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08-01 投稿


memorandum 发音

英:[memə'rændəm]  美:[,mɛmə'rændəm]

英:  美:

memorandum 中文意思翻译



memorandum 反义词


memorandum 词性/词形变化,memorandum变形

名词复数: memorandums |

memorandum 短语词组

1、memorandum invoice ─── [经] 备忘帐单(发票)

2、memorandum clause ─── [经] 附注条款

3、memorandum entry ─── [经] 备查记录

4、memorandum goods ─── [经] 试销品

5、memorandum ledger ─── [经] 备查分类帐

6、memorandum in error ─── [法] 指出事实错误的备案书

7、explanatory memorandum ─── [计] 说明书

8、debit memorandum ─── [经] 借项凭单, 借项通知单

9、memorandum in writing ─── [法] 契约书, 证书, 书面契据

10、memorandum account ─── [经] 备查帐户

11、audit memorandum ─── [经] 查帐备忘录

12、engagement memorandum ─── [经] 业务备忘录

13、covering memorandum ─── [法] 随函备忘录

14、distribution memorandum ─── [经] 分配通知单

15、account distribution memorandum ─── [经] 帐户分配通知单, 入帐通知单

16、discussion memorandum ─── [经]

17、memorandum bill ─── [经] 备忘帐单

18、credit memorandum ─── [经] 贷项通知单

19、memorandum book ─── [经] 备查簿, 备忘录

memorandum 同义词

hauntingly | unforgettably | impressively | outstandingly | remarkably | unusually |notably | extraordinarily | strikingly

memorandum 相似词语短语

1、memoranda ─── n.备忘录(memorandum的复数)

2、membraneous ─── adj.膜的;膜状的

3、memorandums ─── n.备忘录;便笺;节略

4、membranes ─── n.细胞膜(membrane的复数);薄膜;膜皮

5、corundum ─── n.刚玉

6、membrane ─── n.膜;薄膜;羊皮纸

7、membranal ─── 细胞膜的

8、membranous ─── adj.膜的;膜性的;膜状的

9、membraned ─── 细胞膜的;假膜的(membrane的过去分词和过去式)

memorandum 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Kindly forward these by fast freight. enclosed please find a draft as per memorandum bill you send us. ─── 上述货物,请尽快发货。按照贵公司寄我司的价格单,同函寄上汇票一份,请查收。

2、But Ballmer did not mention that, in the Understanding Memorandum, Microsoft has made its biggest concession ever in its history - the disclosure of its source codes. ─── 但巴尔默那天没有提到,微软在这份谅解备忘录中做出了有史以来最大的让步--开放源代码。

3、On April 12,1969, to bring matters to a head, I sent the President a memorandum. ─── 1969年4月12日,为了把事情引入决定性阶段,我向总统提交一份备忘录。

4、The Republican leaders had received a memorandum from William Kristol, former chief of staff to Vice President Dan Quayle, urging them to kill health-care reform. ─── 前任副总统丹.奎尔的办公室主任威廉.克里斯托尔送给共和党领导人们一份备忘录,力劝他们封杀医保改革。

5、He said the company has a letter of memorandum signed with GM, but hasn't obtained approval for the deal from the central government. ─── 他说,公司与通用汽车签订了谅解备忘录,不过尚未获得中央政府的批准。

6、Spyker said it had signed a memorandum of understanding on the tripartite deal, and that it was subject to regulatory approval. ─── 世爵表示,已就这项三方协议签署谅解备忘录,该交易仍需得到监管部门的批准。

7、In witness whereof the parties have extended this memorandum of understanding the day and year first above written. ─── 为示信守,双方当事人在上述首次注明的日期达成本备忘录。

8、The two sides signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on cooperation. ─── 双方签署了合作谅解备忘录。

9、Memorandum of NSF Meeting in the Office of Mr. Carl Kaysen, Dec. ─── 国家安全委员会幕僚在凯森办公室的会议备忘录。

10、Memorandum of Understanding on Scientific and Technical Cooperation in Agriculture. ─── 农业科技合作谅解备忘录。

