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09-06 投稿


accelerates 发音

英:[əkˈseləreɪts]  美:[əkˈseləreɪts]

英:  美:

accelerates 中文意思翻译




accelerates 词性/词形变化,accelerates变形

动词过去式: accelerated |动词第三人称单数: accelerates |动词过去分词: accelerated |动词现在分词: accelerating |形容词: accelerative |

accelerates 反义词

retard |decelerate

accelerates 同义词

amplify | precipitate | jack | pick up speed | step up |hurry | hasten | up | antedate | or | advance | rush | race | forward | expedite | fast-track | speed | aggrandize | speed up | forwards | quicken

accelerates 相似词语短语

1、scelerates ─── 硬化

2、accelerators ─── n.[核]加速器(accelerator的复数形式)

3、accelerator ─── n.油门;催化剂;[机]加速装置

4、accelerated ─── adj.加速的;加快的;跳级的;v.加速;促进(accelerate的变形)

5、accelerate ─── vt.使……加快;使……增速;vi.加速;促进;增加

6、accelerants ─── n.促进剂;触媒;adj.促进的;加速的;催速的

7、accelerations ─── 加速度

8、decelerates ─── vi.减速,降低速度;vt.使减速

9、reaccelerates ─── 再加速

accelerates 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、In a latest reanalysis of Gavan's data, nevertheless, zoologist Elizabeth Watts has found that as chimpanzees reach sexual maturity, the growth rate of their limbs accelerates. ─── 然而,动物学家伊丽莎白·沃茨在对加万的数据进行的最新再分析中发现,随着黑猩猩达到性成熟,它们四肢的生长速度会加快。

2、Adjust how much your pointer accelerates as you moveyourmouse or trackball faster. ─── 调整指针在您加快移动鼠标或滚球时加速多少。

3、The appearance of various media accelerates the competition. ─── 各种媒体竞相出现加速了竞争;

4、Accordingly, afforest of construction, promotion savours the greenbelt that accelerates Beijing to having deeper meaning. ─── 因此,加快北京的绿地建设、提升绿化品味就有着更深一层的意义。

5、She explained that high blood sugar accelerates heart disease partly because AGE compounds form in the blood and in the walls of blood vessels. ─── 她还解释说,高血糖能加速心脏病的发生,部分原因是AGE化合物在血液中和血管壁上的形成。

6、The replacement of acidic papermaking with neutral or basic papermaking advances the technology of Calcium carbonate (CaCO3) and accelerates its application in paper industry. ─── 世界范围的酸性抄纸向中碱性抄纸的变革推动了造纸用碳酸钙的技术进步和发展。

7、The stepped-up pace of invention, application and diffusion, in turn, accelerates the whole cycle still further. ─── 反过来,发明、应用与推广的速度的加快进一步加速了整个过程的循环。

8、In the rolling-down case, the universe accelerates forever. ─── 在rolling-down情况下,宇宙将一直膨胀。

9、Function: It promotes blood circulation, dredges the channels and collaterals, accelerates metabolism, eliminates toxins in the body and has perfect effect on body sculpture. ─── 功效:促进血液循环,疏通经络,加速新陈代谢,排除体内毒素,有极强的塑身美体的功效。

10、Drivers use a joystick of sorts to steer and throttle the vehicle, which can spin in place and accelerates rather quickly. ─── 司机可以利用操纵杆之类的来控制方向和速度,这样车辆可以原地旋转并加速得相当快。

11、It by use of market mechanism accelerates urbanconstruction through marketization of urban construction management and theapproach of capital operation and assets management. ─── 主要是利用市场机制,通过城市建设管理市场化和资本运营与资产经营的方式,加快城市建设。

12、For one thing,glia can be helpful for neuronal survival.For another,it participates in dopaminergic neurodegeneration and accelerates Parkinson s disease. ─── 另一方面,它又参与多巴胺能神经元的变性,促进帕金森病的发生和发展。

13、Not only are you a depreciating asset, however, your depreciation accelerates! ─── 你不仅仅是贬值资产,而且这种贬值还会加速。

14、Function: supplies skin oxygen and moisture, restrains and decomposes melanin, enhances cell regeneration, accelerates metabolism, and makes skin white and smooth. ─── 功能:补充肌肤氧源,缓解皮肤干燥,抑制并分解黑色素,增强细胞再生,加速新陈代谢过程,令肌肤嫩白、润滑。

