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08-01 投稿


feeble 发音

英:[ˈfiːb(ə)l]  美:[ˈfiːb(ə)l]

英:  美:

feeble 中文意思翻译



feeble 同义词

rickety | decrepit | weakly | breakable | thin | sapless | delicate | shaky | poor | nerveless | frail | ineffectual | ailing | ineffective | unhealthy | fragile | debile | half-hearted | powerless | lame | unconvincing | meagre | faint |weak | languid | infirm | pathetic | meager | peaked

feeble 反义词

tough | strong |intense

feeble 短语词组

1、feeble-minded synonyms ─── 弱智同义词

2、feeble respiration ─── [医] 微弱呼吸

3、feeble-minded noun ─── 弱智名词

4、feeble machine ─── 无力的机器

5、feeble pulse ─── [医] 弱脉

6、feeble-minded a. ─── 低能的, 无决断的, 意志薄弱的 [法] 精神虚弱的, ─── 低能的, 不果断的

7、a feeble reason ─── 无力的理由

8、feeble current ─── 弱电流

9、feeble-minded definition ─── 弱智的定义

10、feeble-minded define ─── 弱智的

11、linger out a feeble existence ─── 苟延残喘

12、feeble-minded persons ─── [法] 心神衰弱的人

13、forcible feeble ─── 无力的

14、feeble-mindedness ─── [医]低能,意志薄弱

15、forcible-feeble a. ─── 外强中干的, 色厉内荏的

16、feeble-minded meaning ─── 弱智的意思

17、feeble minded ─── 低能的

18、feeble-minded person ─── 白痴

19、feeble estrus ─── 短发情

feeble 词性/词形变化,feeble变形


feeble 相似词语短语

1、feeblest ─── 虚弱的;低能的;微弱的(feeble的最高级)

2、feebly ─── adv.无力地;微弱地;柔弱地

3、Peebles ─── n.皮布尔斯(英国苏格兰中部古国);皮伯斯(男子名)

4、deleble ─── 可删除的

5、feedable ─── 虚弱的

6、Kemble ─── n.(Kemble)人名;(英)肯布尔

7、enfeeble ─── vt.使衰弱;使无力

8、Keble ─── n.(Keble)人名;(英)基布尔

9、feebler ─── adj.微弱的,无力的;虚弱的;薄弱的(feeble的变形)

feeble 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He murmured yet once more,"Little Gervais!" But in a feeble and almost inarticulate voice. ─── 他嘴里还念着:“小瑞尔威!”但是声音微弱,几乎不成字音。

2、The heartbeat was feeble and irregular. ─── 心搏无力,心律不齐。

3、The indolent, the dissolute, and the feeble he was equally hard upon and tried to expel them from the community. ─── 他对懒汉、二流子和软弱无能的人一概不姑息,尽可能把他们从集体驱逐出去。

4、After the darkness the feeble light of the paraffin lamp had seemed very bright. ─── 在黑暗里耽过之后,煤油灯昏暗的灯光显得格外亮。

5、Don't be so feeble! Tell her you don't want to go. ─── 别那么软弱了!告诉她你不想去。

6、If that be true of men of intelligence, how much more true is it of the ignorant and illiterate, or those of feeble intellect. ─── 若对有知识智慧的人都如此,那么对无知的人和文盲或那些智力低下的人就更可想而知了。

7、Equally, to think, "Oh well at least I tried, " would also be feeble, suggesting you were giving up. ─── 同样,“好吧,至少我试过了”的想法也站不住脚,这说明你要放弃了。

8、What he was saying must sound both feeble and pretentious. ─── 他说的话听起来一定很软弱空洞。

9、Gropes among cloudy issues toward a feeble conclusion. ─── 在模糊不清的问题中探索着一种渺茫的结论。

10、The glass reflected a feeble, ungraceful figure and a thin face. ─── 一向显得怏怏不乐的眼睛现在特别失望地对着镜子看自己。

11、But if you put Western-style classic bedroom furniture, that one simple suction dome light appears very " feeble ". ─── 但假如您摆放了西式的古典卧室家具,那一只简简单单的吸顶灯就显得很“单薄”了。

