streaked 发音
英:[striːkt] 美:[striːkt]
英: 美:
streaked 中文意思翻译
streaked 短语词组
1、Meek's Streaked Honeyeater ─── 米克的街头食蜜者
2、streaked off ─── 一溜烟
3、lap-streaked ─── [网络] 连胜
4、streaked down ─── 跌下来降临
5、streaked filter ─── 条纹滤色片
6、Streaked Weaver ─── 条纹织女
7、streaked across ─── 横穿
8、Streaked Ground Babbler ─── 条纹地
9、streaked with ─── 有条纹的
10、red-streaked ─── [网络] 红条纹
11、Streaked Scrub Warbler ─── 条纹灌木Warbler
12、violet-streaked ─── [网络] 紫色条纹
13、streaked shearwater ─── 条纹剪切水
14、streaked down through ─── 快速通过
15、white-streaked ─── [网络] 白条纹
16、Streaked Spider Hunter ─── 条纹蜘蛛猎人
17、ring-streaked ─── 环形条纹
streaked 词性/词形变化,streaked变形
动词现在分词: streaking | 名词: streaker | 动词过去分词: streaked | 动词过去式: streaked | 动词第三人称单数: streaks |
streaked 常用词组
winning streak ─── 连胜
losing streak ─── [体育]连败场数、记录
streak camera ─── 超快扫描照相机;超高速扫描摄影机
streaked 相似词语短语
1、bestreaked ─── 辐照
2、streakier ─── adj.更有条纹的;(非正式)更不均匀的;(非正式)更不可靠的
3、streambed ─── n.河床
4、streakers ─── n.裸跑者(1970年代出现);n.(Streaker)人名;(英)斯特里克
5、screaked ─── vi.嘎嘎作响;n.尖叫声
6、streaker ─── n.裸跑者(1970年代出现);n.(Streaker)人名;(英)斯特里克
7、-streaked ─── v.在……上画条纹;把(头发)染成条纹状;疾驰;裸奔;(用针或药签在固体培养基表面)画线(streak的过去式及过去分词);adj.有条纹的;不安的
8、straked ─── 边条
9、streamed ─── n.溪流;流动;潮流;光线;(数据)流;vi.流;涌进;飘扬;vt.流出;涌出;使飘动
streaked 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、A damp streak of hair lay like dash of blue paint across her cheek. ─── 一缕潮湿的头**在她面颊上,象抹了一笔蓝色的颜料一样。
2、They streaked down through the lunar shy at a speed of 3, 700 miles an hour. ─── 他们以一小时三千七百英里的速度向下掠过月球天空。
3、Spain continued to pile on the pressure and streaked away to establish what turned out to be an unassailable 52-29 lead at the midway point. ─── 西班牙继续施加压力,并且持续到确立了压倒性的52比29的优势,在半场结束时!
4、A burrowing rodent of the genus Dasyprocta, native to tropical America and usually having brown fur streaked with gray. ─── 刺豚鼠原产于美洲热带地区的袋鼬属穴居啮齿类动物,通常有带灰色花纹的棕色皮毛
5、He was a pronounced yellow streak. ─── 他那胆怯的特质十分明显。
6、They travel(l)ed like a blue streak through Italy. ─── 他们走马观花般地走遍意大利。
7、Found some garments have uneven brushing streak. ─── 发现某些成品有不良刷痕。
8、We drank a lot of kool-aid during the 22 streak, but now it's back to reality. ─── 在22连胜中,我们喝了太多的果乐,可是现在我们打回了原形。
9、Go rox. bring us 16 streak win! ─── 加油加油火箭。带给我们16连胜吧!
