arrowheaded 中文意思翻译
arrowheaded 短语词组
1、arrowheaded characters n. ─── 楔形文字
arrowheaded 相似词语短语
1、arrowed ─── v.(如离弦之箭般地)快速移动(arrow的过去式及过去分词);adj.(衣服)有箭头图案的;有箭头标记的;带有箭头的;箭头状的
2、arrow-head ─── 箭头
3、arrogated ─── vt.冒称;霸占;没来由地将…归属于
4、arrowheads ─── n.箭头(arrowhead的复数)
5、arrowhead ─── n.箭头;箭头状物;慈菇
6、addleheaded ─── 愚笨的
7、towheaded ─── adj.蓬松的;毛发带淡黄色的
8、adreaded ─── 肾上腺
9、airheaded ─── 空头的
arrowheaded 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、oldworld arrowhead leaf ─── 慈姑叶
2、Cracking the rock open revealed an arrowhead loadstone, which magnetically drew itself to the opening in the rock wall. ─── 他们把石头砸开,里面有一块箭头形的磁石,他们顺着磁石的指引,终于来到了石墙的入口处。
3、B, Transabdominal cross-sectional scan shows the 2 loculated fluid areas posterior to the uterus separated by a thickened adhesion band (arrowhead). ─── B,经腹部横切面扫描显示子宫后方的2个局限性积液区,被一增厚的粘连束带(短箭头)所分隔。
4、The following example draws a line with an arrowhead at one end and a round cap at the other end. ─── 下面的示例绘制一端为箭头线帽、另一端为圆形线帽的线条。
5、Study on the Relation of Arrowhead Leaf, Root and Stem Growth and its Cultivated Technique ─── 慈姑叶根茎同生关系及其配套栽培技术的研究
6、He’s a most unlikely hero and is just what we need more of at the arrowhead of our narratives: a complex character that doesn’t simply come straight off the peg. ─── 帕那索斯博士就是这样一个非典型的主角,他远超于一个陈述者的角色,而是个让人意想不到的复杂个体。
7、Studies on Ecology of Citrus Arrowhead Scale Unaspis yanonensis ─── 柑桔矢尖蚧生态学研究
8、Arrowheaded characters are the vow can be forever viewed ─── 用楔形文字刻下了永远那已风化千年的誓言
9、Bike, run or ski 135 miles in extreme winter from "Frostbite Falls" on the Canadian border across the Arrowhead Region of Minnesota, USA. ─── 在从“加拿大人上的冻伤下降”的极端冬季的135英里越过明尼苏达的箭头区域毗邻的自行车,跑或滑雪板,美国。
10、Extruded nylon tape with arrowhead type hooks on both sides of a single base. ─── 带有突出的箭头式尼龙带用来分别钩住双面中的每个单面。。
11、arrowheaded determinant ─── 三角化法
12、An open arrowhead is used to indicate that a message is sent asynchrously. ─── 一个未填充的箭头用来指示消息异步传送。
13、Only the arrowhead, carved from some milky blue stone, had any color. ─── 只有箭头,是用乳状的蓝宝石雕刻的,发出一些色泽。
14、3. A small stone artifact, probably an arrowhead, with a blunt straight edge and a sharpened, crescent-shaped back, especially characteristic of the Mesolithic Age. ─── 新月形石器一个小的石制的人工制造物,可能是个箭头,有钝的直边,尖的新月形背部,尤其是有中石器时代特点的收藏指正
15、Operate guidebook: Click the arrowhead portrait starts game, moving a mouse to keep balance of give the ratio. ─── 操作指南:点击箭头图象开始游戏,移动鼠标来保持托比的平衡。
16、C, On ascular phase contrast-enhanced sonogram obtained 6 seconds after arrial of contrast material, feeding pedicle (arrowhead) enters into intrapancreatic accessory spleen (arrow). ─── 注射超声造影剂6秒获得的动脉相影像,血管蒂(小箭头示)进入胰内的副脾(大箭头示)。
17、Oh, an arrowhead, a finely crafted one. ─── 大牛:哦,原来是个箭头,做得还挺细致嘛。
18、The Rim of the World Highway to Lake Arrowhead was shut down, as was a portion of Interstate 10 near San Bernardino for a time. ─── 从世界高速公路到Arrowhead湖的边缘地带已经被关闭,这里一度是圣贝纳迪诺附近洲际通道的一部分。
19、Line with a variable arrowhead that routes between the shapes it connects using an adjustable right-angled line. ─── 使用可调直角线在所连形状之间绘制路线的带可变箭头的连接线。
