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Antwerp 发音

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Antwerp 中文意思翻译



Antwerp 网络释义

n. 安特卫普(港市名称,位于比利时北部)

Antwerp 短语词组

1、York-Antwerp rules ─── [经] 约克一安特卫普规则

2、Antwerp blue ─── [化] 亚铁氰酸锌粉

3、Antwerp International Airport (ANR) ─── 安特卫普国际机场(ANR)

Antwerp 相似词语短语

1、ant heap ─── n.人群密集的地方;蚁丘

2、anther ─── n.[植]花药;花粉囊

3、ant-heap ─── n.人群密集的地方;蚁丘

4、twerp ─── n.蠢人;卑鄙的人;讨厌的家伙

5、anthers ─── n.[植]花药;花粉囊

6、antler ─── n.鹿角,茸角;多叉鹿角;n.(Antler)人名;(法)安特莱;(英)安特勒

7、antlers ─── n.[脊椎]鹿角;[脊椎][中医]茸角(antler的复数)

8、Antwerp ─── n.安特卫普(港市名称,位于比利时北部)

9、Antwerpen ─── 安特卫普

Antwerp 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、When the Germans took Antwerp, the British would have to pull another Dunkirk. ─── 一旦德军抵达安特卫普,英国人又得来一把敦刻尔克大撤退。

2、At Antwerp, he scored an impressive35 goals in61 games. Now, having secured a work permit to play in England, he can begin playing competitive matches. ─── 在安特卫普他令人印象深刻的在61场比赛里打进了35个球。现在他已经得到了英格兰劳工证,已经可以为曼联出战正式比赛。

3、FOR all its grand central squares and lively cultural scene, the Belgian port of Antwerp is not always a happy town. ─── 比利时安特卫普港拥有非凡的中心广场和充满活力的文化场所,但并非事事处处愉快。

4、“These men had just unloaded from the boat in Antwerp a few hours earlier,” Cooper said, “They had received no previous indoctrination on what they were to do. ─── “这些人几个小时前刚从安特卫普下船,”库珀说,“对于要来干什么,他们根本未受到事先训导。”

5、Most people visit zoos to see the animals - but visitors to Antwerp Zoo in Belgium are being told not to look at the apes. ─── 去动物园的人都爱仔细观察动物们的表情,但是比利时安特卫普动物园近日却要求游人不要和猩猩等猿类动物进行长时间的目光交流,因為这会导致它们患上忧鬱症。

6、3.In Antwerp, in 1920, each dove wore on one leg a ribbon in the colors of one of the participating nations. ─── 1920年安特卫普奥运会上,每只鸽子的腿上都绑有一条丝带,每条丝带的颜色代表一个参赛国家。

7、Antwerp lace ─── 安特卫普花边

8、So swift was the advance that the Germans did not have time to destroy the harbor facilities at Antwerp. ─── 进展如此神速,德军来不及破坏安特卫普的港口设施。

9、LONDON, England -- Friedel and Robert Borisewitz have led extraordinary lives. Jewish citizens born in Antwerp, Belgium, they survived the Holocaust by fleeing to Brazil with fake documents. ─── 伦敦,英格兰--弗瑞德尔和罗伯特鲍瑞色维茨引领令人惊奇的生活,犹太公民生于比利时,安特卫普,他们使用伪造的证件逃到巴西幸免于大屠杀。

10、Chelsea youngsters could soon be gaining first-team experience in a top European league such as some Man Utd youngsters do with Belgian club Antwerp. ─── 切尔西的青年军能很快得到在欧洲联赛上上场的经验,就像曼联之于比利时俱乐部安特卫普一样。

11、If that happened, he wouldn't need Antwerp. ─── 如果战争结束了,他也就不需要安特卫普了。

12、If Eisenhower stopped both Patton and Montgmery and put the major effort into opening Antwerp, he would have a stable supply situation for a winter campaign. ─── 如果艾森豪威尔叫停巴顿和蒙哥马利,以主要力量打开安特卫普港口,就能为冬季战役提供持续补给。

