Amazonian 发音
英: 美:
Amazonian 中文意思翻译
Amazonian 短语词组
1、Amazonian Black Tyrant ─── 亚马逊黑暴君
2、Amazonian Pygmy Owl ─── 亚马逊侏儒猫头鹰
3、Amazonian Black-Tyrant ─── 亚马逊的黑领
4、Amazonian Cooperation Council ─── 亚马逊合作理事会
5、Amazonian Scrub Flycatcher ─── 亚马逊灌木捕蝇器
6、Amazonian manatee ─── 亚马逊海牛
7、Amazonian Tree Boa ─── 亚马逊树
Amazonian 相似词语短语
1、Amazonas ─── n.亚马孙(巴西州名)
2、Amazonian ─── adj.亚马逊河(流域)的;亚马逊女神的;(女人)高大强悍的
3、amazon ants ─── n.亚马逊蚁
4、amazonite ─── n.[矿物]天河石
5、Catalonian ─── n.加泰罗尼亚;加泰罗尼亚人;加泰罗尼亚语;adj.加泰罗尼亚的
6、amazon ant ─── n.亚马逊蚁
7、Patagonian ─── adj.巴塔哥尼亚的;巴塔哥尼亚人的;n.巴塔哥尼亚人
8、Amazonia ─── n.亚马孙古陆,亚马孙流域
9、amatorian ─── 业余爱好者
Amazonian 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、In the past 15 years new opportunities to study the region's rock and fossil records have finally enabled investigators to piece together a more complete picture of Amazonian history. ─── 过去15年来,由于有新的机会研究该地区岩石及化石记录,终于使研究人员得以拼凑出更完整的亚马逊河历史全貌。
2、The amazonian flow of colors, signals, urgent messages that had been besieging their brains since birth evaporated. ─── 自打生来就氤氲心头的五色百感蒸发殆尽,只剩下无尽虚空。
3、Using a GCM analogue model to investigate the potential for Amazonian forest dieback ─── 使用GCM相似模式对亚马逊河森林复生的可能性进行研究
4、Amazonian governors are more committed to this than ever before, he reckons, and now Brazil wants the rest of the world's help. ─── 他承认,亚马逊的执政者比以往任何时候都要投入,现在,巴西希望得到世界上其它国家的帮助。
5、As Amazonian flood waters expand dramatically, and spectacularly, so do the leaves of Queen Victoria Water Lillies, with help from the equatorial sun. ─── 这个大雨林也许包含了全球半数的物种。
6、Some of the recent spending in South America involves retooling armies that used to repress their own populations for new roles, such as peacekeeping or Amazonian surveillance. ─── 最近南美国家的部分军费开支,包括更新装备,是为了在国内事务上扮演新角色,比如维和或是亚马逊雨林监控。
7、"got to know some caboclos, the Amazonian backwoods people who are some of the warmest people on earth" (Alex Shoumatoff) ─── “到巴西印第安人那儿去打听吧,亚马孙河两岸森林里的人们是世上最为热心的人”(亚历克斯·肖马托夫)
8、Amazonian Umbrellabird ─── n. 亚马孙伞鸟
9、Without it, there will be nowhere to store carbon.But it is apparent that many people are still yet to learn the irreplaceable value of the Amazonian forest. ─── 没有了亚马逊,我们就没有地方可以储存碳,但是很明显的很多人还不懂得它无法取代的价值。
10、Upper Amazonian porcupine ─── n. 亚马孙林豪猪
11、Amazonian snail ─── 福寿螺
12、The Economic Importance of Products Extracted from Amazonian Flood Plain Forests ─── 从亚马孙泛滥平原森林中获取林产品的经济重要性
13、Amazonian Parrotlet ─── n. 亚马孙鹦哥
14、tribes living in remote areas of the Amazonian rainforest ─── 居住在亚马孙河雨林偏远地区的部落
15、They made a lamp that can be powered by plants and soil, both of which can be easily found in the Amazonian rainforest where the village lies. ─── 他们制造了一种可以用植物和土壤供电的灯,而在这个村庄所在的亚马逊雨林中,植物和土壤都很容易找到。
16、The role of ecosystem-atmosphere interactions in simulated Amazonian precipitation decrease and forest dieback under global climate warming ─── 在全球气候变暖条件下模拟亚马逊河降雨减少和森林复生的生态系统-大气相互影响的作用
