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08-18 投稿


underwriter 发音

英:['ʌndə,raɪtə]  美:['ʌndɚ'raɪtɚ]

英:  美:

underwriter 中文意思翻译



underwriter 词性/词形变化,underwriter变形

动词过去分词: underwritten |动词现在分词: underwriting |动词过去式: underwrote |动词第三人称单数: underwrites |

underwriter 短语词组

1、managing underwriter ( ─── 证券)牵头承销商

2、insurance underwriter ─── [经] 保录承保人

3、underwriter syndicate ─── [财]承保人辛迪加

4、underwriter's contract ─── [经] 认购契约

5、underwriter agency ─── [财]承保代理公司

6、underwriter's guarantee ─── 承销商的担保

7、underwriter's laboratory ─── 承销商的实验室

8、underwriter labotories ─── 保险商实验室

9、cargo underwriter ─── [经] 货物承保人

10、multiple line underwriter ─── 多线承销商

11、sub-underwriter ─── [经] 证券分包商

12、underwriter laboratory ─── 保险业实验室

13、principal underwriter ─── [经] 主要承保人

14、policy underwriter ─── [经] 保险单承保人

15、underwriter's option ─── [经] 认购人选择权

16、fire underwriter ─── [经] 火灾保险业者, 承保火险人

underwriter 相似词语短语

1、underwrites ─── v.承担经济责任,提供财力支持;承保;承购,包销(未获认购的股份);在……下面写

2、underwriters ─── n.保险业者,承诺支付者(underwriter复数形式)

3、underwrote ─── v.签名于;认购;经营保险业;同意支付(underwrite的过去式)

4、underbite ─── n.反颌

5、underwriting ─── n.保险业;[金融]证券包销;v.认购(underwrite的ing形式);写在…下面;经营保险业

6、underwrite ─── v.承担经济责任,提供财力支持;承保;承购,包销(未获认购的股份);在……下面写

7、underwater ─── adj.在水中的;水面下的;adv.在水下;n.水下

8、underwritten ─── v.签署(保险单);通过保险承担(风险或责任);(银行或其他金融机构)承购;同意承担……的费用;在……下面写(underwrite的过去分词)

9、underbites ─── n.反颌

underwriter 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、The underwriter or the shipper is about to tackle the problem of your claim. ─── 保险商或托人即将着手解决你方索赔问题。

2、Yours 9th receive from underwriter l244.65 which credited your a/c ─── 九日来电收悉,保险公司的244.65英镑已领,并记在您的帐户上。

3、Underwriter's Laboratories Incorporated ─── 保险商实验所

4、The principal underwriter shall be determined by the issuer through competitive bidding or consultation according to the principle of fair competition. ─── 主承销商由发行人按照公平竞争的原则,通过竞标或者协商的方式确定。

5、Institute of London Underwriter's Clause ─── 伦敦保险协会条款

6、An offering in which the underwriter (or syndicate) buys all the shares and resells them. ─── 包销商(或集团)买入所有份额并销售给公众的交易。

7、The underwriter can have kind of 3 kinds of compensation, it is cash reparations; 2 be by rehabilitate of insurant proper motion or replacement; The 3 same property that are replacement and damage award or pay repair charge. ─── 保险人可以有三种赔偿方式,一是现金赔款;二是由被保险人自行修复或重置;三是重置与受损标的相同的财产或支付修理费用。

8、Report and discuss with our underwriter in HK office ─── 向香港汇报及讨论

9、If the underwriter did not put forward,enquire, policy-holder need not be informed. ─── 假如保险人未提出询问的,投保人无需告知。

10、Traditional IPO ? In an IPO a company must find and pay an underwriter to manage the process. ─── 传统的首次公开募股集资(IPO)---首次公开募股集资,公司必须找到并且支付一个担保者来进行这些程序。

11、an underwriter at Lloyd's ─── 劳埃德保险社承保人.

12、Stabilization Activities by an underwriter to support the offering price of a new issue stock in the aftermarket. ─── 稳定化承销商在后市市场支持新股招股价的行动。

13、charter life underwriter ─── 取得职业资格的人寿保险外勤人员

14、As the insurances underwriter of the international badminton fair this time, PICC will keep on offering best service and plenitude assurance for the game. ─── 作为本次国际羽坛盛会的保险商,我公司将一如既往地提供优质的保险服务和最充分的保险保障。

15、After the underwriter pays insurance compensation according to insurance contract agreement, can acquire the property that the incomplete of damage insurance mark is worth. ─── 保险人按照保险合同约定支付保险赔偿金后,可以取得受损保险标的残值的所有权。

16、It raises the question of whether Mr Buffett is as canny an underwriter as Ajit Jain, who runs his catastrophe reinsurance business. ─── 这引发了一个问题:作为保险商,巴菲特有阿吉特•贾殷(AjitJain)精明吗?后者为他管理灾难再保险业务。

