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chlorosis 发音

英:[kləˈroʊsɪs]  美:[klɔːˈrəʊsɪs]

英:  美:

chlorosis 中文意思翻译



chlorosis 短语词组

1、late chlorosis ─── [医] 特发性低色 ─── [指数]性贫血

2、chlorosis gigantea ─── [医] 肥胖性萎黄病

3、chlorosis rubra ─── [医] 红色萎黄病

4、tropical chlorosis ─── [医] 热带萎黄病, 钩虫病

5、chlorosis oaks ─── 黄化栎

6、chlorosis lawn ─── 失绿草坪

7、chlorosis grass ─── 黄化草

8、chlorosis on plants ─── 植物黄化病

9、achylic chlorosis ─── [医] 胃液缺乏性萎黄病

10、chlorosis def ─── 失绿症

chlorosis 词性/词形变化,chlorosis变形


chlorosis 相似词语短语

1、chlorotic ─── adj.萎黄病的;变色病的

2、chlorates ─── n.[无化]氯酸盐

3、chlorous ─── adj.与氯化合的;亚氯酸的

4、chlorinise ─── 氯化物

5、chloralism ─── n.氯醛瘾

6、chloroquin ─── 氯喹

7、chloranil ─── n.[有化]氯醌;四氯代苯对醌

8、chloric ─── adj.氯的;含氯的

9、chloridise ─── 氯化物

chlorosis 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Blotchy irregular interveinal fading and orange-yellow chlorosis of older leaves, margins culed and sometimes scorched;younger leaves remaining green. ─── 甜菜锰中毒:带有不规则斑点的叶脉间褪色,老叶变为桔黄色,边缘卷曲,有时枯萎,幼叶保持绿色。

2、Highly significant correlations were found between SPAD value and chlorosis score, active Fe content and pod yield at early growth stage. ─── 相关分析表明,在生长前期叶绿素值与黄化度、活性铁及荚果产量之间均呈极显著的相关关系。

3、Chlorosis The loss of chlorophyll from plants resulting in yellow (chlorotic) leaves. ─── 缺绿病:由于缺乏叶绿素而导致植物叶片萎黄的现象。

4、This modified medium was used to resolve a serious of problems faced in Tiegu Hong tissue culture such as seedling chlorosis and shoot tip death. ─── 梅花的离体快繁是建立遗传转化体系的前提,无性系的建立以及试管苗的获得可以为下一步的转基因育种工作提供重要的试材,也是愈伤组织诱导分化成苗培养试验中的一部分。

5、Raspherry vein chlorosis virus ─── 悬钩子脉绿病毒

6、Effects of Fe-fertilizer composition and application methods on the iron chlorosis correction of peanut ─── 不同铁制剂与施用方法对矫正花生缺铁黄化症的效果

7、Leaves show bright yellow interveinal chlorosis, usually more acutely in apical areas and in younger leaves followed sometimes by bleaching and scorching. ─── 叶片脉间黄化,通常在叶尖和嫩叶上更为严重,有时转变成白化并枯黄。

8、Plant Iron Deficiency Chlorosis and Its Relationship with Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium ─── 植物黄化与氮磷钾营养的关系

9、achylic chlorosis ─── [医] 胃液缺乏性萎黄病

10、Produced by Pseudomonas syringae pv. atropurpurea, a pathogen of oats and Pseudomonas syringae pv. glycinea. The toxin causes chlorosis and streaking in oats. ─── 丁香假单胞菌的两个致病变种可产生此毒素,这种毒素造成褪绿和条点。

11、marginal chlorosis ─── 叶边褪绿病

12、Studies on Chlorosis and Iron Contents of Leaves from Different Grapevine Cultivars on Calcareous Soil ─── 石灰质土壤上不同葡萄品种叶片的铁含量与其黄化的关系

13、Application of iron fertilizer by use high-pressure trunk-injection to remedy the iron deficiency chlorosis in apple trees and its mechanism ─── 树干高压注射铁肥矫正苹果失绿症及其机理

14、The popularity of iron-deficit chlorosis has affected the growing of plants and the quality of fruits, and finally the human health. ─── 近年来植物缺铁黄化病的普遍发生,影响了植物正常生长发育,尤其是果实的品质及人类的健康。

15、Eucalyptus chlorosis virus ─── 桉树退绿病毒

16、leaf chlorosis ─── 叶褪绿病

17、leaves with interveinal chlorosis of iron deficiency interveinal oblong lesions and manganese deficiency. ─── 缺铁叶片脉间褪绿和缺锰脉间椭圆形斑块。

18、Raspberry vein chlorosis rhabdovirus ─── 悬钩子脉退绿症弹状病毒

19、The tree is prone to chlorosis in many western soils but responds to soil and foliar application of chelated iron and other micronutrients. ─── 树很容易缺铁,在许多西方土壤回应,但对土壤和叶面喷施螯合铁和其它营养素.