17、"It would be expensive, " he observed, "but it would protect the stability of Amazonian carbon stocks and diversity. " ─── “代价将很昂贵,”他说,“但是这将保护亚马逊地区碳储存和多样性的稳定。”
18、The Amazonian landscape altered significantly soon thereafter when a violent episode of tectonic activity began pushing up the northeastern Andes. ─── 之后,剧烈的地壳构造活动,推挤出安地斯山的东北边,于是亚马逊河流域的地貌开始大幅改变。
19、Amazonian Tree Boa ─── n. 亚马孙树蟒(蚺科,亚马孙树蟒)
20、An Amazonian ant has dispensed of sex and developed into an all-female species, researchers have found. ─── 研究人员已经发现,一种亚马逊蚂蚁已经不需要性并且进化到全是雌性的物种。
21、In total, Perupetro plans to tender 11 Amazonian blocks, covering approximately 22 million acres of highly biodiverse, intact primary tropical rainforest - an area larger than the state of Maine. ─── 秘鲁石化计画标售11个亚马逊河区块,涵盖大约2200万英亩生物多样性丰富及完整的原生热带雨林区,比整个缅因州还要大。
22、6.Although Brazil nut is not the major species there, this does show that Amazonian agroforest farmers, without government-sponsored extension support, are following the Amerindian traditions. ─── 虽然巴西坚果在那里不是主要的物种,但这表明,如果没有政府赞助的扩展支持,亚马孙农林复合地带的农民自然延续了美洲印第安人的种植传统。
23、Did a school of piranha eat flesh down to the bone of a busload of passengers that crashed in an Amazonian river? ─── 当一辆公交车掉进了亚马逊河中,他们真的被食人鱼吃得只剩下了骨头?
24、Introducing and Breeding the Amazonian Fresh Water Snail and Climatic Division for Its Adaptability in China ─── 热带福寿螺的引种养殖与气候适应性区划
25、Amazonian Black Tyrant ─── n. 亚马孙黑霸鹟
26、Researchers from the National Institute for Amazonian Studies (INPA) use nets to collect specimens of pacu, a fish that eats fruits and nuts, on the Rio Negro in Amazonas state, Brazil. ─── 在巴西亚马逊州的里奥内格罗河上,来自亚马逊国家研究所的研究员正在用网捕捉一种食用水果以及坚果的鱼的样本。
27、Amazonian Cooperation Council ─── 亚马孙合作理事会
28、What Debbie enjoyed to the point of obsession was a video of the amazonian rainforest ─── 真正让黛比着迷的是那盒亚马逊雨林的录像带,他令黛比那强壮的身躯渴望回归家园的心激荡不已。
29、Mayaro and Oropouche virus infections in Brazilian woodcutters who cleared the Amazonian forest in recent years is a case in point. ─── 巴西伐木人开垦亚马逊河流域森林而患马雅罗病毒和奥罗普切病毒感染是最近几年中恰当的实侧。
30、a young tree sapling, one of 80 thousand planted by his tribe in its western Amazonian homeland over the last 4 years. ─── 一颗小树苗,他的部落于过去4年中在自己的西亚马逊家园中种植的8万棵树之一。
31、Amazonian Scrub Flycatcher ─── n. 亚马孙灌丛霸鹟
32、a young tree sapling, one of 80 thousand planted by his tribe in its western Amazonian homeland over the last 4 years. ─── 一颗小树苗,他的部落于过去4年中在自己的西亚马逊家园中种植的8万棵树之一。
33、The Impact of Amazonian Deforestation on Dry Season Rainfall. ─── 亚马逊采伐森林对干季降水的影响。
34、Amazonian Antpitta ─── n. 亚马孙蚁八色鸫
35、What Debbie enjoyed to the point of obsession was a video of the Amazonian rainforest. It seemed to stir an atavistic chord in her stout breast. ─── 真正让黛比着迷的是那盒亚马逊雨林的录相带,它令黛比那强壮的身躯里渴望回归家园的心激荡不已。
36、Diffusion modeling of recessional flow on central Amazonian floodplains ─── 后退流对亚马逊河中部涝原的漫射模式
37、Freelance goldminers in areas such as the Amazonian rainforest are often careless of the rights of local tribesmen. ─── 在像亚马逊雨林地区的自由掘金者毫不顾及当地部落居民的权利。