11、A little boy bustled into a grocery one day with a memorandum in his hand. ─── 一天,一个小男孩匆匆忙忙地走进了一家杂货店,手里拿着一张清单。

12、The two political rivals signed the document known as Memorandum of Understanding Monday in Harare in the presence of the mediator South African President Thabo Mbeki . ─── 周一,双方领导人在津巴布韦首都哈拉雷签署了谅解备忘录的文件,南非总统姆贝基作为中间人出席了签字仪式。

13、Its Constitution or Memorandum should specifically provide that members do not take any share of the profits nor any share of the assets upon dissolution. ─── 在申请团体的章程中必须明文规定,若团体解散,其成员不得分享其利润或资产。

14、In2005, EMG signed a memorandum of understanding with the Jewish state's public Israeli Electricity Company( IEC). ─── EMG在2005年时还曾与一家名叫以色列电力公司(ec)上市企业签署过一项谅解备忘录。

15、A copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association or constitution of your organisation. ─── 貴機構組織大綱及章程細則或會章副本一份。

16、Should we use the layout we use for a letter when we write a memorandum? ─── 写便函时同样用信函的格式吗?

17、During this Conference, Ghana and Finland had signed a Memorandum of Understanding between Ghana and the National Board of Patents and Registration (NBPR) of Finland. ─── 在该次会议期间,加纳和芬兰签署了一份加纳与芬兰国家专利和注册委员会(NBPR)之间的谅解备忘录。

18、The two governments signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) last December, which allows Chinese tourist groups to travel in the US. ─── 两国政府在去年十二月签署了一份谅解备忘录,允许中国公民组团赴美旅游。

19、The memorandum was not an evolution of the business letter but a new genre of writing. ─── 另外他也不认为备忘录是从传统信函演变过来的

20、Send this memorandum to that diplomat. ─── 你把这个节略交给那位外交官。

21、Summon any one and make this request: "Please look in the encyclopedia and make a brief memorandum for me concerning the life of Correggio". ─── 君呼其一并命之曰:“请子查阅百科全书,摘录克里吉奥生平诸事项。

22、Under English company law, the company's promoters control the contents of both the memorandum and articles of association. ─── 在英国公司法下,公司发起人掌控着组织章程大纲和章程细则的内容。

23、Clint E Hart,Leon M Wenzel.Real-Time Hybrid Computer Simulation of a Small Turboshaft Engine and Control System[R].NASA Technical Memorandum 83579,February 1984. ─── 古列维奇,戈尔别格.航空燃气涡轮发动机的控制方法与燃气涡轮发动机动态特性的数学模拟[M].程心建,朱旭津,于维风,等编译.无锡:中国航空动力控制系统研究所,1998.

24、The Defense Dialogue is part of the memorandum of understanding China and India signed last year. ─── 中印国防对话是两国去年签署的谅解备忘录的一项内容。

25、He had read the memorandum to scold. ─── 他看了备忘录骂了起来。

26、The two sides also signed a memorandum of understanding on the protection of intellectual property in textile industry. ─── 双方还在纺织业方面签署了一份保护知识产权的谅解备忘录。

27、On April 12, 1969, to bring matters to a head, I sent the President a memorandum. ─── 1969年4月12日,为了把事情引入决定性阶段,我向总统提交一份备忘录。

28、Stolen!' the King exclaimed, turning to the jury, who instantly made a memorandum of the fact. ─── “偷的!”国王叫了起来,并看了看陪审员。陪审员立即记下,作为事实备忘录。

29、Memorandum account A temporary account used to store accounting data prior to actual receipt or disbursement of the sums concerned. ─── 备忘帐户一种临时的帐户,用于在实际收到或支付有关金额以前记录会计数据。

30、Saturday's agreement is a memorandum of understanding that paves the way for -- but doesn't guarantee -- an eventual contract. ─── 上周六达成的谅解备忘录为最终协议铺平了道路,但却不能保证万无一失。