10、His glasses were gone, and his overcoat was streaked with grease and mud. ─── 他的眼镜不见了,大衣上尽是油污和泥浆。
11、A car pulled out and streaked off down the road. ─── 一辆汽车驶出后沿着公路疾驰而去。
12、His hair is beginning to streak with grey. ─── 他的头发开始变得灰白。
13、At the peak of the early morning shower, as many as 1,250 meteors per hour streaked overhead. ─── 在这场流星雨的高峰阶段,空中划过的流星达到每小时1250颗之多。
14、When the first rays of sunrise streaked the sky with pink, the rabbits put the sacks on their backs and went in search of the crocodiles. ─── 当第一缕初升的阳光染红天空时,兔子们背上口袋去寻找鳄鱼。
15、There is a streak of cruelty in his character. ─── 他的性情有些残酷。
16、He has a violent streak in him. ─── 他的性格有些凶暴。
17、A thin or faint streak or fragment, as of smoke or clouds. ─── 一缕薄或微弱的条纹或碎片,如烟、云等
18、Mama said that even then a little mean streak was noticeable in Alice. ─── 听母亲说,即使在那时候,从艾丽斯身上就隐隐约约可以看到那么一丝刁钻刻薄的劲头。
19、There's a streak of sadism in his nature. ─── 他本性中有几分施虐倾向。
20、I stared at nothing for an eternity before my cat streaked up and nestled between my quaking legs, looking stiff and ready for attack. ─── 我瞪着空荡荡的场院很长时间,然后我的猫飞跑过来靠在我瑟瑟发抖的腿边,僵直身子做好攻击的准备。
21、He has a yellow streak in him. ─── 他个性有些懦弱。
22、The winning streak of a super-investor comes to an end. ─── 一位投资大师的连胜势头终结。
23、He'd come up town in his greasy overalls and sweaty blue shirt, with his face streaked up with smoke. ─── 他穿着油腻的工裤和汗渍的蓝衬衫,脸上还带着一道道烟痕就进城了。
24、He streaked his face with black. ─── 他在脸上画上了黑色的条纹。
25、All parts streaked with linear white raphides. ─── 全株有条纹的具线形的白色的针晶。
26、Well, she has a mean streak. ─── 假如有人问你
27、Over the years, rivals tried to break his winning streak. ─── 多年来,对手们一直在试图终结他的连胜纪录。
28、His hair was streaked with gray. ─── 他的头发中夹有白发。
29、A streak of flames runs down its spine from head to stubby tail. ─── 一道火焰从头部到尾巴的脊梁上燃烧着。
30、The streaked plate is in general the most useful plating method. ─── 划线平板法是最有用的平板法。
31、There was a streak of light across the sky as a shooting star burned out. ─── 一颗流星拖着光亮的尾巴划过天空消逝。
32、Houston extended its home winning streak to seven games. ─── 休斯敦队由此将主场胜利扩大为7场连胜。
33、Like many another bully he had a streak of cowardice in him. ─── 像很多其他的小流氓一样,他自身也有几分懦弱。
34、On the 3rd, watch out: Your little selfish streak could make an appearance. ─── 3号那天要注意你那小小的私心肯能会作怪哦!
35、A dazzling streak lit up the sky. ─── 一道耀眼的闪电照亮了天空。
36、Did you see that girl do a streak across the cricket pitch at London? ─── 你看到那姑娘公开裸体奔过伦敦的大板球场吗?
37、Night getting deeper, bugles of some far-away barracks streaked across the sky. ─── 夜渐渐深了,天空划过远处军营传来的熄灯号声。
38、Bert has a yellow streak in him. ─── 伯特胆怯
39、"Well, this is a big game not because of the streak," Battier said. ─── “这是一场伟大的比赛并不是因为连胜,”巴蒂尔说。
40、A meteorite streaked across the sky. ─── 一颗流星划过天空。
41、Inside was a painted likeness of a woman with big blue eyes and pale golden hair streaked by silver. "Serra. " ─── 在里面有一个画着一个有两只蓝眼睛和苍金色夹因条纹发色的女人。
42、An important Brazilian timber tree yielding a heavy hard dark-colored wood streaked with black. ─── 一种重要的巴西成材乔木,出产一种沉实、坚硬、并带有黑色条纹的深色木材。
43、Tears streaked her face. ─── 她脸上是道道泪痕。
44、Yet the fact that she could believe it confirms an exhibitionist streak in her outwardly staid character. ─── 不过,她对此当真这一事实却昭示了在沉静的外表下,她有一种出风头的渴望。
45、Their parents had a puritanical streak and didn't approve of dancing. ─── 他们的父母管教颇严格,不赞成跳舞。
46、A contrarian streak is a virtue on Wall Street; it can be a vice in Beijing. ─── 在美国金融界,稍许与大众相悖的精神是种美德;而在中国的话,这却可能是缺陷。
47、Like all survivors, she has a ruthless streak. ─── 像所有的幸存者一样,她有一段时间很冷酷。
