watercourse 发音
英:['wɔːtəkɔːs] 美:['wɔtɚkɔrs]
英: 美:
watercourse 中文意思翻译
watercourse 短语词组
1、watercourse apartments ─── 水道公寓
2、industrial watercourse ─── [网络] 工业水道
3、watercourse def ─── 河道定义
4、watercourse denver ─── 丹佛水道
5、watercourse arrangement ─── 水道安排
6、underground watercourse ─── 地下水道
7、artificial watercourse ─── [法] 人造水道
8、watercourse mn ─── 水道mn
9、watercourse maintenance ─── 河道维护
10、watercourse apartments graham nc ─── 北卡罗来纳州格雷厄姆水道公寓
11、watercourse convention ─── 水道公约
12、navigable watercourse ─── 通航水道
13、watercourse apt ─── 水道
watercourse 词性/词形变化,watercourse变形
watercourse 相似词语短语
1、alter course ─── 转向
2、intercourse ─── n.性交;交往;交流
3、water course ─── [水文]水道;[水文]河道
4、watercourses ─── 水道
5、watercolours ─── n.水彩画;水彩画颜料(等于watercolor)
6、parcourse ─── 浏览
7、water courses ─── 水道
8、outercourse ─── n.非性交性快感
9、intercourses ─── n.性交;交往;交流
watercourse 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The watercourse pollution of Suzhou has become an outstanding and urgent problem, which seriously affects its city image. ─── 摘要当前苏州河道水环境污染问题突出,严重危及城市形象。
2、In arid drainage basin, when water resources is shortage ,the lake and watercourse will dry up, sand emerge, as a result, desert and desertification would to be inevitable. ─── 在干旱内陆盆地,一旦水资源供给减少,湖盆、河道干涸,泥沙出露,形成沙漠和沙漠化则是必然结果。
3、Barrage n. A dam placed in a watercourse to increase the depth of water or to divert it into a channel for navigation or irrigation ─── 堰:一种人工障碍物,如一大坝或一灌溉渠,建在水道里以增加其深度或分流
4、Organic pollution results when large quantities of organic matter are discharged into a watercourse to be broken down by microorganisms, which utilize oxygen to the detriment of lie stream biota. ─── 有机污染是这样产生的,如果大量有机物被排入河流,通过微生物的分解氧化从而损坏了河水里的生物群。
5、Ecological Response and Ecological Regeneration of Transfusing Stream Water along the Dried-up Watercourse in the Lower Reaches of the Tarim River, Xinjiang ─── 塔里木河下游断流河道输水的生态响应与生态修复
6、On The Localization of Yan, The Ancient Capital of Chu --Based on the Natural Changes of Watercourse of Han River ─── 明清时期汉江宜城段河道变迁与楚鄢都城址研究
7、natural watercourse ─── 天然水道
8、We will persistently conduct purifying water in rivers and plan to dredge up watercourse 2000 Kilometers this year. ─── 深入开展“清水河道”建设,疏浚河道2000公里。
9、In order to irrigate farmland conveniently or drain water smoothly, we must clear plants in watercourse. ─── 灌溉及排水用的渠道因为灌溉取水的需求,或是保持排水的顺畅,必须将河道中的植生去除。
10、watercourse sediment ─── 底泥
11、Analysis of Transition Process of Watercourse System of Cascade Pumping Station ─── 梯级泵站水道系统过渡过程计算分析
12、We only need to design little water, if accompanied by the design, give people the feeling that this is the natural watercourse. ─── 我们设计时只需要很少的水,如果附以这种设计,给人感觉这是自然的水道。
13、In the meanwhile, the result also show that the section configuration and near watercourse characteristic has influenced gravel bed load transport rate. ─── 河床断面形态及其相邻河道特性对输沙率也有较大的影响。
14、The waste repository was usually the nearest watercourse . ─── 废物容纳地点一般是离城市最近的水域。
15、Keywords watercourse pollution;flow;clear sullage;protective countermeasure; ─── 河道污染;流动;清淤;治理对策;
16、a watercourse that feeds water into a mill,water wheel,or turbine ─── 将水送入磨坊、水轮或涡轮机的水道
17、GIS-based analysis of spatial characteristics of watercourse and its water pollution in Shanghai City ─── 基于GIS的上海市河道及其水污染空间特征分析
18、watercourse bed ─── 常水河床
19、new waterway along the watercourse through replacement with iron pickets adverse plots, and strengthen ecological interface, and maintain the natural ecological environment ; ─── 新造水道与铁桩水道沿线通过置换不利地块,强化生态界面,保持小谷围岛环岛自然生态环境;
20、Leveraging the site's topographic relief, stone outcroppings define a dramatic watercourse. ─── 景观团队利用场地的自然地形起伏,创造出一条错落有致的石头河道。
21、the golden watercourse Yangtze River will be built to be the largest inland port and also try to become a bonded port and opened inland economic experimental region. ─── 其三是长江黄金水道,现正在建中国内河最大的港口,并争取建保税港区和内陆开放性经济试验区。
22、inland watercourse ─── 内陆水道
