io 发音
英:[ ,aɪ 'o] 美:[ˈaɪoʊ]
英: 美:
io 中文意思翻译
io 网络释义
n. 艾奥(希腊神话中宙斯的情人);[天] 木卫一symb. 元素锾的符号(ionium)
io 词性/词形变化,io变形
io 短语词组
1、ab point io ab ─── 点io
2、strive for power itch io ─── 争取权力之痒io
3、c io abbr. ─── 首席信息官(ChiefInformationOfficer);美国产业工会联合会(CongressofIndustrialOrganizations)
4、memory mapped io ─── 内存映射io
5、Sam Chan Io ─── 沈振耀; 澳门人; 立法会议员、教师。
6、r io n. ─── 里约(巴西共和国的旧首都)
7、scribble io down ─── 向下涂鸦io
8、memory map io above ─── 上面的内存映射io
9、gate io ─── 门io
10、Io moth ─── [动]大蚕蛾
11、insatiable io snakes ─── 贪得无厌的io蛇
12、check io ─── 检查io
13、Volcanology of Io ─── 伊奥火山学
14、io-moth dermatitis ─── [医] 巨斑刺蛾幼虫皮炎
15、itch io bundle for ukraine ─── 乌克兰itch io捆绑包
16、factory io ─── 工厂io
17、Automeris io ─── [医] 巨斑刺蛾
18、stargod io ─── 星神io
19、Inachis io ─── [网络] 孔雀蛱蝶;孔雀蛱蝶眼斑;孔雀铗蝶
io 相似词语短语
1、iso ─── abbr.国际标准化组织(InternationalStandardizationOrganization);国际科学组织(InternationalScienceOrganization);n.(Iso)人名;(塞、芬、西)伊索
2、Rio ─── n.里约(巴西共和国的旧首都)
3、gio ─── n.海门口;长狭潮道;[地理]陡壁峡口;n.(Gio)人名;(意)吉奥
4、ios ─── abbr.网间网操作系统(Internetwork0peratingSystem);国际标准化组织(InternationalOrganizationforStandardization);仪表操作台(InstrumentationOperationsStation);IOSiphone操作系统(iphoneoperationsystem);n.(Ios)人名;(尼日利)约斯
5、ion ─── n.离子;n.(Ion)(罗马尼亚、美)扬(人名)
6、bio ─── n.个人简历,小传;n.(Bio)人名;(法、意、葡、土、刚(金)、塞拉)比奥
7、-ior ─── abbr.折射率(IndexofRefraction)
8、-bio ─── n.个人简历,小传;n.(Bio)人名;(法、意、葡、土、刚(金)、塞拉)比奥
9、-ion ─── n.离子;n.(Ion)(罗马尼亚、美)扬(人名)
io 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、At once he slewhim and set Io free. ─── 他立刻杀死了阿尔戈斯,放掉了伊俄。
2、Other unformatted IO operations deal with chunks of data at a time. ─── 其他未格式化IO操作一次处理数据块。
3、At the image top, over Io's limb, a bluish plume rises about 140 kilometers above the surface of a volcanic caldera known as Pillan Patera. ─── 在这张照片的顶部,木卫一的表面上升起了一道大约140千米高的青烟,它从名为PillanPatera的火山口喷发而出。
4、At once he slew him and set Io free. ─── 他立刻杀死了阿尔戈斯,放掉了伊俄。
5、Come tu hai mandato me nel mondo, anch’io ho mandato loro nel mondo. ─── 你怎样差我到世上来,我也怎样差他们到世上去。
6、International pre ure has forced the government to make a series of conce io . ─── 国际压力迫使该国政府作出一连串让步。
7、A "state of conflict" broadens the scope of the defintion to include IO in peacetime as well. ─── “冲突的状态”把定义的运用范围扩展为也包括和平时期的信息作战。
8、E io non sono capace di rispondergli a tono! ─── 又不能反驳,我真没用。
9、He put on an act of being busy working Io avoid seeing me. ─── 他装出一副忙于工作的样子避开我。
10、All those IO systems were way too complicated. ─── 所有的IO系统都太复杂。
11、Total transduction efficiency of nuclear factor-kappa B decoy-FITC was 53.6% in itro and 20.5% in io. ─── FITC阳性神经元的细胞大小分布类型无统计学意义。
12、Io was of divine ancestry. Her father was the river-god Inachus, son of Oceanus. ─── 伊俄出身于神祗世家,父亲是俄刻阿诺斯的儿子,河神伊那科斯。
13、Any information exchanged as part of those requests (e. g. , parameters) is represented by an instance of an IO Entity class. ─── 任何作为那些请求一部分的交换的信息(例如,参数)都由一个IO实体类的实例表示。
14、Error requesting data from Device IO Control. Returning IO Status Block. ─── 从设备IO控制请求数据时出错,正在返回IO状态块。
15、In order to answer this question, we deeloped a new method to simulate in io dynamic loading as closely as possible. ─── 为了解决这一问题,我们改进了一种方法,以尽可能接近地模仿体内的动态负荷状态。
