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09-11 投稿


absolved 发音

英:[əbˈzɒlvd]  美:[əbˈzɑːlvd]

英:  美:

absolved 中文意思翻译



absolved 同义词

liberate | shrive | acquit | release | justify | exonerate | clear |forgive | free | remit | excuse | discharge | cleanse | exculpate | pardon

absolved 反义词

blame | accuse

absolved 词性/词形变化,absolved变形

动词过去分词: absolved |名词: absolver |动词第三人称单数: absolves |形容词: absolvable |动词过去式: absolved |动词现在分词: absolving |

absolved 短语词组

1、absolved fluid ─── 溶解液

2、absolved means ─── 免责手段

3、absolved of ─── 免除

4、absolved into ─── 赦免

5、absolved define ─── 免除定义

6、absolved 7 ─── 赦免7

7、absolved definition ─── 免责定义

8、absolved defined ─── 免除定义

9、absolved sins ─── 赦免的罪

absolved 相似词语短语

1、absorbed ─── adj.被吸收的;一心一意的;v.吸收;使全神贯注(absorb的过去分词形式)

2、absolves ─── vt.免除;赦免;宣告…无罪

3、resolved ─── adj.下定决心的,坚决的;v.解决;决定;(立法机构等)表决;分解;使(病症)消退;使(不协和音)转向协和音;(当远处物体看得更清楚时)变成;(光学仪器等)分辨(resolve的过去式和过去分词)

4、absolvent ─── n.赦免者;宽恕者

5、absolve ─── vt.免除;赦免;宣告…无罪

6、unsolved ─── adj.未解决的;未解答的

7、absolver ─── 赦免

8、unabsolved ─── 未解决

9、solved ─── adj.解决了的;v.解决;解答(solve的过去式和过去分词)

absolved 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、police investigation yesterday absolved the police of all blame in the incident. ─── 警方昨天的调查为其开脱了在这件事故中所有的责任。

2、She absolved him from a promise. ─── 她替他解除诺言。

3、It can be absolved what change a shoe into the door is trival, keep indoor and clean at the same time neat. ─── 它可免除进门换鞋的繁琐,同时保持室内干净整洁。

4、Having been absolved by the court from all responsibility in the death of his neighbour, the man went to a pub and got drunk by way of celebration. ─── 那个人经法院宣告对他的邻居的死没有任何责任以后,走进一家酒店畅饮庆贺,直到喝得酩酊大醉。

5、Absolved of the need to express thanks. ─── 不必表示感谢的。

6、He absolved me from further obligation. ─── 他解除了我更多的责任。

7、The commission later absolved the junta over its plot to subvert the election, arguing that the conspiracy had not been enacted and thus no harm was done. ─── 选举委员会随后宣布不追究军人集团意图破坏选举的阴谋,因为这个阴谋并没有开展,因此也没有造成损失。

8、Nothing can reach you here out of the past, and it is here that you are completely absolved, completely free and wholly without condemnation. ─── 过去的一切无法左右你,就在此刻,你获得了彻底的赦免,完全自由,不受任何诅咒。)

9、There had been somemournful past, perhaps expiated in the sight of men, but from which hisconscience had not yet absolved him. ─── 他有一段伤心的往事,看起来他象是已经赎清了自己的罪恶,然而他的良心还没有宽恕自己。

10、Honduras's Supreme Court and Congress absolved the military officers who removed Mr Zelaya from power of any wrongdoing. ─── 洪都拉斯的高级法院和国会赦免了曾将Zelaya拉下马的军官。

11、He absolved me from a promise. ─── 他同意我不受这项诺言的约束。

12、That they are absolved from all Allegianceto the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved. ─── 它们已经解除一切效忠于英王室的义务,从此完全断绝、并必须断绝与大不列颠王国之间的一切政治联系。

13、The priest absolved him and told him to say ten hail Mary's. ─── 神父宣告宽恕了他,并要他说十遍万福玛利亚。

14、He is absolved from the crime. ─── 他被赦免了。

15、If all the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would mot be without friends. ─── 哪怕全世界的都恨你,都认定你坏,只要你的良心赞许你,问心无愧,你也不会没有朋友的。

16、The youth confessed his sms and was absolved. ─── 那个年轻人忏悔了他的罪孽,得到了宽恕。

17、Somehow, all these people are being absolved into the nearby camp of the doorway, their fate largely ignored by the outside world. ─── 最终,这些难民都被安置在附近难民营的门口,他们的命运几乎快被外界忽视了。