17、After insurance accident happens, insurant should be adopted actively rescue them measure, rescue insurance belongings, make the loss falls nadir, answer to inform an underwriter instantly, facilitate seasonable organization survey. ─── 保险事故发生后,被保险人应积极采取施救措施,抢救保险财产,使损失降到最低点,并应立即通知保险人,便于及时组织查勘。

18、The Security Underwriter Reputation in the Securities Market: View from Game Theory ─── 博弈论视角的我国证券承销商声誉机制研究

19、It also was underwriter on its own stock-and-bond offering, as it seeks to get out from under the TARP. ─── 摩根士丹利还承销了自己的股票与债券发行,以筹集资金偿还问题资产救助资金。

20、You can claim for the damaged goods with the underwriter. ─── 你可以就受损货物向保险商索赔。

21、10.Assuring insurance is warrantee (debtor) according to obligee (creditor) requirement, request underwriter assures the insurance of own credence. ─── 保证保险是被保证人(债务人)根据权利人(债权人)的要求,请求保险人担保自己信用的保险。

22、The different roles insurance company, underwriter, broker, consultant and agent play and their impacts to importers and exporters. ─── 保单条款以预印,旁加,打字机及手书等方式加入,各有何法律效果的不同?如果它们互有冲穾或矛盾时,应如何处理?

23、An issuer and its managing underwriter shall determine the issuing price span through initial inquiry, and determine the issuing price within the price span through accumulated bidding inquiry. ─── 发行人及其主承销商应当通过初步询价确定发行价格区间,在发行价格区间内通过累计投标询价确定发行价格。

24、Secondly, in deficit safe circumstance falls, be sure namely amount falls under the circumstance of insurance value, the underwriter gains damage insurance mark according to the scale of insurance amount and insurance value partial right. ─── 其二,在不足额保险的情况下,也就是保险金额低于保险价值的情况下,保险人按照保险金额与保险价值的比例取得受损保险标的的部分权利。

25、Insurance broker is the interest that is based on policy-holder, for policy-holder and underwriter (insurance company) conclude insurance contract provides intermediary service, and lawfully the unit of collection commission. ─── 保险经纪人是基于投保人的利益,为投保人与保险人(保险公司)订立保险合同提供中介服务,并依法收取佣金的单位。

26、leading underwriter's agreement for marine hull business ─── 主要保险人船舶协议

27、The investors were sophisticated (on paper, at least) and the securities unregistered, reducing underwriter liability. ─── 投资者是老练的(至少名义上是这样)与证券不属于监管范围,都减轻了承销商的责任。

28、Empirical Study on Mechanism of Underwriter Reputation in China IPO Market ─── IPO市场承销商声誉机制的形成机理及实证检验

29、If the company offers new shares to the public, such share offer shall be underwritten by a lawfully established securities underwriter, and the company shall execute an underwriting agreement therewith. ─── 公司向社会公开发行新股,应当由依法设立的证券经营机构承销,签订承销协议。

30、(2) the underwriter reputation shows remarkable differences under the different IPO systems. ─── (2)在不同的IPO发行制度下,券商声誉有着显著的差异。

31、Candidate with less experience will be considered for the position of Assistant Underwriter)Base in: Beijing Ke...... ... ─── 公司名称:华泰财产保险股份有限公司工作地点:北京市发布时间:2009-6-11

32、Primary underwriter of government bonds ─── 国债一级自营商

33、The use of an underwriter assures the corporation that the entire bond issue will be sold without delay, and the entire amount of the proceeds will be available at a specific date. ─── 使用证券包销商确保了公司全部债券的发行不被拖延,而且全部收入都能在规定日期收回。

34、Secondly, disability gives pay. When insurant causes maimed person because of sufferring accident harm, the underwriter abandons insurance gold to Fu Can. ─── 其二,残废给付。被保险人因遭受意外伤害造成残废时,保险人给付残废保险金。

35、If the Underwriting Agreement is terminated by the Underwriter, the Rights Issue also will not proceed. ─── 倘包销商终止包销协议,本公司将会作出进一步公布。

36、But the subprime crisis that had begun in America was beginning to infect the central European property market, making the role of underwriter a risky one. ─── 但是美国的次贷危机开始影响中欧的房地产市场,使承销商成为一个危险的角色。

37、The re-insurer shall not refuse to perform or delay the performance of the originally insured liability on the pretext of non-performance of the re-insurance liability by the re-insurance underwriter. ─── 再保险分出人不得以再保险接受人未履行再保险责任为由,拒绝履行或者迟延履行其原保险责任。

38、The principal underwriter should sign an underwriting group agreement with other sub-underwriters. ─── 主承销商应当与其他承销商签署承销团协议。

39、the proportion of an insurance risk assumed by a particular underwriter or company ─── 保险额由特定保险人或保险公司在保险中承担的险额

40、What makes insurant, underwriter, a third party? ─── 什么叫被保险人、保险人、第三者?