38、Effect of soil moisture on canopy conductance of Amazonian rainforest ─── 土壤湿度对亚马逊河雨林树冠气孔通导率的影响
39、Inter-University Programme for Amazonian Cooperation; ─── 大学间亚马孙合作方案;
40、The Manoki are one of about 170 indigenous Amazonian peoples whose homelands are imperiled by an intense land rush in the Amazon fueled by the timber, agriculture, and cattle industries. ─── 马诺基部落是亚马逊170个土著部落中的一支,由于伐木,农业以及畜牧业发展造成亚马逊地区严重的水土流失,威胁到了这些土著民的家园环境。
41、In the Amazonian rainforests of Brazil, there is a remote tribe called the Amondawa that has no concept of time or dates. ─── 在巴西亚马逊热带雨林里,有一个叫阿莫达瓦的遥远的部落。在那里,人们没有时间和日期的观念。
42、One of the most extraordinary river creatures is the Amazonian 11) manatee . ─── 其中河里最特别的生物之一要数亚马孙海牛。
43、Amazonian governors are more committed to this than ever before, he reckons, and now Brazil wants the rest of the world's help. ─── 他承认,亚马逊的执政者比以往任何时候都要投入,现在,巴西希望得到世界上其它国家的帮助。
44、What made that Amazonian evening wonderful? ─── 是什么让这个亚马逊之夜如此美妙?
45、10.The site protects key threatened species, including giant arapaima fish, the Amazonian manatee, the black caiman and two species of river dolphin. ─── 保护区为许多珍稀濒危动物提供保护,例如巨骨舌鱼、亚马逊海牛、黑凯门鳄和两种淡水豚类。
46、Amazon tribes Peru, Contacted natives, Amazonian jungle. Pueblos nativos. Convenio OIT 169 ─── 高金素梅,金素梅,台湾,原住民,部落,立法委员
47、The Amazonian area of eastern Peru, with its humid and insanitary conditions, is really a hotbed for the spread of cholera. ─── 在秘鲁东北部的亚玛逊河流域,由于气候湿热、卫生条件极差,正是霍乱流行的温床。
48、The Brazilian designers intended the lounge to create the atmosphere of a traditional communal dwelling from the Amazonian forest. ─── 巴西设计师 打算休息室创造气氛的一个传统的社区居住的亚马逊森林。
49、Adults in some Amazonian tribes did not kiss, though the children did. ─── 在一些亚马逊部落里,成人之间不亲吻,但是小孩之间会。
50、The Amazonian rainforest is likely to suffer catastrophic damage even with the lowest temperature rises forecast under climate change. ─── 即使是气候变化带来的最小幅度的温度升高,也可能使亚马逊热带雨林遭受灾难性的破坏。
51、With an altitudinal range of 200 m to nearly 1,000 m, it is the site of a rich mosaic of habitat types from Cerrado savannah and forest to upland evergreen Amazonian forests. ─── 该国家公园海拔自200米到1000米,拥有多样性的自然生物栖息地,既有热带高草草原、热带稀树草原和热带雨林,又有亚马逊高地常青林。
52、During these discussions,Peter is moved from one remote guerilla camp high in the Andes down to another camp in the Amazonian jungle,suffering the most hellish physical and mental hardships. ─── 在此期间,彼得被从安第斯山高处一座偏僻的游击队营地转移到亚马孙丛林中的另一处营地,历尽最残酷的身心磨难。
53、One of the predominant theories about the source of Amazonian diversity was that it arose in the wake of the ice ages that have occurred over the past million years or so. ─── 过去一项主要理论认为亚马逊多样性的起源,是发生在数百万年前的冰期之后。
54、Effects of Amazonian deforestation on climate: a numerical experiment with a coupled biosphere-atmosphere model with soil hydrology ─── 亚马逊河森林对气候的影响:一个带有土壤水文学生物圈-大气模式耦合的数值试验