12、It is a pity, then, that her scholarship is let down by feeble illustrations. ─── 但遗憾的是,她的讲解因缺少图解而不尽完美。

13、There was a feeble lamp at no great distance. ─── 在不远的去处有一个微弱的灯光。

14、The feeble, fluttering flame seemed hardly attached to the wick as the child kissed her mother and then walked slowly toward the stairway. ─── 当她吻了妈妈,慢步走向楼梯时,那跳闪的微弱烛焰看上去已跟烛芯脱离了。

15、I was surprised by how old and feeble he had become. ─── 他变得这样老态龙钟,使我大吃一惊。

16、Study On The New Type Sensors in Feebl. ─── 信号检测中的新型传感器。

17、The reactionaries are fierce in appearance but feeble in reality. ─── 反动派看起来很强大,实际上十分虚弱。

18、The bishop said it with a feeble voice as he woke. ─── 主教醒过来,用虚弱的声音说出。

19、The LORD can still use feeble instrumentalities.Why not me? ─── 上帝今日仍然使用柔弱卑微的器皿,为何不是我?

20、Images remained feeble and limited in range until 1925 when J. L. Baird succeeded in amplilying them with vacuum tubes. ─── 1925年以前,电视的图像一直较微弱,接收范围也有限。1925年,苏格兰发明家拜尔德成功地用真空管放大了图像。

21、Renewing then my courage, and gathering my feeble remains of strength, I pushed on. ─── 于是我再次鼓起勇气,聚起我剩下的一点微弱的力量,继续往前走。

22、But in winter, although have the illuminate of sunshine, inornate chair still can appear too too feeble. ─── 但在冬季,即使有阳光的照射,不加修饰的椅子仍会显得太过单薄。

23、He brought them forth also with silver and gold: and there was not one feeble person among their tribes. ─── 他领自己的百姓带银子金子出来。他支派中没有一个软弱的。

24、You are too feeble and should have more nourishment for your body. ─── 你的身体太差了,多吃点营养品补补。

25、He thought that voice more feeble than usual. ─── 他觉得那个声音比往常微弱得多。

26、You offered a feeble excuse. ─── 你的借口站不住脚。

27、The plea, so often advanced, that this was because they did not like the foreign policy, was feeble. ─── 他们经常提出辩解,说这是因为对外交政策不满,这种辩解是站不住脚的。

28、To be or become weak or feeble; lose strength or vigor. ─── 变得软弱或脆弱;失去力量或活力。

29、He will take your feeble excuse apart. ─── 他会把你的这种站不住脚的借口剖析得体无完肤。

30、Their souls became feeble for need of food and drink. ─── 又饥又渴,心里发昏。

31、Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature, but he is a thinking reed. ─── 人不过是一根芦苇,万物中最柔弱的一种,但他是一根能思考的芦苇。

32、To deprive of strength; make feeble. ─── 使丧失力量;使虚弱

33、His voice sounded feeble (harsh/soft/clear/shrill). ─── 他的声音很弱(粗/柔和/清晰/尖锐)。

34、Having a feeble or unsteady gait; shaky. ─── 不稳的,虚弱的; 摇晃的

35、Your feeble skills are no match for the power of the dark side. ─── 你那软弱技巧不配成为黑暗面的力量

36、Are children our feeble bridge over the gulf of death? ─── 在死的海湾上方孩子是我们的虚弱的桥吗?

37、They despised the feeble interference of the English Council of State. ─── 他们对于英格兰议会的轻微干涉置之不理。

38、He began to walk up and down the beach, his father-in-law looking helplessly at him, rubbing his feeble eyes with a handkerchief. ─── 他开始在海滩上往来蹀躞,他的岳丈无可奈何地瞧着他,用手帕擦着他衰老的眼睛。

39、Silk go from the wellhead vertical wave buzzer, then discovered the bandits and immediately seize feeble upward Paqu. ─── 一根蜂蛛丝从井口垂了下去,那大盗发现了,并立刻抓住游丝向上爬去。

40、With your feeble moral standard? ─── 以你脆弱的道德标准?

