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08-26 投稿


largeness 发音

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英:  美:

largeness 中文意思翻译



largeness 网络释义

n. 巨大,广大;大量

largeness 反义词


largeness 同义词

bigness | bulk | size |breadth | extensiveness | comprehensiveness | pretension | width | magnitude | extent | mass | scale | expansiveness | pretentiousness

largeness 相似词语短语

1、largens ─── v.扩大

2、lameness ─── n.跛;残废;僵而疼痛的

3、lateness ─── n.晚,迟

4、sageness ─── n.贤明,明智

5、larkiness ─── n.爱耍闹

6、rareness ─── n.稀薄;稀罕;珍奇

7、bareness ─── n.裸露;赤裸

8、largened ─── v.扩大

9、largess ─── n.慷慨的赠予;赠品

largeness 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another;good sense is not conscience, refinement is not humility,nor is largeness and justness of view faith. ─── 知识是一回事,美德是另一回事。正确的判断力并非意识,文雅并非谦逊,广博与正义的观点也并非信仰。

2、Objective To evaluate therapeutic effects on larg e intestinal carcinoma with hepatic metastasis. ─── 目的探讨大肠癌伴肝转移,不同治疗方法的效果。

3、Our proucs ar wily us i iffr placs, such as ciis or coury srs, ciy squar, parks, larg builig groups, rsic commuiis, crossroas, ocks a urba lascap aras c. ─── 崇文灵光生产的系列产品广泛适用于城乡道路、城市广场、休闲公园、大型建筑群、住宅小区以及立交桥、码头、城市景观带等不同场所。

4、The Urbanization of Inner Mongolia Should Follow the Main Development Line of Larg or Medium Cities ─── 内蒙古城镇化应走以大中城市为主的发展道路

5、Considerations in designing larg e -scale AHF equipments and suggesti ons are put forward. ─── 探讨了国内设计AHF大规模装置需考虑的问题,并提出了建议。

6、She lacked the easy largeness of Martin and could not rise superior to her environment. ─── 她受到了严重的伤害,他那敏感的天性因为那耻辱而颤抖。

7、7. Smallness is the antithesis of largeness. ─── 小是大的对立面。

8、We also show that the properties of core largeness, the extendibility and the exactness for these matching games are equivalent, which strictly imply the stability of the core. ─── 其次我们讨论了几个与核心稳定性密切相关的性质(核心的包容性、对策的精确性和可扩性)并证明了它们的等价性。基于这些结果,我们还讨论了相应问题的算法。

9、We must come away with the wholeness or largeness of the gospel. ─── 我們必須體會,福音是多麼廣大,多麼完整。

10、The "one-man family farm" is promoted by all countries of Western culture, even when it is unable to compete in cost-efficiency with larg farm enterprises. ─── 属于西方文化的各国一直在力图推行“一个男人的家庭农场”,尽管它不能在成本效益上和大型农场企业相竞争。

11、The Fu trends to taking largeness as beauty. ─── 汉大赋以大为美,状大物、写壮景;

12、The languid largeness of her eyes showed that her sleep had been little more than his own. ─── 她那没精打采的大眼睛表明,她也并不比他多睡了多少。

13、Dialogue instruction does not implement by the non-dialogue learning model of college students,tremendous largeness of class shape and the lower Chinese a... ─── 大学生的“反对话”学习方式、班级规模过大和大学生整体的语文素养不高等因素影响了对话教学的顺利实施。

14、A ordinary and largeness mother. ─── 一普通和大之的母亲。

15、Drive Control System in the Form of "the Smallness Driving the Largeness" ─── “小拖大”传动控制系统

16、Computer prog rams for industrial control applications frequently have larg eamount of data which need be imported or processed. ─── 工业控制的计算机程序中经常要对大量的控制数据进行输入或修改。

17、What (which) is price capacity container $ 3500 largeness ( )? ─── (问 集装箱价格?)装这么多货值$ 3500 的集装箱货物 运费是多少?

18、turbulent waves do not be frightened nor feel small. Once you have largeness of mind, your life will become as vast as the sea. ─── 如果你面对汹涌的波涛,不必惧怕,更不用自认渺小。一旦你有了博大的胸怀,你的人生将会像大海一样壮阔。

19、29 And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore. ─── 神赐给所罗门极大的智慧聪明和广大的心,如同海沙不可测量。

20、The one is its largeness. ─── 第一个特点是博大。

21、These results indicate that the occurrence of larg... ─── 提示,大肠癌的发生与锰、镁的含量变化有关。

22、How to Deepen the Innovation of Teaching Chemical Experiment on the Basis of the Reality in Largeness Schools ─── 高师化学实验教学改革初探

23、The High Density Cultivation Techniques of Larg Ridge and Narrow Row for High Oil Soybean ─── 高油大豆大垄窄行密植栽培技术

