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tuck up中文翻译,tuck up是什么意思,tuck up发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

tuck up中文翻译,tuck up是什么意思,tuck up发音、用法及例句

tuck up

tuck up发音

英:[tʌk ʌp]  美:[tʌk ʌp]

英:  美:

tuck up中文意思翻译




tuck up双语使用场景

1、Underline with pronounced ( but not exaggerated ) tuck - up.───下部有清晰的 ( 而不夸张的 ) 褶皱.

2、Brisket reaches to the elbow and slopes gradually to a moderate tuck - up.───胸部深度达到肘部,并向后逐渐向上倾斜,适度上提.

3、Please tuck up the chair and put it one side.───请把椅子折起来放在一边.

4、Please help me tuck up my sleeves.───请帮我卷起袖子.

5、I'll tuck up.───我来给你盖好。

6、In the old West, outlaws sometimes tuck up the stage coaches.───昔日的西部, 有时亡命徒会劫持驿站马车.

7、finally tuck up their grand Veil!───盛大金磐终于撩开其神秘面纱了!

8、The loin is taut and lean, narrower than the rib cage, and with a slight tuck - up.───腰部绷紧并简洁保持一定的倾斜, 比胸腔要略窄, 保持略微的收拢.

9、Loin short and wide with very little tuck - up.───短而宽,非常轻微地上提.

tuck up相似词语短语

1、ruck up───变皱;(使)起皱褶

2、tucks up───折起,卷起

3、struck up───使开始;建立起;开始演奏

4、suck up───吸收

5、tucked up───折起,卷起

6、fuck up───搞糟;搞坏

7、buck up───使振作;打起精神;加快

8、muck up───搞糟;弄脏

9、stuck up───傲慢的,自大的

mister dinosaur is tucked up with him––tuck up的意思


be tucked up/in有盖好被子的意思。

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