13、In 1886,Van Gogh left Holland forever and traveled via Antwerp to Paris,and to major changes in artistic style. ─── 1886年,凡高永远地离开了荷兰取道安特卫普前往巴黎,他的艺术风格也发生了重大的变化。

14、Campbell became an instant hero with Antwerp's passionate support through his goalscoring exploits, and he admits playing under their expectancy provided the biggest lesson of his time in Belgium. ─── 坎贝尔成为了英雄,安特卫普人热情的支持了他的进球狂潮。他承认在这样的球迷面前踢球是在比利时最大的一课。

15、There lived a very old man in a small hut on the outskirts of a little village which was about three miles from Antwerp. ─── 从前,大约在离安特卫普市三英里的一个小村庄边有间小茅屋,里面住着一位老先生。

16、Antwerp Port Engineering and Consulting ─── 安特卫普港口工程与顾问公司

17、MAMMA MIA! Antwerp closed 2 July 2006 at the end of its very successful limited engagement in Belgium. ─── 在安特卫普的表演于2006年7月2日结束了短暂且成功的演出。

18、She finished third in the world cross-country championships in Antwerp. ─── 她在安特卫普省举行的世界越野锦标赛中夺得了第三名。

19、A model reveals a white diamond that hefts 603 carat on a news conference that in Belgian Antwerp the province holds. ─── 一名模特在比利时的安特卫普省举行的一个记者招待会上展示一颗重达603克拉的白色钻石。

20、The Olympic Motto first appeared officially in 1920 Antwerp Games. ─── 奥林匹克格言在1920年安特卫普奥运会上正式出现。

21、At mid-century, an Antwerp financier only slightly exaggerated when he claimed, "One can no more trade without bills of an exchange than sail without water." ─── 在这个世纪中叶,一位安特卫普的金融家略微夸张地说道:“没有汇票就不能交易,正如没有水就不能航行一样。”

22、On the 7th June I flew to Antwerp to receive the freedom of the city. ─── 6月7日我飞往安特卫普,去接受荣誉市民证书。

23、He is a senior vice present with Shoregold, a diamond mining company in Canada.He goes to Antwerp to have his diamonds revalued. ─── 他是加拿大钻石开采公司绍尔高德的高级副总裁,他来到安特卫普为公司的钻石做重新评估。

24、The brief for the new building specified that it had to symbolise the Port of Antwerp as a world port and economic driver of Flanders and the Antwerp area. ─── 在简短的新建筑,它已指定象征港口安特卫普作为一个世界港口和经济驱动的佛兰德斯和安特卫普地区。

25、biggest sixteenth-century printer, Plantin of Antwerp, had twenty-four printing presses and employed more than a hundred workers. ─── 最大的印刷商是安特卫普的普兰丁,拥有24台印刷机,雇佣了一百多名工人。

26、Games in Antwerp ─── 安特卫普奥运会

27、If Peiper could get across the Meuse the roads to Antwerp were open. ─── 如果佩普部队得以横渡默兹河,通向安特卫普的道路就敞开了。

28、Born in Dronrijp, the Netherlands, and trained at the Academy of Antwerp, Belgium, he settled in England in 1869. ─── 他生于尼德兰,受训于安特卫普学院,并于1869年定居英国。

29、In Ludwigshafen and Antwerp, it can be avoided for the time being thanks to the use of flexible manpower planning. ─── 在路德维希港和安特卫普,它可避免目前由于采用灵活的人力资源规划。

30、Brussel fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next day. ─── 他于9月3日攻克布鲁塞尔,次日又克安特卫普。

31、A comparison of three street canyon models with measurements at an urban station in Antwerp, Belgium ─── 三个街道峡谷模式与比利时安特卫普城市站点测量结果的比较

32、It was also at Antwerp that the athlete oath was first taken. ─── 在安特卫普奥运会上,还产生了奥运会运动员誓词。

33、Accept cargo to Scandinavia destinations VIA Antwerp. ─── 兼收通过比利时安特卫普中转至斯堪的纳维亚各港口。

34、Two other important ceremonial innovations had appeared earlier at the 1920 Games in Antwerp, Belgium. ─── 另外两项重要的仪式革新,早在1920年出现在比利时安特卫普奥运会上。

