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good health中文翻译,good health是什么意思,good health发音、用法及例句

04-12 投稿

good health中文翻译,good health是什么意思,good health发音、用法及例句

good health

good health发音

英:  美:

good health中文意思翻译


[医]健康; 安康

good health双语使用场景

1、He came back from his holiday bursting with vitality and good health.───他度假归来之后,身强体壮,充满活力.

2、Diet and relaxation are two important keys to good health.───限制饮食和放松身心是保持健康的两个要诀。

3、The land yields good harvests and the people enjoy good health.───人寿年丰.

4、Good health depends upon good food, exercise, and getting enough sleep.───健康依赖于良好的食物 、 运动和充足的睡眠.

5、Cleanliness makes for good health.───讲究卫生有助于增进健康.

6、We rejoice in his good health.───我们为他的身体健康感到高兴.

7、He's always enjoyed good health.───他一直都很健康。

8、I am happy and free, in good health, gay and cheerful.───我快活自由,身体健康,积极乐观。

9、If the examination shows your company enjoys basically good health, read on.───要是审查表明你们公司的运营状况基本良好,请继续往下读。

10、Good health care is of primary importance.───良好的医疗保健是重中之重。

11、His good health is a witness to the success of the treatment.───他身体健康证明这种疗法是成功的。

12、Enthusiasm, adaptability, sociability, and good health are essential.───富有热情、能适应环境、善于与人交往以及身体健康都是基本的条件。

13、I wish you good health and a long life.───祝您健康长寿.

14、I trust you've been in good health since we last met?───别来无恙?

15、Rosy cheeks are a symbol of good health.───红润的面颊是健康的象征.

16、Moderation is the key to good health.───有节制的生活是健康的关键.

17、Mozart clearly enjoyed good health throughout his twenties and early thirties.───显然,莫扎特在二十几岁到三十刚出头时,身体非常好。

18、He ascribed his good health to proper diet and exercise.───他把身体好归功于适当的饮食及运动.

good health相似词语短语


2、bone health───骨骼健康

3、good faith───诚实;善意;真挚

4、child health───儿童保健

5、poor health───不健康

6、good deal───划算,好交易

7、boost health───促进健康

8、good heavens───天哪

9、good quality───良好品质,高品质;好质量


health和healthy。health名词,健康。healthy健康的,adj,形容词。用个例子带着区分两个的用法。如we should have breakfast to keep healthy我们应该吃早餐来保持健康。our health is very important thing。我们的健康是非常重要的!这就是以上区别。



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