41、bond underwriter ─── 债券担保人

42、The two US banks are expected to be hired as advisers in a more junior capacity, along with a Chinese underwriter. ─── 预计两家美国银行将与一家中国承销商一起,担任级别较低的顾问角色。

43、On September 17, 2007, CSC succeeded in the bid for the lead underwriter of Shougang Group's 9 billion enterprise bond. ─── 2007年9月17日,中信建投证券成功承揽了首钢总公司90亿元企业债券发行项目,确立了主承销商资格。

44、The right that the incomplete of insurance mark is worth is attributive the circumstance that fulfills insurance liability to pay compensation according to the underwriter is affirmatory. ─── 保险标的残值的权利归属根据保险人履行保险赔偿责任的情况确定。

45、The favourable allocation by an underwriter of shares in a desirable initial public offering to selected clients in the expectation of . . . ─── 指在富有吸引力的股票首次公开发行中,承销商将部分股票按优惠条件分配给某些特定客户,以便获得他们的投资…

46、Cancellation or termination of this Certificate shall not affect the Underwriter’s liability for any accident or occurrence which commenced prior to such cancellation or termination. ─── 保险人或被保险人在财产发生损失以后的追偿、救助或保护被保险财产的任何行为不应认为是对委付的放弃或接受。

47、securities underwriter ─── n. 证券包销商

48、On January 1, 1995, Solarwind Company receives $10 cash from the underwriter and records a liability in this amount. ─── 在1995年1月1日,太阳风公司从证券包销商处收到现金10美元,并记录该项负债。

49、leading underwriter's agreement ─── 主要保险人协议

50、If the issuer and its lead underwriter recommence the offering work after a suspension, they shall report the same to the CSRC in a timely manner. ─── 发行人及其主承销商中止发行后重新启动发行工作的,应当及时向中国证监会报告。

51、Once the SEC declares the offering effective, indications of interest previously received from customers can be confirmed as binding orders, and the underwriter may sell them the new securities. ─── 一旦证监会宣布发行成功,以前从客户获得的询价就能够作为合同确认下来,并且证券公司可以出售给他们新的证券。

52、Depending on whether an operation is invoked by the customer or by the underwriter, the returned behavior may be quite different. ─── 根据某个操作是由客户还是由担保人调用的,所返回的行为可能会有很大不同。

53、Reinsurance contract is original underwriter and reinsurance person the partnership contract that with partaking danger is common goal. ─── 再保险合同为原保险人与再保险人以分担危险为共同目的之合伙合同。

54、However, claim which fall within the responsibility of shipping company and underwriter shall not is entertain. ─── 但是,我方不受理属于承运人及保险人责任的任何索赔。

55、Any signature by an agent or proxy must indicate whether the agent or proxy has signed for or on behalf of the insurance company or underwriter. ─── 代理人或代表的签字必须标明其系代表保险公司或承保人签字。

56、leading underwriter's agreement for marine cargo business ─── 主要保险人海上货运协议

57、The right of subrogation is an important statutory right of underwriter in maritime insurance. ─── 代位求偿权是海上保险中保险人的一项重要法定权利。

58、None of the issuer, lead underwriter or Inquiry Recipients may publicly disclose the contents of the investment value research report in any manner. ─── 发行人、承销商和询价对象不得以任何形式公开披露投资价值研究报告的内容。

59、The underwriter can reduce the amount of coverage, place exclusion riders, increase the rate, decrease the benefit period or even offer you a completely different policy. ─── 包销商可以减少的数额范围,发生排斥的车手,增加的速度,减少受益期或什至为您提供一个完全不同的政策。

60、The Institute of London Underwriter companies Marine Policy ─── 和伦敦保险人协会公司海上保险单

61、International Association of Accident and Health Underwriter ─── 国际事故和健康保险商协会

62、If the market will not buy the shares, the underwriter buys them. ─── 如果市场不买这些股票,包销商就会买。

63、Insurance agent is to point to the commission according to the underwriter, the unit that stops to replace manage poundage and deal with insurance Wu inside the limits of underwriter accredit to the underwriter or individual. ─── 保险代理人是指根据保险人的委托,向保险人收取代理手续费并在保险人授权的范围内办理保险业务的单位或者个人。

64、name of the underwriter and related agreements. ─── 承销机构名称及有关的协议。

65、Issued by the lead underwriter underwriting group organized through the book-archiving, centralized way of placing the national inter-bank bond market public offering. ─── 发行由主承销商组织承销团,通过簿记建档、集中配售的方式在全国银行间债券市场公开发行。

