filose 发音
英: 美:
filose 中文意思翻译
filose 短语词组
1、filose pseudopodia ─── 伪足叶病
2、filose pseudopod ─── 伪足哲学
filose 相似词语短语
1、filmset ─── n.电影布景
2、filos ─── 菲利斯
3、eclose ─── n.(Eclose)埃克洛斯;vi.孵化
4、filasse ─── n.植物纤维
5、villose ─── adj.有绒毛的;象绒毛一样的
6、-ulose ─── 酮糖
7、pilose ─── adj.有毛的;多毛的;覆有软毛的
8、Close ─── n.(美、英、加、澳、法、比)克洛塞(人名);adj.(close)紧密的;亲密的;亲近的;v.(close)关;结束;使靠近;关闭;adv.(close)紧密地;n.(close)结束
9、filosus ─── 毛状云
filose 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、-- La maljunulo estas mia patro kaj la knabo, mia filo. ─── -- 老人是我父亲,男孩是我的儿子。
2、La tria knabo estas mia dua filo. ─── 第三个小男孩是我的二儿子。
3、The web portal has undergone remarkable change since it was set up by Stanford University students David Filo and Jerry Yang in a campus trailer. ─── 从创立至今,这个门户网站经历了巨大变迁。当初,斯坦福大学的两名学生大卫·菲罗和杨致远在校园的一辆拖车里创建了雅虎网的前身。
4、America Online's intention is to acquire Yahoo, so that Yang and Filo have become their employees to ensure they can become rich. ─── 股票最初定价13美元。但交易狂热,平均每小时转手6次之多,一度飙升至43美元,最终以33美元收盘。
5、first-in last-out (FILO) ─── 先进后出
6、e si serviranno d’oro, di filo violaceo, porporino, scarlatto, e di lino fino. ─── 他们要拿金线、蓝色紫色朱红色线和细麻去做。
7、Filo and Jerry Yang of the old knowledge. ─── 杨致远和费罗是旧识。
8、Li kuradis de sia domo al la domo de sia filo, kaj de tie revenadis al sia domo. ─── (她从自己的家跑到儿子的家,又从那里回到自己的家。)
9、The web portal has undergone remarkable change since it was set up by Stanford University students David Filo and Jerry Yang in a campus trailer . ─── 从创立至今,这个门户网站经历了巨大变迁。当初,斯坦福大学的两名学生大卫·菲罗和杨致远在校园的一辆拖车里创建了雅虎网的前身。
10、D. students David Filo and Jerry Yang. ─── 1995年注册公司。
11、E all’orlo inferiore del manto fecero delle melagrane di color violaceo, porporino e scarlatto, di filo ritorto. ─── 又在外袍的底边上,用蓝色紫色朱红色线和捻的细麻做石榴。
12、20.Mia filo lernas en mezlernejo. ─── 我儿子在中学读书。
13、Netscape also hope to use the stock swap acquisition of Yahoo, Jerry Yang and Filo, however rejected the same, because they have to create their own cause. ─── 网景也希望利用股票互换收购雅虎,然而杨致远和费罗同样拒绝了,因为他们要开创属于自己的事业。
14、 双语使用场景
15、La patro ordonis al sia filo vesti sin rapide. ─── 父亲吩咐自己的儿子快穿上衣服。
16、costruzione di linee di fuoco, ad alta temperatura filo. ─── 建筑防火电线,耐高温电线。
17、trie, mi volez havi cent filos ay mil nepos. ─── “首先,我希望长寿百岁;”
18、I think Jerry Yang and Filo are probably not even tell the day and night. ─── 杨致远开始与网景讨价还价,网景提出一项建议:搜索引擎按字母顺序排列。
19、Yang Zhiyuan and David Feiluo (the Yahoo that David Filo)14 founds before New Year, at the appointed time hopeful becomes Microsoft to divide Windows, Office, Xbox and Zune besides a new brand. ─── 互联网行业中整合资深品牌以应对日益强大的谷歌所带来的竞争压力,已经彻底摧毁了“年轻王子成长为硅谷王国睿智王者”的感性神话。