20、Operate guidebook: The CTRL attackstones for the big gun, the space attackstones for the nailhead hammer, the arrowhead acts,jumps up. ─── 操作指南:CTRL为大炮攻击,空间为钉头锤攻击,箭头行动、跳跃。
21、Highyield cultivation techniques for double season lotus rhizome interplanting with arrowhead ─── 双季莲藕套种慈菇高产栽培技术
22、In the left navigation pane, click the arrowhead next to Security to expand the tree. ─── 在左边的导航窗格中,单击Security前面的箭头,展开树。
23、Fig.1 Right posterior communicating artery aneurysm, narrow-neck (arrowhead). ─── 图1右侧后交通动脉动脉瘤,为窄颈(箭头所示)(略)
24、Any of various aquatic or wetland perennial plants of the genus Sagittaria, having arrowhead - shaped leaves and panicles of white, unisexual flowers. ─── 慈菇一种慈菇属水生或沼泽地生长的多年生植物,有箭头状叶子和白色的雌雄异花的圆锥花序
25、Use the Up and Down arrowhead icons to rearrange the ordering, then select ─── 使用向上和向下箭头键重新排序,并在完成后选择
26、Mixon reported strides in Operation Arrowhead Ripper, the major offensive in and around Baquba that began last month: "We have taken Baquba back from the enemy. ─── 据报道米克森在箭头撕裂者行动中进展显著,巴格达一带的主要攻势于上月开始进行:“我们已纪从敌人那夺回的巴格达。
27、longleaf arrowhead herb ─── 水慈姑
28、3 D arrowhead ─── 三维箭标
29、She found herself pressing the palms of her hands together, in an arrowhead , as she begged for grace. ─── 她不知不觉地双手合一,构成箭头的形状,恳求宽宥。
30、A yellow arrowhead in the margin of a source or Disassembly window marks the location of the next statement to be executed. ─── 源窗口或“反汇编”窗口的空白区域中的黄色箭头标记要执行的下一条语句的位置。
32、Therefore, because you are at the beginning of the arrowhead that is changing the paradigm of everything, you also receive the most heat. ─── 因此,因为你是在正在改变的每件事物的思维的箭头的开始,你也受到最大的压力。
33、This constellation makes the pattern of a celestial arrowhead, but no doubt the moonlit glare will wash out this faint loop of stars tonight. ─── 但毫无疑问的是月亮的光辉无疑让其他星星们黯然失色。
34、Operate guidebook:Mouse the left key shoot,move, the blank space key can pause, can choose bullet or reinforce star etc. while appearing red arrowhead under. ─── 操作指南:鼠标左键射击、移动,空格键可暂停,下方出现红色箭头时可选择子弹或加固星球等。
35、Study on biological characteristics and occurrence pattern of citrus arrowhead scale Unaspis yaninensis ─── 柑桔矢尖蚧生物学特性与发生规律研究
36、During their four seasons in Range Creek, the teams had plotted the GPS coordinates of every site they'd found and recorded the location of every potsherd, arrowhead, and metate. ─── 对于牧溪谷的每个季节,该小组都已在每个地方设定了GPS,他们记录每一个具有考古价值的陶片,箭头和研磨石被发现的具体位置。
37、Jennik: Ivan Buchta proved his skills in ARMA2 Operation Harvest Red campaign already and he's is the Lead Designer again for Arrowhead. ─── IB这个人已经在ARMA2OHR战役中展现出自己的水平,他也是OA的战役设计指挥。
38、” I wanted to go ,but it was a two-hour drive from Laguna to Lake Arrowhead. ─── 我确实想去,只是从拉古纳到箭头湖得两个小时的车程。
39、The past couple of weeks I've been training in Lake Arrowhead, California with Raf and I can tell that my endurance has improved significantly. ─── 刚刚过去的两周我一直都在美国加州LakeArrowhead和Raf一起训练,而我可以告诉大家,现在我的耐力已经有了很大的提高。
40、Add the arrowhead to the left of navigation menu. ─── 添加导航菜单左侧的小箭头.
