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08-01 投稿


cult 发音

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英:  美:

cult 中文意思翻译




cult 网络释义

n. 祭仪(尤其指宗教上的);礼拜;狂热信徒adj. 狂热崇拜的

cult 短语词组

1、demoniacal cult ─── 邪教

2、cult girl ─── 邪教少女

3、fertility cult n. ─── 生殖崇拜

4、cult classics ─── 有关邪教的经典作品

5、doomsday cult ─── 世界末日教(相信 ─── 世界即将灭亡的宗教团体)

6、saturnian cult ─── 土星崇拜

7、cult classically ─── 经典崇拜

8、Cult suicide ─── 邪教自杀

9、cult of personality ─── [法] 个人崇拜

10、cult-figures (cult-figure ─── 的复数) n. 崇拜 ─── 的对象, 崇拜 ─── 的人物, 偶像

11、cult-figure n. ─── 崇拜的对象, ─── 崇拜的人物, 偶像

12、Cargo cult science ─── 草包族科学

13、cult-of-personality ─── 个人崇拜; ─── 个性崇拜;人物崇拜

14、cult game ─── 邪教游戏

15、personality cult ─── 个人崇拜, ─── 个人迷信 [法] ─── 个人迷信

16、religious cult ─── 宗教崇拜

17、cargo cult ─── [医]货物崇拜

18、cult classics music ─── 邪教经典音乐

19、pop-cult adj. ─── 波普文化的,流行文化的,通俗文化的,大众文化的

cult 词性/词形变化,cult变形


cult 常用词组

personality cult ─── n. 个人崇拜

cult of personality ─── 个人崇拜

cult 相似词语短语

1、cults ─── n.邪教;教派;崇拜的对象;狂热崇拜(cult的复数);n.(Cults)人名;(英)卡尔茨

2、culti ─── n.礼拜;祭仪;狂热崇拜(cultus的变形)

3、celt ─── n.凯尔特人

4、cuit ─── n.全脱胶丝

5、culty ─── 邪教

6、colt ─── n.小马;生手;vt.以笞绳鞭打

7、cull ─── v.挑选;部分捕杀,选择性宰杀;(诗、文)采集(花果);n.选择性宰杀;被选出宰杀的体弱(或过剩)动物;n.(Cull)(美、英)卡尔(人名)

8、culm ─── n.茎;灰煤;vi.生成秆

9、culet ─── n.多面体宝石的底面

cult 习惯用语

1、the cult of the jumping cat ─── 观望政策, 看风使舵

cult 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Some scholars believe that worship of Minerva began when Athena's cult was introduced at Rome from Etruria. ─── 一些学者认为,当雅典娜的祭仪从伊楚利亚被介绍到罗马时,对密涅瓦的崇拜就开始了。

2、Giorgione gained an almost cult status after his tragically early death of the plague in 1510, aged 33. ─── 乔尔乔内33岁时悲剧性地死于1510年的瘟疫。他英年早逝之后获得了人们的顶礼膜拜。

3、THE HOSTESS: There are all sorts of different genres, aren't there, that dip in and become cult. ─── 主持人:它们也分很多种流派,不是吗?它们以各自的流派为基础,发展为邪典**。

4、They were nymphs in Pieria, western Thrace, and their cult was brought to Helicon in Boeotia by the Aloadae. ─── 因为她们常去的帕耳那索斯山下有卡斯他利阿神泉,所以古希腊的诗人、歌手都向缪斯呼告,祈求灵感。

5、He is vowed to the cult, and becomes celibate for at least duration of this stage. ─── 他向祭礼立誓,至少在这一阶段时期成为独身者。

6、Lucid and willful, Eau Sauvage is the perfume of the cult of elegance, refinement, and good humor. ─── 出众清新,这款永恒的典型是心思细密,而又值得纪念的。

7、A controversial religious cult is trying to recruit in universities. ─── 一个引起争论的宗教派别正试图在大学里招募新人。

8、Japanese Aum Doomsday Cult B. ─── 奥姆真理教。

9、the government began building a personality cult around him patterned after that of his father, the "Great Leader" . ─── 这时金正日被称为“敬爱的领袖”,政府开始建立一个在他父亲“伟大领袖”这种形式之后的个人崇拜。