20、Volesse pure Iddio schiacciarmi, stender la mano e tagliare il filo de’ miei giorni! ─── 切愿被 神剪除但愿我得着我所祈求的,愿 神赐我所盼望的。
21、Dessert - Hot chocolate filos, where Toblerone is wrapped in filo pastry and dipped in hot chocolate fondue sauce。 ─── 有点像酥皮朱古力,好痴牙,我觉得有点偏甜,不过我都中意食既个种甜度。
22、In the 1990s, America Online (AOL) wanted to be Resumption's Yahoo, Jerry Yang and Filo incurred rejected; ─── 上个世纪90年代,美国在线(AOL)曾想将雅虎收归旗下,招致杨致远和费罗的拒绝;
23、"Jerry Yang and Filo bear the greatest of all the shareholders the fiduciary obligations. ─── “杨致远与费罗对全体股东负有最大的受托义务。”
24、David Filo's title was "Chief Yahoo," but he was proud that his unofficial title was "Cheap Yahoo. ─── 我最喜欢的一张保险杠贴纸上写着,“如果群众开始自主,那领导者只能跟随。”
25、I prodotti includono: grillo, Chuck corda di filo, fiore blu viti, affrontare, come metallo getti, forgiati. ─── 产品包括:卸扣、钢丝绳夹头、花蓝镙丝、滑车等五金铸件、锻件。
26、Batte le montagne della sua pastura, e va in traccia d’ogni filo di verde. ─── 它探索群山作它的草场,寻觅各样青绿的东西。
27、With his co-founder David Filo, Mr Yang had been happy to take a back seat as Chief Yahoo ever since the company appointed Tim Koogle as chief executive in 1995, a year after it was launched. ─── 杨致远在备忘录中给人的感觉是,他成为众人注目的焦点并不是心甘情愿的,说他是在去年6月“接受董事会的请求”成为首席执行官的。
28、Si fece anche per l’ingresso della tenda una portiera, di filo violaceo porporino, scarlatto, e di lino fino ritorto, in lavoro di ricamo. ─── 他用金子把板包裹,也做了板上的金环,用作穿横闩的地方,并且也用金子把横闩包裹。
29、Make use of oven to create delicious dishes such as Spicy Chicken Wing, Crab Meat Filo Rolls, Pork Chop Cordon Bleu, Honey BBQ Pork, Teriyaki Chicken Leg, Green Tea Custard, etc. ─── 近期就运用烤箱制作多款美味菜式包括:风沙鸡翼,蟹肉卷,哥顿堡猪柳,蜜味叉烧皇,照烧鸡腿,绿茶炖奶等无油烟美食。
30、The content of this page is from the FILO port or FILO customs import and export company directory; ─── 本页面内容主要是来自FILO港口或FILO海关的进出口公司目录;
31、While Yahoo's success was built off the backs of Yang and Filo's search directory, search eventually would come back to haunt the company. ─── 搜索最终又重回雅虎的发展重点。
32、filo pastry ─── 叶形酥点
33、Gamma di funzionamento: molto bene stagno e filo di rame (0.04-0.07 mm di diametro); ─── 经营范围:极细镀锡铜线及绞线(直径0.04-0.07毫米);
35、Microsoft's acquisition of the face, Jerry Yang and Filo had refused to choose. ─── 面对微软的收购,杨致远和费罗继续选择了拒绝。
36、Google founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin also wanted to help Yahoo founders Jerry Yang and David Filo, who had encouraged them to turn their search engine into a business more than a decade ago. ─── 谷歌创始人LarryPage和SergeyBrin也希望能够帮助雅虎创始人JerryYang和DavidFilo,他们在十多年前鼓励谷歌将搜索引擎商业化。
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