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hermaphroditic 发音


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hermaphroditic 中文意思翻译



hermaphroditic 短语词组

1、hermaphroditic flukes ─── 两性吸虫

2、hermaphroditic duct ─── 两性管

3、hermaphroditic connector ─── [计] 同性接插件

4、hermaphroditic fish ─── 雌雄同体鱼

5、hermaphroditic generation ─── 雌雄同体世代

hermaphroditic 词性/词形变化,hermaphroditic变形

形容词: hermaphroditic |副词: hermaphroditically |

hermaphroditic 相似词语短语

1、hermaphrodite brig ─── 双桅帆船

2、hermaphroditically ─── 雌雄同体的

3、Hermaphroditus ─── n.赫马佛洛狄忒斯(赫耳墨斯和阿佛洛狄忒之子)

4、hermaphrodites ─── n.[动]雌雄同体;阴阳人;两性体;[植]雌雄同株;adj.[动]雌雄同体的

5、hermaphroditism ─── n.[动]雌雄同体性

6、hermaphrodism ─── 雌雄同体性

7、hermaphroditical ─── 雌雄同体的

8、pseudohermaphroditic ─── 假两性

9、hermaphrodite ─── n.[动]雌雄同体;阴阳人;两性体;[植]雌雄同株;adj.[动]雌雄同体的

hermaphroditic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、Herbs perennial, hermaphroditic or polygamous, with a bulb or less often a horizontal rhizome. ─── 多年生草本,两性或杂性的,具一鳞茎或更少通常一水平的根状茎。

2、Flowers solitary on lateral branches or on shortened branchlets, or clustered in lax racemes, hermaphroditic, 5-merous; ─── 花在侧生枝上单生或生于缩短的小枝上,或为疏松簇生的总状花序,两性,5基数;

3、female and hermaphroditic ones solitary or in 2-12-flowered heads. ─── 雌花和两性花单生或形成2-12朵花的头状花序。

4、hermaphroditic flower ─── 两性花

5、Having both femaleand male characteristics; hermaphroditic. ─── 雌雄同体的既有雌性又有雄性的特征的;雌雄同体的。

6、Flowers hermaphroditic, solitary in axils of bracts. ─── 花苞片的两性,单生在腋处。

7、Small trees or woody vines, evergreen, hermaphroditic, unarmed. ─── 小乔木或木质的藤本植物,常绿,两性,无刺。

8、Male-sterile flowers often have markedly shorter androgynophores and petal limbs than hermaphroditic flowers. ─── 雄性不育花通常比两性花有显著短的雌雄蕊柄和花瓣冠檐。

9、Having both hermaphroditic and unisexual flowers on the same plant or on separate plants of the same species. ─── 杂性的同一株植物或同一物种的不同植物上,具有雌雄同体又具有雌雄异体的花朵的

10、Trees or shrubs, evergreen, hermaphroditic (?or functionally andromonoecious), unarmed. ─── 乔木或灌木,常绿,两性(?或功能上雄花两性花同株),无刺。

11、Shrubs or trees, evergreen, probably hermaphroditic, unarmed. ─── 灌木或乔木,常绿,或许两性,无刺。

12、28The son's disappointment effected a castration of the hermaphroditic mother: this was the patient's so-called castration complex. ─── 儿子的失望导致了对其两性同体母亲的阉割:这就是医生所谓的阉割情结。

13、Getting back on topic, water bears are usually not hermaphroditic, meaning that there are usually males and females. ─── 现在返回到这个主题,水熊是雌雄异体,也就是说分雌性和雄性。

14、Trees, small, or shrubs, prickly, or unarmed, rhizomatous herbs, andromonoecious or hermaphroditic. ─── 乔木,小,或灌木,具皮刺,或无刺,根状茎草本,雄花两性花同株或两性的。

15、Sex allocation theory provides a general explanation for diversity in breeding systems, in particular, it explains why most flowering plan ts are hermaphroditic. ─── 文献中支持自交减少植物雄性投入的证据有很多,但是对繁殖分配与自交率的关系目前还没有系统的研究。

16、The hermaphroditic character is necessary for all artistic creation. ─── “在合乎中庸的优秀与矫枉过正的伟大之间,总是倾向于膜拜后者。”

17、3 For those who refuse to commit to one strategy: The hermaphroditic earthworm Dendrobaena rubida has both male and female genitalia. ─── 3.还有一些生物拒绝只采取一种生殖方式:一条蚯蚓同时具有雄性和雌性生殖器。