15、Most of the rest is nominally federal land, but in practice is up for grabs: title deeds are forged, people are killed and deforestation accelerates because of competing claims. ─── 剩下的所谓联邦土地却实际是可以公开投标的:产权证书是伪造的,有人因此被杀,而森林的砍伐速度却因产权争夺而加快了。

16、So, in economic terms, you are a depreciating asset.Not only are you adepreciating asset, however, your depreciation accelerates! ─── 他说自从他的好朋友结婚之后整个人都变了,这给他的压力很大。

17、It accelerates and decelerates, puts balls of goal. ─── 他的节奏感好,懂得何时提速与减速,理顺进攻层次。

18、Thus cloudiness decreases even as the hydrological cycle accelerates and precipitation and evaporation increase. ─── 云量降低甚至出现在水循环加速和降水、蒸发增加以后。

19、So, in economic terms you are a depreciating asset and I am an earning asset.Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates! ─── 因此,从经济学的角度讲,我是增值资产,你是贬值资产,不但贬值,而且是加速贬值!

20、It accelerates the related research and technology progress of alternative blended materials while achieving the target to phase out CFC. ─── 在完成淘汰目标的同时,促进了替代品组合料的相关研究和技术进步。

21、The j X b force shoots the plasma out of the rocket, and the ensuing reaction force accelerates the rocket. ─── j X b的力将等离子体抛离火箭,由此产生的反作用力就加速火箭。

22、Combined with oligose,it protects human cell membranes,and accelerates the synthesis of phosphatide and the oxidation of fatty acid. ─── 其制剂具有促进人体发育抗脂肪肝药用效能,是复合氨基酸输液中的一个成分。

23、To some extent, it hinders (accelerates) our footsteps of building up a harmonious society. ─── 在一定程度上,这阻碍(加快)了我们构建和谐社会的脚步。

24、FUNCTIONS: The paster accelerates the metabolization,activates cells, Prevents edema ,smooth wrinkles, Eliminates fat bag and eye bag, it Can make your eyes bright and Attractive. ─── 功效:深层保湿,促进眼部肌肤的新陈代谢,活化细胞,缓解眼部浮肿现象,平复眼部细纹,将凹出眼下的脂肪袋慢慢收紧,消除眼袋,令双眸剪水影动,闪亮传神。

25、On one hand, the expanding need of computer appliance accelerates the demand of the computer. ─── 一方面,计算机应用越来越广泛促进了学生对于计算机的需求。

26、It accelerates with the pack, and it cruises pleasantly at freeway speeds, though there is a good bit of tire noise at higher speeds. ─── 它加速与包装,并愉快地在高速公路巡航速度,但有一个很好的位的轮胎噪声在更高的速度。

27、A conventional linear collider accelerates its particles with an electric field that moves along in synchrony with the particles. ─── 一般的直线对撞机是利用与电子运动同步的电场来进行加速。

28、Level 3 - Accelerates towards an enemy unit at a fast rate. Reaching the target results in a 2 second immobilizing stun. ─── 三级-较快地加速向一个目标冲去,击中他时造成2秒的晕眩。

29、For general cases, MU trains accelerates faster and deceleration faster than troditional trains. ─── 一般来说,动车组的加速与减速都比传统列车快。

30、The global informatization accelerates the integration of world economy. ─── 全球的信息化加快了世界经济的一体化。

31、It accelerates from 0 to 100 km/h in 7.2 seconds and has a top speed of 240 km/h, while the average fuel consumption is 7.3 l/100 km. ─── 它加速从0到100公里/小时7.2秒,最高时速为240公里/小时,而平均燃料消耗量是7.3l/100公里。

32、At the same time of realizing multi-dimensioned investment, Baoyu Company also accelerates the speed of its previous business. ─── 在实现投资多元化的同时,保宇实业也加快了原有产业发展的速度。

33、A special chemical that promotes or accelerates the curing reaction or reduces stoving temperature. ─── 一种专门的化学材料,可以提升或促进固化反应或降低烘烤温度。

34、It accelerates the dissolution of thrombi and improves the supply of the tissue with oxygen and nutrients. ─── 它促进了血栓的溶解,并能增进组织氧气和营养的供给。

