aggravated 发音
英:[ˈæɡrəveɪtɪd] 美:[ˈæɡrəveɪtɪd]
英: 美:
aggravated 中文意思翻译
aggravated 短语词组
1、aggravated theft ─── [法] 加重盗窃罪
2、aggravated damages ─── [法] 加重侵占财产, 严重损害
3、aggravated definition ─── 加重定义
4、compound or aggravated larceny ─── [法] 加重盗窃罪
5、aggravated burglary ─── [法] 加重窃盗罪
6、aggravated larceny ─── [法] 加重窃盗罪
7、aggravated libel ─── [法] 加重的诽谤
8、aggravated stalking ─── 加重跟踪
9、aggravated human trafficking ─── 严重贩卖人口
10、aggravated criminal responsibility ─── [法] 加重结果责任
11、aggravated punishment ─── [法] 加重的处罚
12、aggravated misconduct ─── [法] 严重的不法行为
13、aggravated negligence ─── [法] 重大过失
14、aggravated meaning ─── 加重意义
15、aggravated assault n. ─── 加重恐吓行为
16、aggravated assault definition ─── 加重攻击定义
aggravated 常用词组
aggravated assault ─── [律]加重恐吓行为;加重攻击罪
aggravated 词性/词形变化,aggravated变形
形容词: aggravative |动词第三人称单数: aggravates |副词: aggravatingly |动词过去式: aggravated |动词现在分词: aggravating |名词: aggravator |动词过去分词: aggravated |
aggravated 反义词
aggravated 同义词
aggravated 相似词语短语
1、aggrated ─── 加重
2、aggravate ─── vt.加重;使恶化;激怒
3、aggraded ─── v.使河床升高;加积
4、aggravation ─── n.加剧;激怒;更恶化
5、aggraced ─── 加积
6、aggregated ─── adj.聚合的;合计的
7、margravates ─── n.总督辖区
8、aggravating ─── adj.加重的;令人恼怒的;v.使恶化;激怒(aggravate的ing形式)
9、aggravates ─── vt.加重;使恶化;激怒
aggravated 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、By afternoon, Nanjing's smog has become a perpetual haze aggravated by the smoke and diesel fumes from the many trains crossing the river. ─── 南京长江大桥下午时分,许多在大桥上来往的列车排放出烟雾和废气,让南京城始终笼罩在灰蒙蒙的雾霭中。
2、So contained and aggravated crime should be further consummated and we must stipulate this criminal pattern discretely. ─── 因此,包容加重犯的个别立法例还有待于进一步完善,设置包容加重犯的立法也应慎重。
3、In a current telecommunication market with competition being more and more aggravated, the price competition becomes the main means of the telecommunication operator. ─── 在电信市场竞争日益加剧的今天,价格竞争成为电信运营商的主要手段。
4、It is a type of crime contrast to a normal crime, which has aggravated constitution and has independent and increased legally prescribed punishment. ─── 其是一种在基本犯构成基础之上又具备了加重要件(加重因素)的相对独立的犯罪构成形态。
5、Their debt problem was aggravated by a rise in interest rates. ─── 因为利率上调,他们的债务雪上加霜。
6、He has been charged with aggravated assault. ─── 他因严重伤害他人罪已被起诉。
7、Rather than relieving the situation, his action aggravated it. ─── 他的行动不仅没有缓和局势,反而加剧了局势。
8、One of the reasons was that those recessions were aggravated by crises in the financial sector itself. ─── 原因之一在于,金融领域本身的危机加重了经济衰退。
9、If he aggravated me any more I shall hit him. ─── 假如他再激怒我, 我就要揍他。
10、The bad weather aggravated his illness. ─── 坏天气加重了他的病情。
11、But I have further questions to ask you. Is your chest pain aggravated by exertion? ─── 但我还要问你。你的胸痛会因为用力而加剧吗?
12、When his heart disease aggravated, he CPAFFC perfected the reception team to give him meticulous care. ─── 他病情加重后,对外友协完善了接待工作班子,给予他无微不至的照顾。
13、Ice water aggravated my toothache. ─── 冰水使我的牙痛加重了。
14、This is further aggravated by cracking, which reduces the flexural stiffness of members. ─── 开裂降低了构件的弯曲刚度,这会进一步使挠度增大。
15、The war has aggravated an acute economic crisis. ─── 这场战争加剧了一场严峻的经济危机。
16、When one is alone in the world, don't they feel it more aggravated on a beautiful night like this? ─── 一个举目无亲,孤独寂寞的人,在这样一个美丽的夜晚,是不是更会感到凄凉?
