coalesce 发音
英:[ˌkoʊəˈles] 美:[ˌkəʊəˈles]
英: 美:
coalesce 中文意思翻译
coalesce 网络释义
vi. 合并;结合;联合vt. 使…联合;使…合并
coalesce 短语词组
1、coalesce around ─── 协力做……
2、coalesce hive ─── 聚结蜂巢
coalesce 词性/词形变化,coalesce变形
coalesce 相似词语短语
1、coalesced ─── 合并(coalesce的过去式和过去分词)
2、coalise ─── 煤化
3、coalface ─── n.[矿业]采煤工作面;(正在开采的)煤层截面
4、uncoalesce ─── 未着色
5、convalesce ─── vi.渐愈;渐渐康复
6、coalescers ─── n.[化工]聚结器,聚结剂
7、coalesces ─── vi.合并;结合;联合;vt.使…联合;使…合并
8、coalescer ─── n.[化工]聚结器,聚结剂
9、coalescent ─── adj.合并的;接合的;n.联合;合并
coalesce 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、The initial resistance factor of foam increased with the pore-throat ratio, and coalesce probability declined with the rising of throat length, which thus improved the stability of foam. ─── 孔隙和喉道半径比值越大,则孔隙中的气体附加压力越大,泡沫的初始残余阻力系数将越大;
2、The atoms all reach the same energy state, or quantum state, and they coalesce into a blob of material called a "super atom". ─── 所有的原子都会保持相同的能量状态,或者量子状态,然后它们聚结成一个被称为“超能原子”的物质团。
3、The two supermassive black holes in the original galactic cores will also coalesce into a single, even more massive black hole. ─── 位在个别星系核心的超大质量黑洞,未来也会聚成单个更大质量的黑洞。
4、So, modem newspapers as a kind of communicative medium has not only acted as ideological enlightenment, but also wakened national awareness and strengthened national coalesce. ─── 所以,近代报刊作为一种传播媒介,它不仅仅发挥了思想启蒙的作用,而且唤起了民族意识,增强了民族凝聚力。
5、Reduction of Blood Ammonemia in Portul Systemic Encephalopathy by Reteniton-enema with Lactulose Coalesce Plus Loxacin ─── 乳果糖联合氧氟沙星保留灌肠降低肝性脑病血氨效果观察
6、The ongoing story of Warcraft is subtly woven into the quest system, and over time will coalesce more and more into a pattern that can be seen. ─── War3的故事情节被巧妙的交错于任务系统中,过去的一切将被合并成一个可预见的情形。
7、These may eventually coalesce to form an anastomosing system of channel sands within a broad valley ─── 最后它们在宽阔的河谷内连接起来,形成一个交织的河道砂系统。
8、Coalesce Tradition into Modern--The Preservation, Reform and Reutilization of the Traditional Domestic Architecture in Kunming ─── 让传统与现代接轨--昆明市传统民居建筑单体保护改造再利用
9、Bubbles released at low current density grow, coalesce to a big one and then set free at the anodic surface.The diameter of released bubble decreases with the increasing of current density. ─── 对低电流密度下气泡的生长过程观察发现, 气泡先在阳极表面长大, 再汇聚成一个或几个大气泡从阳极底部析出, 析出前的气泡平均直径随电流密度的增加而减小。
10、These may eventually coalesce to form an anastomosing system of channel sands within a broad valley. ─── 最后它们在宽阔的河谷内连接起来,形成一个交织的河道砂系统。
11、A number of alluvial fans along the base of a mountain may coalesce to form a continuous alluvial slope. ─── 沿着山脚的一些冲积扇可能联合起来形成连续的冲积坡。
12、The numbers 3, 6, 9 and 12 in relief on the dial are reminiscent of the Art Nouveau style and coalesce into a unified whole. ─── 表盘上的浮雕时标是线条如花卉的新派艺术风格3、6、9、12数字,构图浪漫。
13、The cells and matrix molecules coalesce into a fibrous covering overlying the original atherosclerotic zone. ─── 这些细胞及基质分子共同形成一纤维质覆盖,包在原本动脉硬化区域的外围。
14、While acknowledging that he likes the players on a personal level and believes in the talent level, he admitted frustration over their inability to coalesce at any point in the 2005-06 season. ─── 他承认从个人角度,他喜欢球员并且相信他们得天赋,但是同时他表示对于这些球员得赛季中无法很好得结合感到失望。
15、Hence, despite its size, the opinions in China often coalesce in a narrow range. ─── 但另一方面,它也导致了前瞻性动机的缺乏。
16、Some government officials appear worried that widespread worker grievances could coalesce into a broader movement . ─── 一些政府官员似乎担心,工人们中间普遍存在的不满可能汇聚成涉及范围更广的运动。