48、His hand was streaked with blood. ─── 他的手上有血痕。
49、They traveled like a blue streak through Spain. ─── 他们闪电般地在西班牙旅行了一趟。
50、His face was streaked with mud. ─── 他脸上满是一条条的污泥。
51、There is a yellow streak in every bully. ─── 凡是恃强凌弱的家伙都有几份胆祛。
52、A streak of lightning flashed through the sky. ─── 一道光在空中闪过。
53、Flashes of lightning streaked across the sky. ─── 几道闪电划破长空。
54、He has a streak of paint on his arm. ─── 他的胳臂上沾了一道漆。
55、Function: Air Drop a random kill streak or ammo. ─── 功能:随机空投连胜杀死或弹药。
56、He disappeared round the corner like a streak of lightening. ─── 他一拐弯转眼就不见了。
57、Dashing down the rifle, he drew out a dagger and streaked towards the enemy soldier. ─── 他扔下步**,拔出匕首,向敌兵飞扑过去。
58、He runs like a streak of lightning. ─── 他跑起来快如飞。
59、But Picasso had no more of a Utopian streak than did his Spanish idol, Goya. ─── 但是身为西班牙偶像的毕卡索并没有这种乌托邦的梦想。
60、On a clear night scores of meteors streak the sky. ─── 在晴朗的夜晚, 好几十颗流星划破长空。
61、He disappeared round the corner like a streak of lighting. ─── 他快如闪电般地从拐角处消失。
62、Like his father, he had a simple religious streak. ─── 他象他父亲一样,带有一点朴素的宗教气质。
63、He has always had a rebellious streak. ─── 他总是有点倔强。
64、There was a streak of blood on his face. ─── 他脸上有一道血痕。
65、But he's viewed with suspicion by many Japanese for his egotistic streak. ─── 但是日本民众对小泽一郎的自负颇为不满。
66、Like many youngsters, he possessed a strong streak of wanderlust. ─── 和许多年轻人一样,克利格也曾有过强烈的远行梦想。
67、He can read like a blue streak. ─── 他看书极快。
68、The juvenile is greyish-brown with black and white spots, and its underparts are streaked. ─── 亚成鸟是灰棕色有黑和白色斑点,并且下部有斑纹。
69、He has a streak of obstinacy in him. ─── 他有一点儿固执。
70、They started the competition with a good streak of 4 wins. ─── 他们以四连胜开局。
71、But only one kind causes the most severe form of maize streak disease. ─── 但是,这次的病菌是玉米侵害病菌中引发后果最严重的一种。
72、He had a streak of stubbornness. ─── 他有一点倔强。
73、Central American tree yielding a valuable dark streaked rosewood. ─── 中美洲的一种树,出产带有深色条纹的贵重红木。
74、At Stanford University, preparations were being made for the longest streak. ─── 在斯坦福大学,有人正在准备作距离最长的裸体奔跑。
75、But again there was a streak of bubbles on the surface of the river. ─── 不过,河面又泛起了一串泡沫。
76、Dashing down the rifle, he drew out a dagger and streaked towards the enemy soldier. ─── 他扔下步**,拔出匕首,向敌兵飞扑过去。
77、The Indians used to streak their faces with paint. ─── 印第安人过去常用颜料在脸上涂条纹。
78、Livid lightning streaked the sky. ─── 乌青色的闪电划破了天空。
79、A streak of light in the east heralded the dawn. ─── 东方一线鱼白,黎明已经到来。
80、There is an aggressive streak in him that I don't like very much. ─── 他有种咄咄逼人的品性,我不太喜欢。
81、He has a streak of humour in him. ─── 他有点儿幽默。
82、Why did you streak the tree ? ─── 你为什么在树上刻条纹?
83、"Where are we?" he asked the first cub who had spoken to him, a tubby little male with streaked highlights in his pelt. ─── “我们在哪儿?”他问最初同他说话的幼熊,一个桶状身材的男性少年,毛皮上有着高亮的条纹。
84、and if he said, 'The streaked ones will be your wages, ' then all the flocks bore streaked young. ─── 他若说:‘有纹的归你作工价’,羊群所生的都有纹。
85、The Indians used to streak their faces with paint . ─── 印地安人过去常用色把脸涂上一条条的花纹?
86、He had dark hair streaked with white and a bristling black beard, and he was wearing a fashionable multicolored tunic. ─── 他的头发斑白,留着直挺的黑胡子,穿着一件时髦的多彩紧身衣。
87、India stuns world champions Australia 3-0 to halt 42 game winning streak. ─── 印度队爆出冷门,以3:O击败世界冠军澳大利亚队,打破了澳大利亚队连赢42场比赛的纪录。
88、By the next year, the Bulls had started a winning streak. ─── 到第二年,芝加哥公牛队就开始了其节节胜利的战绩。
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