18、hermaphroditic gland ─── 两性生殖腺

19、Shrubs or trees, sometimes climbers or epiphytes, evergreen, hermaphroditic or andromonoecious, unarmed. ─── 灌木或乔木,有时攀援藤本或附生植物,常绿,两性的或雄花两性花同株,无刺。

20、Morphology and sizes of the haemocytes in the Chinese black sleeper were studied using blood samples from both cultured and wild fishes of hermaphroditic and gonochoristic individuals. ─── 摘要本文研究了野生和养殖中华乌塘鳢血细胞的形态特征,测量了除血栓细胞以外的其他各种血细胞的大小,并计数了各种白细胞数量的百分比。

21、Trees, deciduous, hermaphroditic. ─── 乔木,落叶,两性。

22、Flowers hermaphroditic, with 1 bract and 2 bracteoles, axillary or clustered into spikes. ─── 花两性,具1苞片和2小苞片,腋生或簇生成穗状花序的。

23、initial-phase In sequentially hermaphroditic species, the color pattern characteristic of smaller sexually mature individuals. ─── 起始阶段的在依序雌雄同体的种,比较小性成熟个体的颜色模式。

24、28The son's disappointment effected a castration of the hermaphroditic mother: this was the patient's so-called castration complex. ─── 儿子的失望导致了对其两性同体母亲的阉割:这就是医生所谓的阉割情结。

25、In the nearly 20,000 species of the Orchidaceae, Satyrium ciliatum Ldl. is the only species which has been reported to display two separate sexual forms, the female form and the hermaphroditic form. ─── 缘毛鸟足兰是在具有近20,000种的兰科中迄今为止报导过的雄性不育类型与两性类型共存的唯一例子。

26、Flower sex expression in top flower of inflorescence among hermaphroditic papaya cultivars was further studied. ─── 台大选系11号正常花比率偏低,雌蕊完全退化型花比率偏高。

27、16(15) Basal leaves pinnate, with many leaflets; plants hermaphroditic; petals yellow; style not or slightly elongated at fruiting. ─── 羽状的基生叶,具很多小叶;植株两性;花瓣黄色拉长的花柱并非或稍在果期。

28、The sizes of monocytes and thrombocytes are different and that of erythrocytes are similar in hermaphroditic and gonochoristic fish. ─── 中华乌塘鳢雌雄同体和雌雄异体鱼红细胞的大小相似,但大淋巴细胞和单核细胞的大小有差异。

29、secondary gonochorism The condition in which the sexes are separate and genetically fixed but in which this condition is clearly derived from hermaphroditic ancestors. ─── 次级雌雄异体在性别上是分离的以及有遗传上的稳定性的状态,但这状态明显的衍生自雌雄同体的祖先。

30、Flowers dense, small, actinomorphic, hermaphroditic or rarely unisexual and plants dioecious. ─── 花紧密,单性的小,辐射对称,两性或很少和植株雌雄异株。

31、Trees, to ca. 8 m tall, hermaphroditic. ─── 乔木,约8米高,两性。

32、The usually paired female or hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces ova and,in vertebrates,estrogen and progesterone. ─── 卵巢,通常成对的雌性或雌雄同体动物的生殖器官,产生卵细胞,脊椎动物的此类器官产生雌性激素和孕激素。

33、hermaphroditic duct ─── 两性管(动)

34、Trees or shrubs, dioecious or hermaphroditic, rarely polygamous, usually spiny. ─── 乔木或灌木,雌雄异株的或两性,很少杂性的,通常刺。

35、Having both female and male characteristics; hermaphroditic. ─── 雌雄同体的既有雌性又有雄性的特征的;雌雄同体的

36、Shrubs or trees, evergreen, hermaphroditic, with few to many spines, glabrous or stellate pubescent. ─── 灌木或乔木,常绿,两性,具少数到多数刺,无毛或星状短柔毛。

37、The effect of pollinators on the plant sex allocation, may be a new fied to study the evolution of hermaphroditic plants. ─── 传粉者对花粉和胚珠配置的潜在影响,可能为研究两性花的进化打开一条新路。

38、biradially symmetrical hermaphroditic solitary marine animals resembling jellyfishes having for locomotion eight rows of cilia arranged like teeth in a comb ─── 双重对称、雌雄同体的独居海生动物,形似水母,有排列如梳齿的用于游动的八行纤毛

