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09-10 投稿



hymenium 发音

英:[haɪˈminɪəm]  美:[haɪˈmiːnɪəm]

英:  美:

hymenium 中文意思翻译



hymenium 词性/词形变化,hymenium变形


hymenium 短语词组

1、decurrent hymenium ─── 下延处女膜

hymenium 相似词语短语

1、Comenius ─── n.(Comenius)人名;(德、捷)科梅纽斯

2、helenium ─── 堆心菊属

3、Samnium ─── 萨摩

4、hymenia ─── n.子囊层;子实层(hymenium的变形)

5、hymeniums ─── n.子囊层;子实层

6、hymenial ─── adj.子实层的

7、hydronium ─── n.水合氢离子

8、harmonium ─── n.脚踏式风琴;小风琴

9、heleniums ─── 海伦尼乌斯

hymenium 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、" Said, "there is hymenium Department million people of the West home town silkworm Stone (this Taiyuan Village silkworm Yao Village), the second son of Lu Zhou Liang Shihyuan know. ─── 又说,“元有子实处士居邑西蚕石(今太原市姚村乡蚕石村),次子良仕元知潞州”。

2、differentiation of hymenium ─── 子实层分化

3、In most basidiomycetes the basidia are borne on a special fertile layer, the hymenium, on the surface of a fruiting body, the BASIDIOMA. ─── 在大多数的担子菌中,担子是由一个专门的可育层,即在子实体表面的子实层形成的。

4、The spores (basidiospores) are produced on the outer layer (hymenium). ─── 孢子(担孢子)产生在外层(子实层)。

5、In most basidiomycotes the basidia develop in the BASIDIOMA from hyphal tips in the hymenium and may be club-shaped or cylinarical. ─── 在大多数担子菌中,担子是由着生在子实层菌丝先端的担子果发育而成的,它可以是球形的也可以是圆柱形的。

6、Keywords Tricholoma matsutake;Hymenium;Mycelium;Fragrance component;Top vacuum;Distillation;Extraction. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry.; ─── 松口蘑子实体;菌丝;香成分;顶空;蒸馏-萃取;色谱/质谱联机;

7、In most basidiomycotes the basidia are borne on a special fertile layer, the hymenium, on the surface of a fruiting body, the BASIDIOMA. ─── 在大多数的担子菌中,担子是由一个专门的可育层,即在子实体表面的子实层形成的。

8、small pits in the surface of cloth to hymenium, hymenium composed by the ascus and the side of the wire ; ─── 小凹坑内表面布以子实层,子实层由子囊及侧丝组成;

9、Through the microexamination of paraffin slices of Tuber indicum ascocarps, the microstructures of peridium and hymenium as well as the development of asci and ascospores in asci were studied. ─── 通过印度块菌子囊果石蜡切片的显微观察,对印度块菌子囊果包被及子实层的显微结构、子囊及子囊孢子的发育过程进行研究。

10、The micro-morphology of log-cultivated Phellinus igniarius, hymenium , basidiospore, conical seta and the discrete structure of mycelia were observed under scanning electron microscope. ─── 采用扫描电子显微镜观察人工栽培桑黄子实体的显微形态及其结构,如菌管、子实层、担孢子、锥形刚毛及离散菌丝结构等。

11、Hymenium (pl. hymenia) A layer of the fruiting body of certain ascomycete and basidiomycete fungi in which the asci or basidia are borne. ─── 子实层:真菌中的子囊菌类和担子菌类的子实体上生长子囊或担子的层状结构。

12、These are covered in the spore-bearing layer (hymenium). ─── 子实层生于菌褶的两面。

13、The hymenium may be directly exposed to the air, as in the gills of the mushroom (a basidiomycete) or may open into a flask-shaped cavity, as in the perithecia of certain ascomycetes. ─── 子实层可能直接暴露于空气,像蘑菇(担子菌)的菌褶,也可能似瓶状开口,如某些子囊菌的子囊壳。

14、The micro-morphology of log-cultivated Phellinus igniarius, hymenium , basidiospore, conical seta and the discrete structure of mycelia were observed under scanning electron microscope. ─── 采用扫描电子显微镜观察人工栽培桑黄子实体的显微形态及其结构,如菌管、子实层、担孢子、锥形刚毛及离散菌丝结构等。

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