35、A fellow flier, eh? Good to meet you. The name's Crown. Rotten being brought down to earth like this, Isn't It? I was on Spits. Clipped the wings of six Hunns before the rotters punched a hole In my fuel tank over Antwerp. ─── 一个飞行员老兄啊?很高兴见到你。名字是可?。被带到这个地球上来的贱种,对吧?我被瞧不起。我还没说在安特卫普那边被一些浑蛋把我的飞机油箱春笏个洞勒。

36、Antwerp Port Engineering and Consulting; ─── 安特卫普港口工程与顾问公司;

37、This symbol of peace was used again at the opening ceremony in Antwerp in 1920. ─── 1920年比利时安特卫普奥运会的开幕式上,和平鸽又一次被放飞。

38、Antwerp mannerism ─── 安特卫普风景画派

39、the 1920 Olympic Games in Antwerp ─── 1920安特卫普奥运会

40、antwerp blue ─── 亚铁氰酸锌粉

41、Like Lismer, Varley was born in Sheffield, studied at the Sheffield School of Art and later, the Antwerp Academy, in Antwerp, Belgium. ─── 1918年他被委任为陆军上尉为加拿大战争纪念碑作画。就在第二年他回到多伦多时,他接到了很多画人物像的任务。人物作品将是他的主要兴趣。

42、At Antwerp, he scored an impressive 35 goals in 61 games. Now, having secured a work permit to play in England, he can begin playing competitive matches. ─── 在安特卫普他令人印象深刻的在61场比赛里打进了35个球。现在他已经得到了英格兰劳工证,已经可以为曼联出战正式比赛。

43、Antwerp, Belgium, July 18, 2009--"Flash mob" participants pillow-fight at the Antwerp train station. ─── 2009年7月18日,比利时,安特卫普---“快闪族”在安特卫普火车站参与枕头大战。

44、Kolehmainen finished 4th in the 1917 Boston Marathon, and in 1920 at Antwerp, he won the gold medal in the marathon. ─── 1907年,科勒迈宁参加了自己的第一个马拉松赛;1917年,他获得波士顿马拉松赛的第四名;1920年,他在安特卫普奥运会马拉松赛上获得金牌。

45、At Antwerp, Varley had a reputation of being a heavy drinker and leading a rather bohemian life. ─── 就在第二年他回到多伦多时,他接到了很多画人物像的任务。人物作品将是他的主要兴趣。

46、Antonin Tron is a young designer who studied at the legendary Antwerp Royal Academy. ─── Antonin Tron, 24岁的天才设计师,2007年毕业于比利时安特卫普皇家学院。

47、Paavo Nurmi may have been the talk of Antwerp in1920, but he was the sensation of Paris four years later. ─── 如果说帕沃·尔米在1920年安特卫普奥运会上只是人们谈论的热门话题,那么在4年后的巴黎,他则成为轰动一时的人物。

48、'The operation in Antwerp went well. ─── “在安特卫普的手术进行得很好。

49、MAMMA MIA! Antwerp had 115 performances and was seen by over 140,000 people. ─── 在安特卫普共计有115场表演,观众人数累积超过十四万人。

50、Antwerp cabinet ─── 安特卫普式柜

51、Most people visit zoos to see the animals- but visitors to Antwerp Zoo in Belgium are being told not to look at the apes. ─── 去动物园的人都爱仔细观察动物们的表情,但是比利时安特卫普动物园近日却要求游人不要和猩猩等猿类动物进行长时间的目光交流,因为这会导致它们患上忧郁症。

52、Paavo Nurmi may have been the talk of Antwerp in 1920, but he was the sensation of Paris four years later. ─── 如果说帕沃·努尔米在1920年安特卫普奥运会上只是人们谈论的热门话题,那么在4年后的巴黎,他则成为轰动一时的人物。

53、"I contacted Sir Alex during pre-season about getting Jonny on loan, but a deal with Antwerp was done," he recalled. ─── “我赛季前和弗格森商量过打算租借他,但那个时候安特卫普的协议已经签了,”他回忆道。

