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08-01 投稿


disarms 发音

英:[dɪsˈɑːmz]  美:[dɪsˈɑːrmz]

英:  美:

disarms 中文意思翻译



disarms 词性/词形变化,disarms变形

动词过去分词: disarmed |动词现在分词: disarming |名词: disarmer |动词过去式: disarmed |动词第三人称单数: disarms |

disarms 同义词

unarm | demilitarise | win over | neutralize | beguile | paralyze | soften | defuse | make |demilitarize | addle | captivate | deactivate | enchant | charm | powerless

disarms 反义词


disarms 相似词语短语

1、inarms ─── vt.拥抱;环绕

2、disagrees ─── vi.不同意;不一致;争执;不适宜

3、disarrays ─── n.无秩序;杂乱;衣冠不整;vt.使混乱;弄乱;使脱去衣服

4、disarmed ─── v.武器解除,缴械(disarm的过去式和过去分词)

5、disarming ─── adj.使解除警戒心的;使人消气的;v.解除武装;使息怒(disarm的现在分词)

6、disaffirms ─── vt.否认;废弃(以前的判决);取消

7、disarmer ─── 解除防护装置

8、disadorns ─── 解散

9、disarm ─── vt.解除武装;裁军;缓和;vi.放下武器;裁减军备

disarms 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、He pours contempt on nobles and disarms the mighty. ─── 21他使君王蒙羞被辱、放松有力之人的腰带。

2、Which country will be the first to disarm? ─── 哪一国将先裁减军备?

3、If he can get you to live by his signals, he can damage and disarm you every time and dishonor the name of Christ in the process. ─── 只要你在生活中听从撒但的指示,牠会利用每一个机会,消除你的防备、毁坏你,并让你在整个事件中羞辱主的名。

4、not to disarm, but to undermine the inspectors; ─── 不是解除武装,而是破坏核查;

5、The peasants' campaign to "disarm the opium-smokers" is no less impressive than the disarming of the troops of Wu Pei-fu and Sun Chuan-fang by the Northern Expeditionary Army. ─── 农民这个“缴枪运动”,其声势不弱于北伐军对吴佩孚、孙传芳军队的缴枪。

6、He was that rarest of statesmen, one whose integrity disarms even his critics. ─── 他为人正直,连批评他的人也佩服他三分,在当代政治家中实属罕见。

7、"If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow). ─── “如果我们能够读懂我们敌人的内心私史,我们就会在每个人的生活中找到足够的悲伤和痛苦来消释所有的敌意” (亨利·瓦兹沃斯·朗费罗)。

8、Why Dose Russia Disarm Again ─── 俄罗斯缘何再次大幅裁军

9、Russia sided with France and Germany to block a Bush-backed U.N. resolution sanctioning military conflict to disarm Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. ─── 在谴责以布什对解除伊拉克总统萨达姆政权而采取的违反联合国宪章的军事行动上,俄罗斯和法国,德国立场一致。

10、Charm them and disarm them, with attractive advertising that sells your product and keeps them coming back for more. ─── 吸引他们、迷住他们,用迷人的广告把你的产品卖给他们并使他们回来买更多。

11、And it will not disarm so long as Saddam Hussein holds power. ─── 只要萨达姆还在掌权,伊拉克政权就不会消除武器。

12、He has rejected every peaceful opportunity offered to him to disarm. ─── 他已经拒绝了所有能和平缴械的机会。

13、Disarm: This ability now disarms ranged weapons as well. ─── 缴械:这个技能现在同时能缴械对方旳远程武器。

14、My fellow citizens, at this hour American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. ─── 同胞们,我们已经开始了对伊拉克的军事行动,我们要解除伊拉克的武装,解放伊拉克的人民,避免世界陷入危险。

15、Driver Door Disarm Switch Input ─── Driver door Disarm Switch Input(驾驶室门防盗开关输入)

16、If we decommission and disarm, and the Royal Army remains in the same position, then what will happen? ─── 如果我们退役或被解除武装,而尼泊尔王军仍旧存在,那会带来什么后果呢?

17、The top light illuminates when the auto brake disarms due to a malfunction, reminding the pilot that it's now his job to stop the plane. ─── 当自动刹车系统失灵时,控制器上方的指示灯会亮起,提示飞行员此刻应接手停住飞机。

18、Thailand would disarm and punish by law any foreign armed personnel once they were found using Thailand's territory for their activities. ─── 一旦发现任何外国武装分子利用泰国领土从事活动,泰方将他们缴械法办。

19、Disarm added to Delta Operator and Force Recon. ─── 为三角洲特种部队和武装侦察兵增加了拆卸技能。

20、Meanwhile, the Palestinian Authority says it plans to immediately disarm members of another militant group in the West Bank, the al-Aqsa Martyrs Brigade. ─── 同时,巴勒斯坦权力机构表示,它计划立即解除约旦河西岸另外一个激进组织阿克萨烈士旅成员的武装。

