rockfish 发音
英:[ˈrɑːkˌfɪʃ] 美:[ˈrɒkˌfɪʃ]
英: 美:
rockfish 中文意思翻译
rockfish 短语词组
1、rockfish river flooding ─── 石鱼河洪水
2、Stout rockfish ─── 鱼
3、Olive rockfish ─── 橄榄石鱼
4、copper rockfish ─── [网络] 铜石鱼
5、rosy rockfish ─── 玫瑰色的罗克鱼
6、rockfish shoes ─── 石鱼鞋
7、rockfish calories ─── 石斑鱼热量
8、black rockfish ─── 教士鱼
9、rockfish recipe ─── 石鱼食谱
10、vermillion rockfish ─── [网络] 朱红鱼
11、red rockfish ─── [网络] 松原氏平鲉
12、baked rockfish ─── 烤石斑鱼
13、rockfish river ─── 石鱼河
rockfish 词性/词形变化,rockfish变形
rockfish 相似词语短语
1、stockfish ─── n.鳕鱼干;晒干的鱼类
2、jackfish ─── 狗鱼(尤指幼鱼或小鱼)
3、backfisch ─── n.年轻少女
4、wreckfish ─── n.多锯鲈
5、rosefish ─── n.玫瑰鱼(产于北大西洋)
6、suckfish ─── 吸鱼,附鱼
7、monkfish ─── n.扁鲨;安康鱼
8、rockfishes ─── n.岩鱼(栖于礁石中的鱼)
9、blackfish ─── n.黑鲸;黑色鱼
rockfish 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Rockfish(Black rockfish) ─── 黑平鲉, 黑岩鱼
2、Investigation on the epidemic of fulminant infectious disease of cultured rockfish in the south Fujian ─── 福建南部养殖石斑鱼暴发性疾病流行调查
3、Semaphore rockfish ─── 黑记平鲉
4、1. Dragged alongside the unmanned submersible SeaRover, liquid tuna and chum attracted this rosy rockfish, swimming by a basket sea star in the waters of Monterey Bay, California. ─── 潜入无人居住的深海之中,金枪鱼是最富有吸引力的,还有岩鱼,正在巡游的是篮海星在水中,这是蒙特里杰海湾,加利福尼亚州。收藏指正
5、rosy rockfish ─── n. 玫瑰鲪
6、The vermilion rockfish has scales on the bottom of the lower jaw which make it rough to the touch. ─── 朱石斑鱼有底部的较低的下巴,使其按粗糙的尺度。
7、Extruded feed for marine fish: Turbot, flounder, salmon, tuna, sea-bream, swellfish, yellow crock, sea bass, rockfish, red drum, etc. ─── 海水鱼膨化料系列:大菱鲆、牙鲆、石鲽、三文鱼、金枪鱼、真鲷、河鲀、大黄鱼、鲈鱼、黑头鱼、美国红鱼饲料等;
8、Bycatch often includes the catch of juveniles of important commercial fish species (cod, rockfish, red snapper, croaker, king mackerel, Spanish mackerel and weakfish) as well as sea turtles. ─── 当生物资源被浪费,濒危和稀有物种受到威胁,已经被严重开发的鱼类资源进一步受到影响时,兼捕物可以成为一个严重的问题。
9、Silvergray rockfish ─── 短刺平鲉
10、Darkblotched rockfish ─── 克氏平鲉
11、1.Dragged alongside the unmanned submersible SeaRover, liquid tuna and chum attracted this rosy rockfish, swimming by a basket sea star in the waters of Monterey Bay, California. ─── 潜入无人居住的深海之中,金枪鱼是最富有吸引力的,还有岩鱼,正在巡游的是篮海星在水中,这是蒙特里杰海湾,加利福尼亚州。
12、Shortraker rockfish ─── 北方平鲉
13、Investigation on the epidemic of fulminant infectious disease of cultured rockfish in the south Fujian ─── 福建南部养殖石斑鱼暴发性疾病流行调查
14、brown rockfish ─── 无刺鲪
15、Greenstriped rockfish ─── 长平鲉
