conjoined 发音
英:[kənˈdʒɔɪnd] 美:[kənˈdʒɔɪnd]
英: 美:
conjoined 中文意思翻译
conjoined 短语词组
1、conjoined twins abby and brittany ─── 连体双胞胎艾比和布列塔尼
2、conjoined category ─── 连缀范畴
3、conjoined twins ─── [医] 联胎
4、conjoined quadruplets ─── 连体四胞胎
5、conjoined twinning ─── 联胎
6、conjoined triplets ─── 连体三胞胎
7、conjoined twins separated ─── 连体双胞胎分离
8、conjoined twin n. ─── 连体婴儿
9、conjoined manipulation ─── [医] 双手操作法
10、conjoined tendon ─── [医] 联合腱, 腹股沟镰
conjoined 词性/词形变化,conjoined变形
名词: conjoiner |动词第三人称单数: conjoins |动词现在分词: conjoining |动词过去式: conjoined |动词过去分词: conjoined |
conjoined 相似词语短语
1、contained ─── adj.泰然自若的,从容的;被控制的;v.包含;遏制(contain的过去分词);容纳
2、conjoiner ─── 连词
3、enjoined ─── vt.命令;吩咐;嘱咐;禁止
4、conjoinedly ─── 连体
5、conjoins ─── v.结合;连结
6、confined ─── adj.有限制的;封闭的,狭窄的;幽禁的;在分娩中的;v.限制,使局限;禁止离开,关押;卧床分娩(confine的过去式和过去分词)
7、cojoined ─── 软垫的
8、conjoin ─── v.结合;连结
9、conjoint ─── adj.联合的;关联的
conjoined 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Study on congenital conjoined twins ─── 先天性联体畸形
2、unequal conjoined twins ─── 不等联体双胎, 非对等联胎
3、Alas, more relationship turbulence will come up a week later, on Friday September 12, when Uranus in Pisces will conjoin the Sun in Virgo. ─── 唉,再接下来的一个星期,人际关系上的麻烦事会接踵而至。
4、Two days later, on March 12, the Sun and Uranus will conjoin in Pisces. ─── 两天后的三月十二日,太阳和天王星一起出现在双鱼宫。
5、asymmetric conjoined twins ─── 不对称联体儿
6、conjoined twins, equal ─── 对等联胎
7、This full moon will conjoin your ruler, Neptune, the planet that inspires a rich imagination. ─── 你将会看到可喜的结果。这次满月将会激发你丰富的想象力。
8、The application of angiography in conjoined twins ─── 心血管造影在联体儿的影像学诊断中的应用
9、A team of surgeons trying to separate conjoined twin girls has reached the hardest part of the delicate procedure separating their livers. ─── 为一对联体婴儿做分离手术的外科医生已经进行到了分离手术中最艰难的部分------同肝分离手术。
10、Uranus will oppose the Sun and three days later will conjoin the full moon in Pisces on September 15, a jarring aspect. ─── 天王星将和太阳对立,在三天之后,9月15日满月将在双鱼宫和满月平行,这是不和谐的方面。
11、Saturn will conjoin the Sun, making for a potentially depressing day, when you have to accept certain realities whether you want to or not. ─── 土星会结合太阳,使这天让人沮丧,你会不得不接受一些你不愿接受的事实。
12、On March 12, Uranus will conjoin the Sun in your house of home, and that always brings surprises. ─── 3月12日,天王星将联合太阳出现在你的家庭的位置,而且总是带来惊喜。
13、Saturn will conjoin the Sun, making for apotentially depressing day, when you have to accept certain realities whetheryou want to or not. ─── 土星将会和太阳结合,制造令人非常沮丧的一天,你会发现你不得不接受一些既定的现实,无论你愿意与否。
14、Understandably, you'll be in a serious, somber mood as the month opens, particularly near September 3 when Saturn will conjoin the Sun. ─── 可理解地,月初你会处在一种严肃,黯淡的心情中。特别在靠近9月3日的时候,当土星与太阳对冲。
15、Incomplete conjoined twins ─── 不完全联胎
16、2. an uninflected function word that serves to conjoin words or phrases or clauses or sentences. ─── 使单词短语从句和句子相连不变的功能词。
17、On November 30-December 1, Venus will conjoin Jupiter in a once-a-year event. ─── 11月30-12月1,金星会和木星一年一度的联合。
18、In order to exert respective advantage, Film photograph and CCD real-time transmission are often conjoined in the aviation and space flight photograph scout. ─── 摘要在当今的航空、航天照相侦察中,经常将胶片摄影与CCD实时传输两个摄影方式合二为一,充分发挥各自的优点。
19、symmetric conjoined twins ─── 对称联体儿
20、However, Venus can't because Saturn will be in a position to make things seem weightier and darker than they really are. (Case in point: Wednesday, August 13, when Saturn will conjoin Venus. ─── 但是却做不到,因为土星将处于一个位置让事情变得沉重而黑暗。