20、marginal plant chlorosis ─── 叶缘缺绿

21、Lucena,J.J Effects of bicarbonate,nitrate and other environmental factors on iron deficiency chlorosis 2000(11-12 ─── 武建林.李有文.李立平.信秀丽.刘庆玲.柯用春植物黄化与氮磷钾营养的关系[期刊论文]-中国农学通报2004(1

22、A field trial was conducted to investigate the strategy for the correction of Fe deficiency-induced chlorosis in Eureka lemon (Citrus limon) grafted onto pummelo (C. grandis) rootstock. ─── 以两种铁源和供铁方式以及增加锌元素等,对缺铁黄叶的柚砧尤力克柠檬(Citrus Limon)进行复绿矫治研究。

23、Separation, preliminary identification, prevention and cure on pathogen of chlorosis of pleurotus ostreatus ─── 平菇黄萎病病原菌的分离、初步鉴定及防治

24、Keywords Rice,Thermo-sensitive chlorophyll deficient mutant,chequered with green and chlorosis,response to cold shock.cell,molecular mechanism; ─── 水稻;温敏失绿突变体;间断失绿性状;冷激应答;细胞;分子机理;

25、"Without boron the starches and sugars don' t pass from cell to cell. The tip buds die, and the plant develops in an unhealthy way. When there's too little chlorine, chlorosis develops. The plant dries out, loses color, and dies." ─── 没有硼,淀粉和糖就不能在细胞闯转移,顶芽就会枯死,植株就不能健康生长。缺氯会发生褪绿病,植株逐渐干枯、失色、死亡。

26、necrosis and chlorosis ─── 坏死和退绿

27、59. Older leaves have ivory-tinted necrotic spots and shreaks coalescing into larger scorched areas; some leaves show pale( faded) yellow chlorosis over whole surface of apical regions. ─── 缺钾的大麦叶片:老叶出现灰白色斑点,逐渐连在一起呈烧焦区域,有的叶片黄化一直到叶尖。

28、Excess zinc often produces iron chlorosis. ─── 锌素过量还经常出现铁的褪绿症。

29、The boron deficiency plant appears inter- venial chlorosis, thickening, crisping leaves and increased leaf weight ratio (LWR). ─── 缺硼使叶重比(LWR)提高和叶片脉间失绿、变厚、变脆。

30、iron dificicency chlorosis ─── 缺铁失绿

31、The results were as follows:1 Under the stress of cadmium and lead contamination, leaves appeared chlorosis system, Cd~2+ treatment was the most obvious, the system of Acer mandshurica Max. and Lonicera maackii Max. ─── 1 镉铅污染胁迫下,叶片出现失绿症状,以含镉处理最为明显,苗木中以白牛槭和金银忍冬最为突出。

32、5.Younger leaves faded green and lusterless;older leaves marginal scorch, interveinal blotchy chlorosis, necrotic patches bleaching and withering; ─── 甜菜锰和铝合并中毒:幼叶褪绿失去光泽,老叶边缘枯黄,脉间有坏死褐色斑点,接着白化,枯萎。

33、caused chlorosis ─── 引起退绿病

34、Yellowed leaves (chlorosis) indicate iron deficiency. ─── 树叶泛黄(黄叶病),说明缺铁.

35、Marginal chlorosis and marginal scorch; ─── 叶柄坏死,受影响叶片干涸。

36、patch chlorosis ─── 斑块褪绿病

37、streak chlorosis ─── 条纹褪绿病

38、Physiological Reaction on Resistance to Iron Chlorosis in Malus xiaojinensis and M. Rockii ─── 小金海棠和丽江山荆子的缺铁胁迫反应

39、The boron deficiency plant appears inter-venial chlorosis, thickening, crisping leaves and increased leaf weight ratio (LWR). ─── 缺硼使叶重比(LWR)提高和叶片脉间失绿、变厚、变脆。


41、all peach varieties tried in Liaocheng are troubled with iron chlorosis due to the highly alkaline soils. ─── 由于土壤碱性大,在聊城试种的所有桃品种都有感染缺铁失绿的趋向。

42、Effect of Soil Properties in Different Layers on Fruit Tree Chlorosis in A Loess Area ─── 不同土层深度土壤性质对黄土地区果树黄化的影响