17、Attempts to restrict parking in the city centre have further aggravated the problem of traffic congestion. ─── 在城市中心限制停车的尝试使阻塞的问题更加严重。
18、We will provide more update servers to meet the aggravated update requests. ─── 我们将会提供更多的服务器以满足日益增长的升级需求。
19、Grief and shock aggravated her mental condition. ─── 哀伤及震惊使她的精神情况恶化。
20、Aggravated constitutionis a special type of criminal constitution, which is classified by the extent of criminal social harmfulness. ─── 加重构成系依据犯罪的社会危害性程度,而对犯罪构成所作的分类的一种特殊类型。
21、"Where do you get your things?" he said in an aggravated voice. ─── “你的衣服在哪儿买的?”他带着羞恼的声音说。
22、But, under basic offence no result of death, absconding causing result of death is complex aggravated offences with the conduct and result factor. ─── 其中,在基本罪无死亡结果情形下的“逃逸”又导致死亡结果时,为基本罪的(行为结果的)复合加重犯。
23、In spite of all the intensity of her inward grief, the wound to her vanity aggravated her misery. ─── 她内心的痛苦十分剧烈,兼以徒慕虚荣,备受痛苦,也就加深了她的不幸。
24、His illness is being aggravated by anxieties. ─── 忧虑使他的病情加剧了。
25、Wednesday, Gasol said the ankle was a little aggravated, enough so that he might not be healthy enough for that game. ─── 周三,加索尔觉得脚踝伤情有所恶化,以至于他可能不会再周日复出。
26、Andzia, too, was apt to lie in bed till Manya pulled her out by the arm, a proceeding that aggravated Manya particularly. ─── 安吉娅好赖在床上不起来,直到玛尼娅把她拖起来。这是使玛尼娅特别恼火的事。
27、One variation based on this established fact results in even more aggravated levels of volatility. ─── 建立在此事实基础上的变化将导致更加剧烈的价格波动。
28、New York's hot weather is often aggravated by its humidity. ─── 纽约热气候通常因为它潮湿而加剧。
29、His absence from the conference aggravated the situation. ─── 他没来参加会议致使局势恶化了。
30、A subsequent activity is nevertheless taken into consideration if it has led to additional or aggravated damage. ─── 如果随后发生的另一行为导致额外损害或加重损害,则仍必须加以考虑。
31、If the Insured fails to take such measures, the Insurer shall be entitled to repudiate liability for any loss so aggravated. ─── 如果投保方没有采取措施,保险方对由此而扩大的损失,有权拒绝赔偿。
32、Aggravated the tension in the Middle East. ─── 加剧了中东的紧张局势。
33、Paulina's spirited remonstrances only aggravated Leontes'displeasure. ─── 宝丽娜勇敢的劝谏只不过叫里昂提斯更加生气了。
34、She noticed his pleasant and contented manner, his airy grace and smiling humour, and it merely aggravated her the more. ─── 她真弄不懂他在对她加以讥嘲冷漠和怠慢之后,怎么竟会当着她的面,拿出这样的神气来。
35、The act of aggravating or the state of being aggravated. ─── 加重; 加剧; 恶化加重恶化的行为或被加重、恶化的状态
36、The seasonal nature of agricultural labor has been aggravated by the concentrated development of industry in cities. ─── 农业劳动的季节性被城市中集中发展的工业进一步恶化了。
37、If the virus mutation that causes an illness aggravated or mitigated, or large-scale changes, it then has epidemiological value. ─── 如果病毒变异导致疾病加重或减轻,或发生大规模的变化,那才具有流行病学价值。
38、A number of aggravated acts of infringement have not only damaged the lawful rights and interests of intellectual property right owners but also the dignity of law. ─── 一些严重侵权行为不仅损害了产权所有人的合法权益,而且损害了法律的尊严。
39、You may not be aware that they can also cause very painful pinched nerves, stress fractures, aggravated arthritic conditions. ─── 你可能不知亦能导致神经线受压、趾骨骨裂、加速关节退化。
40、Renal lesions aggravated when stegnosis longer. ─── 出现组织纤维化。
41、But inflationary fears were aggravated by warnings from two leading global bodies on the future of crude and food prices. ─── 不过,通胀方面的担心有所加剧,因两大主要全球机构就原油及食品价格的未来走势发出了警告。
42、He pleaded guilty to aggravated kidnapping and was sentenced to 60 years. ─── 他承认自己犯加重绑架罪,被判了60年徒刑。
43、A blow to the head early in the game may have aggravated the injury. ─── 但是比赛期间有一次头部撞击,恶化了眼部的伤情。
