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08-01 投稿


mate 发音

英:[meɪt]  美:[meɪt]

英:  美:

mate 中文意思翻译






mate 常用词组

soul mate ─── 情人;性情相投的人;心心相印的伙伴

running mate ─── (美)竞选伙伴

mate with ─── 使紧密配合

mate 短语词组

go mates with

1. 成为……的伙伴

She said she would go mates with Bill.


1、mate account ─── [经] 同事帐户, 职工往来帐户

2、mate up ─── 使配对

3、mess-mate n. ─── 同餐桌的伙伴; ─── 同餐之友; ─── 同膳伙伴

4、first mate ─── [经] 一等大副

5、mate words with deeds ─── 言行一致

6、age-mate ─── 年友

7、mate's receipt ─── [经] 大副收据, 收货单

8、i mate ─── 我配偶

9、chief mate ─── [经] 大副

10、find a mate ─── 找对象, ─── 找配偶, ─── 找伙伴

11、mate with ─── 使紧密配合

12、cell-mate n. ─── 同牢房的人

13、room-mate n. ─── 同室者

14、class-mate n. ─── 同班 ─── 同学

15、litter-mate ─── 同窝仔畜

16、flat-mate ─── 公寓室友

17、fucking hell mate

18、soul mate ─── 情人, 性 ─── 情相投的人

19、bed-mate n. ─── 同床者;夫或妻

mate 词性/词形变化,mate变形


mate 习惯用语

1、go mates with ─── 成为...的伙伴; 与...合伙

mate 特殊用法

1、giving mate ─── 叫杀

2、first mate ─── 大副

3、announce mate ─── 叫杀

4、orthogonal mate ─── 正交配偶

5、"mate" to the rook ─── 捉死车

6、aerographer's mate ─── 海军助理气象员

7、running mate ─── 竞选伙伴

8、team mate ─── 同队队员 习惯用语

9、selection mate ─── 择偶

10、give mate to ─── 将军; 将死特殊用法

11、chief mate ─── 大副

12、smothered mate ─── (棋类)闷杀

13、scholar's mate ─── 只走四步就被将军的棋局

mate 相似词语短语

1、amate ─── v.使懊恼,使挫折;n.(Amate)(西)阿马特(人名)

2、mater ─── n.母亲(等于mother);n.(Mater)人名;(阿拉伯)马塔尔;(德)马特;(英)梅特

3、mates ─── n.伴侣牌,伙伴;好朋友;n.(Mates)人名;(捷)马特斯;(英)梅茨

4、Tate ─── n.塔特(姓氏)

5、matte ─── n.冰铜;无光粗糙层;影像形板;adj.无光泽的;不光滑的;n.(Matte)(德、英、法、西、意)马特(人名)

6、mated ─── 成双的;成对的

7、matey ─── adj.友好的,亲近的;n.伙伴,朋友(男子之间十分随便或不礼貌的称呼);n.(Matey)(美)马泰(人名)

8、Kate ─── n.凯特(女子名,等于Catherine)

9、-ate ─── v.吃(eat的过去式)

mate 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Oh mate! That's my Dacia Sandero? ─── 噢朋友!那是我的达契亚?桑德罗?

2、He is looking for a wife but he hasn't found his ideal mate. ─── 他正在寻找未来的妻子,但还没有找到理想人选。

3、As the status chasm manifests, he knows he doesn't match her for mate. ─── 地位的悬殊让他知道,他其实“没有真正的权利去摸她的手。

4、Trying to deal with your mate will be unproductive and possibly hurtful. ─── 与伴侣的交流不会有什么效果,而且很可能会有不利的影响;

5、Don't read articles about how to trap, seduce or hypnotize a mate. ─── 不要去读那些关于如何设圈套去引诱或迷住一个配偶的文章。

6、Difficulties with your mate may lead to estrangement. ─── 双鱼座:本周双鱼和伴侣的相处会导致双方的疏远。

7、Mate said one afternoon, as we motored into the middle of a huge one. ─── 一天下午我们驶到一个巨大的尾印当中,马特不禁咂舌赞叹。

8、"That's not going to be easy, " his cubicle-mate, Jeff, said. "She's something of a legend here. " ─── “那可不容易,”他的隔壁的同事杰夫说道,“在这里,她可是说是个传奇。”

9、If you find your soul mate,you should cherish him(her). ─── 如果你发现你的灵魂伴侣,你将去钟爱(她).