66、On June 26, 2008, the warrants and detachable convertible company bonds of China Gezhouba Group underwritten by CSC as lead underwriter were successfully issued. ─── 2008年6月26日,公司作为主承销商成功承销发行了葛洲坝认股权和债券分离交易可转换公司债券。

67、however, if the underwriter can prove that he has exercised as much care as possible, this is not applicable; ─── 但证券承销商如能证明已尽相当注意义务者,不在此限。

68、Secondly, in the insurance contract that concludes respectively in policy-holder and different underwriter, of insurance mark, onetime capital of issue of insurance profit, insurance is identical. ─── 其二,在投保人与不同的保险人分别订立的保险合同中,保险标的、保险利益、保险事故都是相同的。

69、The underwriter can have kind of 3 kinds of compensation, it is cash reparations; ─── 保险人可以有三种赔偿方式,一是现金赔款;

70、Underwriter's Laboratories of Canada ─── 加拿大保险商实验所

71、7. Secondly, disability gives pay. When insurant causes maimed person because of sufferring accident harm, the underwriter abandons insurance gold to Fu Can. ─── 其二,残废给付。被保险人因遭受意外伤害造成残废时,保险人给付残废保险金。收藏指正

72、No issuer, managing underwriter or inquiry object may publicize or disclose the content of an investment value study report in any form. ─── 发行人、主承销商和询价对象不得以任何形式公开披露投资价值研究报告的内容。

73、The Relationship Test between Underwriter Reputation and IPO Underprice in Chinese Securities Market ─── 主承销商声誉与IPO抑价关系的实证研究

74、6.Assuring insurance is warrantee (debtor) according to obligee (creditor) requirement, request underwriter assures the insurance of own credence. ─── 信用保险是指权利人向保险人投保债务人的信用风险的一种保险。

75、One that insures, especially an insurance underwriter. ─── 保险人提供保险者,特别是保险商

76、To illustrate, assume that on January 1, 1995, Solarwind Company sells $10 of 9%, 40-year bonds to an underwriter at a price of 98. ─── 举例,假设1995年1月1日,太阳风公司按98%的价格把价值10美元,年息9%,40年期的债券卖给证券包销商。

77、When bonds are issued, the corporation usually utilizes the services of an investment banking firm, called an underwriter. ─── 在发行债券时,发行公司通常利用称为证券包销商的投资银行机构提供的服务。

78、The issuer cannot put to use the capital collected before the end of the issuance of the bonds, and the main underwriter and the credit agent shall have the responsibility to supervise them. ─── 债券发行结束之前,发行人不得动用所募集的资金,主承销商和债权代理人负有监督义务。

79、insurance underwriter ─── [经] 保录承保人

80、The corporation records the issuance of the bonds at the net amount received from the underwriter. ─── 发行公司只记录从证券包销商处收到的现金净值。

81、Below the circumstance that did not pay insurance premium by the agreement in policy-holder, the underwriter can request insurant to pay through litigant means of course. ─── 在投保人没有按约定支付保险费的情况下,保险人当然可以通过诉讼的方式请求被保险人支付。

82、The insurance that pays insurance gold in order to die the condition to give is serve as insurance accident with the death of insurant, insurance gold pays to beneficiary beneficiary by the underwriter when accident happening. ─── 以死亡为给付保险金条件的保险是以被保险人的死亡作为保险事故,在事故发生时由保险人向受益人支付保险金。

83、One of, die to pay. When insurant suffers accident harm to cause death, the underwriter gives pay insurance against death gold. ─── 其一,死亡给付。被保险人遭受意外伤害造成死亡时,保险人给付死亡保险金。

84、AARP chose New York Life as the -xclusive underwriter of its new life insurance program. ─── 全美退休者协会(AARP)选择纽约人寿作为新寿险计画的独家保险商。

85、After the underwriter receives the announcement that changes beneficiary beneficiary, ought to go up in insurance policy annotate on. ─── 保险人收到变更受益人的通知后,应当在保险单上批注。

86、They specialize in selling high priced business liability insurance through an association underwriter. ─── 他们专门从事高价出售业务责任保险协会通过承销商。

87、The seller is obligated to exercise ordinary care and diligence in selecting an underwriter that is in good financial standing ─── 卖方有责任关心并谨慎地选择一家资信较佳的保险公司。

88、"insurance law " although stipulate insurant commits suicide, the underwriter does not assume insurance responsibility. ─── 《保险法》虽然规定被保险人自杀,保险人不承担保险责任。

89、Yours 9th receive from underwriter l244.65 which credited your a/c. ─── 九日来电收悉,保险公司的244。65英镑已领,并记在您的帐户上。






1、汽车领域: 汽车驾驶(无人车)



4、 金融领域——证券交易的自动化




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