35、A Single Nucleotide Polymorphism in the MDM2 Promoter Attenuates the p53 Tumor Suppressor Pathway and Accelerates Tumor Formation in Humans. ─── pdf本站所有图书及资料均可在子午学术论坛得到应助下载。

36、Accelerates the execution of Streaming SIMD Extension (SSE) instructions to significantly improve the Media Boost performance on a broad range of applications. ─── 加速执行SIMD流指令扩展(上交所)的指示,以大幅度提高媒体性能的提高就广泛的应用。

37、It accelerates steatolysis and metabolism.It removes toxin and excessive moisture. ─── 加速脂肪分解、加速新陈代谢、排除毒素及过量水份。

38、As China accelerates the drafting of multilateral protocol on its accession to the WTO,it won't be long before China becomes a full member of this organization. ─── 中国加入世贸组织多边议定书的起草工作正在加快进行,中国成为世贸组织成员已为期不远了。

39、Barathrum fixes his sight on an enemy and accelerates towards it. ─── 一级-缓慢地加速向一个目标冲去,击中他时造成1秒的晕眩。

40、It also accelerates LH and FSH secretion in hypophysis. ─── IGF-1还能促进垂体内LH和FSH分泌。

41、The impact of output fluctuation is often magnified. Furthermore, the globalization of supply chain accelerates this reaction. ─── 产出的波动对贸易的影响总是被放大的,而且供应链的全球化加速了这种反应。

42、and a set of accelerometers to determine the forces acting on the car as it accelerates, brakes and turns. ─── 用一套加速装置测定汽车加速、刹车和转弯对车身产生的推动力。

43、There is the effect that accelerates galactic eduction in lactation. ─── 在哺乳期有促进乳汁排出的作用。

44、An agent, an action, or a condition that elicits or accelerates a physiological or psychological activity or response. ─── 刺激物:一种引起或加速生理或心理活动或反应的药剂、行为或状况。

45、The next passenger listens to music on his new Nokia phone as the train accelerates. ─── 火车开始加速,我旁边的旅客正在用他的新款诺基亚手机听着音乐。

46、Accelerates and Enhances Heat Production and like all Energy Consuming Processes, Sweating Burns Calories. ─── 加速并增强热量的生成就如同所有的能量都在消耗的过程,

47、All healthy adults need endurance exercise, which noticeably accelerates their heart rate for at least 10 minutes at a time. ─── 所有的健康成年人需要耐力锻炼,一次至少在10分钟显著地加速心跳。

48、WAP(Wireless Application protocol),which accelerates a combination of internet technology and wireless technique. ─── WAP(无线应用协议)技术促进了因特网的网络应用技术与无线网络通讯技术进行有效的结合,是未来网络技术的一种发展方向。

49、An interpolator where the rate of change starts and ends slowly but accelerates through the middle. ─── AccelerateDecelerateInterpolator,延迟减速,在动作执行到中间的时候才执行该特效。

50、Nowadays, as the pace of life accelerates, people have less and less leisure time. ─── 如今,随着生活节奏加快,人们的闲暇时间越来越少了。

51、Below the big trend that accelerates in world economy globalization, collaboration of economy of northeast subregion region showed stronger lag sex. ─── 在世界经济全球化加快的大趋势下,东北亚区域经济合作表现出了较强的滞后性。

52、If the drug accelerates heart rate without improving coronary perfusion, myocardial ischemia will be even more pronounced. ─── 如果此药只加快心率而不改善冠脉灌注,心肌缺血就会更加显著。

53、The ryhthm accelerates;plink follows plunk untill the sound is a roll of drums and the individual drops become an army marching over fields and roooftops. ─── 大雨加快了节奏,叮当声紧跟着噼啪声,一阵紧似一阵,终于连成一片密集的鼓点,点点雨滴也汇集成千军万马,扑向田野、屋顶。

54、Calvert R, Beaulieu J F, Denard D. Epedermal growth factor(EGF) accelerates the maturation of fetal mouse intestinal mucosa in utero. Experentia, 1982,38:1096. ─── 姒健敏,章宏,王开明,等.萎缩性胃炎表皮生长因子及其受体表达的临床意义探讨.中华消化杂志,1998,18(5):271.