39、Having both male and female reproductive organs; hermaphroditic. ─── 具有两性的同有雄性和雌性生殖器官的;具有两性的

40、A hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces both sperm and eggs,found in certain gastropods. ─── 卵精巢雌雄同体的再生器官,可以产精子和卵子,在腹足纲软体动物身上发现。

41、balanced hermaphroditic ─── 平衡雌雄同体

42、Inflorescences corymbiform-umbellate, many flowered, bracteate.Flowers bisexual or unisexual (plants hermaphroditic, dioecious, or rarely gynodioecious), male ones unequally 5-merous; ─── (两性,雌雄异株的植株,雌花两性花异株的或很少)的单性的花两性或,雄性的不相等5瓣;

43、spermatic crypt The more or less spherical space in the male tissue of hermaphroditic Serranidae, in which the sperm develops. ─── 精的囊在雌雄同体鮨科的雄鱼组织中约略圆球状的空间,精子在那里发育。

44、A hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces both sperm and eggs, found in certain gastropods. ─── 卵精巢雌雄同体的再生器官,可以产精子和卵子,在腹足纲软体动物身上发现

45、The usually paired female or hermaphroditic reproductive organ that produces ova and, in vertebrates, estrogen and progesterone. ─── 卵巢通常成对的雌性或雌雄同体动物的生殖器官,产生卵细胞,脊椎动物的此类器官产生雌性激素和孕激素

46、The group is generally hermaphroditic, although males are rare and female parthenogenesis is common in freshwater species. ─── 这类组群通常是雌雄同体的,尽管雄性稀少;雌性的孤雌生殖现象在淡水物种里普通。

47、not hermaphroditic. ─── 不是两性的。

48、initial-phase In sequentially hermaphroditic species, the color pattern characteristic of smaller sexually mature individuals. ─── 起始阶段的在依序雌雄同体的种,比较小性成熟个体的颜色模式。

49、Flowers numerous, 1-3 mm in diam., hermaphroditic, zygomorphic, sessile or shortly pedicellate. ─── 花多数,直径的1-3毫米,两性,左右对称,无梗或有短花梗。

50、2. biradially symmetrical hermaphroditic solitary marine animals resembling jellyfishes having for locomotion eight rows of cilia arranged like teeth in a comb. ─── 双重对称、雌雄同体的独居海生动物,形似水母,有排列如梳齿的用于游动的八行纤毛。

51、Shrubs or trees, evergreen or deciduous, hermaphroditic, andromonoecious, or monoecious. ─── 灌木或者乔木,常绿或者落叶,两性,雄花两性花同株,或者雌雄同株。

52、Woody vines, evergreen, hermaphroditic or andromonoecious, creeping or climbing by aerial roots, unarmed. ─── 木质藤本植物,常绿,两性或雄花两性花同株,匍匐或攀援以气生根,无刺。

53、hermaphroditic generation ─── 雌雄同体世代

54、Some mature adult corals are hermaphroditic; ─── 珊瑚礁的边缘同时也是受风浪冲击最强的地方。

55、Herbs, perennial, with stout rootstock, hermaphroditic or perhaps andromonoecious, unarmed. ─── 多年生草本,具坚固的根茎,两性或或许地雄花两性花同株,无刺。

56、Herbs perennial, mostly dioecious, rarely monoecious or hermaphroditic. ─── 多年生草本,多数雌雄异株,很少雌雄同株或者两性。

57、Trees or shrubs, hermaphroditic, monoecious, dioecious, or polygamous, evergreen or deciduous; ─── 乔木或灌木,两性,雌雄同株,雌雄异株,或者杂性,常绿或落叶的;

58、No visible morphological difference were found among male, female and hermaphroditic young flowers before hermaphroditic stage. ─── 在两性期之前,雌、雄、两性花花芽不存在明显的形态学差异;

59、Having both male and female reproductive organs;hermaphroditic. ─── 具有两性的同有雄性和雌性生殖器官的;具有两性的

60、Shrubs or small trees, evergreen, hermaphroditic, unarmed, stellate pubescent. ─── 灌木或小乔木,常绿,两性,无刺,星状短柔毛。

61、Flowers hermaphroditic or plants functionally dioecious. ─── 花两性的或植株功能上为雌雄异株。

62、male-sterile flowers frequent in otherwise hermaphroditic plants. ─── 雄性不育花频繁的生在或者两性的植株中。

63、hermaphroditic monoecious ─── 雌雄同体的

64、hermaphroditic pouch ─── 两性囊(动)

65、Flowers hermaphroditic or plants functionally dioecious. ─── 花两性的或植株功能上为雌雄异株。

66、In Expanded Universe guidebooks, Hutts have traditionally depicted as biologically hermaphroditic, so the answer to the commonly voiced question, "who is Rotta's mother? ─── 在衍生宇宙指南里,赫特人传统上被设定为雌雄同体,因此,“谁是罗塔的母亲?”