18、to be absolved from one's oath ─── 不受誓言约束

19、The court absolved him of all responsibility for the accident. ─── 法院宣告他对该事故不负任何责任。

20、The court absolved him of all responsibility for the accident. ─── 法院宣告他对该事故不负任何责任。

21、that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, ─── 它们取消一切对英国王室效忠的义务,

22、The priest absolved him of his sins. ─── 神父赦免了他的罪过。

23、There is one situation, however, in which the subjects are absolved from their duty of loyalty toward their rulers. ─── 然而,在一种情形中,可以免除臣民效忠统治者的义务。

24、its wrath will be absolved by the future; ─── 它的愤怒在未来的岁月中会被人谅解的。

25、At the end of the debate, all "sins" will be absolved. ─── 在辩论结束后,全部"过失"将被宽恕。

26、He was absolved from his promise. ─── 他不必履行诺言了。

27、Absolved of a duty or an obligation;free. ─── 自由的摆脱职责或义务的;

28、that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; ─── 它们已经解除一切效忠于英王室的义务,从此完全断绝、并必须断绝与大不列颠王国之间的一切政治联系。

29、That these United Colonies are, and of Right ought to be Free and Independent States; that they are Absolved from all. ─── 我们这些联合起来的殖民地现在是,而且按公理也应该是,独立自由的国家。

30、3.The court absolved the accused man (from all responsibility for her death). ─── 法官判决被告无罪(对她的死亡不必负任何责任).

31、England goalkeeping coach Ray Clemence has absolved Paul Robinson of any blame for the freak own goal against Croatia - and backed him to come back strongly. ─── 英格兰守门员教练雷。克莱门斯声称已经宽恕了保罗。罗宾逊在对阵克罗地亚的比赛中那个怪异丢球的过失,而且表示在他回来以后回会坚决的支持他。

32、And have the day absolved. ─── it's costly,but--|希望今天的事能得到宽恕 这很昂贵,但是...

33、Nature of post of the secretary of leading Party group of office of industry of science and technology of province national defence that above comrade holds the post of formerly, member is absolved. ─── 以上同志原任的省国防科学技术工业办公室党组书记、成员职务自然免除。林庆筑同志任省委统战部副部长,免去其省委统战部秘书长职务。

34、I am absolved of blame in the matter. ─── 关于此事我不应受到责备。

35、None of us can be absolved wholly of wrong doing. ─── 我们当中没有一个人的罪行能完全获得赦免。

36、that they are absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political Connection between them and the State of Great-Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; ─── 任何形式的政府一旦对这些目标的实现起破坏作用时,人民便有权予以更换或废除,以建立一个新的政府。

37、The police absolved the suspect. ─── 警方释放了嫌疑犯。

38、The judge absolved the man of the crime. ─── 法官赦免了他的罪。

39、The remission of temporal punishment still due for a sin that has been sacramentally absolved. ─── 特赦宗教上允许解除因罪过而应执行的惩罚

40、At present already the province city such as Shanghai, Heilongjiang absolved agriculture completely.. ─── 目前已经有上海、黑龙江等省市完全免除了农业...

41、The Chelsea manager totally absolved Abou Diaby of any blame, confirming the Arsenal man had been within his rights to attempt to clear his lines. ─── 赛后,穆帅并没有责备此事故的制造者迪亚比,穆帅承认这名阿森纳球员当时只是在做他该做的事--试图为阿森纳解围。

42、If all the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends ─── 哪怕全世界的人都恨你,都相信你坏,只要你自己问心无愧,你也不会没有朋友的。

43、Even Mr. Burgess's gravity broke down presently, then the audience considered itself officially absolved from all restraint, and it made the most of its privilege. ─── 就连伯杰斯先生也暂时放下了架子,这时,与会的人感到所有拘束都已正式解除,于是大家就随心所欲了。

44、The manager absolved him from an obligation. ─── 经理免除了他一项责任。

45、If all the world hated you, and believed you wicked, while your own conscience approved you, and absolved you from guilt, you would not be without friends. ─── 哪怕全世界的人都恨你,都认定你坏,只要你的良心赞许你,问心无愧,你也不会没有朋友的。


47、I was absolved of blame in the matter ─── 关于此事我的过失已被宽恕。

48、that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Bri tain, is and ought to be totally dissolved; ─── 它们解除效忠英国王室的一切义务,它们和大不列颠国家之间的一切政治关系从此全部断绝,而且必须断绝;

