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splendid 发音

英:[[ˈsplendɪd]]  美:[[ˈsplɛndɪd]]

英:  美:

splendid 中文意思翻译



splendid 反义词


splendid 词性/词形变化,splendid变形

副词: splendidly | 名词: splendidness |

splendid 同义词

fantabulous | brilliant | marvelous | fine | costly | glorious | sublime | grand | wonderful | sumptuous | splendiferous | fabulous | super | marvellous | golden | illustrious | impressive | vivid | gallant | imposing | resplendent | gorgeous | excellent | great | signal | regal | superb | flashy | dashing | good | magnificent | stately | first-class | wealthy

splendid 相似词语短语

1、splenic ─── adj.脾的;脾脏的

2、resplended ─── vi.发亮;灿烂

3、splendidness ─── 辉煌;壮丽;华丽

4、splenii ─── n.夹肌(splenius的变形)

5、splendidly ─── adv.华丽地;豪华地;壮观地

6、splendidous ─── 壮观的

7、splendor ─── n.光彩;壮丽;显赫;n.(Splendor)人名;(瑞典)斯普伦多尔

8、splendent ─── adj.光亮的;杰出的

9、splenia ─── 履行

splendid 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Magnificent her costume with splendid designs. ─── "羡彼之华服兮,闪灼文章"

2、His splendid new car was the envy of all his friends. ─── 他那部豪华的新车是他所有的朋友羡慕的东西。

3、He got a splendid present for her. ─── 他送她一件极好的礼物。

4、Whence comes this splendid feast? ─── 何以举办如此豪华的宴会?

5、If the plants want to be splendid, it need manure . ─── 如果想让植物生长得茂盛,就需要有肥料。

6、The nobles of Florence built splendid palaces. ─── 佛罗伦萨的贵族们建造了许多富丽堂皇的宫殿。

7、He gave them a splendid lunch of smoked salmon. ─── 他款待了他们一顿极好的熏三文鱼午餐。

8、She gave a splendid rendering of Beethoven's piano sonata. ─── 她精采地演奏了贝多芬的钢琴奏鸣曲。

9、It was splendid of you to make the offer. ─── 你提的这个建议太好了。

10、He looked in splendid health. ─── 他看来身体很好。

11、She chose the most splendid gown she had, and took out her jewels. ─── 她从衣饰中选出最华丽的一件长衫,取出她的珠宝。

12、Taizhou Economic Development Zone's tomorrow will be more splendid! ─── 台州经济开发区明天更辉煌!

13、His splendid speech swayed thousands of votes. ─── 他美妙的演说影响了成千上万的选票。

14、We got up very early especially for the splendid sunrise. ─── 為了那壮观的日出景色,我们特地起了个大早。

15、Their wedding was a splendid affair. ─── 他们的婚礼实在是一件很了不起的事。

16、The Whispering Gallery is a splendid place. ─── "回音廊"是一个绝佳去处。

17、How do you think of China Folk Culture Villages and Splendid China? ─── 你们认为中国民俗文化村和锦绣中华怎样?

18、The coastguard cottages had a splendid view overlooking the bay. ─── 在海岸警卫员的小屋正好可以看得见海湾壮丽的景色。

19、What about going there together -Yes, splendid! ─── 一道去怎么样? --不错,很好!

20、It's splendid that you are here. ─── 你在这儿太好了。

21、Meanwhile, Joe Gowlan was having a splendid time. ─── 在这段时期内,乔·戈伦却是飞黄腾达。

22、She appeared at the reception with splendid jewels. ─── 她一身珠光宝气出现在招待会上。

23、The book includes a wealth of splendid photographs. ─── 这本书有大量非常好的照片。

24、You're all doing a splendid job; keep up the good work! ─── 你们干得都很出色,要坚持下去!

25、Your brain and your insight are splendid. ─── 你头脑敏锐洞察一切。

26、Oh, how splendid! We took a lot of pictures there. ─── 太雄伟了,我们照了很多照片。

27、She was arrayed with splendid trappings . ─── 她穿着华丽的礼服。

28、He's a splendid fellow, so simple-you will see. ─── 他是个了不起的人,非常朴素,你以后会明白的。

29、He had established a splendid record in the first World War. ─── 他在第一次世界大战中已建立辉煌的战绩。

30、Ebenezer: Oh, what a splendid idea! ─── 哦,多棒的主意!

31、He gave us a splendid dinner, piping hot. ─── 他请我们吃了一顿美餐,热腾腾的。

32、They set up a war-whoop of applause,and said it was splendid! ─── 他们大喊大叫,极力称赞,说这个主意“妙极”啦!

33、There was once a king of France so splendid and powerful. ─── 从前有个法国国王,声名赫赫,又有权威。

34、The Son of Heaven sits in the Splendid Hall. ─── 天子坐明堂。

35、The splendid dinner whet the appetite of the guest. ─── 一顿辉煌的晚餐,使客人们食欲大振。

36、Your work has been splendid. ─── 你的工作一直很出色。

37、He wrote a splendid polemic in my favour. ─── 他写了一篇出色的文章为我辩护。

38、This had been a splendid evening. ─── 今晚过得愉快极了。

39、When Autolycus gave Ulysses his name, he said that he must come to stay with him, when he was a big boy, and he would get splendid presents. ─── 当奥托吕科斯给尤利西斯取名字的时候,他说尤利西斯长成一个大男孩后必须去跟他住在一起,那时候尤利西斯会得到极好的礼物。

40、The Chinese nation has a long and splendid civilization. ─── 中华民族有着悠久灿烂的文化。

41、That's splendid news. ─── 好消息。

42、In the splendid days, may you enjoy your life in the coming year. ─── 在这光芒四射的日子里,祝你在新的一年都欢乐无比。

43、His reputation as a statesman is splendid. ─── 作为政治家, 他的名声极好。

44、His nephew was absorbed in the splendid fireworks. ─── 他的侄子专注于那些灿烂的火花。

45、We had a splendid Indian summer last October. ─── 去年十月,我们度过了一个十分美妙的小阳春。

46、He also gives splendid answers on programming. ─── 在编程方面,邹老师也做了精彩的回答。

47、How splendid the sunsets are on warm evenings! ─── 在暖和的傍晚,夕阳多么美丽!