55、BeThe 18-month timetable is slower than the 16-month withdrawal , Mr.Obama had promised voters last year, but still accelerates the U.S. exit. ─── 18个月的退出日程比奥巴马去年答应选民的16个月退出伊拉克慢了一些,但这仍然加快了美国退兵的速度。

56、The 18 months 18-month timetable is slower than the 16 months 16-month withdrawal , Mr.Obama had promised voters laster last year, . but still accelerates the U.S. exit. ─── 18个月的计划表比总统去年向选民承诺的16个月稍长了一些,不过它仍然加快了美国从伊拉克撤军的步伐。

57、At the same time ,photothermal function produced by PTF accelerates the microcirculation of blood vessel ,reaching the effects of diminishing wrinkles and shrinking pores. ─── 同时,所产生的光热作用,可增强血管功能,改善微循环,达到消除皱纹、缩细毛孔的治疗效果。

58、Once the larger of these particles get big enough to have a nontrivial gravity, their growth accelerates. ─── 他们的重力即使非常小,当于小微粒比较时,也具有更多优势。

59、In this section, you use the Graph Editor to modify the animation for each clip so the aircraft's motion accelerates and decelerates at the beginning and end of each clip. ─── 在这个部分,你使用图形编辑器为每个剪辑修改动画,以至于在开始和结束的每剪辑处,飞机的移动是加速和减速的。

60、A multiresolution implementation of the registration algorithm accelerates search speed and improves robustness of our optimization technique significantly. ─── 另外,算法的多分辨率实现形式,能明显加快搜索速度并增强优化算法的鲁棒性。

61、So, if I maintain twenty knots shy of the airspeed I need prior to pulling up, then I'll be fifteen knots over it by the time I get there, because the jet accelerates so well. ─── 也就是说,如果我在拉起前需要保持大约20节的空速,那么在这个时候我的空速就应该是15节多一点,因为这架飞机的加速性能实在是太好了。

62、Next, you modify the tangents for keys 120 and 180 so the aircraft accelerates and decelerates near those points on the path curve. ─── 动画曲线更新资料以至于各帧以直线连接。这样在曲线中可消除引起飞机回移的弯度。

63、The less active you are, the faster this aging process accelerates and the more vulnerable you become to physical and psychological problems. ─── 你的活动量越小,老化的过程就越快,你就越容易面临生理和心理的种种问题。

64、Take advantage of a more modern and agile team workbench that accelerates delivery of new workloads which span multiple platforms. ─── 利用更加现代和敏捷的团队工作台带来的优势,来加速横跨多个平台的新工作的交付。

65、And this gap is widening even as the pace of the information age accelerates through society. ─── 即使是信息时代的步伐在社会上加速的时候,这种差距也正在拉大。

66、Cure advocate people the cure that use zinc is impotent, zinc is right the heal that accelerates human body cut, counteractive disease also has apparent effect. ─── 医主们用锌治疗阳痿,锌对加速人体伤口的愈合,抵抗疾病也有明显的功效。

67、Accelerates cash flow and assures that payment is made before delivery. ─── 加快资金周转,并确保在递送前付款。

68、SRB grows and propagates, and forms the biofilms on carbon steel in biofilms, and accelerates the formation of the pitting corrosion. ─── SRB生长代谢过程中,在碳钢表面形成腐蚀生物膜,改变了生物膜下碳钢表面的微环境,促使碳钢表面形成点腐蚀,进而在其表面出现大而不均匀的溃斑。

69、Or your reference frame is at rest in an aircraft that accelerates rapidly on takeoff. ─── 另外,你的参照系静止在一架起飞之后迅速加速的飞机上。

70、MPS has antithrombotic and anti-inflammatory actions, accelerates the resorption of haematomas and infiltrates and promotes the regeneration of connective tissue. ─── MPS具有抗血栓和抗炎作用,能加速血肿的吸收,并有渗透和促进结缔组织的再生作用。

71、A further risk is that the recession accelerates the shift in attitudes towards the industry. ─── 另一个风险在于,经济衰退加快了人们对广告业态度的转变。

72、Once a certain initial level is reached, this regenerative effect accelerates, taking the voltage all the way to the highest level, resulting in a spike. ─── 一旦到达某个门槛值,这个再生的效应就会加速,让电压一路飙到最高点而产生尖锋。

73、If it accelerates slightly when the throttle is closed, the engine is lean. ─── 如果它轻微地加速,引擎是稀油的。

74、Poor posture accelerates degenerative changes of the spine hence proper posture is very important. ─── 不良姿势会加速脊柱耗损,所以必须经常注意保持良好姿势。