21、Taiyuan Hotel is the southern Jiangnan Group of foreign-owned hotels, two conjoined buildings, of which the seven-story main building, the palace building for four. ─── 太原江南大酒店是江南集团所属的涉外酒店,由两个连体的楼宇组成,其中主楼七层,贵宾楼为四层。
22、Value that represents whether the entire conjoined expression is true. ─── 值,它表示整个联合表达式是否为真。
23、week conjoined ─── 弱结合
24、We know evolution happened because innumerable bits of data from myriad fields of science conjoin to paint a rich portrait of life's pilgrimage. ─── 我们知道演化确实发生过,因为科学中各式各样的领域提供了无数的素材,结合起来描绘出多采多姿的生命演化图像。
25、After researching the conjoin styles of Main and Sub, I deduce them into 13 categories. ─── 复考察其主体与附加体之结合型态,综为十三类。
26、You may have to make a few corrections later, but even so, Mercury and Jupiter will conjoin again next month on February 24 for the last time this year, another sterling time to make any needed fixes. ─── 你可能后来需要作一些修改,但即使如此,水星和木星将于下月2月24日做今年最后一次相联,有一个很不错的修改时机。
27、The two ingredience of reality and illusion like two uttermosts, they never conjoin but always intermix. ─── 从本组作品的拍摄手法和表现形式来说都还不太成熟,但却是内心自我本真的自由宣泄。
28、Simultaneously, Venus will conjoin with Neptune, which is one of the most glamorous and romantic aspects possible. ─── 同时,金星和海王星的联合将会产生最具魅力和最浪漫的影响。
29、In Bobby and Peter Farrelly's newest comedy, "Stuck on You," Matt Damon and Greg Kinnear star as the conjoined twins Bob and Walt. ─── 在兄弟搭档包比和彼得.法拉利的最新喜剧片“当我们粘在一起”中,麦特戴蒙和葛瑞肯尼扮演联体兄弟鲍勃与华特。
30、Conjoined Structure Design of a Office Building ─── 带连体的高层综合办公楼的连体结构设计
31、conjoined twins, symmetrical ─── 对称性联胎
32、Objective To report a case of conjoined twins with peripheral angiography together with cardioangiographic technique. ─── 摘要目的报导1例胸腹联体儿心脏与外周血管造影检查,介绍心血管造影技术。
33、And by the end of May it becomes super-huge becauseChiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin at 26 degreesAquarius. ─── 它象征着生活哲学,对于生活有着清楚的见解。
34、And every branch of learning, conjoined with the love of God, is approved and worthy of praise; ─── 任一学问,若与上帝之爱结合,便属可行可嘉;
35、Like the molecules, the atoms also possess the attributes of colour, taste, smell and touch, they remain everchanging by getting conjoined and disjoint. They therefore are called Pudgala. (644 ─── 同分子一样,原子具有颜色、味道、气味以及触感,他们在结合或者分离时特性不发生改变,
36、"Pakistan and Afghanistan are conjoined twins. Our suffering is shared. Our joys are always shared, " he said. ─── 他说:“巴基斯坦和阿富汗是连在一起的孪生兄弟。我们同甘共苦,荣辱与共。”
37、This British grass snake exhibits dicephalus, a condition related to conjoined twinning. ─── 这条英国草蛇展示一种与连体双生有关的疾病, 双头畸胎。
38、Surgical management of congenital conjoined twins ─── 先天性联体畸形的外科处理
39、Keywords loanword,language contact,conjoin,continue,adopt,assimilate; ─── 借词;语言接触;接纳;接续;交接;交融;
40、equal conjoined twins ─── 对等联胎, 均等联体双胎
41、On those days Mercury will conjoin Jupiter, a lovely influence. ─── 届时水星将结合木星,产生可爱的影响力。
42、use of two conjoined nouns instead of a noun and modifier ─── 使用两个连在一起的名词代替一个名词和一个限定词
43、The Separation Right of the Conjoined Twins ─── 从民法的角度看连体人的分离权
44、On January 22, Venus will conjoin Uranus, a truly glorious day if you are single and looking for love, for this day could bring an unexpected, chance meeting with someone very intriguing. ─── 在1月22日,金星将会同天王星联合,如果你是单身并且正在寻找爱情,这将会是一个真正令人兴奋的日子,会带来意料不到的机会同某个很迷人的人会面。
45、We grab that phrase to talk about the aged, the injured, the embryonic, the conjoined, the deformed and the dying. ─── 我们抢到这个短语来谈论老年人、受伤的人、未出生的人、连体儿、畸形的人和垂死之人。