48、He's so splendid, he's often lived on cocoa for a week! ─── 他真有趣;时常一个星期都靠吃可可过日子!

49、What a splendid, inspired address he gave us! ─── 他给我们做了一次多么精彩、多么有创见的演讲啊!

50、Every nucleus lives in splendid isolation. ─── 原子核处于极佳的隔离状态。

51、Her son is going for a doctor! Isn't that splendid! ─── 他的儿子打算成为医生!这不是挺不错的吗!

52、They turned in a splendid effort. ─── 他们创造了辉煌的成就。

53、"Oh, what splendid clothes!" thought the Emperor. ─── "啊,多妙的衣服啊!"皇帝想。

54、The sun is shining in all his splendid beauty. ─── 太阳发出灿烂的光芒。

55、A splendid view burst upon our sight. ─── 一片壮丽的景色出现在我们眼前。

56、Splendid prospects lie before us. ─── 在我们面前展现了光明灿烂的前景。

57、Melanie: It was splendid of her to make the sacrifice. ─── 梅兰妮:她的牺牲是多么伟大。

58、How splendid you are this morning, dear! ─── 亲爱的,今天早晨你真漂亮呀!

59、He was a splendid, awe-inspiring, grave old man. ─── 他是个严肃的老人,卓而不群,令人敬畏。

60、The hall looked splendid in green and gold. ─── 大厅里金碧辉煌。

61、Only you'll be hanged by the honest men of Paris on a fine gibbet in a more splendid way. ─── 只是你会比较体面地由巴黎的老实人把你吊死在一个好看的绞刑架上。

62、The king was wearing a splendid golden crown. ─── 国王戴着光彩夺目的金王冠。

63、Hanging on the wall was a splendid painting. ─── 墙上挂的是一副精彩的画。

64、Splendid. We are all splendid. ─── 好极了,大家都好极了。

65、He was a splendid old man, only partly fraudulent . ─── 他是一个很好的老人,只是有些虚伪。

66、From these high stone balconies there was a splendid view of the river. ─── 从那些用石头构筑的高高的阳台上可以眺望美丽的河景。

67、You poor man. You've got a splendid color. ─── 你这可怜虫,气色倒挺好。

68、Harry ended this season with a splendid batting average of 110. ─── 哈里以辉煌的110击球率给本赛季划上了句号。

69、I think my life bright flower, but do not know when this splendid on die, and who will cherish my life? ─── 我想,我的生命灿烂如花,可是这灿烂不知道什么时候就消逝了,有谁还会珍爱我的生命呢?

70、When the weather is fine,the view from the hotel is splendid. ─── 天气好的时候,从饭店望出去的景色好极了。

71、Never in his life had he gazed upon such splendid scenes. ─── 他平生从未见过如此美丽的景色。

72、As I've worked on my happiness project, one of my biggest intellectual breakthroughs was the identification of my Second Splendid Truth. ─── 在我进行自己的快乐计划的过程中,我的最大一个智慧突破就和我的第二条完美真理认同。

73、Waiting for you with our splendid technique and knowledge! ─── 以出色的技术和知识等待着大家的光临。

74、You're both coming? Splendid! ─── 你们俩都要来?太好了!

75、But I still would not consider it to splendid lily! ─── 但我依然不会认为它会开出灿烂的百合花来!

76、Everything was got ready for a splendid wedding. ─── 一切准备就绪,一个隆重的婚礼即将举行。

77、It was splendid of her to make the sacrifice. ─── 她能作出这个牺牲那太好了。

78、You have the makings of a splendid cook. ─── 你有成为一位出色厨师的条件。

79、He has enjoyed a splendid education. ─── 他受到良好教育。

80、It looked splendid when first built. ─── 刚建成的时候,它看起来真是金碧辉煌。

81、The dark cloud of the financial crisis will disperse. Let us work together for a more splendid future. ─── 国际金融危机的阴霾终将散去,让我们配合开创更加辉煌灿烂的美好明天!

82、It is splendid of her to be so attentive. ─── 她那样专注是了不起的。

83、His house stands on the hill-side and commands a splendid view. ─── 他的房子在山腰上并能浏览美丽的风景。

84、China has a splendid ancient civilization. ─── 中国有着灿烂的古代文化。

85、A splendid book case goes along with the complete Encyclopaedia. ─── 一个漂亮的书架配上这套百科全书。

86、Their wedding was a splendid affair. ─── 他们的婚礼富丽堂皇。

87、What a splendid veiw! I never saw its equal! ─── 多美的景致,真是无与伦比。

88、The path in front of him is splendid. ─── 他面前的道路是灿烂的

89、He admired the splendid tree of gold and silver. ─── 他称赞这颗光彩夺目的金银树。

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