41、Each arrowhead represents an interface. ─── 中,每个箭头表示一个接口。
42、A pair of wildfires consumed 128 homes in the mountain resort area of Lake Arrowhead, in the San Bernardino National Forest east of Los Angeles. ─── 两起大火烧毁了洛杉矶东部圣伯那地诺市国家森林区箭头湖山区旅游胜地128处住宅。
43、Tsay, J. G., and Tung, B. K. 1992. Leaf spot of arrowhead caused by Cylindrocarpon chiayiense in Taiwan. Plant Prot. Bull. 34: 175-179. ─── 李伯年。1966。农业要览第八辑园艺作物,第二篇蔬菜,荸荠,162-173页。台湾省政府农林厅编印。南投。617页。
44、A study on the karyotypes between the caltivated arrowhead and pygmy arrowhead. ─── 栽培慈姑和矮慈姑的核型比较研究.
45、The Indians chipped flint arrowhead ─── 印第安人凿制燧石箭头。
46、Southern California Edison spokesman said the blaze knocked out power to Running Springs, Crestline and Lake Arrowhead, and will be out indefinitely. ─── 南加州Edison的一个新闻发言人说大火使到RunningSprings,Crestline以及LakeArrowhead的能源耗尽,而且离熄灭仍无止尽。
47、arrowheaded characters ─── 楔形文字
48、A closed and filled arrowhead signifies that the message is sent synchronously. ─── 实心填充的箭头标明消息被同步发送出去。
49、arrowhead starch ─── 慈姑淀粉
50、Chinese arrowhead ─── 慈姑
51、The arrowhead proteinase inhibitor A and B (APIA and APIB) are double headed and multifunctional. Both their primary structure and cDNA sequence have been elucidated. ─── 慈菇蛋白酶抑制剂A和B(APIA和APIB)是一种双头多功能抑制剂 ,它们的一级结构和cDNA序列已经被阐明。
52、At the beginning of your upkeep, if there are no arrowhead counters on Serrated Arrows, sacrifice it. ─── 在你的维持开始时,若锯刺箭上没有箭头指示物,则牺牲之。
53、an arrowhead mark identifying British government property. ─── 一个箭头状标记,证明某物归英国政府所有。
54、oldworld arrowhead flower ─── 慈姑花
55、That portion of the dimension line extending from the arrowhead is redial relative to the arc. ─── 指向圆弧的箭头尺寸线是相对的。
56、In the left navigation pane, click the arrowhead next to Basic Settings to expand the tree and select Module Sequence in the tree. ─── 在左边的导航窗格中,单击Basic Settings前的箭头,展开树,并在树中选择Module Sequence。
57、Manbane envenoms her arrows with the corpse toxin, the victims poisoned by the Venom Arrowhead will lose hit points quickly. ─── 人敌在她的箭上涂布尸毒素,中毒者的生命点数将快速流逝。
58、When his men took the arrowhead out, they found that the poison had already seeped into the bone, so they persuaded him to go to Jingzhou for treatment. ─── 将士们取出箭头一看,毒已渗入骨头,劝关羽回荆州治疗。
59、T, Remove an arrowhead counter from Serrated Arrows: Put a -1/-1 counter on target creature. ─── {横置},从锯刺箭上移去一个箭头指示物:在目标生物上放置一个-1/-1指示物。
60、a projectile with a straight thin shaft and an arrowhead on one end and stabilizing vanes on the other; intended to be shot from a bow. ─── 一种在一头具有长竿和箭头,在另一头固定着风向标的发射物;能够从弓中发出。
61、We got into Moab at about noon, too soon to check into the campground, so we rode down to Fred's shop (Arrowhead Motorsports) to putter around a while. ─── 我们进入莫阿布中午约十二时,还为时过早检查到露营地,因此,我们骑着马到弗雷德店(箭头赛车),以推杆围绕一段时间。