54、Nello and Patrasche were coming back from Antwerp. ─── 尼洛和帕特拉斯基正从安特卫普往回走。

55、There were a lot of majestic old stone buildings in Antwerp. ─── 安特卫普市里有着很多富丽堂皇的石造古老建筑物。

56、The former Royal Antwerp and Dalian Shide striker has yet to make an appearance in Sir Alex's side, but training with the first-team has brought his game on in leaps and bounds. ─── 前安特卫普和大连前锋还没有进入弗格森爵士的一线队,但是已经和一线队一起训练。

57、Antwerp Mannerists ─── 安特卫普风格画家

58、Battles of Antwerp ─── 安特卫普之战

59、A fellow flier, eh? Good to meet you. The name's Crown. Rotten being brought down to earth like this, Isn't It? I was on Spits. Clipped the wings of six Hunn before the rotters punched a hole In my fuel tank over Antwerp. ─── 一个飞行员老兄啊?很高兴见到你。我名字是可?。被带到这个地球上来的贱种,对吧?我被瞧不起。我还没说在安特卫普那边被一些浑蛋把我的飞机油箱春笏个洞勒。

60、Early in the 17th century the banking industry was no longer a leader in Europe; that role had been acquired by Antwerp. ─── 十七世纪早期,佛洛伦萨的银行业不再拥有欧洲的主导地位,这一地位被安特卫普所取代。

61、Antwerp fell behind again on 51 minutes, only to snatch an 86th-minute equaliser through Alexandre Di Gregorio. ─── 安特卫普在51分钟时再度落后,亚历山德.乔治瑞奥在86分钟的进球将比赛扳成平局。

62、At the Antwerp Ages and the Genoa Ages,much merchant capital was the merchandise capital and interest capital. ─── 安特卫普时期与热那亚时期,商人资本主要表现为商品资本与生息资本;

63、Darron Gibson , meanwhile, is still to make his Antwerp debut because of injury. ─── 同时,D吉布森因为受伤仍未能在安特卫普上演处子秀。

64、A panoramic snapshot of ETO taken on January 1, 1945, would have shown (moving west to east): tankers and freighters and transports unloading at Le Havre, Antwerp, Cherbourg; ─── 1945年开年之际,盟军已将德军赶回到德国边界或边界接近地。

65、"He might not have come to Roy Keane's attention playing for Antwerp [had he not made] his debut against Spain.” ─── “在安特卫普的时候他可能不会引起基恩的注意,但是代表国家队出战西班牙就不同了。”

66、One day, two years later, Patrasche was going on as usual along one of the straight, dusty roads that led to the city of Antwerp. ─── 两年后,有一天帕特拉斯基一如往常地走在通往安特卫普市其中一条笔直且尘土飞扬的路上。

67、Dirk operates from Antwerp, Belgium and sends out his LEGO art all over Europe. ─── 德克工作在安特卫普,比利时和欧洲各地发送了他的乐高的艺术。

68、Nearly eight thousand of the two V bombs were hurled against Antwerp and other military targets after the British-American armies reached the German frontier, but the damage they did was negligible. ─── 在英美军队进抵德国边境以后,德国向安特卫普和其他军事目标发射了约有八千枚这种飞弹和火箭,但造成的损失微不足道。

69、Evans, who turns 19 in January, has been on loan at Belgian side Royal Antwerp this season, but is expected to complete a loan move to the Stadium of Light early in January. ─── 埃文斯1月份年满19岁,本赛季曾经被租借到比利时的安特卫普效力。但是它将会在1月份前往光明球场效力。

70、One day, two years later, Patrasche was going on as usual along one of the straight, dusty roads that led to the city of Antwerp. ─── 两年后,有一天帕特拉斯基一如往常地走在通往安特卫普市其中一条笔直且尘土飞扬的路上。

71、The domicile of the Comite Maritime International is established in Antwerp, Belgium. ─── 国际海事委员会设在比利时的安特卫普。

72、The Games came to Antwerp, Belgium, in the spring of 1920, barely 20 months since the end of the war. ─── 奥运会于1920年春天在比利时的安特卫普举行,当时距一次世界大战结束还不到20个月。