21、But because the women and children and old men of Hiroshima and Nagasaki didn't disarm the Japanese army, they deserved to be incinerated. ─── 但是因为广岛和长崎的妇女和儿童以及老人没有使日本军队放下武器,他们应当被烧成灰烬。

22、He persuaded thousands of right-wing paramilitaries to disarm, and has inflicted probably mortal blows on the FARC guerrillas. ─── 他说服了成千上万的右翼准军事组织解除武装,并给FARC(哥伦比亚革命武装力量)的游击队施加了几乎致命的打击。

23、If the opposition disarms, well and good." ─── 如果反对派解除武装,很好.

24、If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm any hostility. ─── 如果我们能够阅读我们敌人的秘史,我们应该找到每个人的生活中的悲伤和痛苦,足以消除任何敌意。

25、Peaceful efforts to disarm the Iraq regime have failed again and again because we are not dealing with peaceful men. ─── 和平解除伊拉克政权武装的努力已接二连三遭遇失败,因为与我们打交道的不是一个爱好和平的人。

26、Israeli officials have said they will continue their attacks until the Israeli soldiers are released and Hizballah disarms. ─── 以色列军方表示,他们将继续进攻,直到被绑架士兵获释、真主党解除武装。

27、The dealers drop their guns, and as Frank goes to disarm them, he smashes Rick in his injured shoulder, saying, “All this because you couldn't keep my brother alive. ─── 卖家们放下了他们的枪,弗兰克走过去解除了他们的武装,他向里克受伤的肩膀猛击,说道,“搞成这样都是因为他不能保住我弟弟的命。”

28、Self disarms him and they engage in a savage fistfight. ─── 不管怎样,赛尔夫试图告诉他,迈可兄弟俩是被陷害的,但户克斯听不进去。

29、On 19 March 2003,US President George W. Bush announced the start of " military operations to disarm Iraq,to free its people and to defend the world from grave danger. ─── 2003年3月19日(美国时间),美国总统乔治·W·布什宣布开始以"军事行动解除伊拉克武装,解放伊拉克人民,避免世界陷入严重的危险"。

30、If you kiss at the beginning, you cross a line and it disarms you.It can make it harder to have a tough meeting. ─── 如果一开始就亲吻对方,你就越过了界限,让你解除了武器,这会让你更难在会议上强硬起来。”

31、Driver Door Disarm Switch Input, perform TEST 11A. ─── 司机门去防设备开关输入,执行测试11A。

32、For more than a decade, the United States and other nations have pursued patient and honorable efforts to disarm the Iraqi regime without war. ─── 十多年来,美国和其它国家一直在付出耐心的、卓越的努力,以便不通过战争解除伊拉克政权武装。


34、She tried to think of some killer of an argument, a real zinger that would disarm all opposition. ─── 她试图找到正中要害的论据,一个足以驳倒所有反对者的制胜论点。

35、Everybody this thinking chessgame ended in light of this, but Yin towering unwilling “disarms” in light of this, launched has counter-attacked violently. ─── 大家本以为棋局就此结束,可是尹峻相不甘就此“缴械”,展开了猛烈反扑。

36、If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves."- Joseph Stalin" ─── 如果对手放下了武器,这不赖,就这样吧。如果他拒绝放弃,我们就应该自己动手。"-约瑟夫·斯大林"

37、The count looked around him with an expression which might have softened tigers, but which could not disarm his judges. ─── 伯爵环顾四周,他那种万般绝望的表情就是老虎看了也会心软,但却不能感动他的法官。

38、A few of these, amongwhom we may reckon the learned Origen,judged it the most prudent to disarm thetempter. ─── 他们中有少数人,包括博学的奥利金在内,认为这是使魔鬼无用武之地的最明智的办法。

39、Negotiations on steps to disarm nuclear North Korea were halted while Pyongyang prepared a declaration of its nuclear materials. ─── 关于拆除北韩核武装的步骤的谈判曾在北韩准备提交一份本国核材料清单时陷于停顿。

40、"The government of Sudan must disarm the janjaweed-the Arab militias that we all know could not exist without the Sudanese government's active support. ─── “苏丹政府必须解除贾贾威德的武装,众所周知,没有政府的积极支持,这支阿拉伯武装是无法存在的。”

41、To spare himself, he agreed to disarm of all weapons of mass destruction. ─── 为了保全自己,他同意解除全部大规模毁灭性武器。

