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08-10 投稿


axillae 发音


英:  美:

axillae 中文意思翻译



axillae 词性/词形变化,axillae变形

名词复数: axillae |

axillae 短语词组

1、axillae dog ─── 腋窝犬

2、axillae exam ─── 腋窝检查

3、axillae means ─── 轴心法

4、axillae area ─── 腋窝区

5、axillae groin ─── 腋腹股沟

6、axillae is ─── 腋窝

axillae 相似词语短语

1、axilla ─── n.[解剖]腋窝,[解剖]腋下;咯肢窝

2、mamillae ─── n.乳头;乳头状突出物;乳房状器官(等于mammilla)(mamilla的变形)

3、axillar ─── adj.腋下的;n.[鸟]腋羽

4、axillary ─── adj.[植]腋生的;腋窝的;叶腋的;n.[鸟]腋羽

5、maxillar ─── 上颌骨

6、-maxillae ─── n.上颌骨;(节肢动物的)下颚(maxilla的复数)

7、axillas ─── n.[解剖]腋窝,[解剖]腋下;咯肢窝

8、maxillae ─── n.上颌骨;(节肢动物的)下颚(maxilla的复数)

9、ancillae ─── n.附属品;女仆;助手,随从(ancilla的变形)

axillae 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、suspensory ligament of axilla ─── 腋窝悬韧带坎贝尔氏韧带

2、Objective:To summarize the nursing method of minimally invasive surgery for patients with osmidrosis axillae. ─── 目的:总结微创手术治疗腋臭患者的护理方法。

3、A 68-year-old woman presented with dark-brown macules on the trunk and axillae without subjective symptoms for 6 months. ─── 患者女,68岁。胸背部、腋下起黑褐色斑疹半年余,无自觉症状。

4、Of, relating to, or located near the axilla. ─── 腋下的涉及,有关腋下的或腋下附近的

5、Incision and exploration of axilla ─── 腋切开探查术

6、Second degree burn of axilla ─── 腋部二度烧伤

7、Result Among 44 cases,18 cases were located in neck,11 in mesentery,7 in refroperitoneum, 5 in posterior chest wall ,2 in mediastinal and 1 in left axilla and neck and mediastinum at the same time. ─── 结果:发生在颈部18例,肠系膜11例,腹膜后7例,后胸壁5例,纵隔2例,左侧腋窝并同时累及颈和纵隔1例。表现为囊性、边界清楚或不清的肿块影。

8、Nonvenomous insect bite of axilla with infection ─── 腋部无毒昆虫咬伤伴感染

9、Supporting the patient's arm during the axillary examination allows the arm to be fully relaxed so that nodes deep within the axilla can be palpated. ─── 腋下检查时,支撑病人手臂,使其充分放松,这样就可以摸到腋窝深处的淋巴结。

10、The axillae should be palpated for adenopathy, with an assessment of size of the lymph nodes, number , and fixation. ─── 应触诊腋窝淋巴结的大小,数目,和活动度判断有无腺病。

11、A 37-year-old female patient presented with malignant fibrous histiocytoma (MFH) of the right axilla, occurring 7.8 years after radiation treatment for infiltrating duct carcinoma of right breast. ─── 一位37岁妇女于7.8年前因乳癌接受放射线治疗后,于右侧腋下发生恶性纤维组织细胞瘤。

12、Careful examination of the axillae and supraclavicular area for nodal involvement is necessary. ─── 仔细的检查腋窝和锁骨上区域看有否受累的淋巴结是必要的。

13、Keywords Surgical flap;Cicartricial of axilla region;Deformity; ─── 外科皮瓣;腋部瘢痕;畸形;

14、Among the 38 patients with ICBN preserved,33 patients(86.8% ) had normal sensation of the skin of up per medial arm and axilla,while paresthe sia occurred in only 5 cases(13.2%). ─── 保留肋间臂神经38例中术后患侧上臂内侧及腋部皮肤感觉正常33例(86 .8% ) ,感觉异常5例(13.2% ) ;

15、We describe two cases of granular parakeratosis.In case one, the lesions cleared rapidly and completely after botulinum toxin injections to the axillae and groins. ─── 我们报告两个颗粒性角化不全的病例,第一个病例在胯下和腋下注射肉毒杆菌素后,病灶迅速和完全的消失。

16、Polythelia and polymastia usually occur along the embryonic milk lines extending from the axilla to the groin. ─── 摘要多乳房及多乳头是位于从腋下到腹股沟的胚胎乳线上。

17、Six tumors were located in the thigh,2in the calf,2in the deltoid,and1in the elbow region,1in the axilla,1in the upper arm,1in the buttock,and1in the groin. ─── 肿瘤位于大腿6例,小腿2例,上臂2例,踝部、腋窝、前臂、腹股沟和臀部各1例。