10、They are a cult that maintains a high degree of control over their members. ─── 他们是一个对成员控制度很高的教派。

11、He also moonlighted as a composer for pop cult films like The Ladykillers and the seminal television series Dr Who. ─── 他也兼职为非主流的**作曲,例如[师奶杀手],还有系列剧集[神秘博士]。

12、She appears with Akhenaton in reliefs at Tell el-Amarna and followed his new cult of the sun god Aton. ─── 她与埃易克纳唐一起出现在阿马纳的浮雕上,并信奉他的新偶像太阳神阿顿。

13、The solar cult had Vedic roots but later may have expanded under Iranian influence. ─── 太阳的祭礼有吠陀的根源,但后期也许是在伊朗的影响下而扩展了。

14、She inducts Nina into the cult. ─── 她诱导妮娜加入这一邪教。

15、She argues that the cult of positive thinking makes capitalism even more heartless. ─── 她主张正面思考的时尚只会让资本家变得更加无情。

16、Anyway, there"s this cult of crazies who for some reason hate the village, with a passion. ─── 反正,当地的狂热教徒们因为某种理由,盛怒的痛恨着这个村子。

17、We must severely deal with all crimes in accordance with the law and watch out for and punish criminal activities of cult organizations. ─── 依法严厉打击各种违法犯罪行为。防范和惩治邪教组织的犯罪活动。

18、By the late '90s, the bull market had spawned the cult of equities. ─── 到20世纪90年代后期,牛市刺激着人们对股票进行狂热投资。

19、A cult had grown up around him. ─── 他凝聚了一种对他的狂热崇拜。

20、Tenner said, and it became almost a cult object on college campuses beginning in the 1950s. ─── 从1950年代起,它在大学校园里几乎成为图腾。

21、In 1956 Stalin and his personality cult were denounced by Nikita Khrushchev. ─── 1956年史达林和他的人格崇拜受到赫鲁雪夫谴责。

22、Their son ran away from home and joined a cult. ─── 他们的儿子离家出走,加入了一个异教团体。

23、Cuse: ...but it was a cult thing. ─── 《双峰》是邪典片来着。

24、He told her: "Lucie has joined a newly risen cult. ─── 他告诉路易斯:“露茜已经加入了一个新创立的教会。

25、He promoted a cult of infallibility around himself and his players. ─── 他为自己和他的队员们打造了一层耀眼的光环。

26、Krobelus spent her living days as a fervent member of a cult of Death Sayers. ─── 克萝贝露丝生前是一个狂热的食死人。

27、The supply-side cult has shrunk to the point that it contains only cranks, charlatans, and Republicans. ─── 供应学派的信徒已减少到只剩下古怪的人,装懂的人,还有共和党人了。

28、The cult of feminine chastity had not yet become an obsession with men. ─── 妇女贞操的崇拜,也还没成为男人强迫症似的固执的观念。)

29、The cult of sun worship is probably the most primitive one. ─── 太阳崇拜仪式或许是最为原始的一种。

30、Today, the SIGG bottle has acquired cult status. ─── 今天,SIGG 水樽已获得崇高地位。

31、In the Old Testament, a Hebrew judge who vehemently opposed the Baal cult and defeated the Midianites. ─── 基甸旧约中的一个希伯来法官,他强烈反对崇拜太阳神并击败了米堤亚人

32、PROF.: Next comes a stage of bringing the new person into closer contact with the cult. ─── 如果一个人接受异教的邀请进入他们的组织,接下来会发生什么呢?

33、MQ: I stopped because the sport became a cult. ─── 传输:我停下来,因为这项运动成为一个邪教。

34、In its fervor and obsession, this attitude is similar to that of a perverse religious cult. ─── 它所带来的热度和迷恋犹如一种过激的宗教狂热。

35、THE HOSTESS: It strikes me that the route of a cult film is often its complete unpredictability. ─── 主持人:邪典**给我留下的深刻印象是其故事情节总是非常出人意料。

36、How can a boat navigate by water without sail? How diff cult for a man lives on if he hasivt a friend! ─── 假如没有帆,船怎么航行;假如没有友谊,人生路上寸步难行!