31、When the internal message is lighthearted and relatively unimportant, humor in a memorandum can distinguish its author as a person with personality and depth. ─── 当内部信息是轻松的、相对不重要的时候,备忘录中的幽默可以展现作者的个性和深度。

32、Strictly speaking, the document is not the contract, but merely the memorandum or record of the contract. ─── 严格地讲,该文件不是一份合同,但仅仅是合同的备忘录或记录。

33、A new memorandum and articles of association were promulgated, to meet the needs of the Penang Chinese Assembly Hall and the Penang Chinese Chamber of Commerce. ─── 中华大会堂和中华总商会也将它们的章程作出了符合民主的修订。

34、The memorandum was dated 23 August, 2008. ─── 备忘录上注明的日期是2008 年8 月23 日。

35、During the event of Gitex 2007, Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between AZM Computer Services (Pvt.) Ltd. ─── 在活动进行期间的肯定[台北2007年谅解备忘录(备忘录)之间AZM计算机服务(Pvt.

36、A memorandum may even be put together from two or more documents. ─── 一份备忘录甚至可由两个或几个文件组合而成。

37、In England, the articles in the memorandum of association can be altered with a special resolution. ─── 在英格兰,公司章程大纲中的条款可以通过特殊决议修改。

38、Disposable Memo Memorandum from each hotel, never use it, no dutry, etc. ─── 各大酒店的即用即弃便条纸,全新,从未用过,没有污秽等等!

39、Leshner and Lu signed a separate memorandum of understanding to select, translate and distribute 33 high-impact papers from the past decade of the journal Science. ─── Leshner和路甬祥分别签署了备忘录,从过去十年的《科学》期刊中选择、翻译和分发33篇最有影响力的论文。

40、Signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the World Health Organization, AHM (Leprosy Relief Organization) and WOSM to eliminate leprosy. ─── 与世界卫生组织(痲疯病防治组织)签署备忘录,共同努力消除痲疯病。

41、The memorandum laid down strict, almost harsh, requirements for the technology safeguards of US-made satellites to be launched in China. ─── 《协议备忘录》对保护美制卫星在中国发射时的技术安全,做了严格得近乎苛刻的规定。

42、Perhaps even more so than with letters, memorandum should start with the statement of the purpose early in the message. ─── 也许备忘录比书信更重要的是,备忘录应该从信息的目的开始。

43、He personally delivered any memorandum in which he was interested to the President. ─── 凡是他关心的文件,他都要亲自面交总统。

44、So far though, the project is little more than a memorandum of understanding. ─── 但是迄今为止,这项工程仅限于一项协议。

45、In a bizarre memorandum in early 1971 Haldeman instructed the staff not to pay too much attention to substantive details in our records of Presidential conversations. ─── 在1971年初的一份奇怪的备忘录中,霍尔德曼指示工作人员不要过多注意总统谈话记录中的实质性细节。

46、In case of operational urgency, temporary changes to a document by issuing a memorandum is allowed But such temporary changes must be authorized by the same approval authority. ─── 在紧急情况下,以发出备忘录方式对文件进行临时更改是允许的,但这样的更改必须由该负责部门审批。

47、He said that a memorandum of understanding is expected to be signed at the closing of the meeting so as to facilitate the implementation of TAGP project. ─── 他说,预料,这项会议闭幕时将签订一份谅解备忘录,以利执行泛东协天然气管计划。

48、documents leaked to the press was a memorandum written by the head of the security police. ─── 透露给报界的文件中有一份是秘密警察局长写的备忘录。

49、Which memorandum are you talking about? ─── 你说的是哪一份备忘录?

50、There was no immediate comment from Chinese top refiner Sinopec on the reported signing of a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Iran. ─── 中国石化方面没有就同伊朗签署谅解备忘录的报导立即置评。

51、He sent us a memorandum about the meeting. ─── 他给我们寄来了会议备忘录。

52、Memorandum and Articles of Association and any amending resolutions. ─── 公司组织章程及任何在修订中的决议.