16、Ora io stimo di non essere stato in nulla da meno di cotesti sommi apostoli. ─── 但我认为自己没有一点比不上那些“超等使徒”
17、A mezzanotte io mi levo per celebrarti a motivo dei tuoi giusti giudizi. ─── 因你公义的典章,我半夜起来称谢你。
18、Yet there's no chemistry between them because chemistry requires proximity, and Io seems to be operating on some ethereal plane. ─── 但他们之间却从来没有触过电,因为要在一起才能触电,而伊俄似乎是在某个虚无的平面上遥控着珀修斯。
19、A parameter named ioChannel is an example of a short acronym (IO) used as the first word of a camel-cased identifier. ─── 又如,名为ioChannel的参数是一个采用大小写混合格式的标识符,它使用短型首字母缩写词(IO)作为首个单词。
20、Provo io forse piacere se l’empio muore? dice il Signore, l’Eterno. ─── 他所犯的一切罪过都不会被记念,作控诉他的理由;
21、Zeus,in order to save Io from the jealous anger of Hera,changed her into a white heifer . ─── 宙斯为了要救伊娥免遭赫拉的陷害,就把她变为一只白母牛。
22、Io pli ol kampato dolorigis lian koron. ─── 一种甚于怜悯的感情使他内心感到痛苦。
23、Chi mangia la mia carne e beve il mio sangue dimora in me, e io in lui. ─── 吃我肉、喝我血的人,就住在我里面,我也住在他里面。
24、What is new about IW and IO is the technological means of transmitting, receiving, manipulating, disseminating and acting upon information. ─── 信息战和信息作战的创新之处在于发射、接收、控制、传播和作用于信息的技术手段有了创新发展。
25、If this article is liked, I may write a second tutorial on implementing the IO Control function. ─── 如果有人喜欢这篇文章,我也许会写第二部分来讲述输入输出控制函数的实现。
26、The key io get the high reaction efficiency is strictly controlling the process. ─── 严格地过程控制是保证高反应效率的关键。
27、Abbiate dunque cura di mettere in pratica tutte le leggi e le prescrizioni, che oggi io pongo dinanzi a voi. ─── 你们要谨守遵行我今日在你们的面前颁布的一切律例和典章。”
28、For example Innodb will count number of IOs done to see how much disk IO system is loaded and compare it to constant. ─── 例如Innodb会计算IO总量来知道总共有多高的磁盘IO系统负载,并且把它和常量作比较。
29、"Porca miseria!Io sono innocente. ─── '倒霉.我是无辜的啊.
30、Train the Distributors, help them to develop the IO sales market. ─── 培训工业油经销商,协助其开发当地市场。
31、IO is the best example of this problem in Java programming. ─── 在Java编程中IO就是这类问题最好的例子。
32、Hera was very angry with Io. She knew that because of Io Argus had been killed. ─── 希拉很气爱娥。她知道因为爱娥,阿格斯才会被杀。
33、Ma io, come un sordo, non odo: son come un muto che non apre la bocca. ─── 像个哑巴,不能开口。
34、He never imagined that he could make his teaching profe io uch a great hit. ─── 他从来没有想到他会在教学事业中获得如此巨大的成功。
35、Il Signore, l’Eterno, m’ha aperto l’orecchio, ed io non sono stato ribelle e non mi son tratto indietro. ─── 主耶和华开启了我的耳朵,我并没有违抗,也没有后退。
36、The contrast decreased when triiodide was added near the surface of the grain,or when the mole ratio of io... ─── 但是,乳剂的反差随着三碘化钾溶液加入位置逐渐靠近表面而不断降低,随着碘化钾和碘摩尔比的增加迅速降低。
37、Those who serve in military o erver mi io are almost invariably unarmed. ─── 履行军事观察员使命的人员几乎一律不准携带武器。
38、Next up for the group are in itro and in io experiments designed to test, alidate and refine the mathematical model. ─── 小组接着要做的就是有计划的进行测试体外和体内实验,验证和提精炼此数学模型。
39、Diletto, io faccio voti che tu prosperi in ogni cosa e stii sano, come prospera l’anima tua. ─── 亲爱的,我祝你凡事亨通,身体健壮,正如你的灵魂安泰一样。
40、Descr -> A.GraphInfo ->IO (A. ─── 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听 -> String -> A.