37、In the 1966,surfing cult movie the endless summer,two american surfers came to the inn G village area of Senegal. ─── 1966年上映了一部冲浪题材的热门影片“无尽的盛夏”,两个美国人来到了赛内加尔的一个村子。

38、In 2036 Soma Cruz is trying to prevent the evil cult of Sorrow resurrect their dark ruler and lord. ─── 在2036年索玛克鲁斯试图阻止邪教复活他们的黑暗统治和主。

39、An Elvis-like doll with a gyrating pelvis has become a cult sensation in Germany. ─── 一种能动的“猫王”娃娃在德国掀起了一股抢购热潮。

40、On the other hand, the cult of victimhood was always part of fascist culture. ─── 受害者意识一直是法西斯文化的一部分。

41、Do you agree that you will accept more creation after you see more CULT FILM? ─── 你同意多接触另类**文化可使你更接受多方面的创作吗?

42、Nuo is a kind of cult for banishing the ghost in archaic Chinese society. ─── 傩是中国古代社会一种驱鬼逐疫的祭仪。

43、Memphis reached a peak of prestige under the 6th Dynasty as a centre of the cult of Ptah. ─── 孟斐斯在第六王国时期作为卜塔祭祀的中心,达到了声誉的顶峰。

44、The cult of religion shall be destroyed completely, and the ruin of the churches shall be clear for all to see. ─── 宗教祭仪会被完全地毁坏,教会的堕落会被清楚地看见。

45、In China, the cult of Maitreya seems to have developed earlier than that of Amitabha, as early as the 3rd century AD. ─── 在中国,弥勒的信徒比远在公元三世纪的阿弥陀佛信仰发展得要早。

46、A patrilineal clan of ancient Rome composed of several families of the same name claiming a common ancestor and belonging to a common religious cult. ─── 古罗马氏族古罗马的一个父系氏族,由有着共同姓氏、共同祖先和共同宗教信仰的几个家庭组成

47、Anyway, there's this cult of crazies who for some reason hate the village, with a passion. ─── 反正,当地的狂热教徒们因为某种理由,盛怒的痛恨著这个村子。

48、For years, experts have predicted a shake-out with the fervour and inaccuracy of cult members heralding the next messiah. ─── 多年来,专家们一直在预测会出现一场大洗牌,其预测的狂热和不准确,堪比异教信徒推介下一个救世主。

49、However, the MLM people brainwash you, as if you were in a cult. ─── 然而,传销人洗脑你,因为如果你是一个邪教。

50、The cult of beauty must therefore be symptomatic of changes that have taken place outside the economic sphere. ─── 因而对美貌的狂热崇拜必定表现了经济领域以外产生的变化。

51、During the long decades that followed, Phobos secretly assembled a fanatical cult devoted to her. ─── 在接下来的数十年间,佛伯斯秘密地聚集了一群忠诚于她的狂热教徒。

52、His music has become something of a cult. ─── 他的音乐已经成为一种时尚。

53、They die in youth, And their life perishes among the cult prostitutes. ─── 伯36:14必在青年时死亡、与污秽人一样丧命。

54、Order to spread the cult of Krsna consciousness. ─── 为了传播奎师那知觉,传教士有时需要冒险。

55、Her blog built up a cult following. The entries were published as a book last year and has since sold almost100,000 copies. ─── 她的部落格吸引了大批狂热的支持者。部落格内容去年结集成书出版后,已经热卖了将近10万本。

56、Right now, there's a widespread disenchantment with the celebrity CEOs who were treated like cult heroes in the 90s. ─── 如今的人们已经从神话中觉醒。但在上世纪90年代,尊贵的CEO们被奉为传奇英雄。

57、To counteract or try to counteract the effect of an indoctrination, especially a religious or cult indoctrination. ─── 反思想侵蚀:抵消(或尽力抵消)思想灌输(尤其指宗教或教派的思想灌输)

58、The cult leader saw himself as a messianic figure. ─── 该邪教领袖把自己看做一位救世人物。

59、In the 1966 surfing cult movie The Endless Summer, two American surfers came to the Ngor village area of Senegal. ─── 1966年,在一部推崇冲浪运动的**《无尽的夏天》中,两名美国冲浪者来到了塞内加尔的小村内加尔。

