seriousness 发音
英:[ˈsɪriəsnəs] 美:[ˈsɪəriəsnəs]
英: 美:
seriousness 中文意思翻译
seriousness 同义词
desperation | resoluteness | importance | sincerity | significance | serious-mindedness | determination | solemnity | distressfulness | depth | genuineness | urgency | dimension | gravity | weight | weightiness | earnestness | honesty | dimensions
seriousness 反义词
seriousness 短语词组
in all seriousness
1. 严肃地
I tell you this in all seriousness.
1、little seriousness ─── 不太严肃
2、in all seriousness ─── 严肃地;庄重地
seriousness 词性/词形变化,seriousness变形
副词: seriously | 名词: seriousness |
seriousness 常用词组
in all seriousness ─── 严肃地;庄重地
seriousness 习惯用语
1、in all seriousness ─── 庄重地; 十分认真地; 非常严肃地
2、with affected seriousness ─── 象煞有介事地
seriousness 相似词语短语
1、cariousness ─── 龋齿
2、spuriousness ─── 虚假关系;欺骗;伪造
3、perilousness ─── 冒险;危险;艰险
4、unseriousness ─── n.不认真;不严肃;不庄重
5、speciousness ─── 似是而非
6、usuriousness ─── 放高利贷;重利盘剥
7、curiousness ─── n.好学;好奇;不寻常
8、serousness ─── 浆液性
9、perviousness ─── n.渗透性;[地质][流]透水性
seriousness 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、There's a real seriousness of purpose where we in the States, at a national level, are now just in Washington beginning to talk about it. ─── 有一个真正的严肃的问题我们在美国,在国家级别现在只在华盛顿刚刚开始讨论。
2、He has said in all seriousness that their performance is perfect. ─── 他很正经地说他们的演出很成功。
3、I finally realised the seriousness of the situation. ─── 听到这句话,我终于认识到形势的严重性。
4、Between the innocence of babyhood and the seriousness of manhood we find a delightful creature called a “boy”. ─── 在天真无邪的幼儿时期和满脸严肃的成人时期,我们发现有一种可爱的的小家伙,这个小家伙就叫做“男孩儿”。
5、In this process, the seriousness of the problem "farmers farmer's land rights" of has exceeded burdens on the peasants. ─── 在此进程中,“农民土地权益”受损问题的严重性已经超过了农民负担问题。
6、He will be punished according to the seriousness of his crime. ─── 他将据其罪行的轻重受到处罚。
7、Only later did he realize the full seriousness of his offence. ─── 他后来才意识到他的罪行有多严重。
8、Yet in the automobile industry, at least, Japanese companies stand out for the frequency and seriousness of recent labour problems. ─── 然而至少在汽车行业,在最近的劳资问题中,涉及日本公司的频率和严重程度都很突出。
9、Only the president's strong control was able to impart some sense of seriousness to the meeting. ─── 只是凭总统强大的控制力才使这次会议具有一些严肃认真的味道。
10、Her voice had dropped to a note of seriousness, and she sat gazing up at him with the troubled gravity of a child. ─── 她的语气变得严肃了,用孩子般认真而愁苦的目光抬头望着他。
11、He was aware of the seriousness of illness, immediately call 120 . ─── 他才意识到病情的严重性,立即拨打了120。
12、We should realize their seriousness, combat them resolutely and not be overwhelmed by their impact. ─── 对于这些现象,应认识其严重性,应坚决反抗之,应不被这些现象的威力所压倒。
13、She accused him of an odious want of seriousness, of laughing at all things, beginning with himself. ─── 她指责他不够严肃,非常讨厌,对一切,首先是他自己,采取冷嘲热讽的态度。
14、The doctor, not wishing to make him nervous, did not fully explain the seriousness of his condition. ─── 大夫因为怕他紧张,没有完全讲明他病有多重。
15、He spoke with a seriousness that was unusual in him. ─── 他说话时神情少有地认真。
16、His speech struck a perfect balance between humor and seriousness. ─── 他的演说把幽默性和严肃性的方寸掌握得恰到好处。
17、They were being interpreted in a continuous manner which drew out their seriousness for the British economy. ─── 从他们一贯的姿态中不难看出他们对英国经济形势的严肃精神。
18、But there is ample evidence to support Lamborghini's seriousness on improving energy efficiency. ─── 但有充分的证据来支持兰博基尼的严重性就提高能源效率。
19、"When I started to come to realize the seriousness of the situation, I have had no other choice. ─── “当我开始逐渐认识到这个事态的严重性时,我已经没有别的选择了。”
20、His tone contained the right mixture of banter and seriousness. ─── 他的口气是半戏谑半认真的。
21、He says the Washington summit symbolizes the seriousness with which leaders view the financial crisis. ─── 他说此次华盛顿峰会表明了领导者看待金融危机的认真态度。
22、The international community is beginning to appreciate the seriousness of this loss of livestock genetic diversity. ─── 国际社会正在开始认识到损失牲畜遗传多样性问题的严重性。
23、The degree of punishment is meant to be proportional to the seriousness of the crime. ─── 刑罚的程度应当是与犯罪的严重性成比例的。
24、By now I was almost in the same state as the elder brother had been: the bear's utter seriousness robbed me of my composure. ─── 至此我差不多和那位年长的兄弟一样处于同样的状态:熊彻底的严肃夺走了我的沉着。