42、He crept up from behind and managed to disarm the man. ─── 他从后面悄悄爬过来, 缴了那人的械。

43、Is the war to disarm and dislodge Saddam Hussein justified under international law? Has it been adequately authorized under U. S. law, with proper Congressional approval? ─── 在我写这篇文章的时候,美英联军正准备向伊拉克进攻。就本次战争而言,军事策略、缘政治和道德问题都是突出的问题,同时,法律问题也很突出。

44、The street has a lot of crazies, so you need to disarm her in the first second and let her know you are just a cool guy. ─── 在街上有很多疯子,所以你需要一开始就解除她的戒心,让她知道你只是一个很酷的家伙。

45、He urged the president to declare a “state of emergency” in the area and bring in the military to disarm the groups involved. ─── 他敦促总统宣布该地区进入“紧急状态”,派遣军队进入,解除参与此事的各团体的武装。

46、If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility(Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. ─── 如果我们能够读懂我们敌人的内心私史,我们就会在每个人的生活中找到足够的悲伤和痛苦来消释所有的敌意(亨利 瓦兹沃斯 朗费罗)。

47、The summons to an authoritarian saviour could, in distinctly possible circumstances, be put across if the move were made swiftly enough and respectably enough to disarm resistance. ─── 在明显的可能情况下,只要采取足够的迅速和体面的行动来克服阻力,就有可能召出一个独裁者来收拾残局。

48、The three countries would be strongly armed, and must not assume any obligation to disarm. ─── 三个国家都得拥有强大的武装,决不承担裁减军备的任何义务。

49、Adding a Disarm as our extra ability would be an amazing benefit even with reduced duration on Disarms. ─── 增加缴械效果是个非常好的额外技能,甚至减少缴械时间都没有关系。

50、Pick Lock and Disarm Trap no longer require Thieve's Tools. ─── 偷窃和拆除陷阱不再需要盗贼工具。

51、Today, no nation can possibly claim that Iraq has disarmed. And it will not disarm so long as Saddam Hussein holds power. ─── 今天,没有任何一个国家可以声称伊拉克已经解除了武装,而且只要萨达姆还掌握着伊拉克的政权,那么伊拉克就不会解除武装。

52、"Your humility,Mr. Bingley," said Elizabeth,"must disarm reproof." ─── “彬格莱先生,”伊丽莎白说,“你这样谦虚,真叫人家本来要责备你也不好意思责备了。”

53、He held a placard saying "Disarm Now!" ─── 他举著标语牌,上面写著"立即裁军!"

54、Tinker 200 +4 to Disarm Trap skill. ─── 修补匠200+4拆卸技能。

55、Riposte - Targets immune to disarm effects will now take damage from Riposte. ─── 反击,目标如果对击落武器免疫,那么,反击将不会对他产生任何伤害。

56、Would they really be willing or able to disarm Hizbullah by force? ─── 他们是否真正愿意且有能力通过武力使真主党解除武装?

57、Her mirth disarms and it is she who teaches us to laugh at rogues and fools,whom but for her we might be so weak as to despise and hate. ─── 她的欢笑可以解除对方的武装,教我们嘲笑恶棍和傻瓜的就是她。但是不是她的指引,我们定会脆弱得对那些人加以轻蔑和憎恨。

58、Changed Disarm base spell due to Defensive Stance conflict. ─── 修正了拆卸技能与防御姿态的冲突。

59、Her mirth disarms and it is she who teaches us to laugh at rogues and fools, whom but for her we might be so weak as to despise and hate. ─── 她欢笑可以解除对方的武装,教我们嘲笑恶棍和傻瓜的就是她.如果不是有她的指引,我们定会脆弱得那些人加以轻蔑和憎恨.

60、Burglar 0* +8 to Disarm Trap and Stealing skills. *Though supposed to be free, the Burglar evidently "steals" from you when looting. ─── 夜贼0+8拆卸,偷窃。看起来是免费的,但是夜贼也不会放过你的掠夺物。而且声誉也不下降。

61、If the opposition disarms, well and good. If it refuses to disarm, we shall disarm it ourselves. "- Joseph Stalin" ─── 如果对手放下了武器,这不赖,就这样吧。如果他拒绝放弃,我们就应该自己动手。“-约瑟夫•斯大林”

62、Are they sincere in their wish to disarm? ─── 他们真的想裁军吗?