55、In the Amazonian jungle he could not squeeze it between the trees. ─── 在亚马逊丛林,他不能把车子挤过树丛。
56、Comparative measurements of carbon dioxide fluxes from two nearby towers in a central Amazonian rainforest: The Manaus LBA site ─── 阿马索尼亚中部雨林区靠近两个塔的一氧化碳通量的比较测量:Manaus LBA现场
57、Amazonian Streaked Antwren ─── n. 亚马孙纵纹蚁鹩
58、Two years ago a study of another Amazonian tribe, the Piraha, reported that the ability of tribal adults to conceptualise numbers is no better than that of infants or even some animals. ─── 研究人员就此指出,研究结果就像众多数学家一直认为的那样,人脑中复杂的空间、时间和数字等数学基本概念是独立于人类的语言的,即思维不由语言决定。
59、Amazonian Botanical Research Programme ─── 亚马孙河植物研究方案
60、Amazonian forest dieback under climate-carbon cycle projections for the 21st century ─── 21世纪在气候-碳循环设计条件下亚马逊河森林复生
61、Amazonian Oropendola ─── n. 亚马孙拟椋鸟
62、The Wajapi of the Tupi-guarani cultural-linguistic group are indigenous to the northern Amazonian region. ─── 说图皮-瓜拉尼语的瓦杰皮人居住在亚马逊河北部地区。
63、She stabbed him with a glance of amazonian fierceness and drew in lower lip ─── 她用亚马孙族妇女的那种勇猛强悍的目光瞪了他一眼,同时下唇动了一动。
64、Could uncontacted Amazonian tribes in Peru be wiped out by oil giants? ─── 秘鲁亚马逊地区的原始部落的存在是否会因为石油巨头的入侵而消亡?
65、The second option is the preferred route to enrich already deforested areas with Brazil nut and provide for the long-term capitalization of the Amazonian farmer. ─── 第二个选择是可取的路线,以丰富已伐林地区的植被,并为亚马孙农民提供长期的自然资源资本化支持。
66、We plan to expand to Coca, a small city that is also in the Amazonian Region. ─── 我们计划将业务扩展到Coca,它也是亚马逊河区的一个小城市。
67、Isoprene and monoterpene fluxes measured above Amazonian rainforest and their dependence on light and temperature ─── 亚马逊河的雨林上空异戊间二烯和单萜烯通量测量和它们对光和温的依赖性
68、Amazonian Pygmy Owl ─── n. 亚马孙鸺鹠
69、Biogeochemistry of Mercury in the Amazonian Environment ─── 亚马孙河流域汞的生物地球化学研究
70、The same evidence that illuminated the lake ecosystem also suggests that many of the modern arrays of Amazonian plants and animals were actually flourishing millions of years ago. ─── 同样一笔用来诠释湖泊生态系的证据,也显示亚马逊河今日林林总总的动植物在数百万年前就已经生活在这片土地上。
71、He had a personal escort known as the Amazonian guard, young women said to be martial-arts experts who often carried machine guns. ─── 卡扎菲有一支被称作“亚马逊守卫”的个人卫队,这只卫队由据说是精通武术年轻女子组成,她们常常携带机关枪。
72、One perfect Amazonian evening, with monkeys calling from beyond the village green, we played soccer. ─── 一个完美的亚马逊夜晚,村外绿地上传来猴子的叫声,我们踢起了足球。
73、But despite a worldwide interest in the protection of the Amazonian rain forest, it is disappearing fast. ─── 尽管全世界都努力保护亚马孙雨林,但它消失的速度还是很快。
74、The package calls for paving several Amazonian roads, traditionally the main vectors of destruction. ─── 一揽子计划要求在亚马逊领域铺设很多道路,传统上道路是破坏森林的主要引导。
75、A prosecutor in Peru filed charges of murder against two police generals and 15 other officers over the crushing of protests by Amazonian Indians in which 23 police and ten civilians were killed. ─── 因镇压亚马逊印第安人的抗议,秘鲁的一名检察官以谋杀罪起诉两名总警监以及15名其它官员,在该抗议事件中有23名警察和10名平民死亡。
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