41、E io vado a preparare valigie e biancheria. ─── "而我去准备旅行包和内衣裤。
42、In the pasture where Io stood, she felt the rough hair falling from her body. ─── 在爱娥站的草原,她感觉身上粗糙的毛发正在掉落,
43、As this is ASYNC IO, i will have to PEND the original IO till callback of my write request is called. ─── 当这是一个异步IO是,我要PEND原始IO知道我自己的写回调被调用。
44、LGS Prime 3C Super / IO datasheet (gm82c803c) complete source code, has been tested. ─── (译):名LGS总理3C认证超级/输入输出数据表( gm82c803c )完整的源代码,已经过测试。
45、How will it be happened when IO port is set to output and internal PLL HIGH? ─── 当Port7设定成输出且启动内部上拉电阻时,会发生什么情形?
46、He became angry and took Io, the young cow, away to the pasture. ─── 他生气起来,便把小牝牛,也就是爱娥,带到草原中。
47、She sent a gadfly to torment Io, who, in her flight, swam through the sea, named after her, Ionian. ─── 她派遣了一只牛虻去折磨伊俄。伊俄四处躲藏,游过了大海,这海从些就以她命名叫伊奥尼亚海。
48、In their outward order from Jupiter, these moons are Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto. ─── 在木星的外围轨道上,这些卫星是木卫一、木卫二、木卫三和木卫四。
49、B: Oh is it? Have you had more discu io with the British agent? ─── 哦,是吗?你们和英国的代理商进一步谈了吗?
50、Io son per molti come un prodigio, ma tu sei il mio forte ricetto. ─── 众人都以我为怪,但你是我坚固的避难所。
51、Winbond Super IO chip W83977TF drivers. At first, I was engaged in a long time, but now out and everyone to share. ─── 华邦的超级IO芯片W83977TF的驱动程序。当初我是搞了好久的,现在拿出来和大家分享。
52、Essi non sono del mondo, come io non sono del mondo. ─── 他们不属于这世界,像我不属于这世界一样。
53、At this distance, one LORRI pixel subtends 12 kilometers (7.4 miles) on Io. ─── 在此距离上,LORRI的每像素折合木卫一上12千米。
54、PCI interface driver, IO port directly read, interrupt control and so on. ─── PCI接口驱动程序,IO口的直接读取,中断控制等等。
55、As expre io get more complicated the need to reduce the verbosity of type ecification gets more compelling. ─── 当表达式变得更加复杂,减轻类型说明的冗长的要求变得更加迫切。
56、The change 533609 the earth is slow,n but, nevertheless, it io continuous. ─── 地球的变化很慢,但这一变化却是连续不断的。
57、How can we detect how good IO subsystem do we have and how much load it can sustain. ─── 我们怎样检测IO子系统性能如何,还有它能承受多少负载呢?
58、Zeus then turned Io into a beautiful white little cow to avoid Hera. ─── 为了躲避赫拉,宙斯把爱娥变成了一头漂亮的小白牛。
59、RA indicates rectus abdominis; EO, external oblique; IO, internal oblique; and TA, transerse abdominis. ─── RA,腹直肌;EO,腹外斜肌;IO,腹内斜肌;TA,腹部横切。
60、After the occultation, Io will become the innermost moon. ─── 卫星被遮挡结束后,木卫一会成为最内环的卫星。
61、Most IO channel types now have asynchronous versions. ─── 大多数的IO通道类型现在都拥有了异步版本。
62、In quel giorno conoscerete che io sono nel Padre mio, e voi in me ed io in voi. ─── 到那日,你们就知道我是在我父里面,你们是在我里面,我也在你们里面。
63、The decolour reaction of HCPCF with IO?-?3 in acid medium is reported. ─── 在酸性介质中HCPCF与IO-3反应,IO-3将HCPCF的四氮基转化为无色氧化型而使红色逐渐减褪.