67、dichogamy and herkogamy in hermaphroditic plants is an effective mechanism to encourage outcrossing. ─── 雌雄异熟和雌雄异位共同存在于两性植物中是一种有效促进异交的机制。

68、Having both female and male characteristics;hermaphroditic. ─── 雌雄同体的既有雌性又有雄性的特征的;雌雄同体的

69、hermaphroditic coupling ─── 内扣式接口

70、Shrubs or trees, evergreen, hermaphroditic, andromonoecious or dioecious, unarmed, often glabrous, some with sharply aromatic herbage. ─── 灌木或乔木,常绿,两性,雄花两性花同株或雌雄异株,无刺,通常无毛,一些具锐的芳香的草本植物。

71、Herbs perennial, hermaphroditic or polygamous, with a bulb or less often a horizontal rhizome. ─── 多年生草本,两性或杂性的,具一鳞茎或更少通常一水平的根状茎。

72、hermaphroditic isolates ─── 两性菌株

73、Shrubs or trees, evergreen, hermaphroditic, andromonoecious or dioecious, unarmed, often glabrous, some with sharply aromatic herbage. ─── 灌木或乔木,常绿,两性,雄花两性花同株或雌雄异株,无刺,通常无毛,一些具锐的芳香的草本植物。

74、Herbs perennial or subshrubs, dioecious or hermaphroditic, usually with short rhizomes. ─── 多年生草本或亚灌木,雌雄异株的或两性的,通常具短根状茎。

75、Lianas, woody, usually polygamo-dioecious, rarely hermaphroditic. ─── 藤本植物,木,通常杂性异株,很少两性。

76、Flowers clustered in cymose partial inflorescences, 1-3 in each cluster, hermaphroditic, partly accompanied by sterile ones. ─── 花簇生在聚伞状里的花序,每簇生1-3,两性,部分具不育的。

77、was a hermaphroditic Yuuzhan Vong deity usually recognized as being of the female form. ─── 是一位雌雄同体的遇战疯神祗,通常被认为拥有女性外形。

78、hermaphroditic connector ─── 等同接合连接器

79、hermaphroditic terrestrial and aquatic annelids having bristles borne singly along the length of the body. ─── 雌雄同体的陆栖和水栖环节动物,只在沿身体部位有鬃毛。

80、Flowers bisexual or rarely female (plants hermaphroditic or rarely gynodioecious). ─── 花两性或很少女性(植株两性的或很少雌花两性花异株)。

81、Hermaphroditic plant is predominately cultivated in papaya to save the pollination costs in the net house, which is constructed to protect from infection of ring-spot virus. ─── 轮点病毒病为番木瓜网室栽培的主要原因。

82、Trees, small, or shrubs, evergreen, hermaphroditic (?or functionally andromonoecious), unarmed, glabrous. ─── 乔木,小,或灌木,常绿,两性(?

83、Inflorescences in axillary pairs, dichotomous cymes, unisexual or androgynous (plants monoecious or partially hermaphroditic), bracts scale-like. ─── 在腋生内的花序对,二歧,单性或雄雌同序(植株雌雄同株或部分两性),苞片鳞状。

84、Cross-fertilization in hermaphroditic bay scallop, Argopecten irradians: Evidence from microsatellite ─── 海湾扇贝杂交后代的微卫星鉴定

85、if anything, he and his fellow anatomists envisioned it as an essentially hermaphroditic organ. ─── 如果有,他和同伴也只会把它想象成中性器官。

86、hermaphroditic aquatic or terrestrial or parasitic annelids. ─── 雌雄同体的水生陆生或寄生环节动物。

87、Trees or shrubs, hermaphroditic or andromonoecious, armed or occasionally unarmed. ─── 乔木或灌木,两性或雄花两性花同株,具刺或者偶有无刺。

88、hermaphroditic contact ─── 单一型插头

89、hermaphroditic terrestrial and aquatic annelids having bristles borne singly along the length of the body ─── 雌雄同体的陆栖和水栖环节动物,只在沿身体部位有鬃毛

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