译



music player双语使用场景

1、This procedure using C language code, the realization of music player functions.───本程序采用C语言编码, 实现音乐播放功能.

2、Now you receive three applications instead of one: dictaphone, phone calls recorder and music player!───现在您已经拥有了一种三合一的软件了: 录音机, 通话录音机和音乐播放器!

3、Apple responds that many of its products ( such as the iPod music - player ) are small and light.───苹果回应说他们的许多产品 ( 比如iPod音乐播放器 ) 体积小重量轻.

4、The music player software lends itself to various audial types.───这款音乐播放软件能播放各种格式的音乐.

5、Connect a standard CD player, Music player, or other audio device.───连接至标准光碟播放机 、 音乐播放机或其他音讯装置.

6、Finding the keypad on your cellphone or music player a bit cramped?───发现你的手机或音乐播放器的键盘太小太拥挤?

7、It will be the best music player because it's with you at all times.───它将是最出色的音乐播放器,因为它总是在你身边。

8、English : Music player applications fetch cover art and other information about songs from the Internet.───音乐播放器会自动上网搜索并下载和音乐相关的封面和其它信息.

9、K 1 - K 3 each key a music player , K 4 button to stop music playback.───K1 -K3每个键播放一首音乐, K4按键停止音乐的播放.

10、Buy the Sony as a 32 GB music player and view anything extra as a bonus.───购买索尼作为甚至32GB音乐播放器和查看任何额外的奖金.

11、It's a phone, an E-mail device, a music player, all in one package.───它是一部电话机、一个收发电子邮件的装置、一个音乐播放器,这一切包装成一体机。

12、It even act as a music player, video player , image player , and e - reader player.───它还是一款多媒体播放器,兼容音乐 、 视频 、 图片以及电子书.

music player相似词语短语

1、big player───大玩家

2、music lover───音乐爱好者;音乐发烧友

3、music paper───n.乐谱纸

4、music players───音乐播放器

5、bass player───贝斯手

6、bit player───小角色;客串演员

7、best player───最佳选手;(BestPlayer)《最佳玩家》(**名)

8、music papers───n.乐谱纸

9、musical plays───音乐剧



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