24、Unusual largeness in size or extent ─── 巨大之物;无限

25、By greatness, I do not only mean the bulk of any single object, but the largeness of a whole view, considered as one entire piece. ─── 在我看来,伟大不仅仅指单个物体大量呈现,而是指全景的恢弘感,是被作为一个整体来考虑的。

26、He alternately employs such contrasts as between light and shade between largeness and diminution between openness and seclusion and between elevation and depression. ─── 园林的主人巧妙的运用对比的手法来制造与众不同的视觉效果:例如明亮与灰暗,放大与缩小,开阔与隐居,陡升与骤降等等。

27、impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to show disapproval ─── 因为不必要的巨大或者宏大而给人印象深刻;用来表示不赞成

28、Spirituality involves the longing to be connected with the largeness of life as well as to something larger than one's ego-self, in other words, a power-not-oneself. ─── 灵性包括了某种渴望,渴望与生命之巨大相连接,以及与某个比他的自我更大的东西相连接,也就是说,渴望一种非自我的力量。

29、Conclusion:there was effect to treat refractoriness constipation after bone fracture in Larg... ─── 结论:辨证应用大承气汤方加减治疗骨折后难治性便秘效果明显。

30、(said esp of sums of money, distances,etc,emphasizing their largeness ─── (附加于钱、距离等数目之前以强调其数目之大)

31、South East Asia and national largeness market. ─── 广大客户称赞。

32、The stroma-cells have larg e numbers of dictyosomes and endoplasmic reticulums with simple structure,and mo st of the hemoblasts are granulate. ─── 电子显微镜下,内皮细胞非核部分有伸向盲腔的突起,基质细胞中的高尔基体和内质网数量多、结构简单,血细胞大多为颗粒细胞。

33、Enterprises of salt industry easily lead to the mistakes for innovation for largeness and height in adjusting. ─── 阐述分析了我国制盐企业在当前经济结构调整过程中容易走入求新、求大、攀高的误区。

34、Conclusions The cerebrocardiac syndrome was prone to occur in the patients with cardiac heart disease,diabetes,hypertension medical history,the agedness and larg... ─── 结论梗死面积大,或合并有冠心病、糖尿病高血压等的老年患者容易合并脑心综合征。

35、cried Passepartout, startled at the largeness of the sum ─── 路路通嚷着问,他就是对罚款数目特别敏感。

36、larg roof board ─── 大型屋面板

37、But there must be vast mind, because whom the woman needs is not the enteric false man of small belly chicken, but larg . ─── 但绝不能没有博大的胸怀,因为女人需要的不是小肚鸡肠的伪男子,而是宽宏大量的真丈夫。

38、Th proucs ar applicabl o iffr fils such as larg builigs, hom lcrical appliacs, kich usils, furiur coraios, a bahroom scrs. ─── 产品适用于大型建筑、家用电器、厨房用具、家居装饰、浴室屏风等多个领域。

39、The basic design of 10,000 TEU and 12,500 TE U containers, the choice of propulsive modes and existing problems of super larg e containers are introduced in the paper. ─── 介绍10000TEU和12500TEU超大型集装箱船的基本设计,超大型集装箱船推进方式的选用和存在问题。

40、The might have repercussions of unimaginable largeness. ─── 那力量的后果大得难以想象。

41、Largeness as such is not bad. ─── 媒体规模大并不一定是坏事。

42、The discussions about the economic calculation for costing-efficiency of larg medical ─── 大型医用设备经济效益核算探讨

43、She lacked the easy largeness of Martin and could not rise superior to her environment. ─── 她缺少马丁那样广阔的心胸,不能超越自己环境。

44、This is by far the larg gest cake in the world. ─── 这是目前世界上最大的蛋糕了。

45、Let your riches consist, not in the largeness of your possessions, but in the fewness of your wants. ─── 让你的富足不取决于拥有最多财物,而在于你所需的是何等微薄。

46、Largeness of mind ─── 襟怀坦白

47、And God gave Solomon wisdom and understanding exceeding much, and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the sea shore. ─── 神赐给所罗门极大的智慧聪明和广大的心,如同海沙不可测量。

48、If you are faced with turbulent waves do not be frightened nor feel small.Once you have largeness of mind,your life will become as vast as the sea. ─── 如果你面对汹涌的波涛,不必惧怕,更不用自认渺小。一旦你有了博大的胸怀,你的人生将会像大海一样壮阔。

49、The machine has a larg e process capacity,high yields,a low operation cost and good adaptation.So the machine has a good value of application. ─── 表明该机处理能力大,收得率高,运行成本低,适应性能良好,有推广应用价值。