44、His bad temper was aggravated by the headache. ─── 他因头痛而使得脾气更坏。
45、The term "common assault" is frequently used for any assault which is not an aggravated assault. ─── “一般威胁侵犯他人身体罪”常常作为并非是严重威胁侵犯他人身体罪进行使用。
46、Sanez was indicted by an Angelina County grand jury this week on one count of capital murder and five counts of aggravated assault. ─── 她工作期间,在该诊所做透析的病人接连无故死去,没人能够解释原因。
47、If you are taking thiazide diuretics, licorice, or corticosteroids (Potassium loss may be aggravated with these drugs). ─── 如你正在服用噻嗪类利尿剂、甘草或皮质甾类药物,可能由于这些药物导致钾元素流失的加速。
48、China's original inferiority will be aggravated by war losses,namely,decreases in territory,population,economic strength,military strength and cultural institutions. ─── 中国原来的劣势,经过第一阶段的消耗将更为严重,这就是土地、人口、经济力量、军事力量和文化机关等的减缩。
49、He aggravated his condition by leaving hospital too soon. ─── 他因过早出院而使病情恶化。
50、Anthony Sowell has already been charged with 5 counts of aggravated murder. ─── AnthonySowell已经被以5项严重谋杀起诉。
51、She pleaded guilty to a charge of simple assault, a lesser count than the felony attempted aggravated assault charge she first faced. ─── 她服罪起诉罪名轻度袭击,一个比她起初面对的重罪罪名试图严重袭击要轻的罪名。
52、Corrosion is aggravated locally by pollutants deriving from the operation of a plant (for example acids, alkalis or salts, organic solvents, aggressive gases and dust particles). ─── 工厂里出来的污染物使腐蚀局部恶化(如:酸,碱或盐,有机溶剂,侵略性气体和尘粒。)
53、The damage of mountain torrents to houses is to be aggravated as the ecologic environment worsen and the loss is to be increased as the people s living standards rising. ─── 山洪对房屋的破坏随着生态环境的恶化而加剧,其损失又随人民生活水平的提高而增加。
54、Two years ago, TJ Ford and I collided and he aggravated his existing bruised spinal cord when he fell. ─── 两年前,TJ福特和我相撞,掉落时加重了他的脊髓旧伤。
55、I never saw her aggravated, upset, frustrated. Only focused on helping Amanda and myself. ─── 我不曾见到沈欣老师恼火、心烦或是沮丧,她所有精力全部集中在帮助我和阿曼达上。
56、Its clinical symptoms are mostly aggravated gradully disfunction of vision,symtoms of cavernous sinus involvement,headache,symptoms of the endocrinnopathy. ─── 临床症状大多数为渐进性,表现为视觉障碍、海绵窦占位症状、头痛、内分泌症状等。
57、NO donor L Arg and ET receptor antagonist TAK 044 could alleviate the hepatic I/R injury in some degree, whereas NO synthase inhibitor L NAME aggravated the damage. ─── NO供体L 精氨酸 (L Arg)与ET受体拮抗剂TAK 0 44在一定程度上可减轻肝I/R损伤 ,而NO合酶抑制剂L NAME进一步加重了损伤。
58、For the steel industry, scramble for market is increasingly intensified with the competition becoming more and more aggravated. ─── 对于钢铁行业而言,竞争的不断加剧也必将导致市场争夺战的激化。
59、Worth noting: Vujacic was **et because he had aggravated injuries to his left ankle and left elbow early in the game.Ariza was grumpy with an upper respiratory infection. ─── 值得注意的:沙沙闹心的原因是他早期比赛中受伤的左脚踝和左肩的伤势加重了。
60、Shortly the principal Republican journal "convicted" me of wholesale bribery, and the leading Democratic paper "nailed" an aggravated case of blackmailing to me. ─── 不久,共和党的主要报纸“宣判”我犯了大规模的贿赂罪,而民主党最主要的报纸则把一桩大肆渲染敲诈案件硬“栽”在我头上。
61、His illness was aggravated by anxiety. ─── 他的病情因焦虑而加重。
62、So either you’re with us or against us.This is aggravated by infighting within the party. ─── 只是,我国的政治生态黑白分明,你我非友则敌, 而这种现象在党内更加明显。
63、But they are aggravated by the way people are charged for how much they use. ─── 但是被人们根据使用量付费的方式严重化了。
64、These problems were aggravated by the overvaluation of the dollar. ─── 对美元的过高估价加剧了这些问题。
65、Sid snored on. Tom was aggravated. ─── 希德还在酣睡。汤姆来火了。
66、The severe strain of waging two wars in faraway countries has been aggravated by undermanning and equipment shortages. ─── 同时在遥远国度发动两场战争已使军队不堪重负,人员和装备短缺更是雪上加霜。