41、So far, faltering demand has outweighed feeble supply, keeping the price near $70 a barrel. ─── 到目前为止,摇摇欲坠的需求已经超过无力的供应,价格则保持在每桶70美元左右。

42、"We, who were the tall pine of the forest, have become a feeble plant and need your protection" (Red Jacket). ─── “我们,森林中的高大松树,已经变成虚弱无力的植物,需要你们的保护” (莱德·杰克特)。

43、But they soon grew feeble, and presently died wholly away. ─── 可是不久他就泄了气,根本没有一点疼痛的迹象。

44、The plea, so often advanced, that this was because they did not like the foreign policy, was feeble. ─── 他们经常提出辩解,说这是因为对外交政策不满,这种辩解是站不住脚的。

45、It is not enough to help the feeble up, but to support him after. ─── 仅仅把弱者扶起来是不够的,还要在他站起来之后支持他。

46、And feeble though this little flicker of goodwill was, it was the beginning of the end of that church feud. ─── 虽然这一点点闪烁不定的善意是微弱的,但它是结束教堂的夙怨的开始。

47、By 2020, Voyager 2 will probably fall silent, its generators too feeble to power communications. ─── 到了2020年,“旅行者2号”可能沉寂下来,因为它的供电装置将虚弱到不能为通讯系统提供足够电力。

48、How feeble and pale he looked, amid all his triumph! ─── 他在大获全胜之际,看起来是多么虚弱和苍白啊!

49、Their zeal certainly undercuts Mr Abhisit's feeble efforts to buy Ragnarok Online Zeny unite a polarised nation. ─── 他们的“爱国”狂热使阿披实先生弥合分裂社会的微弱努力显得徒劳。

50、He was lying on his sickbed with a feeble voice. ─── 他躺在病床上,声音颤弱。

51、And leave the falt'ring feeble souls alive? ─── 却让摇摇欲坠的、孱弱的生命留存?

52、Feeble gleams of encrimsoned light made their way through the trellised panes. ─── 几道红艳艳的微光,透过格子玻璃射进来。

53、He had a sort of feeble thrill. ─── 他隐隐感到有些激动。

54、That has made thee feeble to will and to do? ─── -- 它已经削弱了你的意志和行动

55、His sister, conscious of having been robbed of something, had set up a feeble wail. ─── 他妹妹这时意识到有东西给抢走了,软弱地哭了几声。

56、At last a feeble voice replied, "Thank you so much, dear Ratty!" ─── 最后,一个微弱无力的声音回答道:“非常感谢你,亲爱的鼠仔!”

57、He broke in cursing the doctor, in a feeble voice, but heartily. ─── 他却破口骂起医生来,声音很轻,但却很当真。

58、His feeble arm dropped powerless down. ─── 他那软弱的胳臂没力气地放了下来。

59、That which seems most feeble and bewildered in you is the strongest and most determined. ─── 你们之间看似最软弱的和最迷离的,便是最坚强且最有决心的。

60、It is better to wear oneself out with hard work than to become feeble through laziness and inactivity. ─── 与其锈坏,不如用坏;与其闲死,不如忙死。

61、Man is but a reed, the most feeble thing in nature; but he is a thinking reed. ─── 人只不过是一根苇草,是自然界最脆弱的东西;但他是一根能思想的苇草。

62、A whining, feeble complaint. ─── 哀怨、微弱的抱怨

63、The wrath of Mr. Arthur Pendennis rose at the poor old fellow's feeble persecution. ─── 可怜的老人这种无力的跟踪,只是引起了亚瑟·潘登尼斯先生的愤怒。

64、Don't it remind you just how feeble we are? ─── 会不会觉得我们其实很脆弱?