46、The static image compression technique of AD V611 being conjoined with the interrelationship between neighboring frames of video pictures, the DSP+FPGA hardware structure being adopted, the real time compression of video comes into reality. ─── 将ADV6n的静态图像压缩与活动图像的帧相关技术相结合,采用DSP+FPGA的框架结构,实现了视频图像的实时压缩。
47、conjoined twins, asymmetrical ─── 不对称联胎
48、But if the force of custom simple and separate, be great;the force of custom copulate, and conjoined and collegiate, is far greater. ─── 但如果说,个人的习惯力量(它是简单的、孤立的)是巨大的,那么社会的习惯力量(它是配合的、结合的)就更加巨大,大得很多很多。
49、Chinese astronauts - yuhangyuans - are expected to live aboard the conjoined vehicles for up to two weeks. ─── 中国宇航员预计会在连体飞行器上生活两周。
50、Two days later, on March 12, the Sun and Uranus will conjoin in Pisces.If anyone thinks he or she has you all figured out, that person will be surprised! ─── 在同一天,如果你从事创造性的工作,你将会灵感如泉涌,好点子喷涌而出闪烁着耀眼的光华。
51、The dual-species model is based on the Monte Carlo simulation conjoined with the embedded atom method(EAM)potentials. ─── 双粒子模型的基础是描述原子之间相互作用势为EAM(embedded atom method)势的Monte Carlo模拟.
52、America's rise in rates was conjoined with higher rates elsewhere. ─── 美国的利率上升,其他地方的利率也上升了。
53、Objective To sum up the experience in diagnosis and treatment of surgery by one case of separation of thoracopagus conjoined twins. ─── 目的通过胸腹联体双胎婴儿的分离手术提供联体婴儿外科治疗方法。
54、The two media hotels are conjoined to the MPC, allowing for direct flow between media work space and living quarters, setting a precedent for the Olympic Games, Sha said. ─── MPC摄影工作间也可容纳250名记者进行工作,并按惯例向记者免费提供所有大型镜头。
55、Investigalion of stress and seepage stability at the conjoined section of concrete diaphragm and core of roekfill dam ─── 大坝心墙插有混凝土防渗墙段的应力与渗透稳定性试验研究
56、Moroccan conjoined twins al-Safa (R) and al-Marwa lie on a hospital bed at the National Guard's King Abdul Aziz Medical City in Riyadh on July 10, 2008. ─── 7月10日,一对摩洛哥连体女婴在位于沙特阿拉伯首都利雅得的阿布杜拉国家卫队医疗城接受治疗。
57、While on Friday you will have experienced Uranus opposition the Sun, now you will have volatile Uranus conjoin the full moon. ─── 到了周五即9.15日天王将对冲太阳,冲面变数的满月又有了具有变动效应的天王星的参与,可想而知。
58、Conjoined twins who were given a new life 30 ago years are doing their part to help Morakot's victims. ─── 30年前除重获新生的连体婴,贡献己力帮助莫拉克受灾民众。
59、While on Friday you will have experienced Uranus opposition the Sun, now you will have volatile Uranus conjoin the full moon.No doubt about it, someone will be very unpredictable and difficult. ─── 你本来已经在经历天王对冲太阳了,而周五,又多了个满月合上天王星,毫无疑问,有人会变得不可预测并且很难相处。
60、Saturn will conjoin the Sun on September 3, an annual event that usually portends a sobering influence, when burdens might appear heavy. ─── 土星将和太阳相遇在9月3日,一件年度的事情通常预示着一个清醒的影响,可能出现的负担沉重。
61、Narrative is one of the forms of expressiveness through which life events are conjoined into ─── 叙事是表现形式之一。通过叙事,生活事件被联结成
62、Methods Left ventriculogram, right ventriculogram, descending aortogram and selected celiac arteriogram were separately performed for both babies of the conjoined twin. ─── 方法对1例胸腹联体儿的2名婴儿分别行左心室造影,右心室造影,降主动脉造影和选择性腹腔动脉造影。
63、Among theses targeting moieties, disulfide-stabilized Fv or Fab fragment has disulfide bond to conjoin the heavy chain and the light chain to increase the stablility, but it is difficult to express in host or has a poor yield. ─── 在单链抗体、二硫键抗体、Fab抗体这几种导向载体中,二硫键抗体、Fab抗体因重链和轻链之间有二硫键相连,稳定性较高,但表达困难或较难获得较高产量;
64、In June of 2004, he was also one of the surgeons who separated conjoined Virginian girls. ─── 在2004年6月,他也参与了一台分离手术,手术对象是一对来自弗吉尼亚的女孩。