17、The soft powder fired at high temperature until the ceramic particles melt and coalesce to form a glaze ─── 松软的粉末在高温下烧结,陶土粒子即溶结成一层瓷釉。
18、Although few proposed laws were accepted for consideration, none were passed or codified.Eventually, our assemble begin to coalesce with otIT anti-abortion assembles. ─── 尽管有几个国家律法议案被接受并予以考虑,么有唯一议案被通过或形成国家律法条文。
19、To determine the total amount paid to all employees, use the COALESCE function to receive only the nonnull value found in hourly_wage, salary, and commission. ─── 若要确定支付给所有雇员的金额总数,请使用COALESCE函数,它只接受在hourly_wage、salary和commission中找到的非空值。
20、Scientists believe this process explains how protoplanetary disks form around young stars and perhaps how gas disks coalesce around black holes at the centers of galaxies. ─── 科学家认为此过程解释了为什麽在年轻恒星周围会形成原生行星盘,或许也能解释在星系中心,气体盘如何与黑洞结合。
21、As the disease progresses, the mucosal erosions coalesce to linear ulcers that undermine remaining mucosa. ─── 随着病程的发展,粘膜损害发生融合,破坏残留的粘膜以至形成线性溃疡。
22、Goggles, windshields, even surgical endoscopes fog when minuscule vapor droplets do not coalesce and run off. ─── 护目镜、挡风玻璃,甚至外科内视镜上的水气如果没有聚集成水滴流走,镜面就会起雾。
23、Eventually, our group began to coalesce with other anti-abortion groups.The coalescence gave us a stronger voice, but we also lost an element of control over the group's activities. ─── 后来,我们的组织开始联合其他反堕胎组织,这一联合使我们的呼声更具威力,但组织活动还缺少些许控制。
24、In SQL Server, to index expressions involving COALESCE with non-null parameters, the computed column can be persisted using the PERSISTED column attribute as in the following statement ─── 在SQL Server中,若要对包含具有非空参数的COALESCE的表达式创建索引,可以使用PERSISTED列属性将计算列持久化,如以下语句所示
25、If social conservatives were to coalesce around Mr Huckabee, that would throw the Republican primaries into utter confusion. ─── 如果社会保守派聚集到Huckabee先生周围,这将使共和党的初选陷入极大的混乱。
26、As the number of moisture droplets increases, they begin to coalesce into small rivulets of fluid. ─── 当水滴数量增加,它们会汇集成细流。
27、When oil liquid pass through coalesce cartridge, the remaining small size of water drips are moving forward to separating cartridge. ─── 通过聚结滤芯后的油液,仍有尺寸较小的水珠在惯性的作用下向前至分离滤芯处。
28、For both systems a cloud or train of bubbles may coalesce to give larger bubbles. ─── 对这两个系统来说,一群或一串气泡都可以合并成较大的气泡。
29、Each user will be able to create his or her own experience using tools, features, and apps that magically coalesce. ─── 每个用户都可以通过各种工具、功能和软件打造自己的体验。
30、Second, the rapidly increasing number of individual societies began to coalesce. ─── 其二,迅速增加的各行业协会开始联合。
31、3.an epiphytic vine or tree whose aerial roots extend down the trunk of a supporting tree and coalesce around it eventually strangling the tree. ─── 一种附生的藤蔓植物或乔木,其气生根沿所附生的树干蔓延缠绕、并最终将该树缠死。
32、That was the moment when matter started to coalesce and the universe became transparent. ─── 这时宇宙物质开始合并,宇宙也变得清晰。
33、The alloy elements supersaturate in the matrix of the specimen from water-quenching after homogenization, then the second phases precipitate and remarkably coalesce during the deformation. ─── 均匀化后水淬样品中合金元素过饱和固溶于基体内,变形过程中第二相析出并明显粗化;
34、Only an historical illiterate would have assumed that the divided Iraqis were bound to thank their invading liberators and coalesce in democratic government. ─── 只有不懂历史的人才会天真的认为,国破家亡的伊拉克人会对“解放”他们的入侵者感恩戴德,感谢他们带来了一个民主政府。
35、The view of party leader coalesce to form a coherent policy. ─── 党的领导人的各种观点已统一为一致的政策。