53、CIA memorandum for MKULTRA Subproject 142 describes the control of animals through stimulation of brain electrodes. ─── 一份CIA的MKULTRA第142分项目的备忘录描述了通过大脑电极的刺激来控制动物。

54、China urges Japan to start the substantive destruction and at the earliest date possible,in accordance with the principles and provisions set forth in the Memorandum. ─── 中方希望日方能够切实按照备忘录的有关原则和规定,尽早启动实质性销毁工作。

55、A memorandum of understanding was signed with a manufacturer guaranteeing free supply of multi-drug therapy for leprosy worldwide up to the end of 2010. ─── 与一家生产厂商签署了一份谅解备忘录,保证到2010年底之前在全世界免费供应麻风病多种药物治疗。

56、Why can't the captain of a vessel keep a memorandum of the weight of his anchor,instead of weighing it every time he leaves port? ─── 为什么船长不会把锚的重量记下来,省得每次出港都要称一称它呢?

57、Two army brigadiers-general receive so-called “the kind memorandum”, is also the low degree penalty. ─── 两名陆军准将则收到所谓“关切备忘录”,也是较低程度的惩罚。

58、The memorandum of association deals with the external affairs of the company such as the business objects, aims and structure of the company. ─── 前者主要规定公司的外部事务,诸如公司的经营目标、成立宗旨和组织结构。

59、Type personnel correspondences, memorandum, circulars, reports, staff letter articles, meeting minutes, and maintain all the files. ─── 准备人力资源部的来往信函,备忘录,传阅文件,报告,员工书信,会议记录并准确存档。

60、According to a much-publicized internal memorandum, IBM Systems and Technology Group (STG) has now divided the System i Division into two separate, new business units. ─── 免责声明:本站数据全部由蜘蛛程序自动抓取而来,且仅提供文章链接及部分摘要信息,文章所持观点和本站无关,请点击原文链接查看原作者和出处!

61、After years of acrimony, CARB and the AMA reached, in 1996, a Memorandum of Agreement ( "MOA" ) which seemed to be an amicable solution. ─── 1996年,经过多年的舆论攻击,CARB和AMA达成一份协议备忘录(简称“MOA”),似乎是一个圆满的解决方案。

62、The following appeared in a memorandum from the planning department of an electric power company. ─── 下述文字摘自某电力公司规划部门的一份备忘录.

63、The company may do nothing that isn't covered by the objects clause in the Memorandum. ─── 凡简章的宗旨条款下没有包括的项目,公司不得经营。

64、During the visit two further addenda to the memorandum were signed, expanding the partnership. ─── 埃塞克斯大学于2005年11月与南京大学金陵学院签署了一个关于理工科的学生的2+2计划。

65、They can take the form of a “memorandum of understanding” or a “commitment letter” from the bank to the authorities and are less serious than formal enforcement actions. ─── 他们可以采用“谅解备忘录”或银行向有关部门签署“承诺书”的形式。这些形式没有正式的强制措施那么严肃。

66、He heavily cut Slote's memorandum . ─── 他大刀阔斧地压缩了斯鲁特的备忘录。

67、The contract can be enforced only against a party who has signed it or a note or memorandum of it. ─── 合同仅仅可能对签署它或它的记录或其备忘录的一方当事人被强制执行。

68、He noted down the date of the meeting in the memorandum book . ─── 他把会议日期记到备忘录里。

69、On Friday, December 14, 2007 around 7:00 p.m., Comair filed a nineteen-page Memorandum of Law in Support of its Motion [DE #1204]. ─── 周五,2007年12月14日下午七时左右,科姆提交了一份19页的法律备忘录来支持自己的请求。

70、That/ after that/ the Appellee on June132006Appeal petition and copy of Memorandum of Appeal from the Appellant,> filed a counter Memorandum of Appeal. ─── 告于2006年6月13日提出了抗诉备忘录后。

71、It inked a memorandum of understanding with Geely in Beijing in August, only a few days after the Geely-Volvo deal was completed. ─── 就在吉利沃尔沃并购案完美收官的几天后,投资瑞典同吉利在北京达成谅解备忘录。