49、Absolved of a duty or an obligation; free. ─── 自由的摆脱职责或义务的; 自由的

50、It absolved the military junta of plotting to subvert the election by undermining the PPP, despite the discovery of army documents detailing the plot. ─── 它免除了军人政府通过损害PPP来阴谋破坏选举的责任,尽管发现的军方文件详细描述了该计划的细节。

51、They absolved her from the promise. ─── 他们不再坚持要她履行诺言。

52、The duty of the Master in the management and navigation of the ship shall not be absolved even with the presence of a pilot piloting the ship. ─── 第三十九条船长管理船舶和驾驶船舶的责任,不因引航员引领船舶而解除。

53、The captain is absolved from all blame and responsibility for the shipwreck. ─── 那位船长被免除了因船只失事而遭致的非难和罪责。

54、Thus those indulgence preachers are in error who say that a man is absolved from every penalty and saved by papal indulgences. ─── 如此,那些豁免人罪罚的牧者说,一个人是因教皇的赦罪而从一切惩罚中被赦免并得拯救,这样说是错误的。

55、"This is not saying that anybody was absolved," Acheson said. ─── 这并不是说相关人就没有责任。

56、Yes, he agreed, but it hadn't absolved me from my sin. ─── 他说它并未因此而洗刷掉我的罪孽。

57、The priest absolved the dying man. ─── 牧师宽恕了那个快死的人。

58、The court absolved him of guilt in her death. ─── 法庭赦免了他在她的死亡中所犯的罪。

59、the remission of temporal punishment still due for a sin that has been sacramentally absolved ─── 特赦,宗教上允许解除因罪过而应执行的惩罚

60、'Seventy times seven times didst thou gapingly contort thy visage - seventy times seven did I take counsel with my soul - Lo, this is human weakness: this also may be absolved! ─── 主啊,这就是人类的缺憾,而这也是可以解决的!

61、Of the three suspects, two were found guilty and the third was absolved. ─── 这三个嫌疑犯,两个是有罪的,第三个被赦免。

62、The court absolved the accused man。 ─── 法官判决被告无罪。

63、He speaks absolution, and we are absolved. ─── 祂说罪得赦免,人的罪就完全得赦;

64、5) He is absolved of all blame. ─── 他从各种的非难中获得解脱。

65、The police absolved the suspect. ─── 警方释放了嫌疑犯。

66、4.After a trial lasting for several weeks and ending in the conviction of all the accused, the jury were absolved from all further service for the rest of their lives. ─── 在经过一场数星期的审判,而所有被告都经判决有罪之后,陪审团的成员们得以终身不再参加陪审服务。

67、The court absolved the accused man (from all responsibility for her death). ─── 法官判决被告无罪(对她的死亡不必负任何责任)。

68、There had been somemournful past, perhaps expiated in the sight of men, but from which his conscience had not yet absolved him. ─── 他有一段伤心的往事,看起来他象是已经赎清了自己的罪恶,然而他的良心还没有宽恕自己。

69、He was absolved of blame in the matter . ─── 关于此事对他已免于处分。

70、that they are Absolved from all Allegiance to the British Crown, and that all political connection between them and the State of Great Britain, is and ought to be totally dissolved. ─── 它们解除对于英王的一切隶属关系,而它们与大不列颠王国之间的一切政治联系亦应从此完全废止。

71、It's Our Happiness To See Patients Absolved From Suffering ─── 一、病人减少一分痛苦自己增添一份快乐

72、is absolved from all blame; was now clear of the charge of cowardice; his official honor is vindicated. ─── 赦免了所有的过失;现在开脱了对懦弱的指责;他的官威得到了维护。

73、In complete forgiveness, in which you recognize that there is nothing to forgive, you are absolved completely. ─── 你有朝一日认清了根本没有宽恕的必要时,那种彻底的宽恕会带给你完全的赦免。)

74、She was absolved of blame in the matter. ─── 关于此事,她已免予议处。

75、I was absolved of blame at last. ─── 我的过失最终被宽恕。

76、Article 39 The duty of the Master in the management and navigation of the ship shall not be absolved even with the presence of a pilot piloting the ship. ─── 第三十九条船长管理船舶和驾驶船舶的责任,不因引航员引领船舶而解除。

77、I was absolved of blame in the matter. ─── 在那件事上我未受处罚。

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