10、South American tea-like drink made from leaves of a South American holly called mate. ─── 南美州像茶似的饮料,由南美洲叫马黛的冬青树的树叶制成。

11、Shaking his mate's body hard, Claud wanted to wake him. ─── 克劳德用力摇着同伴的身体,想要唤醒他。

12、He had had his leg injured trying to save a mate from a fall of coal. ─── 他在煤矿倒塌时为救一个同伴而伤了腿。

13、If you were a team boss, which current driver would you pick first for your team (excluding yourself and your current team mate)? ─── 如果你是车队头头,现役车手你选谁(除你和你现队友之外)[哇,他有想过现队友咩?]。

14、The next time I'm back I'm going up to Boston and I'm going to take a shot at second mate's papers. ─── 下次我再回来的时候就去波士顿,我要拍张照片,以备二副证件上用。

15、You want to find your perfect mate. ─── 人都想寻觅自己的才子佳人。

16、They mate for life, you know. ─── 你知道这种鹅的伴侣是从一而终的。

17、ARIES MATE You will not tolerate being bossed around[1] by your mate. ─── 你不能容忍被你的配偶颐指气使。

18、He's my best mate and he's the best butterfly swimmer in the club. ─── 他是我最好的伙伴,同是他也是俱乐部里最棒的蝶泳运动员。

19、Every RCS on one AP has a mate RCS on its pair AP. ─── AP 上的每个 RCS 在其配对 AP 上都有一个配对 RCS。

20、"No, mate, it's only the Earl of Walden" he walked on. ─── “不是,老兄,那是沃尔登伯爵。”他说完就走了。

21、The person sitting next to you on the subway could be your soul mate. ─── 也许地铁里坐在你旁边的,就是你的灵魂伴侣。

22、The lip of that confounded cub , the second mate, quivered visibly. ─── 二副,那个惊慌失措的小伙子的嘴唇明显地哆嗦起来了。

23、Some species appear to mate for life. ─── 一些种类的配偶似乎终生不变。

24、They do not mate with each other. ─── 它们彼此不交配。

25、Race your mate and shake your coconut down through the palm tree! ─── 和你的同伴比赛,通过摇棕榈树使椰子下落。

26、Fisher theorizes that this is a "female mechanism for mate choice. ─── 从外观上无法判断一个男人能否生育。

27、At thirty, he signed on as first mate with a cargo ship. ─── 他30岁时受雇于一艘货船当了大副。

28、Offices in ANSI-standard networks or 5ESS DCSs do not define mate links. ─── ANSI 标准网络或 5ESS DCS 中的局不定义配对链路。

29、There is a simple beauty in ship, shop, walk, free, earth, mate, man, fried. ─── ship, shop, walk, free, earth, mate, man, friend这些词具有简洁的美。

30、After queening a pawn, use it to force mate. ─── 兵升变为后以后,用它来迫使对方投降。

31、The first mate helps the captain. ─── 大副协助船长。

32、In this distress, the mate of our vessel lays hold of the boat. ─── 在这种危急万状的时候,我们的大副抓住那只小艇。

33、Both candidates still likely pruning their options for a running mate. ─── 两位候选人仍旧很可能放弃选择竞选伙伴。

34、The condition of having only one mate. ─── 单配性只有一个配偶的状态

35、Enlist the aid of family members and consider the feelings of your mate. ─── 可以考虑一下家人的帮助,顾及到伴侣的感受。

36、During this single day, they molt twice, mate, and lay eggs in water. ─── 在这一天中它要蜕两次皮,交配,在水中产卵。

37、Since each has found his mate in bush and brake. ─── 因为每只鸟都在树林中找到了佳偶。

38、Palin said her running mate was referring to a strong American workforce. ─── 佩林还说,奥巴马会提高美国人和小企业主的赋税。

39、Don't worry about finding your soul mate. ─── 不用担心找不到合适的伴侣。

40、S.O.H. and is looking for there soal mate aswell. ─── 对理想伴侣的描述: someone who loves animals G.

41、You see, swans mate for life. ─── 你知道,天鹅一生一个伴侣。

42、He was promoted to first mate. ─── 他被提为大副。

43、There must have been more men in conspiracy to murder the captain and mate. ─── 一定有许多人结党要谋害船长和大副。

44、He that hath a fox for his mate hath need of a net at his girdle. ─── 和奸人共处;得高度警觉;跟狐狸结伴的人;需要在腰里系一。

45、If she meets a man who suits her, she'll soon cook up a resemblance to her ideal mate. ─── 如果她遇到一个中意的男人,用不了多久她就会把他想象成一个理想配偶的样子。

46、Your mate is cheating on you. ─── 你的伴侣在欺骗你。

47、The STANDBY RCS on the mate AP is promoted to ACTIVE. ─── 在配对 AP 上的 STANDBY RCS 提升为 ACTIVE。

48、He has found his ideal mate. ─── 他已经找到了理想的配偶。

49、Difficulties with your mate may lead to isolation. ─── 和伴侣之间的困难也许会导致孤独。

50、After all this, the female tries to seduce the male, but he basically ignores her, because he knows she's not ready to mate. ─── 之后,雌豹试图诱惑雄豹,但雄豹基本上视而不见,因为他知道她还没有准备好交配。