72、Offering Memorandum A legal document stating the objectives, risks, and terms of investment involved with a private placement. ─── 发行备忘录声明私募的目标、风险及投资条款的法律文件。

73、Cleveland sent over a strong memorandum setting forth nine reasons why the President should go to New York. ─── 克利夫兰送来一份措词激烈的备忘录,列举了总统为什么应当去纽约的九点理由。

74、"This will be done together with the private sector," Konjore said.Konjore signed a memorandum of understanding in this regard at the ceremony. ─── 另外,双方还签署了经济技术合作协议和旅游合作协议。

75、The above-mentioned terms are to be implemented following the signing of this memorandum by the authorized officers of both Universities. ─── 上述提及的各条款将由双方主管官员在本备忘录上签字后执行。

76、Sent a memorandum to those concerned. ─── 发一份文件给相关人员

77、But we need to remember one fact, small but relevant, that Kissinger does not pursue: namely, Crowe's memorandum did not go unchallenged. ─── 但是我们需要记住一个与之相关的小小事实,基辛格并未就此继续深入:那就是,克罗的备忘录并不是没有受到质疑。

78、A memorandum of the wager was at once drawn up and signed by the six parties, during which Phileas Fogg preserved a stoical composure. ─── 一张打赌的字据当场写好,六位当事人立即在上面签了字。

79、I put my answers to these and other questions in a memorandum on the dilemmas of modernization in the hemisphere. ─── 在一份论述本半球现代化问题处于进退维谷境地的备忘录中,我回答了上述的和其他一些问题。

80、China and Jorda inked a Memorandum of Understanding on establishment of the first Confucius Institute in the kingdom. ─── 中国与约旦签订协议,将在约旦建首个孔子学院。

81、Can you tell me the differences between a letter and a memorandum? ─── 你能告诉我信函和便函有什么区别吗?

82、A brief note or memorandum. ─── 便条简短的便条或备忘字条

83、His response to my first memorandum was oblique. ─── 他对我的第一份备忘录的答复是闪烁其词的。

84、CFCSR and GLN signed a cooperative memorandum on March 2007, thus, a long term cooperative relationship has established. ─── 同盟于2007年3月与GLN签署了合作备忘录,建立了长期的合作关系。

85、And being thus agreed, this Memorandum of Understanding was executed by or on behalf of the parties on the day and year below, before the two undersigned witnesses. ─── 一经双方同意签字,经两位公证人签字,本谅解备忘录将于一年以后由双方执行生效。

86、His suggestion was contained in a memorandum published here today. ─── 他的建议是今天在这里发表的一项备忘录中提出的。

87、Kindly forward these by fast freight. enclosed please find a draft as per memorandum bill you sent us . ─── 上述货物,请尽快发货。 按照贵公司寄我司的价格单,同函寄上汇票一份,请查收。

88、Since undertaking commercial satellite launching services, the Chinese side has strictly observed the terms of this inter-governmental memorandum. ─── 从承揽商业卫星发射服务以来,中方严格遵守两国政府间的《协议备忘录》。

89、The following is a memorandum from the business manager of WLSS television station. ─── 下述文字摘自WLSS电视台业务经理的备忘录。

有谁知道article of association 和memorandum of association两者有何区别,适用于成

楼上正好说反了。在英美法国家或地区,公司有两份章程性文件,即Memorandum of Association和Articles of Association,共同简称为M&AA,前者一般译为组织大纲,是公司注册时向政府注册机构提交的公司章程,其内容比较简单,通常只包括公司名称、公司组织形式、公司注册地址、股份数额、股票种类等基本信息,有些国家只需公示这份文件,后者一般译为章程,主要规定公司的治理规则,侧重于公司内部规章。

有谁知道article of association 和memorandum of association两者有何区别,适用于成

article of association 公司(对外)章程---公司登记处存档

memorandum of association公司(对内)章程---规范公司内部事宜

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