43、Chlorosis was noted in seedlings from treated seeds. ─── 人们在被处理的种子里长出的幼苗中发现了缺绿

44、Moffet found chlorosis in the progeny of the crosses between two kinds of trees. ─── Moffet在两种树杂交产生的后代中发现了萎黄病。

45、Bright yellow chlorosis of entire leaf in younger leaves except extreme tip regions; older leaves pale yellow-green, mainly in basal regions, with yellowing of veins more than interveinal areas. ─── 甜椒幼苗缺铁:幼叶整个叶片除了叶尖部位全部黄化,主要在基部的老叶叶脉黄化,失绿。

46、An Experiment on the Control of Apple Chlorosis in the Orchard on the Sandlot ─── 沙地果园苹果黄叶病防治试验

47、General yellow-green or yellow interveinal chlorosis of fully expanded and younger leaves with major veins and most minor vein clearly defined green without appreciable adjacent green lamina; ─── 甜菜缺铁:完全展开叶的脉间褪绿一般黄绿色或黄色,嫩叶的主脉和大部分侧脉明显显示绿色没有可察觉的相连的薄层;

48、Investigation and Prevention of the Chlorosis of Camphor Tree and Cape Jasmine in Hangzhou City ─── 杭州“市树”香樟和栀子花木失绿黄化症的研究

49、The results showed that NO could completely reverse the inter-veinal chlorosis induced by iron deficiency and increase chlorophyll content in the leaves of maize seedlings. ─── 电镜观察结果证实,NO促进了玉米叶片叶肉细胞和维管束鞘细胞中叶绿体的发育,叶绿体数量增多且体积增大,基质片层和基粒数量明显增多且结构完好。

50、iron deficiency of rice chlorosis ─── (缺铁病) 稻缺绿病

51、Plum infectious chlorosis virus ─── 洋李南非传染性退绿病毒

52、Older leaves( except sometimes the first leaf and also cotyledons) show bright yellow or orange blotchy interveinal chlorosis, Leaf margins are inrolled. Tips of leaflets scorch and leaves wither. ─── 番茄缺钼叶片:老叶(此之外第一片叶和子叶有时也会)现嫩黄色或橙色斑点的叶脉脉间失绿,叶缘不卷曲,叶尖端枯萎,叶片脱落。

53、It also energizes Phosphorus.Deficiency will exhibit a yellowing and interveinal chlorosis beginning in the older leaves. ─── 生态镁不增加土壤中阳离子,可直接被草坪草叶片吸收,能深入土壤草坪根部,吸收效率高。

54、Wheat Leaf Chlorosis Controlled by a Single Recessive Gene ─── 单个隐性基因控制的小麦叶片黄化

55、Nitrogen deficiency causes stunting of growth and chlorosis of older leaves, as chlorophyll pigments are broken down so their components can be reused in the young growing parts of the plants. ─── 氮的缺乏可以导致生长的迟缓和老叶片的缺绿症,因为分解的叶绿素被新生的叶片重新利用了。

56、chlorosis gigantea ─── [医] 肥胖性萎黄病

57、The mechanism of K affecting chlorosis is still not clear, as Fe deficiency chlorosis itself. ─── 钾素营养影响黄化的机理仍不完全清楚。

58、rice chlorosis ─── 稻白化病

59、Salix chlorosis virus ─── 杨柳退绿症病毒

60、Rice yellow stripe chlorosis ─── 水稻黄条纹退绿病毒

61、Improvement of iron nutrition of chlorosis peanut by intercropping with wheat ─── 小麦与花生间作改善花生铁营养的效应研究

62、Foliage generally rather dark green or blue-green. Margins of leaflets curl inwards to upper surfaces or wilt, giving a drooping appearance; slight chlorosis at tips of leaflets and brown necrosis. ─── 番茄缺铜:叶片一般深绿或蓝绿色,叶缘向内向上卷曲,枯萎,像萎蔫的样子;叶片先端轻微失绿,变褐坏死。

63、The F1 seedlings did not show chlorosis at low temperature. ─── 杂种F1幼苗在低温下子叶及真叶均不缺绿。

64、The chlorosis develops from light yellow to tan , becoming brown and finally drying to a "scorch" . ─── 褪绿部分由淡黄色演变为黄褐色以至褐色,最终变干呈“灼伤状”。

65、Physalis Floridana mild chlorosis virus ─── 佛罗里达酸浆轻性退绿病毒

66、Effects of Soil Factors on Plant Chlorosis Due to Iron Deficit ─── 土壤因子对植物缺铁失绿的影响