23、Improvements were carried out to a watercourse to enable cattle to range across the common. ─── 水道得到了改进,以便家畜可以在整个区域走动。
24、Circulated water allows you to utilize a watercourse, waterfall or fountain, adding ambient sound to your pond environment. ─── 循环水可以利用水道,瀑布或喷泉,添加到您的环境声音池塘环境。
25、underground watercourse ─── 地下水道地下河道
26、Discussion on Watercourse Renovation of Submontane Alluvial River ─── 山前冲积河流河道整治探讨
27、While she had been walking outside, the glow of twilight had descended. The grove of trees along the watercourse was an indistinct blur. ─── 她绕到外边时,暮色更低地压下来了。沟底下的树丛成了模糊的一片。
28、the bright moonlight illuminated argent watercourse,and the monkeys cried mirthlessly along the riverside. ─── 在我看来,江路应该是水道,因为原来就有“两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山”的诗句。
29、Withdrawal Technique of Large TSM for Penetrating Foundation Piles of Flood Prevention Wall under Watercourse ─── 大型盾构机地下穿越河道防汛墙前基础桩的处理
30、the bright moonlight illuminated argent watercourse,and the monkeys cried mirthlessly along the riverside. Flowers were dark and the town was located in the mountain, few placeman could be seem. ─── 在我看来,江路应该是水道,因为原来就有“两岸猿声啼不住,轻舟已过万重山”的诗句。把合适的修饰词用上,诗意可能就出来了。本人愚见,愿与各位切磋。
31、The Application of Electronic Tachoketer on The Set Out of Curvilinear Watercourse Centre Line ─── 全站仪在曲线段河道中线放样中的应用
32、As he approached Tarutino, Kutuzov noticed cavalry soldiers leading their horses to a watercourse across the road along which he was riding. ─── 当走近塔鲁丁诺时,库图佐夫看见在他经过的路上,有骑兵牵着马去饮水。
33、reformulation of watercourse ─── 河涌整治
34、It is situated on Taurus Island.In the north side, south waterway of Lan-sha-yang watercourse has a largest water depth of 19m. ─── 洋口港大型修造船基地作业区布置在金牛岛,其北侧蓝沙洋南水道最大水深可达19米。
35、A Study on Watercourse Shifts of the Hutuo River on the Plain since the Ming Dynasty ─── 明以降滹沱河平原段河道变迁研究
36、The Qian Tang River has been conjoined with the Jing-Hang Grand Canal to bring the city within the easy reach of the national watercourse system. ─── 沪杭之间已形成“同城效应”。
37、The aquatic plants will change the flow structure of a watercourse, arid will affect the flow characteristics. ─── 摘要水生植物的种植改变了原先河道的水流结构,影响了水体的水流特性。
38、Thermal pollution — pollution caused by the injection of heat into a watercourse. ─── 热污染——向河道里注入热而导致的污染。
40、An artificial obstruction, such as a Dam or an irrigation channel, built in a watercourse to increase its depth or to divert its flow. ─── 堰一种人工障碍物,如一大坝或一灌溉渠,建在水道里以增加其深度或分流
41、watercourse pollution ─── 河道污染
42、It’s well within the national watercourse network because of the Qiantang River and the Grand Canal. ─── 以钱塘江、京杭大运河为主干,形成连通全国的水运网络。
43、watercourse test ─── 水路试验
44、Not only make the watercourse constantly sent trickling sluggishly being clean, but the toilet, and spills into the water system from debris around, the way open, begin smoothly. ─── 不仅可以使上水道不断送来涓涓清流,还能使马桶、地漏等下水系统摆脱杂物缠绕,一路畅通,哗哗顺畅。
45、Protocol on Shared Watercourse Systems; ─── 共有水道系统议定书;
46、Keywords Huzhou;watercourse;ecological restoration;total nitrogen;total phosphorus; ─── 河道;生态修复;总氮;总磷;湖州;
47、Keywords watercourse administration;environmental impact assessment;construction and run phrase;protective measures; ─── 关键词河道整治;环境影响评价;施工和运行期;保护措施;
48、under ground watercourse ─── 导水通道
49、Watercourse regulating ─── 河道整治
51、The king's heart is in the hand of the Lord ; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. ─── 王的心在耶和华手中,好像陇沟的水随意流转。
52、Scour and Sedimentation in Watercourse ─── 河道冲淤
53、Computational Method of Flood Routing in Long Watercourse with Compound Cross-section ─── 复式断面长河道洪水演进计算方法
54、sandy and gravel watercourse ─── 卵石夹沙河床
55、We walked along the narrow and crooked watercourse, going through the village. ─── 我们沿着贯村而过的狭窄迂回河道行走。
56、This same Hezekiah also stopped the upper watercourse of Gihon, and brought it straight down to the west side of the city of David.And Hezekiah prospered in all his works. ─── 代下32:30这希西家也塞住基训的上源、引水直下、流在大卫城的西边.希西家所行的事、尽都亨通。
57、common watercourse ─── 普通水道