60、Perhaps at the winter solstice those ancient people conducted ceremonies linked to a cult of the dead. ─── 也许那些古人在冬至节日举行的仪式是对死者的祭礼吧。

61、Of or relating to the Virgin Mary, her cult, or her theology. ─── 圣母玛丽亚的圣母玛丽亚的、圣母玛丽亚的祭礼的、圣母玛丽亚神学的、或与此有关的

62、The public earnestly puzzled over his theories, elevated him into a cult of genius, and canonized him as a secular saint. ─── 公众虔诚地思考着他的理论,将他台高到了天才个人崇拜,宣布他为不朽的圣人。

63、A new icon means a new cult. ─── 一个新的偶像就意味一种新的潮流。

64、She has heard evil stories of the thuggee cult. ─── 她听说过印度暗杀团的邪恶的故事。

65、By Cleopatra's time a cult around the goddess Isis had been spreading across the Mediterranean for hundreds of years. ─── 至克里欧佩特拉时期,对伊西斯神的崇拜已经在地中海周围地区传播了数百年。

66、In his youth he had been sucked into a hippy cult. ─── 他年轻的时候一度过着嬉皮士式的生活。

67、Tmac, deplete power, he later in China during the cult of the method had random ". ─── 多年的征战,耗尽中国国力,他晚年时发生了邪教作乱的“巫蛊之乱”。

68、All of the Cult's understanding comes with a serious glitch, unfortunately. ─── 不幸的是,教徒的所有领悟来自于严重的失常。

69、Objects have acquired not only cult status, but massive symbolic significance through people's perceptions of them. ─── 名牌商品已不仅是人们狂热的崇拜对象,而是通过人对它们的感知具有了重大的象征意义。

70、Danila Bagrov, became cult character. ─── 它的永恒问题“什么是真理,兄弟?”

71、Her books have a cult following. ─── 她的书有些人很崇拜。

72、A cult, especially a religious one. ─── 宗教崇拜崇拜,尤指宗教上的崇拜

73、A rock-music cult called "Woodstock Nation" flared briefly, then burned out. ─── 一阵被称为“伍德斯托克民族”的摇滚乐狂潮,如昙花一现,随后成了过眼烟云。

74、A: To realize the long-cherished wish of the religious cult to which she belongs. ─── 为了实现教会的宗教理想。

75、She was best known for her 1985 role in the cult film Barbarian Queen. ─── 她最为人所知的1985年,她的角色在**邪教兜风王后。

76、The cult of beauty is destined to be ineffectual . ─── 他们命中注定会再见面.

77、In recent years the cult of Rama has become associated with Hindu Nationalism. ─── 在最近几年中,罗摩的信徒变得与印度民族主义连结在一起。

78、The Government says it is an "evil cult" that brainwashes its victims into refusing medical treatment and even suicide. ─── 中国政府说它是一种“邪教”,它给那些受害者洗脑,使得他们拒绝就医甚至自杀。

79、He was in fact initiated into an ancient cult. ─── 事实上,他被介绍参加一个古老的祭仪。

80、He embraces, in the name of a higher law, a cult of death. ─── 在更高的法则的名义下,他信奉死神的祭仪。

81、Although it is intensely persecuted as a cult, SCJ is the place where the New Testament prophecies are being fulfilled. ─── 历史和圣经都在为当时所发生的事情做着见证。

82、But there is something else,too:the cult of celebrity. ─── 但是还有其它原因:对名人的崇拜。

83、But none of this affected the existing cult of Mithras, which remained a non-official cult. ─── 但这一切都没有影响到密特拉神的祭礼,仍然保留一个非官方的祭礼。

84、Her books aren't bestsellers, but they have a certain cult following. ─── 她的书算不上畅销书,但有一定的崇拜者。

85、Lucie, Karen. Charles Sheeler and the Cult of the Machine. Harvard University Press, 1991. ─── 20世纪早期的艺术家是如何对机器时代做出反应的。

86、The films of Chaplin have become a cult among many moviegoers. ─── 卓别林演的**使许多**观众倾倒。

87、A woman member of the orgiastic cult of Dionysus. ─── 参加狄俄尼索斯酒神节狂欢的女人

88、The sleuth cult foreshadows the arrival of the public state? ─── **崇拜是否为公众国家的到来打下了伏笔?


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