16、Respectively is Shi Ji, the rockfish, the lichen. ─── 分别是石鸡、石鱼、石耳。
17、When pH is steady at 8.40 + 0.10, the 24-, 48-, 96-hour LC50 of Alk are 72. 79, 65. 28, 57. 92 mmol/L to Japanese sea bass, and 69. 47, 59. 37, 51. 96mmol/L to black rockfish. ─── pH=8.40±0.10时,碱度对鲈鱼幼鱼24、48、96小时的半致死值为72.79、65.28、57.92mmol/L,安全浓度为15.76mmol/L; 对黑?幼鱼24、48、96h的半致死值为69.47、59.37、51.96mmol/L,安全浓度13.01mmol/L。
18、Protected areas do rebound, but it takes a long time to restore 50-year-old rockfish or monkfish, sharks or seabass, or 200-year-old orange roughy. ─── 想想50岁的岩鱼或安康鱼,鲨鱼或鲈鱼,或者200岁的新西兰红鱼,我们不会吃200岁的牛或鸡。
19、Squarespot rockfish ─── 霍氏平鲉
20、Rosethorn rockfish ─── 黄斑平鲉
21、black rockfish ─── 许氏平鲉
22、Greenblotched rockfish ─── 罗氏平鲉
23、When pH is steady at 8.10 + 0.10, the 24-, 48-, 96-hour LC50 of Alk are 60.88, 44.36, 36. 06 mmol/L to juvenile Japanese sea bass, and 75.86, 63.46, 56.42 mmol/L to black rockfish. ─── pH=8.05±0.10时,碱度对黑鲳幼鱼24、48、96h的半致死值为75.86、63.46、56.42mmol/L,安全浓度为13.32mmol/L。
24、Puget Sound rockfish ─── 显明平鲉
25、Photo Gallery: Kelp Gardens Kelp rockfish navigate a towering kelp forest near California's Bodega Bay. ─── 意译:海带花园图片集。海带岩鱼通过高耸的海带森林附近的加州的bodega湾。
26、Here grow many fine fruits and vegetables such as mushrooms, longans, litchis, bamboo shoots, pomelos, peaches, persimmons as well as famous and unique seafood like yellow croakers, rockfish, paired shrimps, oyster and Erdu blook clams. ─── 境内盛产食用菌、龙眼、荔枝、笋、柚、桃、柿等果蔬佳品和大黄鱼、石斑鱼、对虾、牡蛎、二都蚶等名优特海产品。
27、Redbanded rockfish ─── 巴氏平鲉
28、Salinity Stress on the Ultrastructure of Gill, Head Kidney and Spleen of Rockfish (Sebastes schlegeli) ─── 盐度胁迫对许氏平(鱼由)鳃、头肾、脾脏超微结构的影响
29、Bottom trawling is the fishing practice of dragging large nets weighted with chains or other heavy gear across the seafloor to catch groundfish species such as rockfish, cod, and sole. ─── 底拖网作业是拖著装有锁链或其他重型渔具的大网,横扫过海底捕捉底栖鱼类,如栖于礁石中的鱼类、鳕鱼和比目鱼。
30、Yelloweye rockfish ─── 极红平鲉
31、Black Rockfish Sebastes schtegeli ─── 黑鲪
32、Pinkrose rockfish ─── 仿平鲉
33、In the first part, collected rockfish samples monthly by the inshore of Qingdao were measured biologically, then the otolithes were taken and dried. ─── 在第一部分中,通过在青岛近海逐月采集许氏平鲉的样品,进行生物学测量,并摘取耳石。
34、naked mole rats aren't alone in not aging: rockfish, lobsters, and bristlecone pines also seem to stay forever young... or at least forever middle-aged. ─── 不会变老的不只有裸鼹鼠:岩鱼龙虾和狐尾松都能永葆青春…要么拥永葆中年。
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