67、tropical chlorosis ─── 热带萎黄病

68、Egyptian chlorosis ─── 热带萎黄病埃及萎黄病

69、Older leaves (except sometimes the first leaf and also cotyledons) show bright yellow or orange blotchy interveinal chlorosis, Leaf margins are inrolled. Tips of leaflets scorch and leaves wither. ─── 番茄缺钼叶片:老叶(除此之外第一片叶和子叶有时也会)出现嫩黄色或橙色斑点的叶脉脉间失绿,叶缘不卷曲,叶尖端枯萎,叶片脱落。

70、Younger leaves faded green and lusterless; older leaves marginal scorch, interveinal blotchy chlorosis, necrotic patches bleaching and withering; characteristic of some soil acidity conditions. ─── 甜菜锰和铝合并中毒:幼叶褪绿失去光泽,老叶边缘枯黄,脉间有坏死褐色斑点,接着白化,枯萎。这是酸性土壤特有的。

71、leaves with interveinal chlorosis of iron deficiency interveinal oblong lesions and manganese deficiency. ─── 缺铁叶片脉间褪绿和缺锰脉间椭圆形斑块。

72、5. Younger leaves faded green and lusterless; older leaves marginal scorch, interveinal blotchy chlorosis, necrotic patches bleaching and withering; characteristic of some soil acidity conditions. ─── 甜菜锰和铝合并中毒:幼叶褪绿失去光泽,老叶边缘枯黄,脉间有坏死褐色斑点,接着白化,枯萎。这是酸性土壤特有的。收藏指正

73、Iron deficiency is characterized by chlorosis between veins in young leaves. ─── 铁的特征是嫩叶的叶脉之间萎黄。

74、Keywords: genetic analysis, TEM, leaf chlorosis, chloroplast centripetal movement, wheat, ─── 关键词:遗传分析,透射电镜,叶片失绿,叶绿体向心运动,小麦

75、alkali chlorosis ─── 碱性褪绿

76、chlorosis rubra ─── 红色萎黄病

77、Lack of iron leads to chlorosis, especially in young leaves. ─── 植物缺铁会导致萎黄病,特别是在幼嫩的叶片中。

78、late chlorosis ─── [医] 特发性低色[指数]性贫血

79、Lemon scented thyme leaf chlorosis rhabdovirus ─── 柠檬味的麝香草叶绿症弹状病毒

80、Pennisetum clandestimum chlorosis et stunting virus ─── 狼尾草退绿矮化病毒

81、Leaves develop chlorosis; stems are short and slender, and anthocyanin discoloration occurs on stems, petioles, and lower leaf surfaces. ─── 叶片变得萎黄,茎短而纤细,并且在茎、叶柄和叶片下表面会出现花青素变色。

82、Profuse necrotic speckling of some leaves with chlorosis ranging form total yellow with deep green major veins to diffuse interveinal mottling. ─── 矮种菜豆缺镁:一些有大量坏死斑点叶片,深绿色主脉全部变色,黄化,并和脉间色斑慢慢混合。

83、chlorosis in soybean ─── 大豆缺绿病

84、Plants grown in calcareous and alkaline saline soils would suffer from iron stress chlorosis. ─── 摘要生长在石灰质和碱性土壤中的植物会产生铁胁迫黄化现象。

85、infectious chlorosis ─── 传染性褪绿

86、Flowering stage was the most sensitive period to iron deficiency when the most severe chlorosis was observed, and the lowest SPAD value and active Fe content in young leaves were tested. ─── 开花期是花生对缺铁胁迫最为敏感的时期,此阶段黄化现象最严重、各品种新叶的叶绿素值和活性铁含量最低。

87、Effect of Bordeaux nutrition protective powder on iron-deficiency chlorosis and biological activity of peanuts ─── 波尔多液营养保护剂对花生黄化症的矫治及生长效应的影响

88、This research is conducted to study the effect of foliar application of FePS on correcting of iron deficient chlorosis of apple and peach trees in comparison with Ck, FeEDTA , FCU and BASF . ─── 本文在苹果和桃树上,以CK、FeEDTA、BASF多元微肥和柠檬酸复合铁(FCU)为对比,探讨了叶面喷施麦根酸铁(FePS)对矫正苹果和桃树缺铁黄叶病的效果.

89、A Review on Diagnosis Methods for Iron Nutrition Status of Fruit Trees and Fertilization Correction for Fe-Deficiency Chlorosis ─── 果树铁营养诊断及缺铁失绿症的施肥矫治研究现状

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