Nehushtan 中文意思翻译
Nehushtan 相似词语短语
1、Shushan ─── 舒尚别
2、Augustan ─── adj.(古罗马帝国皇帝)奥古斯都的;奥古斯都时代的;奥古斯都时代文学的;英国古典文学的;n.奥古斯都时期的作家
3、Aethelstan ─── 埃瑟斯坦
4、Mehuman ─── 我是人类。
5、Bhutan ─── n.不丹(印度东北一国家)
6、hashtag ─── n.标签
7、securitan ─── 安全
Especially when you smile it's something worth of those miracles你的微笑就是奇迹And especially when you talk, you talk尤其是你说话的时候
Especially when your down the silhouette of it's touching你弯腰时候影子的触感
And especially when you yawn, you yawn尤其是当你呻吟的时候
Especially when you cry I wish I knew all the meanings of it我真希望我知道你哭泣的含义
Especially when you hush, you hush尤其是当你抽泣的时候
Especially when you laugh they'll hear it over kilometers即使相隔很远我也能听见你的笑声
And especially when you walk, you walk尤其是当你走过的时候
How could I be feeling blind while you're in hurry living high?当你匆忙飘过的时候我怎么能感觉到盲目
Oh how am I? I'm doing fine我怎么了?我好的恨
Wonder why I recognize your motions and your languages想知道为什么我熟知你的动作你的语言
From far ago, I wonder why很久很久以前就是,我想知道为什么
Especially when you joke, comes right out of your stomach and当你开玩笑的时候,飞出来的幽默
Especially when you whine, you whine尤其是当你发牢骚的时候
Especially when you view I'm sure you figure it all somehow我肯定你能分辨出所有的一切
And especially when you peek, you peek尤其当你偷看的时候
How could I be feeling blind while you're in hurry living high?当你匆忙飘过的时候我怎么能感觉到盲目
Oh how am I? I'm doing fine我怎么了?我好的恨
Fireflies and butterflies, that's what I see in your atmosphere我在你身边看到萤火虫和蝴蝶
Wish I could have those fires and wings真希望我也能有那样的荧光和翅膀
Especially when you, especially when you, especially when you尤其当你
Especially when you smile it's something worth of those miracles你的微笑就是奇迹
And especially when you talk, you talk尤其是你说话的时候
Especially when your down the silhouette of it's touching你弯腰时候影子的触感
And especially when you yawn, you yawn尤其是当你呻吟的时候
Especially when you cry I wish I knew all the meanings of it我真希望我知道你哭泣的含义
Especially when you hush, you hush尤其是当你抽泣的时候
Especially when you laugh they'll hear it over kilometers即使相隔很远我也能听见你的笑声
And especially when you walk, you walk尤其是当你走过的时候
How could I be feeling blind while you're in hurry living high?当你匆忙飘过的时候我怎么能感觉到盲目
Oh how am I? I'm doing fine我怎么了?我好的恨
Wonder why I recognize your motions and your languages想知道为什么我熟知你的动作你的语言
From far ago, I wonder why很久很久以前就是,我想知道为什么
Especially when you joke, comes right out of your stomach and当你开玩笑的时候,飞出来的幽默
Especially when you whine, you whine尤其是当你发牢骚的时候
Especially when you view I'm sure you figure it all somehow我肯定你能分辨出所有的一切
And especially when you peek, you peek尤其当你偷看的时候
How could I be feeling blind while you're in hurry living high?当你匆忙飘过的时候我怎么能感觉到盲目
Oh how am I? I'm doing fine我怎么了?我好的恨
Fireflies and butterflies, that's what I see in your atmosphere我在你身边看到萤火虫和蝴蝶
Wish I could have those fires and wings真希望我也能有那样的荧光和翅膀
Especially when you, especially when you, especially when you尤其当你
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