65、He bears a broad scar across the left side of his chest, a vicious magical burn with an asymmetrical border of conjoined convex curves, like a child's depiction of a cloud. ─── 他左胸口有道又宽又深的伤口,是咒语烧伤的,伤疤坑坑洼洼起伏不平的,就好像小孩画的云片似的形状。
66、Symmetrical conjoined twins usually have no birth anomalies except at the areas of fusion and can sometimes be separated by surgery. ─── 对称性连体双胞胎除了融合部位外,其余部位大体正常。有些病例可用外科手术成功地把他们分开。
67、Separation of unequal conjoined twins ─── 不相等性联体双胎分开术
68、Only 31.13%conjoined twins were diagnosed prenatally. ─── 产前确诊率31.13%。
69、use of two conjoined nouns instead of a noun and modifier. ─── 使用两个连在一起的名词代替一个名词和一个限定词。
70、Conjoined twins born with a single body and two heads have died just five days after being born. ─── 出生时有一个身体和两个头的连体婴儿在出生五天后死亡。
71、Conjoined with this disbursal is the mandated change of governance to be carried out in a judicious and legal manner. ─── 伴随着这部分支出,授权治理改革将以一种明智的和合法的方式被执行。
72、January 22 could be your best romantic day of the month, when Venus will conjoin Uranus - surprises will abound! ─── 一月二十二日是你这月中感情方面最好的一天,金星和天王星结合,会带来惊喜!
73、an ungrammatical sentence in which two or more independent clauses are conjoined without a conjunction. ─── 包含两个或多个错误连接的独立句子。
74、On September 3, Saturn will conjoin the Sun, a rather sobering influence. ─── 九月三号,土星将会与太阳汇合,一个相当理智的影响。
75、Research on Business Incubator Conjoined Venture Capital ─── 企业孵化器与风险投资的融合研究
76、conjoined manipulation ─── 双手操作法
77、President Karzai also said he hopes to reduce years of tension with Pakistan. "Pakistan and Afghanistan are conjoined twins. Our suffering is shared. Our joys are always shared," he said. ─── 卡尔扎伊总统还表示,他希望降低多年来和巴基斯坦之间的紧张关系。他说:“巴基斯坦和阿富汗是连在一起的孪生兄弟。我们同甘共苦,荣辱与共。”
78、double-limb conjoined rhombic suspension ─── 双肢联体挂篮
79、Conjoined twin boys, who were born in London in December, are to undergo surgery to separate them later. ─── 月份在伦敦出身的连体双胞胎,即将准备手术将他们分开!
80、an ungrammatical sentence in which two or more independent clauses are conjoined without a conjunction. ─── 包含两个或多个错误连接的独立句子。
81、And by the end of May it becomes super-huge because Chiron, Jupiter and Neptune will all conjoin at 26 degrees Aquarius. ─── 五月底,木星、海王星和凯龙星将在26等的宝瓶座相遇,所以对你的事业影响更为庞大。
82、The mother is doing well after she gave birth to conjoined babies 2 days ago. ─── 一位母亲两天前生了一对连体婴儿,目前情况良好。
83、If you've ever made a bad decision or suffered an accident, regret has been your roommate, if not your conjoined twin. ─── 如果你曾经做过一个坏决定或受到意外的折磨,那么遗憾即便不是形影不离的一位朋友,也是你的室友。
84、It is made by plication of the two upper limbs of the "Y" after the removal of the seromusculature from the biliary limb, so that the conjoined wall-in-between will he compassed deviating to the biliary, side to form a spur value. ─── Y的两升支并拢缝合前,先切除胆道支邻侧的浆肌层,则使缝合后的共同肠壁被压迫偏向胆道侧而形成矩形瓣。
85、They were conjoined in wedlock . ─── 他们结为夫妇。
86、conjoined twin ─── n. 连体双胞胎,指出生时连体的双胞胎
87、Some old wells which are located in the conjoin of Wenliu,Pucheng and Weicheng Oilfield,Dongpu Sag,need to be recognized again and re-examined to tap potential. ─── 东濮凹陷文、濮、卫结合部有一批老井需要重新认识,复查挖潜。
88、Those two elements cannot become disjoined, They must always be conjoined in the biblical writer's view. ─── 这两个要素不能分离,他们必须一直紧密相关,在圣经作者看来。
89、All this will occur because on September 3, Saturn will conjoin the Sun. ─── 所有这些的出现,都是因为9月3日,土星将与太阳平行。
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