51、Hi, If you are busy with your mate, I got to leave. ─── 嗨,你有伴了,我不陪你了。

52、When getting rid of that spouse, opens the door to true love and Happiness with your soul mate. ─── 当摆脱,配偶,打开门到真爱,幸福与你的灵魂伴侣。

53、Gaz: I've got a degree in ass wiggling, mate. ─── 伙计,我扭屁股很有一手。

54、TAURUS MATE Your lover must approach you properly in order to win your heart. ─── 你的爱人要想赢得你的心就要用适当的方法接近你。

55、The mate is one rank below the captain. ─── 大副是仅低于船长的头衔。

56、Sorry mate, you'll have to wait. ─── 对不起,伙计,你得等着。

57、First mate: Yes, Captain. Look, Captain. What an exciting scene out there! ─── 大幅:是,船长。看那外面只有多热闹啊!

58、He tapped her today to be his running mate. ─── 今天,约翰选了莎拉做他的竞选伙伴。

59、They hoisted the mate's boat aboard. ─── 他们把大副的船吊到船上。

60、Mate Point Code-identifies the mate point code. ─── Mate Point Code --识别配对点编码。

61、He didn't mate his words with deeds. ─── 他言行不一。

62、I kiia hoki ratou e Ihowa, Ka mate rawa ki te koraha. ─── 因 为 耶 和 华 论 到 他 们 说 : 他 们 必 要 死 在 旷 野 。

63、Then she comes out to see her former mate,Who stares at her in amazement great. ─── 出门看伙伴,伙伴皆惊惶。

64、She is in love with a man who meets all her specifications for a lifetime mate. ─── 她爱上合乎她所有条件的男人做为她的伴侣。

65、I welcome the limelight of television, but I doubt if an ideal mate can be matched through such a game show. ─── 我很高兴它成为电视节目的注目中心,但我很怀疑通过这样的节目能否找到理想的另一半。

66、If one of you has to win an argument, let it be your mate. ─── 如果一定要在争吵里论输赢,让给你的爱人。

67、Last Sunday my cla mate, Lin Hao and I went to a bookstore. ─── 上星期天,我和我的同学林昊去了书店。

68、's been foragin' for his mate. ─── 在为它的伴侣找吃的呢。

69、To mate or match unsuitably. ─── 使不适当地婚配或使不适当地配在一起

70、Get out on your own, or bend to your mate's whims. ─── 你有两个选择:依靠自己或者听从伴侣。

71、The carpenter working on the rafter passed his axe down to his mate below. ─── 在椽子上干活的木匠将斧子传给下面的伙伴。

72、She has been a faithful mate to him. ─── 她一直都是他忠实的妻子。

73、Where is the mate to this sock? ─── 与这只袜子配对的另一只在哪里?

74、Install the pinion mate gears and thrust washers. ─── 安装小齿轮配合齿轮和止推垫圈

75、"No," said the mate,"Willies's stuck on her. ─── ”“哪里,”大副说,“威利给她迷住了。”

76、You e-mail your mate who works at the desk next to you. ─── 传伊媚儿给坐在你隔壁桌的同伴。

77、Man.Congratulations.Sounds like you've found your soul mate. ─── 噢,哥们儿,恭喜你,听起来你好象找到了你的另一半儿了。

78、Can you see Edwards as Max Biaggi's team mate? ─── 你能想像老柯当老B的队友吗?

79、A year went by, and it was hard to live without her mate. ─── 一年过去了,没有他的日子很难过。

80、If one of you has to win an argument,let it be your mate. ─── 如果两个人非要争个输赢,那就让你的伴侣当赢家。

81、It is almost inconceivable that the two might mate with each other. ─── 几乎难以想象鱼干女与食草男会和对方约会。

82、"I've known that for a long time, mate," replied Owen. ─── “老哥,我早就知道了。”欧文回答说。

83、The mate mustered the ship's company. ─── 大副召集船上全体人员点名。

84、And the mother's mate?Where is Grendel's father? ─── |他妈妈的伴侣在哪?

85、This allows the pair to mate properly and stops the hen from staying in the nest. ─── 这可以使这一对正常交配同时也阻止雌禽待在窝里。

86、He lost the mate to his shoe. ─── 他丢了一只鞋子。

87、He'd be the captain and I'd be his first mate. ─── 他当船长,我当大副。

88、The first mate was studying to become a master. ─── 大副正在学习准备当船长。

89、To continue their bloodlines, werewolves must mate with humans or wolves. ─── 为了延续他们的血统,狼人必须于人或者狼交配。



你是不是打错了? 应该是Mate 吧!是“a”,不是“α”;是不是 华为手机Mate系列?





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