18、Blister of axilla with infection ─── 腋部水疱伴感染

19、It is only suitable for Hyperhidrosis of the axillae. ─── 只有适合的腋下多汗症。

20、We believe that this technique may replace axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer patients with negative axillae in the future. ─── 我们相信在将来治疗腋淋巴结阴性的乳腺癌中,这一技术可以免除患者接受不必要的腋淋巴结清扫术。

21、We report a 27-year-old woman with mildly itchy follicular papules in both axillae, mammary areolae and the pubes for one year. ─── 我们报告一位27岁的女性,在一年前开始在两侧腋下,乳晕及耻骨部位出现多个丘疹伴随皮肤的轻微搔痒。

22、A 45-year-old man presented with erythematous vesicles and erosions on erythematous backgrounds on his axillae, groin, and popliteal fossae. ─── 摘要一位四十五岁男性,因腋下、腹股沟及膕窝等对磨部位出现反覆性水泡及溃疡病变而来求诊。

23、A skin biopsy specimen from his left axilla revealed suprabasal acantholysis (a "dilapidated brick wall"). ─── 我们在左边腋下施行皮肤切片,组织病理检查显示在基底细胞层上方有棘层松解的现象(崩落的砖墙)。

24、Results: All the 79 cases of axilla accessory breast with local hyperplastic adipose tissue were resected with favorable postoperative appearance, secluded incisions and amendatory externalities. ─── 结果:79例腋部副乳腺和局部增生脂肪均被切除,术后切口隐蔽,瘢痕纤细,外形改善。

25、Proper placement of the axillary roll is under the thorax caudad to the axilla. ─── 腋窝卷的正确使用方法,是放在腋窝的尾端的胸廓下。

26、Deep third degree burn of axilla ─── 腋部深三度烧伤

27、Repair of axilla scar deformity ─── 腋部瘢痕挛缩畸形的整复体会

28、The late complications includes skin contractures in the axilla ─── 晚期并发症包括腋部的皮肤挛缩。

29、Removal of foreign body from axilla ─── 腋部异物除去术

30、Blister of axilla without infection ─── 腋部水疱不伴感染

31、Careful examination of the axillae and supraclavicular area for nodal involvement is necessary. ─── 仔细的检查腋窝和锁骨上区域看有否受累的淋巴结是必要的。

32、Liposuction - used very rarely in the UK and is only suitable for Hyperhidrosis of the axillae. ─── 吸脂术-用很少在英国只适合的腋下多汗症。

33、Be sure that the restraint does not rub child's axilla or wrist ─── 要确保约束带不摩擦小儿的腋或腕部。

34、A 68-year-old woman presented with dark-brown macules on the trunk and axillae without subjective symptoms for 6 months. ─── 患者女,68岁。胸背部、腋下起黑褐色斑疹半年余,无自觉症状。

35、Objective To apply minimal invasive incision below axilla to the treatment of chest tumor without declining the effects compared with the traditional thoracotomy. ─── 摘要目的:应用腋下微创切口治疗常见的胸部肿瘤,在保证与经典胸部切口治疗效果相同的情况下,减小手术创伤,达到微创的目的。

36、It provides thin and pliable skin to cover the axilla, and which also fits the dynamic requirement of the shoulder joint. ─── 它可供应薄且柔软之组织以符合肩膀之活动需要。

37、Methods: 79 cases of axilla accessory breast with hemispherical or rugged local surface were resected. ─── 方法:对79例呈半球状和不规则隆起的腋部副乳腺进行切除整复治疗。

38、Results: Postoperative follow-up of 24 patients for a half to one year showed satisfactory improvement of the axilla activities. ─── 结果所有皮瓣及皮片成活,瘢痕挛缩畸形得到纠正,随访半年至1年,行局部皮瓣术后的患肢功能恢复满意。

39、Conclusions Hypodermic injection in the medial axilla brought about a striking effect and little pain. ─── 结论腋窝外侧皮下注射疗效显著,疼痛少,长时间注射无红肿、硬节。

40、Axillary: Of,relating to,or located near the axilla. ─── 腋下的:涉及,有关腋下的或腋下附近的

41、An axillary roll properly placed under a patient in the lateral decubitus position supports the patient's chest and minimizes the risk of compression of the nerves and vessels in the axilla. ─── 腋窝卷(axillaryroll)放在适当的位置,可以支持病人的胸廓,使胸廓抬高后,减少重力对腋窝神经和血管的压迫(注:从这点看,axillaryroll应该叫chestroll)。

42、Auscultation: heart sounds normal, but soft pan systolic murmur at apex radiating to axilla. ─── 听诊:心音正常,但心尖问及收缩前柔和杂音,向腋窝放射。

43、Method KM, BALB/c, C57BL/6 mice were inoculated at axilla, medial thigh and sole with H22 carcinoma cells, then the changes and existence of carcinoma cells in subaxillary and inguinal lymph nodes were observed. ─── 方法:选择KM小鼠、BALB/c小鼠、C57BL/6小鼠,分别在腋下、股部内侧和脚垫接种H22腹水癌细胞,观察腋下和腹股沟淋巴结的变化。