75、On the other hand, the development of small towns and rural urbanization accelerates, real estate and related industries for the future with an enormous potential market demand. ─── 另一方面,小城镇发展以及农村人口的城市化进程加快,为今后房地产及相关行业提供了巨大的市场需求潜力。

76、It accelerates land desertification,but also is the form of land desertification developed to a certain degree. ─── 它的发生既是一种加速土地荒漠化的重要过程,又是土地荒漠化发展到一定程度的具体表现。

77、BOD_5/COD_(Cr) changed from 0.28 to 0.42. It is indicated that the biochemical treatability is obviously improved, which accelerates the process of subsequent aerobic treatment. ─── BOD_5/COD_(Cr)由进水的0.28左右提高到0.42左右,表明水解酸化后废水可生化性明显提高,更加有利于进行好氧生物处理。

78、It accelerates cell metabolism, makes pore fine, smoothes dry marks rapidly, and brings to your skin a jade-like softness and smoothness. ─── 令毛孔细致,令任何失去光泽的肌肤迅速恢复光滑嫩白,呈现细致透明感。

79、They play a role in the structure of situations and the foreshortening of our relationships with things accelerates the pace of life. ─── 它们在社会的结构中起着重要的作用,同时我们与物品之间的关系越来越短暂,也加快了我们的生活节奏。

80、An eerie, moonlit pianissimo, ever repeating the same figure slightly changed, slowly grows and accelerates to a ff sonoramente. ─── 一个奇异的月光般的最弱音,略有变化地被重复着,慢慢地发展为醒目的最强音。

81、The view angle based error metrics and the hierarchy of quadtree reduce the calculations in real-time rendering, so it accelerates the rendering speed efficiently. ─── 基于视角的误差度量方法和层次四叉树结构可以有效减少实时绘制时的计算量,提高绘制速度。

82、Not only are you a depreciating asset, your depreciation accelerates! ─── 不仅是你一个贬值的资产,你的折旧加速!

83、To overcome these barriers, businesses require a technology infrastructure that accelerates customer insight applications in a resilient, scalable, and cost-effective manner. ─── 为了克服这些障碍,业务需要采用一种技术基础设施,以某种弹性的、可伸缩的、具有成本效益的方式来加速客户分析应用程序。

84、Accelerates receivables-with improved access to delivery information, you can provide faster Proof of Delivery to shipment recipients, which triggers payment. ─── 加快收款-透过改善对派送资讯的存取,您可向货件收件人提供更快的派送证明,促使其尽快付款。

85、Reflected shock also accelerates the consumption of the unreacted region and then an embedded jet is produced. ─── 反射激波与未反应区作用,加速其反应消耗,并形成一个内嵌的射流。

86、Li+Monic migration in the blend occurs mainly in amorphour regions and accelerates with increasing segmental moti... ─── 共混物内锂离子传导发生在非晶区,聚合物的链段运动是离子传导的主要推动力.

87、He accelerates gradually fast. ─── 加速快而平稳。

88、Active oxygen that grows inside of human body damages genes and cell membranes, oxidizes the body, and becomes the “rust” which accelerates the aging. ─── 人体内所产生的活性氧,会伤害基因和细胞膜等,使身体氧化,是促使人体老化的“锈”。

89、CO 2 also supresses sulfur capture,not it only prevents the reaction of desulfurizer and H 2S,but also accelerates ash sintering that brings about CaS decompositon. ─── CO2抑制固硫,它不但阻碍脱硫剂与H2S反应,而且促进灰渣烧结使CaS分解。


accelerate[英][əkˈseləreɪt][美][ækˈsɛləˌret]vt.促进; (使)加快,(使)增速; 加速,催促; 速度增加; vi.加快,加速; 第三人称单数:accelerates现在分词:accelerating过去式:accelerated过去分词:accelerated、双语例句1The government is to accelerate its privatisation programme.政府将加快其私有化计划的进程。


accelerate 英[əkˈseləreɪt] 美[ækˈsɛləˌret] vt. 促进; (使) 加快,(使)增速; 加速,催促; 速度增加; vi. 加快,加速; She accelerated away from the kerb. 她加速驶离了马路牙子。形态变化:第三人称单数:accelerates 现在分词:accelerating 过去式:accelerated过去分词:accelerated

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