25、The doctor,not wishing to make her nervous,did not fully explain the seriousness of the condition. ─── 大夫不愿意使她紧张,没有充分给她说明病情的严重性。
26、He says the Washington summit symblizes symbolizes the seriousness with which leaders view the financial crisis. ─── 他说华盛顿峰会显示了各国领导对当前金融危机的认真态度。
27、He was beginning to understand the seriousness of life. ─── 他渐渐地懂得了生活的严肃性。
28、Only when they are punished do they realize the seriousness of the matter. ─── 只有到了被惩罚的时候,他们才意识到事情的严重性。
29、Not wanting to make her nervous, the doctor didn't fully explain the seriousness of her condition. ─── 医生怕她紧张,所以隐瞒了她的病情。
30、She spoke with great seriousness of the hardships she had endured. ─── 她非常严肃地讲述了自己经历的苦难。
31、In view of the seriousness of the matter, I'll speak from a written text. ─── 为郑重其事, 我按稿子来谈。
32、The company insisted it had taken this long for it to realise the seriousness of the threat. ─── 索尼坚持认为它已经用了足够长的时间来认识到这次危机的严重性。
33、People come to know the seriousness of water pollution. ─── 人们慢慢地认识到了水污染的严重性。
34、The seriousness of a wound (in a firefight) is inversely proportional to the distance to any form of cover. ─── 交火后,受伤的严重程度与到掩体的距离成反比。(摘自墨菲战争法则)
35、The sudden summoning of the Cabinet underlines the seriousness of the situation. ─── 内阁会议的突然召开, 突出了局势的严重性。
36、Surely you're not telling me, in all seriousness, that you want to work in a factory for the rest of your life! ─── 你当真是说你愿意一辈子都在工厂干下去,不是开玩笑吧!
37、Too bad, because Ronie wanted to do well, he's always worked with seriousness, and availability. ─── “太糟糕了,罗尼希望有出色的表现,他训练一直很认真,随时想为球队效力。
38、If a juvenile is found guilty, he or she will be punished according to the seriousness of the crime. ─── 如果这个未成年人被发现有罪,根据所犯罪行的严重程度,他/她将会受到惩罚。
39、He'd made a bad mistake,but tried to minimize its seriousness. ─── 他犯了一个很严重的错误,但他意图把它的严重性说成很小。
40、Her voice was imbued with an unusual seriousness. ─── 她的声音里充满着一种不寻常的严肃语气。
41、To act, perform, or speak with little seriousness or purpose; jest. ─── 嘲弄轻率无礼的行事,说话;取笑,开玩笑
42、Behind the thrill of seeing Terry in gloves is the seriousness of the injury. ─── 在看到特里戴上手套的兴奋背后,则是切赫重伤的严重程度。
43、He has not recognized the seriousness of the present situation. ─── 他还没有意识到目前形势的严重。
44、He had made a serious mistake and it was no use trying to minimize its seriousness. ─── 他犯了严重的错误,想漠视其严重性是无济于事的。
45、To act,perform,or speak with little seriousness or purpose; jest. ─── 嘲弄轻率无礼的行事,说话;取笑,开玩笑。
46、To lessen or attempt to lessen the magnitude or seriousness of, especially by providing partial excuses. ─── 减轻缩小或努力缩小重要或严重的程度,尤指为了提供偏心的借口
47、I do not think that anyone foresaw the level of seriousness of the problem we were faced with. ─── 但是,我并不认为我们所有的人都可以预见问题的严重性。
48、He was fine. 1,000 dollars for spitting. The fine.was out of all proportion to the seriousness of the offence. ─── 他因为随地吐痰被罚款1000美金。罚金与过错的严重程度太不成比例了。
49、You see life as an enthusiastic frolic, and there is little seriousness in you. ─── 你的太阳星座和月亮星座都落在了双子座上,这就代表了你的个性和气质是协调一致的。
50、He found out the seriousness of the problem and changed his tune. ─── 他发现了问题的严重性,于是改变了态度。
51、A foretastes of seriousness of incivility is suggested by what has been happening in Houston. ─── 休斯顿所发生的情况预示:如果不讲文明,讲产生何种严重后果。
52、The doctor,not wishing to make her nervous,did not fully explain the seriousness of her condition. ─── 大夫不愿意使她紧张,没有充分给她说明病情的严重性。
53、Don't overestimate seriousness of the problem. ─── 别把问题看重了。
54、He said, "I hope the US Government fully realizes the seriousness of the incident, which has damaged Sino-US relations. ─── 他说:我希望,美国政府要充分看到这个事件的严重性,它已经损害了中美关系。
55、He maintained an attitude of high seriousness. ─── 他保持了极为认真的态度。
56、The question of Muslim identity, assumed seriousness during the decline of Muslim power in South Asia. ─── 回教身分,被承担的重要性的问题在回教力量期间衰落在南亚。
57、Your records are a litmus test of your seriousness as a trader. ─── 因为这会是你交易成功的关键因素。做交易记录是很花时间的。
58、They don't understand the seriousness [importance] of this question. ─── 他们不了解这个问题的严重性[重要性]。
59、To prove the seriousness of his crossover bid, he brought several American stars on stage. ─── 为了证明他的文化交流的严肃主题,他也邀请了几位美国明星.