44、scar web constracture at the axilla ─── 腋窝蹼状疤痕

45、Chronic itching papular eruption of axillae and pubes ─── 腋和耻骨部慢性痒丘疹

46、I never thought much of the axillae - or armpits - before becoming a doctor. ─── 我从来没对腋窝(或胳肢窝)想得很多,直到成为一名医生。

47、Methods Twenty -one cases of EBC were treated by endoscopic breast conserving surgery,combined with the lipolysis and suction of the fat in axilla, via transaxillary small incision. ─── 方法 全麻下使用乳腺腔镜经腋下小切口入路 ,结合腋窝脂肪溶解抽吸技术 ,进行保乳手术 2 1例。

48、bromidrosis osmidrosis axillae ─── 腋臭

49、The gemma can be induced from axilla bud on the culture medium with 6-BA2.0mg/L+NAA2.0mg/L+AC0.5g/L and the highest inducement frequency can be reach 85.7%. ─── MS+6-BA2.0mg/L+NAA2.0mg/L+AC0.5g/L培养基可以有效的诱导穿龙薯蓣腋芽产生不定芽,最高诱导率可达85.7%。

50、The suction of the fat in axilla makes axillary dissection easier. ─── 腋窝脂肪抽吸后,腋窝淋巴清扫变得容易。

51、Methods:The clinical data and nursing method in 30patients with osmidrosis axillae treated by minimally invasive surgery were analysed retrospectively. ─── 方法:回顾性分析微创手术治疗30例腋臭患者的资料和护理方法。

52、Nonvenomous insect bite of axilla without infection ─── 腋部无毒昆虫咬伤不伴感染

53、We believe that this technique may replace axillary lymph node dissection for breast cancer patients with negative axillae in the future. ─── 我们相信在将来治疗腋淋巴结阴性的乳腺癌中,这一技术可以免除患者接受不必要的腋淋巴结清扫术。

54、Keywords breast neoplasms;neoplasm metastasis;occult cancer;axilla; ─── 乳腺肿瘤;肿瘤转移;隐匿性癌;腋窝;

55、All the three yin meridians of the hand come out of the axillae without exception, all the three yin meridians of foot run along the entral aspect. ─── 所有的手三阴经无一例外的起于腋窝部,所有的足三阳经沿腹部循行。

56、ResultsThe ultrasound image characteristic of accessory breast included that the position of accessory breast was mostly in axilla and superficial,the border was irreguar,no capsule. ─── 结果副乳腺二维声像图特点大都位于腋窝,位置表浅,边界不整齐,无包膜,超声诊断与手术病理符合率100%。

57、axilla perfume high-effect deodorant liquid ─── 腋香高效除臭露

58、It keeps the normal sensory functions of the skin of upper medial arm and axilla and improves the life quality of the patients after operations. ─── 结论乳腺癌腋淋巴结清扫术中保留肋间臂神经,可明显减少上臂内后侧感觉障碍的发生率,有利于改善病人术后的生活质量,具有一定的临床应用价值。

59、Also this flap decreases the contracture rate of the axilla as compared with a STSG procedure. ─── 此皮瓣比一般补皮更可减低日后挛缩发生率。

60、Physical examination showed the hyperpigmentation and the papillary hypertrophy on the neck, axillae, and groins with the hypertrichosis on the up lip, trunk and limbs. ─── 唇上部、躯干、四肢毳毛增多,颈部、腋窝、腹股沟等处皮肤色素沉着,呈天鹅绒样增厚。

61、Removal of foreign body from skin of axilla ─── 腋皮肤异物除去术

62、Objective: To study the plastic treatment on axilla accessory breast. ─── 目的:探索腋部副乳腺的整形治疗方法。

63、In 7 lesions of lung and mediastinum smaller than 1.5 cm, 3 were not detected either by AC or by NAC, 3 of 11 lesions in the axilla, and 6 lesions in the abdomen and pelvis were not detected either. ─── 7个小于1.5cm的肺、肺门和纵隔病灶有3个两者均未检出,11个小于1.5cm的腋窝病灶有3个两者均未检出,6个小于1.5 cm的腹腔、盆腔病灶两者均未检出。

64、Beijing-Shanghai Railway, Beijing-rich habitats highway runs through the East German stone railway, Shi highway across the south, County Road 2 intersection is located just axilla. ─── 京沪铁路、京富高速公路贯穿东境,德石铁路、石德高速公路横跨南部,县境恰位于两路交汇腋部。

65、Methods: Preoperative CDU and palpation and postoperative histopathology were performed on 55 axillae of 53 patients undergoing radical surgery for breast cancer. ─── 方法:应用双盲法对53例(55侧)行乳腺癌根治术患者的术前触诊、超声检查及术后病理检查进行对比分析。

66、Examination of remaining parts of the body, including interdigital webs, axilla and periumbilical area, revealed no signs of scabies. ─── 针对病患身体其他部位,包括指缝间、腋下和肚脐周围等处做检查,并未发现有疥疮踪迹。

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