36、Or they can move apart until their paths around the planet cause them to coalesce on the far side. ─── 或者它们分道扬镳,直到它们绕地球而行,最后在遥远的一方再接合。
37、Gas bubbles coalesce to grow as they rise. ─── 气泡在上升中聚集成长。
38、Typically the skin lesions begin as petechial or small purpuric areas which gradually coalesce (see below). ─── 典型的皮肤病损开始于淤点或小的紫斑并逐渐融合(如图)。
39、Because coalesce filter cartridge adopts hydrophilic material, so the little water drips will be coalesced on filter layer surface. ─── 又由于聚结滤芯采用亲水性材料,微小的水滴更是吸附在滤层表面从而造成水滴的聚结。
40、In the coalescing process, water droplets coalesce together and become larger in size. ─── 在水滴聚集的过程中,水滴会汇合到一起,形成更大的水滴。
41、Some government officials appear worried that widespread worker grievances could coalesce into a broader movement. ─── 一些政府官员似乎担心,工人们中间普遍存在的不满可能汇聚成涉及范围更广的运动。
42、Lengthening shadows coalesce into dusk. ─── 拉长的影子融入薄暮。
43、Particles do not coalesce with other particles. ─── 颗粒之间互不聚合。
44、5. These coalesce and may spread throughout the kidney (tuberculous pyelonephritis) with areas of caseation and even calcification before any symptoms occur. ─── 这些病灶融合起来,并且在任何症状出现之前可蔓延至整个肾脏(结核性肾盂肾炎),出现干酪样变,甚至钙化。收藏指正
45、Operations to split and to coalesce chunks take time. ─── 用于分割和合并块的操作需要花费时间。
46、Dhc Disable Heap Coalesce on Free ─── 禁止在自由内存空间的堆合并
47、A theory of heredity proposed by Charles Darwin in which gemmules containing hereditary information from every part of the body coalesce in the gonads and are incorporated into the reproductive cells. ─── 泛生论查理斯·达尔文提出的遗传理论,阐述了含有来自身体每部分的遗传信息的胚芽在卵巢中的结合并组成生殖细胞
48、It takes a while for his artistic strokes to gather momentum, to coalesce into recognizable themes and symbols.But when the jokes and motifs kick in, the viewer indeed experiences magic. ─── 他那富于艺术的笔触过了好一会儿才发展成为明晰的主题和象征,不过当玩笑的言语和故事的主题在影片中出现时,观众的确体验到了魔幻神秘之处。
49、Discussion on Coalesce Treatment Technology of New and Old Concrete in Solidation of BF Base ─── 高炉基础加固中新旧混凝土结合处理技术
50、I hope patriotism can coalesce under this kind of idea and express itself. ─── 愿爱国主义在这样的理念下凝聚起来,表达出来。
51、(5) Vestibular and semicircular canal malformaitions (14 ears): The cochlea is normal. Vestibule and the Lateral semicircular canal coalesce of the latter is small. ─── (5)前庭及半规管畸形(14耳):耳蜗正常,前庭扩大,半规管短小、粗大或缺如。
52、allocator can't coalesce free space into larger blocks. ─── 分配程序不能将空闲空间拼合为更大的内存块。
53、6.These coalesce and may spread throughout the kidney (tuberculous pyelonephritis) with areas of caseation and even calcification before any symptoms occur. ─── 这些病灶融合起来,并且在任何症状出现之前可蔓延至整个肾脏(结核性肾盂肾炎),出现干酪样变,甚至钙化。
54、Vapor molecules run off the hydrophobic runways and coalesce into droplets at the hydrophilic nodes. ─── 水分子会被拨离疏水性跑道,在亲水性的圆点上形成水滴。
55、This saves a coalesce, a later split, and the time it would take to find a non-exactly-matching chunk to split. ─── 这节省了一次合并和随后的一次分割,以及用于寻找一个要分割的不完全匹配块的时间。
56、"Emotionally the industrial Midwestern states especially are ready to coalesce, I think business and labor, to really push this thing and we're going to put the full court press on here," he said. ─── “从情感上来说,尤其是中西部的工业州已经准备好合并了,我认为商业和劳动部真的推行这个措施,并且我们将要让合议庭在这方面施压,”他说。
57、The laser caused the matter wave to coalesce (dump atoms) inside the second BEC, forcing the surrounding atoms to radiate like antennas and reproduce the original pulse. ─── 激光在第二块BEC凝聚物内引发了物质波的聚结(即原子转储),这迫使周围的原子像天线般地发射,并且再生出初始脉冲。
58、alter tablespace fortest coalesce; ─── 不起作用么?