73、Royal Antwerp slipped to third in the Belgian second division after a 3-3 home draw with struggling KSK Ronse. ─── 在3-3主场战平KSK之后皇家安特卫普在比利时次级联赛的积分榜上滑落到第3。

74、Antwerp once had about twenty-five thousand people working as diamond cutters and polishers.Now only a few hundred remain. ─── 安特卫普的钻石切割工和打磨工一度达到两万五千名,如今只剩下几百个。

75、Adam Eckersley hit a scorching first goal and Sylvan Ebanks-Blake notched a brace as Royal Antwerp won 3-1 at Union St Gilloise. ─── 亚当-埃克斯利射进漂亮的一球,布莱克击中了门柱帮助安特卫普3-1击败对手。

76、The promising17- year-old is currently gaining experience at United's Belgian feeder club Royal Antwerp. ─── 岁的希望之星正在曼联卫星球队之一的比利时安特卫普队获得上场经验。

77、He is next heard of at Antwerp as a trader, and about 1510 he was induced to accompany a Bostonian to Rome in quest of some papal indulgences for a Boston guild; ─── 后来听说,他在安特卫普做贸易,到了1510年左右,他受邀陪同一个波士顿人去了罗马,为一家波士顿的兄弟会寻求教皇的宽宥;

78、In 1886 Van Gogh left Holland forever and traveled via Antwerp to Paris,and to major changes in artistic style. ─── 1886年凡高永远地离开了荷兰取道安特卫普前往巴黎,他的艺术风格也发生了重大的变化。

79、He will complete a loan spell at Royal Antwerp this season, but Sir Alex is confident it won't be long before he is knocking on the first team door. ─── 他这个赛季被租借到皇家安顿普特,但弗格森肯定,他要进入一线队的时间不会太大。

80、"He sacrificed two and a half years at Royal Antwerp, which showed great patience and determination. ─── “在安特卫普的两年半里,他表现出了极大的耐性与决心。”

81、Miskovic, Mirjana. How to talk relevantly about irrelevance[A]. In Nemeth T., (ed.), Antwerp:IprA, 2001. ─── 为叙述方便起见,行文和例释中除有明确指代对象外,均用"他"指代说话人,用"她"指代听话人.

82、If professor Martens will start with the operation in Antwerp, for Rino the 2008/2009 season could be a book nearing its end already. ─── 如果在安特卫普,马腾斯教授决定给加图索实施手术,那么米兰中场的2008/2009赛季即宣告报销。

83、"It took him a little while to settle in Belgium with Royal Antwerp, it's been a big change for him again coming here and it's taken him a while to adjust. ─── “他花了一些时间才适应安特卫普的生活,现在他又有了一个大机会。他需要一些时间。

84、If you feel you have a closer relationship with your granny on your mothers side than on your fathers side, it is no surprise to researchers at the universities of Newcastle and Antwerp. ─── 假如你觉得自己跟外婆比跟奶奶亲,纽卡斯尔和安特卫普大学的研究人员并不会感到惊奇。

85、I've been on the losing side in the league only once all season and that was with Royal Antwerp. ─── 他们正在为升级努力,埃文思在爱尔兰队参加2008年欧洲杯预赛和瑞典和列支敦士登的赛事。

86、At the Antwerp Olympic Games, Belgium in 1920. ─── 1920年比利时安特卫普奥运会。

87、The Antwerp Port Authority will build its new headquarters - the future Port House - on the boundary between the city of Antwerp and its harbour. ─── 安特卫普港务局将建立其新总部-未来的港口之家-论之间的边界城市安特卫普和其港口。

88、At Antwerp, he scored an impressive 35 goals in 61 games.Now, having secured a work permit to play in England, he can begin playing competitive matches. ─── 在安特卫普,他在61场比赛中打进了令人印象深刻的35个球,在得到劳工许可证后,他现在可以打更具竞争性的比赛了。

89、Brussels fell to him on September 3 and Antwerp the next day. ─── 他9月3日攻克布鲁塞尔,次日又克安特卫普。

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