67、His illness is being aggravated by anxieties. ─── 忧虑使他的病情加剧了。
68、An award of aggravated damages if still compensatory. ─── 加重性损害赔偿仍然是补偿性的。
69、The ICSU report concludes that, so far, the production of biofuels has aggravated rather than ameliorated global warming. ─── 国际科学理事会这份研究显示,目前为止,生质燃料对全球暖化,与其说是对症下药,不如说是火上加油。
70、He is aggravated with his good-for-nothing son . ─── 他对自己没出息的儿子感到恼火。
71、"Of my clients who have tried mbt walk shoes, some have had to stop wearing them because they have aggravated bad backs and hips. ─── 不过海南球场有关负责人提醒说,学校培养专业人才很重要,但是目前出来的学生偏重于理论知识,缺乏实践经验,还需经过企业再培训。
72、Ever since the grandpa died soon, the grandmother's condition has aggravated, this is exactly the matter that I worry most. ─── 自从爷爷去世不久,奶奶的病情加重了,这正是我最担心的事了。
73、These may range from euphoria, insomnia, mood swings, personality changes, and severe depression to frank psychotic tendencies may also be aggravated by corticosteroids. ─── 可导致于兴奋,失眠,情绪波动等性格,增加类固醇剂量可能会改善那些有精神忧郁症倾向患者。
74、The evil conditions thus described continued, some in an aggravated form. ─── 以上谈到的种种不利条件继续存在,而且有些还变本加厉。
75、Finally, rosacea, a medical condition that affects the skin of the face, neck and occasionally chest, is also aggravated by alcohol consumption. ─── 因此,红斑痤疮,这种影响皮肤,面部,颈部,偶尔在胸部的症状,也有可能是因为酒精引起。
76、Secondly, the landform made the effect of the quake fiercer and the serious secondary disasters aggravated the situation. ─── 二是地形对地震破坏的放大作用导致山区受灾严重,次生灾害频发加重了受灾程度。
77、Anthony Sowell has already been charged with five counts of aggravated murder. ─── AnthonySowell已被指控与五起严重谋杀案有关。
78、They also have their customary doubts about the fitness of captain Francesco Totti, who aggravated a knee problem at the Emirates. ─── 他们的队长弗朗西斯科.托蒂也习惯性的受伤,这次他在酋长球场膝盖受伤。
79、The lack of rain aggravated the already serious shortage of food. ─── 干旱少雨使原本就很严重的粮食短缺问题更加严重。
80、What's mere, bureaucratic tradespeople's exploitation of the working people aggravated class contradiction and worsened social turbulence. ─── 同时,官僚商人对劳动人民盘剥,激化了阶级矛盾,加剧了社会的动荡。
81、Their situation may be further aggravated when well-meaning family members and friends give them advice which is contrary to that of the oncologist (ie. cancer doctor). ─── 她们的情况可能会因为家人与朋友在善意下给了与肿瘤医师背道而驰的意见而变得更严重。
82、Her husband became aggravated by her constant nagging and whiny voice. ─── 她丈夫被她无休止的唠叨声激怒了。
83、Our work with Ayurveda helped this women understand how the asanas she had been practicing had aggravated the subtle energies of her body. ─── 我们应用阿育吠陀帮助这名女士来弄明白为什么她曾经练习的那些体式会激惹她体内的精微能量。
84、His bad temper was aggravated by his headache. ─── 他的头痛使他的脾气更坏了。
85、The lost of life experience in the youth is rooted in their family,manifested in their school and aggravated in the society. ─── 今天青少年的生活体验缺失问题,病根在家庭,表现在学校,社会让病情加重。
86、Compared with sham-operated group, NO concentrations in lungs in SAP were decreased, lung injuries were aggravated. ─── 与假手术组比较,SAP大鼠肺组织NO浓度降低,肺损伤加重;
87、"Aggravated assault" is assaulted cause serious injury or carry out in connection with another serious crime. ─── "严惩威胁侵犯他人身体罪"是一种造成严重伤害的威胁侵犯他人身体罪,或与另一个严重犯罪同时发生。
88、Overactivation of leucocytes is one of the important factors resulting in aggravated pancreatopathy, multiple organ failure and even death in AP. ─── 在AP中,白细胞过度激活被认为是导致胰腺病变加重、多器官功能衰竭乃至死亡的重要原因。
89、Ferdinand aggravated a groin injury that he picked up against AS Roma last week, but the defender hopes he will not be out for long. ─── 上周迎战罗马的比赛中他就有点拉伤,但是这位后卫希望他不会缺席太久。
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