59、A number of alluvial fans along the base of a mountain may coalesce to form a continuous alluvial slope ─── 沿着山脚的一些冲积扇可能联合起来形成连续的冲积坡。
60、SQL> alter tablespace example coalesce; ─── 表空间已更改。
61、It was at this point that the dream of bringing the Great Tao to the people of Indiana and beyond began to coalesce. ─── 连同这最亲爱的身体兼这一生投资(装扮的服饰、荣华富贵),直到最后,乃至亲爱、至大的投资;这身外之物,只是暂时使用权,没有永久权;
62、609. coalesce : combine; ─── 609 。凝聚:联合收割机;
63、* The brooks coalesce into one large river. ─── *布鲁克斯凝聚成一个大型的河流。
64、If bubbles do not immediately coalesce, the liquid can drain down and produce a structure like that shown in figure 1. ─── 如果泡泡们没有立即融合,液体会流走并产生出如图1所示的一种结构。
65、COALESCE(expression1,. N) is equivalent to this CASE function ─── COALESCE(expression1,.n)与此CASE函数等效
66、The spheres crammed into the clot that formed at the site of the cut, the team found, suggesting that they help the animals' own platelets coalesce. ─── 研究小组发现,这些球粒聚集在一起,在切口处形成凝块,说明球粒可以帮助动物自身的血小板进行粘合。
67、The homogenisation temperature, that is the temperature at which the fluid and vapour phases coalesce, is the minimum temperature of depositionof the mineral. ─── 均化温度,即流体与汽态聚结温度,是矿物沉积的最低温度。
68、- Note: Actually, in these example queries, coalesce should be used to prevent a single NULL attribute from causing a NULL result for the whole document. ─── + :'''注意:'''实际上,在这个简单的查询里,必须使用联合以避免一个 NULL 属性导致整个文档的 NULL 结果。
69、Chitosan induce hemostasis by coalesce erythrocytes to one another to form a blood clot. ─── 壳聚糖止血机制中的重要一环是通过对红细胞作用,使红细胞发生粘附聚集从而使血液凝固。
70、Although several proposed laws were accepted for consideration, none were passed or codified.Eventually, our group began to coalesce with other anti-abortion groups. ─── 尽管有几个法律议案被接受并予以考虑,没有一个议案被通过或形成法律条文。
71、Factions tend to coalesce before elections and then break apart once they have got their man in. ─── 各个党派在选举前联盟在一起,而一旦各自的人选当选后他们的联盟就会被拆散。
72、An expression involving ISNULL with non-null parameters is considered to be NOT NULL, while expressions involving COALESCE with non-null parameters is considered to be NULL. ─── 包含具有非空参数的ISNULL的表达式将视为NOT NULL,而包含具有非空参数的COALESCE的表达式将视为NULL。
73、For example, it is just as costly for an allocator to determine how much total contiguous space would be gained by coalescing chunks as it would be to just coalesce them and then resplit them. ─── 例如,让分配器判断通过合并块能获取多少总共的连续空间的开销和直接合并然后分割它们的开销一样大。
74、To become united; coalesce. ─── 使结合使结合;合并
75、he coalesce to a satin, and arrested him on arms from the Jichi satin He also . ─── 向他讨还一匹绸缎,他就从怀中拘出几尺绸缎还他。
76、Research and Application on a Coalesce Intelligent PID Controller. ─── 一种融合型智能PID控制器的研究与应用。
77、Price ticks coalesce into bars, and bars into patterns, as the crowd writes its emotional diary on the screen. ─── 价格的波动形成竹线图,竹线图形成模式,大众每天都在屏幕上写上他们的情绪。
78、Texturally silky, fine and tight tannins seamlessly coalesce with seasoned older oak, providing impressive structural definition and length.Ideal with beef, lamb and chicken dishes. ─── 丝般似酒体,强劲的单宁,与陈年橡木桶的绝妙结合,赋予其结构精妙的特质与尾韵。
79、Coalesce with Subquery May Generate an Access Violation ─── 与子查询合并可能或产生访问冲突
80、She and Wall-E communicate in chirps and beeps that occasionally coalesce into words. ─── 她和瓦力通过喳喳叽叽的声音交流,有时候能够拼成词语。
81、The perioperative nursing of thoracic and licmbar bone broken in combination with incompletion paralysis treated by pre and post coalesce surgical care ─── 前后联合手术治疗胸腰椎骨折伴不全瘫围手术期的护理
82、Coming into training camp, Bryant had been demanding a trade, owner Jerry Buss got angry in the media, and there seemed little chance that the Lakers would coalesce. ─── 想想去年开始训练营时,科比还在要求被交易出去,而湖人老板巴斯在媒体面前很生气,一切都显示湖人能够团结在一起的可能性很小。
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