65、But he broke in cursing the doctor, in a feeble voice, but heartily. ─── 他立刻打断我的话,用虚弱的声音破口大骂起大夫来。

66、He bleated out a feeble excuse. ─── 他以微弱的声音作无力的辩解。

67、He is a man with a feeble personality. ─── 他是个个性软弱的人。

68、It's because I was very soft and feeble, and in addition I was a poor loser. ─── 因为我很软弱,而且我是不能输的。

69、Instinct told him that to be feeble before her was not helping him. ─── 他本能地感觉到,在她面前显得体力不济对自己很不利。

70、Compassion lies within the power of both the mighty and the meek. Kindness is not a feeble virtue. ─── 同情不仅存在于富贵者的心中,贫贱者也可以拥有同情心。善良并不是一种脆弱的美德。

71、Scynth Desalths/a says, "The feeble thralls known as sarnaks have undoubtedly been smote by now. ─── "他们说将有大军到来。战舰、圣战士以及奴隶大军!

72、There I was lying on my back, on the stairs, with a feeble one-hand grip keeping me from sliding all the way down. ─── 只得仰面朝天躺在楼梯上,一手虚弱地抓着扶手免得再滑下去。

73、Don't be so feeble! Tell her you don't want to go. ─── 别那么软弱了!告诉她你不想去。

74、What appears on the surface unfolds its depth.What is feeble gets steeled. ─── 像这样,从阴转晴,从浅薄到深刻,从软弱到刚强。

75、ELIZA(with feeble defiance): I've a right to be here if I like, same as you. ─── 伊莉莎:如果我愿意,我有权利呆在这儿,像你一样。

76、A feeble cry came from the next room. ─── 从隔壁房间里传来低弱的叫喊声。

77、One baby eagle made a feeble cry, which the other one even couldn't make. ─── 一只小鹰发出微弱的叫声,而另外一只小鹰连这微弱的叫声也没有。

78、"Oh yes, yes!" said Grace with feeble impatience. ─── “能的,能的

79、Weak in body, especially from old age or disease;feeble. ─── 体弱的,衰老的体弱的,尤指因为年龄大或疾病;无力的

80、He tapped on the pane with a very small and feeble knock. ─── 他在玻璃窗上极轻地敲了一下。

81、For this cause a number of you are feeble and ill, and a number are dead. ─── 因此,在你们中间有好些软弱的与患病的,死(原文是睡)的也不少。

82、Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes. ─── 伟大的灵魂拥有意志,而软弱的灵魂只有愿望。

83、At the meeting Smith made some feeble objection to my plan which I was able to shoot down in flames with no trouble. ─── 在那次会议上,史密斯对我的计划颇有微词,对此我毫不费事地进行了严厉谴责。

84、They will take your feeble excuses apart. ─── 他们会对你这经不起追究的借口严加考查的。

85、His feeble excuses soon tailed off (into silence). ─── 他的藉口站不住脚,很快就没词儿了(不作声了).

86、You've used the same feeble excuse for weeks. Come on! ─── 几个星期以来你一直采用相同的无力借口。别再装了

87、We have heard its report; Our hands are feeble; Distress has seized us, Pain like a woman in childbirth. ─── 24我们听见了这风声,手就发软;痛苦将我们抓住,疼痛仿佛临产的妇人。

88、The postilion cracked his whip, and they clattered away under the Feeble over swinging lamps. ─── 双手“叭”的一声挥动鞭子,一行人就在头顶昏暗摇曳的路灯下蹄声得得地上路。

89、For most of the past decade its economic growth has been feeble and its unemployment unacceptably high. ─── 且看:在过去十年的大部分时间里,欧盟的经济增长微弱,失业率高的吓人。



a. 震动的, 摇晃的, 动摇的


名词:shakiness 副词:shakily 形容词比较级:shakier 最高级:shakiest


形容词 shaky:

inclined to shake as from weakness or defect

同义词:rickety, wobbly, wonky

vibrating slightly and irregularly; as e.g. with fear or cold or like the leaves of an aspen in a breeze

同义词:shivering, trembling

not secure; beset with difficulties



Their marriage got off to rather a shaky start.


Having a feeble or unsteady gait; shaky.

不稳的,虚弱的; 摇晃的

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