63、He was the rarest of statesmen, one whose integrity disarms even his critics. ─── 他为人正直,连批评他的人也佩服他三分,在当代政治家中实属罕见。

64、never hurts to carry an extra weapon engraved with Swordshattering. Using this will reduce the duration of those disarms that feel like they will never end. ─── 带一把刻了碎剑符文的武器没坏处,这东西可以减少被缴械的时间。

65、The new idea agreed in Rome was to raise a United Nations force in order to help Lebanon's government assert its authority and disarm Hizbullah, in accordance with Security Council Resolution1559 of2004. ─── 为了帮助黎巴嫩政府维护权威和解除真主党武装,执行2004年联合国安理会1559号决议,在罗马达成新的一致意见是派驻联合国部队。

66、Israeli officials have said they will continue their attacks until the Israeli soldiers are released and Hizballah disarms. ─── 以色列军方表示,他们将继续进攻,直到被绑架士兵获释、真主党解除武装。

67、The world has waited 12 years for Iraq to disarm. ─── 全世界等待伊拉克解除武装已有12年之久。

68、Security Council decide Monday whether to give Saddam Hussein an ultimatum to disarm. ─── 17日是最后一天,要看看外交努力有没有用了。

69、N. on Sept. 12: A peaceful outcome to this situation is possible if Iraq cooperates with the U.N. and disarms. ─── 伊拉克提出的关于其拥有武器的报告是不完整、不准确的,对其处置大规模毁灭性武器的情况也没有提供实质性的信息。

70、He held a placard saying "Disarm Now!. ─── "他举着标语牌,上面写着"立即裁军!.

71、Her mirth disarms and it is she who teaches us to laugh at rogues and fools, whom but for her we might be so weak as to despise and hate. ─── 是她教会我们嘲笑流氓和笨蛋,如果没有她,我们大概都会软弱起来,只能去蔑视、仇恨这些人。

72、greatest irony of this Indo-US deal remains that While America disarms the unarmed, it arms up the well armed. ─── 这个印度最大的讽刺美交易仍然是在美国解除武装的武装,建立了它的武器装备精良。

73、The real solution is diplomatic. The real solution is political. And that's for the Lebanese government with the support of the international community to disarm Hezbollah. ─── 外交政策和政治方针才是真正的解决冲突的方法,黎巴嫩政府应该支持国际社会来解除真主党的武装。

74、1812 commenced to disarm us. ─── 一八一二年开始解除我们的武装。


76、"The message they are giving them is disarm or if not then they will decide how, when, where and at what time," he said. ─── 他说:“她们这样做就是为了让她们的丈夫放下武器,如果他们没交枪,就得决定准备在何时、何地、几点、通过何种方式交枪。

77、For the past year the government had kept up a dialogue with Reinado, in a vain effort to persuade him to disarm and face the courts. ─── 去年一年政府一直保持与雷纳多的对话,徒劳地想要说服他解除武装并接受法庭审判。

78、He was that rarest of statesmen, one whose integrity disarms even his critics. ─── 他为人正直,连批评他的人也佩服他三分,在当代政治家中实属罕见。

79、Disarm: to divest of a weapon or weapons. ─── 使缴械,使解除武装。

80、If we could read the secret history of our enemies,we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. ─── 如果我们能了解敌人内心隐秘,我们就会发现原来人人都经历过许多悲伤和痛苦,这就足以消除我们之间的敌意了。

81、At a news conference, President Bush reaffirmed Washington's refusal of North Korea's demand for a light-water nuclear reactor before it disarms. ─── 在新闻发布会上,布什再次重申华盛顿拒绝北韩提出的在放弃核武器前得到轻水核反应堆的要求。

82、If the opposition disarms, all is well and good. ─── 如果反对派自己解除武装,很好。

83、If we could read the secret history of our enemies, we should find in each man's life sorrow and suffering enough to disarm all hostility. ─── 如果我们能了解敌人内心隐秘,我们就会发现原来人人都经。

84、Another difference is that these talks are open-ended to allow as much time as needed to work out differences on how to get North Korea to disarm. ─── 与以往历次会谈不同的是,本轮会谈没有明确规定结束日期,以便有关各方有充份的时间消除分歧,说服北韩放弃核武计划。

85、Unexpectedly, the Antarctic experience the biggest snowstorm in 25 years, the official number to the Antarctic to stop the plan to disarm the alarm for 6 months or so, it seems that there is no hope. ─── 不料,南极遭遇25年来最大暴风雪,官方停止一些去南极的计划,警报解除要6个月左右,似乎没有任何希望。

86、At the top of the list is sulforaphane, a chemical that increases your body's production of enzymes that disarm cell-damaging free radicals and reduce your risk of cancer. ─── 其中,最具营养价值的是一种名为萝卜硫素的化学物质,它可促进机体生成一种能消除损坏细胞自由基的酶,还可减低患癌风险。

87、Which country will be the first to disarm ─── 哪一国将首先裁减军备?


89、Increased the amount of ranks you can have in Improved Disarm by 3. ─── 增加了强化缴械的等级3级。


包括是: 选拔棍子, 双重棍子, 空的手, 刀子战斗, 先进的战斗武器, 解除武装, 断裂、战斗的技术, 古老武器和更多


包括是: 选拔棍子, 双重棍子, 空的手, 刀子战斗, 先进的智能战斗, 解除武装, 断裂、战斗的技术, 古老武器和更多


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