62、arrowhead map ─── 动线地图
64、A projectile with a straight thin shaft and an arrowhead on one end and stabilizing vanes on the other,intended to be shot from a bow. ─── 一种在一头具有长竿和箭头,在另一头固定着风向标的发射物,能够从弓中发出。
65、Up Arrowhead Between Two Horizontal Bars ─── 上箭头尖在二个水平条之间
66、arrowhead with a fiat-tip ─── 平头镞
67、Prudential Arrowhead Realty - Real Estate organization serving Payson, Pine, Strawberry, and the Rim Country of Arizona. Offices in Payson and Pine. ─── 易易工作室-各种在线工具,站长网志,以及多个应用项目。
68、Artifacts are formed from metal, such as an Arrowhead from an ancient Mayan civilization, or a Metal Sword from Medieval Europe. ─── 后生物由金属构成,就像古玛雅文明的箭头或中世纪欧洲的剑。
69、The Experiment in the Fertilization for Arrowhead Growth ─── 慈菇肥料运筹试验
70、a small stone artifact,probably an arrowhead,with a blunt straight edge and a sharpened,crescent-shaped back,especially characteristic of the Mesolithic Age ─── 新月形石器;一个小的石制的人工制造物,可能是个箭头,有钝的直边,尖的新月形背部,尤其是有中石器时代特点的
71、My surgical operation is finished. The arrowhead in your leg should be cured by a physician who practices internal medicine. ─── 医生摇摇头说:“外科的事我已做完,挖掉肉里的箭头那是内科的事。”
72、Figure 7. Thrombus in a Vein (Arrows), Identified by the Absence of Elastic Fibers (Resorcin?Fuchsin Elastic Tissue Stain, ?125).In contrast, a nearby artery contains internal elastic fibers (arrowhead). ─── 图7.血管缺乏弹性纤维,证明为静脉,并见静脉血栓(箭头)。相反,附近的动脉存在弹性纤维。
73、Operate guidebook: Mouse the left key shoot, move, the blank space key can pause, can choose bullet or reinforce star etc. while appearing red arrowhead under. ─── 操作指南:鼠标左键射击、动,空格键可暂停,下方出现红色箭头时可选择子弹或加固星球等。
74、In a source window, click the yellow arrowhead and drag it to a location where you want to set the next statement (in the same source file), or ─── 在源窗口中,单击黄色箭头,要将下一条语句设置到哪个位置,就将箭头拖到该位置,该位置应在同一源文件中,或者
75、 双语使用场景
76、On a dark, moonless night, let Jupiter be your guide to this celestial arrowhead that we call ! ─── 在一个暗淡无月的夜晚,让木星成为你的向导引领你去往我们称为“摩羯海羊”的天之箭头。
77、A small stone artifact, probably an arrowhead, with a blunt straight edge and a sharpened, crescent - shaped back, especially characteristic of the Mesolithic Age. ─── 新月形石器一个小的石制的人工制造物,可能是个箭头,有钝的直边,尖的新月形背部,尤其是有中石器时代特点的
78、Ancient myth tells us of the Mayan Warrior killedby an Arrowhead that had fallen from a cliff, wherethere was no Army, no enemy to be found. ─── 在古代传说中,玛雅战士被从悬崖上落下的箭头射杀,而悬崖上没有任何军队。
79、A radius dimension line uses one arrowheaded, at the arc end. ─── 半径标示线由箭头线和圆弧组成。
80、On a moonless night, Capricornus' loop of stars looks like an arrowhead etched onto the blackboard of night! ─── 在无月之夜,摩羯座星星们环绕的环就像是弓箭的箭头,铭刻在黑幕般的夜。
81、Arrowhead Piculet ─── n. 箭头姬啄木鸟
82、Tissue Culture and Mass Propagation of Chinese Arrowhead ─── 慈姑茎尖组织培养与快速繁殖
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