60、I hope you realize the seriousness of this crime. ─── 我希望你能认识到这一罪行的严重性。
61、So he regarded the incident in all seriousness as a signal of the coming "cold war". ─── 他认真看待这一举动,认为这是“冷战”来临的一个信号。
62、He didn't realize the seriousness of her illness. ─── 他没有认识到她病情的严重性。
63、He hasn't yet woken up to the seriousness of the situation. ─── 他还没意识到情况的严重性。
64、She was not there, and the discovery gave him a pang out of all proportion to its seriousness. ─── 他发觉她不在场时所感到的失望与事态的严重性远远不能相比。
65、Man is most nearly himself when he achieves the seriousness of a child at play. ─── 一个人只有达到了孩子在游戏中那样认真的境界时,才最接近他自己。
66、Heavenly Kings with the solemn coincides with office environment with the seriousness. ─── 天王的庄严同办公环境的严肃与安静不谋而合。
67、You can't in all seriousness go out in a hat like that! ─── 你戴著那种帽子出门不是开玩笑嘛!
68、For willy-nilly he took his baronetcy and Wragby with the last seriousness. ─── 因为不管他心愿与否,他是十分郑重其事地接受这爵衔和勒格贝家产了。
69、He pledged in all sincerity and seriousness that he would always remain faithful. ─── 他信誓旦旦地保证,他将永远忠贞不渝。
70、A lay opinion as to the seriousness of the disease. ─── 关于这种疾病的非专业的意见
71、"They need to show some seriousness of purpose on denuclearisation. ─── “他们需要对无核化目标表示出某些严肃性。”
72、Her requirements in a man were seriousness and stability. ─── 严肃和稳定是她对男人的要求。
73、Don't trivialise the seriousness of the issue! ─── 不要淡化问题的严重性。
74、With great seriousness he pondered upon the problem. ─── 他极其严肃地仔细考虑问题。
75、Sticking from the pocket it was a sign of seriousness, on the dog track and on the way to the Bourse. ─── 从口袋黏住它是一个认真的告示,在狗轨道上和在前往股票交易所的途中。
76、It would be hard to overemphasize the seriousness of David's sin. ─── 大卫所犯之罪过,可说罪大恶极相当严重。
77、Another dangerous factor is the water pollution which aggravantes the seriousness of fresh of fresh water shortage. ─── 另一个危险因素是水污染,它使严峻的净水资源短缺问题更加恶化。
78、He told me with affected seriousness that he would go abroad to make further studies. ─── 他煞有介事地告诉我他将出国深造。
79、But he said in all seriousness that such fears were unwarranted. ─── 但是他郑重的表示了这样的担心是没有任何根据的。
80、He'd made a bad mistake, but tried to minimize its seriousness. ─── 他犯了一个很严重的错误,但他意图把它的严重性说成很小。
81、Students mocked the seriousness of his expression. ─── 学生们用模仿他的严肃神色来表示嘲弄。
82、He came up to me when it was almost midnight and advised me, in all seriousness, to put up a camp bed to sleep in the office. ─── 他过来找我,那时几乎已经凌晨了,他用很认真严肃的方式让我带个帐篷睡在办公室里。
83、What he said is just bushwa to shock you, don't be too seriou. ─── 他的话只不过是吓人的空话,你不必太认真了。
84、They played down the seriousness of the situation just to cover up their mistakes. ─── 他们缩小局势的严重性只是为了掩盖他们的错误。
85、The doctor, not wishing to make her nervous, did not fully explain the seriousness of her sondition. ─── 大夫不想让她紧张,所以没有完全给她讲明她的病情有多严重。
86、He admitted the seriousness of his sin.He saw it clearly.He was frightfully conscious of it. ─── 他承认自己所犯的罪的严重性,亦清楚看见自己的罪,并为此感到害怕。
87、Of this seriousness the medieval Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is an admirable example. ─── 关于这一点,中世纪文学中有关加文骑士和绿骑士的传奇可谓绝佳范例。
88、The seriousness of the crime cannot be overstated. ─── 这一罪行的严重性怎么说也不为过。
silly bird的简称是?
silly :做名词解释为a word used for misbehaving children ,有点对小孩子纵容的意思,可以翻译成小傻瓜,傻,笨的。感觉有点像熟人之间说对方“猪”的意思。
做形容词的一个解释为lacking seriousness,就是有点不正经,胡闹的意思 他用于你的意思可能就是小傻瓜吧 foolish:就是愚蠢的,呆笨的,这个词意思比较重;但是也有鲁莽的、可爱的意思啊,可能他生气就是理解为前一个意思了,比较语言习惯不同 这也是一己之见,切磋一下
Silly child中文意思是什么?
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