64、Io was the daughter of a river god. ─── 伊俄是河神的女儿,宙斯爱她、追求她、并得到了她。
65、In February of last year, New Horizons passed Jupiter and the ever-active Jovian moon Io. ─── 去年二月,新视野号飞船通过木星以及曾经很活跃的木卫一。
66、When threads are blocked on an IO call inside an object, that object must still be accessible to other threads. ─── 当线程因为对象内的IO调用而阻塞时,此对象应当仍能被其他线程访问。
67、Now it happened that Hera,the wife of Zeus,was very jealous of a beautiful river nymph,called Io. ─── 事情的发生是宙斯的妻子赫拉非常嫉妒一位漂亮、名叫伊娥的女河神。
68、Blocked (bool) - TRUE if the stream is in blocking IO mode. ─── blocked(bool)-如果流处于阻塞IO模式时为TRUE。
69、Zeus had changed Io into a young cow when he saw Hera push away the cloud. ─── 当宙斯看见希拉推开乌云时,他将爱娥变成了只小牝牛。
70、He called Hermes, the messenger of the gods, and told him to go to Io and rescue her. ─── 他唤来众神的使者赫密斯,要他到爱娥那儿去救她。
71、Anthropologists have discovered that fear, ha ine , sadne , and surprise are universally reflected in facial expre io . ─── 人类学家已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。
72、She knew she couldn't kill Io or Zeus would be very mad at her. ─── 她知道她无法杀掉爱娥,否则宙斯会生她的气。
73、He hugged Io for a long time before he could speak to her. ─── 他抱住爱娥好久才和她说话。
74、IO Service is not properly configured.Please use IO Service Preferences application to configure the settings. ─── IO服务配置不当。请使用IO服务参数选项程序对进行设置。
75、Quel che sapete voi lo so pur io, non vi sono punto inferiore. ─── 你们所知道的我也知道,我并非不及你们。
76、Knowing Io Welland as he had, he deemed it very improbable that she had even so much as mentioned him to any of her friends. ─── 就他了解的韦兰*爱娥,他认为她不大可能,向她的任何一个朋友提到他。
77、Io non so come, il mio desiderio m’ha resa simile ai carri d’Amminadab. ─── 不知不觉之间,我的心把我置于我尊贵的民的车中。
78、Their priest, the Rev. Jimmy Tumbelaka, warned that the decision could further stoke te io. ─── 他们的牧师吉迷·贝拉加警告说这议决可能会导致将来的紧张局势。
79、Jupiter's moon Io, whose density is 3.5 grams per cubic centimetre, is all rock. ─── 木星的卫星木卫一全是岩石,其密度为每立方厘米3.5克。
80、He begged his wife to let him change Io back into the beautiful girl that she was. ─── 他乞求他太太让他将爱娥变为原来的美丽女子。
81、Love passages concerning Io and Europa have been narrated. ─── 前文已经谈到他与伊俄和欧罗巴的恋爱经过。
82、NATO condemned the voting, saying it serves no purpose other than to increase te io in the South Caucasus region. ─── 北约遣责这次投票,称这次投票除了增加南高加索地区的紧张以外没有任何作用。
83、Mama, io sono felice di essere insieme e con i loro idoli! ─── 妈妈,我好高兴可以和自己的偶像在一起!)”
84、Hera agreed to let Zeus return Io to her original form. ─── 希拉同意让宙斯将爱娥变回原来的样子。
85、A series of in io experiments following the same principle confirmed these hypotheses. ─── 原理相同的一系列体内试验证实了这些假设。
86、He always breaks in on our discu io . ─── 他老是打断我们的讨论。
87、The alary I require would e $60,000 a year, lu one ercent commi io o all ales. ─── 关于薪金,本人要求年薪六万元,同时希望获得销售额1%的分红。
88、La ragazza in foto sono io . ─── 听听听听听听听听 NB.
89、Ecco, io sono uguale a te davanti a Dio;anch’io, fui tratto dall’argilla. ─── 在 神面前我与你一样,也是用土捏造的。
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