50、A continuous multi-layer with a larg e number of pores was observed.Structure of the film was found to be different fr om polytetrafluoroethylene and polyviny fluoride. ─── 溅射后织物表面生成一种不同于聚氟乙烯和聚四氟乙烯结构的薄膜,薄膜呈多层贯通蜂窝状结构。

51、Let your riches consist, not in the largeness of your possessions, but in the fewness of your wants. ─── 让你的富足不取决于拥有最多财物,而在于你所需的是何等微薄。

52、have largeness of mind; be open-hearted and aboveboard ─── 胸怀坦荡

53、This favorable condition is caused by a larg er bottom protrusion volume and longer reentrant lip length with retard the fuel injection and lead a reduced emissions of NOx and particles. ─── 喷油提前角和喷雾锥角决定着燃油在燃烧室内的落点高度,决定着柴油机各项性能指标的好坏,它们需与燃烧室形状优化匹配。

54、Lead Yangzhou's Industry to Strength and Largeness with Innovation ─── 以创新引领扬州工业做强做大

55、It proved her courage, the largeness of her sympathy, her willingness to sacrifice for what she considered a worthy cause. ─── 因为有了这种局势,才能证明她的勇气,证明她的同情的宽大,以及她愿意为正当理由而牺牲自己的精神。

56、5. good sense is not conscience, refinement is not humility, nor is largeness and justness of view faith. ─── 好意并非良心,优雅并非谦让,广博与公正的观点也并非信仰。

57、causes unfa ir taxation between enterprises and dropping out of larg e amount of tax since the reform and th e opening up, which will become more a nd more severe after WTO entry. ─── 改革开放以来,我国境内跨国纳税人,尤其是跨国公司的国际避税行为造成了企业间税负不公,导致了国家税收大量流失。

58、Knowledge is one thing, virtue is another; good sense is not conscience, refinement is not humility, nor is largeness and justness of view faith. ─── 知识是一回事,美德则是另外一回事。好意不是良心,优雅不是谦让,广博与公正的观点也不是信仰。

59、Noun: Shrub with larg rounds heads of white, blue or pink flowers. ─── 八仙花属:紫阳花...有白,蓝或粉红色大花球。

60、largeness of the shape of the figure ─── 图形大小

61、Description: - With well-developed, advanced knowledge and skills in monitoring the workflow of segments of larg...... ... ─── 公司名称:上海全鼎信息技术有限公司工作地点:上海市发布时间:2009-6-12

62、A ordinary and largeness mother. ─── 一普通和大之的母亲。

63、good sense is not conscience, refinement is not humility, nor is largeness and justness of view faith. ─── 正确的判断力并非意识,文雅并非谦逊,广博与正义的观点也并非信仰。

64、Abnormal largeness of the head. ─── 巨头头部的畸形硕大

65、impressive because of unnecessary largeness or grandeur; used to show disapproval. ─── 因为不必要的巨大或者宏大而给人印象深刻;用来表示不赞成。

66、TRIZ generated in 1946 at the former Soviet Union, from 1990 it brought a largeness storm on the innovation field among the developed nations and is called "the Super Inventive Art". ─── TRIZ理论产生于50年代的前苏联,90年代引起世界各国尤其是发达国家的巨大轰动,被称为“超发明术”,深得发达国家的宠爱。

67、Is this company I hardly work for everyday?When this largeness earthquake occurred in my nation. ─── 这就是我每天投入热情与青春认真工作与服务的公司么?

68、Not a man, not a sail upon the sea; the very largeness of the view increased the sense of solitude. ─── 没有一个人影,海上也没有一叶船帆,这空旷的景色更增添了一份孤独感。

69、Larg - scale Catalogue ─── 海量星表

70、The one is largeness. ─── 第一个特点是博大。

71、These artist would all their's life offered to art and had worked out the largeness offered for art career. ─── 我们为什么不能使双向的?我们不能教育人们为生活也为事业吗?

72、It is concluded that mineralization degree and total hardness are larg in northe... ─── 分析评价结果为今后检验淮河流域片生态系统恢复程度提供了基础性资料。

73、He did not know himself quite what it was, but he felt a largeness of feeling not altogether squared with intellect, or perhaps better yet, experience, which was worthy of any man's desire. ─── 就是她自己,也还不十分了解这点东西到底是什么,只觉得有一种宏大无边的感情,全然没有受过理智或甚至于经验的矫正,而是宜于任何男子的欲求的。

74、And God gave Solomon wisdom and very much understanding and largeness of heart, even as the sand that is on the seashore. ─── 29神赐给所罗门智慧、极大的聪明、和宽广的心,如同海边的沙那样不可测量。

75、The languid largeness of her eyes showed that her sleep had been little more than his own ─── 她那没精打采的大眼睛表明,她也并不比他多睡了多少。

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