58、Then, the control methods in cultivation of shellfish were discussed, such as change hang watercourse, sagger adherence time, use medicine. ─── 同时,对在养殖生产中可利用改变吊挂水层、错开附着时间、使用药物等防除措施进行了探讨。
59、The parallel work of every branch engineering on the watercourse renovating engineering has importance significance for saving invest and shortening time for a project. ─── 河道整治工程各分部工程间的平行作业,对缩短工期,节省投资具有十分重要的意义。
60、receiving watercourse ─── 受纳水系
61、It was located between the mouth of the Singapore River and a small watercourse, which is known today as Stamford Canal. ─── 位置在新加坡河口与一个今天称作史丹福渠的水道之间。
62、Design of the Fasten and Hang System Used for Steel Tube Arch Rib assembling of the Extra-large Bridge on Dongguan Watercourse ─── 东莞水道特大桥钢管拱肋吊装扣挂系统设计
63、A watercourse that feeds water into a mill, water wheel, or turbine. ─── 引水渠道将水送入磨坊、水轮或涡轮机的水道
64、The flood diversion capacity of watercourse at the lower reach of a reservoir concerns submergence of the upper reach of the reservoir and the safety of reservoir itself. ─── 水库下游河道行洪能力不仅涉及水库上游淹没和水库安全,对水库下游河道堤防、城镇和村落的安全造成的潜在危险也是最需要考虑的因素。
65、If the navigation target is deviated from watercourse in the navigation system, it would be a unacceptable error. ─── 摘要内河导航系统中,若导航目标的测量结果偏离了河道,将是一种不可接受的误差。
66、watercourse cleaning ─── 河道治理
67、Construction of footings in water by sheet pile cofferdam method and pumping water from within the dam to settling ponds before returning it to the watercourse. ─── 施工的脚在水中钢板桩围堰施工方法及抽水,从山峡大坝至沉降池,然后再返回到水道。
68、Keywords Ming &Qing dynasties;Haihe River water system (the southern part);watercourse migration;water system structure;water environment; ─── 明清时期;海河南系;河道变迁;水系格局;水环境;
69、An artificial obstruction, such as a dam or an irrigation channel, built in a watercourse to increase its depth or to divert its flow. ─── 堰一种人工障碍物,如一大坝或一灌溉渠,建在水道里以增加其深度或分流
70、This same Hezekiah also stopped the upper watercourse of Gihon, and brought it straight down to the west side of the city of David. ─── 30这希西家也塞住基训的上源,引水直下,流在大卫城的西边。
71、If the navigation target is deviated from watercourse in the navigation system, it would be a unacceptable error. ─── 内河导航系统中,若导航目标的测量结果偏离了河道,将是一种不可接受的误差。
72、Keywords watercourse pollution;the ability of the river self-purification;protective countermeasure; ─── 关键词河道污染;河道自净能力;防治对策;
73、Being after her against the winding watercourse, the way is rough and long. ─── 溯游从之,宛在水中央。蒹葭萋萋,白露未晞。所谓伊人,在水之湄。
74、contiguous watercourse ─── 毗连水道
75、Numerical Simulation on the Forebay(Outlet Sump) Watercourse of Pumping Station with Bidirectional Tubular Pump ─── 双向贯流泵泵站进(出)水池流道数值模拟
76、With deep precipice and over hanging rocks on each side , many shoals one after another, the Yangtze Gorges were praised as“ the Landscape Painting Gallery” and “Golden Watercourse”. ─── 三峡两岸悬崖峭壁,江中滩峡相间,被海内外游客誉为“山水画廊”和“黄金水道”。
77、international watercourse ─── 国际水道
78、silt of watercourse ─── 河道淤积
79、We walked along the narrow and crooked watercourse,going through the village. ─── 我们沿着贯村而过的狭窄迂回河道行走。
80、Watercourse evolution ─── 河道变迁
81、city watercourse ─── 城市河道
82、Case study of not pay for the watercourse maintenance fee of a certain enterprise in Zaozhuang City ─── 枣庄市某企业不缴纳河道维护费案例分析
83、Water along wind watercourse moistening elegant "scenery. ─── 流水顺着蜿蜒的水道滋润着优雅“风景”。
84、PPS covers, plastic pipes pieces, plastic products manufacturing sales; Control of the watercourse, fittings wholesale, retail. ─── pps井盖、塑料管件、塑料制品制造销售;水道管件、洁具批发、零售。
85、artificial watercourse ─── 人工水道
86、Through the circular watercourse around the island, water can be diverted into another direction. ─── 这里是利用环岛的弯道,把水引导到另外一个方向去。
87、The king's heart is in the hand of the LORD ; he directs it like a watercourse wherever he pleases. ─── 人所行的,在自己的眼中都看为正,惟有耶和华衡量人心。
88、Watercourse to help Caohe dominated transport, affecting the livelihood of Gyeonggi. ─── 漕帮把持漕河运输,影响着京畿的民生。
89、port and watercourse ─── 港口航道
1. 选择防水相机
2. 普通相机加装防水壳
直接防水的相机体积小,重量轻,携带方便,安全性能高。 但是防水深度有限,成像质量不太理想,所以,直接防水的相机比较适合浮潜玩家以及刚入门的深潜玩家。
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