incision 发音
英:[ɪn'sɪʒ(ə)n] 美:[ɪn'sɪʒən]
英: 美:
incision 中文意思翻译
incision 词性/词形变化,incision变形
动词过去分词: incised |动词第三人称单数: incises |动词现在分词: incising |动词过去式: incised |
incision 短语词组
1、confirmatory incision ─── [医] 诊断性切开
2、exploratory incision ─── [医] 探查性切开
3、crucial incision ─── [医] 十字切开
4、abdominal incision ─── [医] 腹壁切口, 腹切开
5、contra-incision ─── [医] 对口切开
6、Bevan's incision ─── [医] 比万氏切口(沿右侧腹直肌外缘垂直切开暴露胆囊法)
7、Auvray incision ─── [医] 奥弗莱氏切口(脾切除术)
8、flap-shaped incision ─── [医] 瓣状切开
9、Fowler's angular incision ─── [医] 福勒氏直角形切口
10、Bergmann's incision ─── [医] 贝格曼氏切口(暴露肾脏的切口)
11、celiotomy incision ─── [医] 腹壁切开
12、elliptical incision ─── [医] 椭圆形切开
13、Bar's incision ─── [医] 巴尔氏切口(剖腹产)
14、buttonhole incision ─── [医] 钮孔式切开
15、Battle's incision ─── [医] 巴特耳氏切口(开腹的一种方法)
16、collar incision ─── [医] 领状切开
17、Fergusson's incision ─── [医] 福格逊氏切口(上颌骨切除的皮肤切开法)
18、crescent incision ─── [医] 新月状 ─── [会阴]切开
19、Deaver's incision ─── [医] 迪维尔氏切开(阑尾手术的一种切开法)
20、circular incision ─── [医] 环状切开
incision 相似词语短语
1、indecision ─── n.优柔寡断;犹豫不决
2、excision ─── n.删除,切除;切除之物
3、concision ─── n.简洁,简明
4、incursion ─── n.入侵;侵犯
5、illision ─── 幻觉
6、incisions ─── n.切口;雕刻,切割;切开
7、envision ─── vt.想象;预想
8、decision ─── n.决定,决心;决议
9、inclusion ─── n.包含;内含物
incision 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Modified subcostal incision is recommended as a best choice for huge adrenal mass. ─── 对大体积肾上腺肿瘤首选改良肋缘下切口。
2、Through this incision, the abdominal cavity is distended with carbon dioxide gas. ─── 通过此切口,二氧化碳气体把胸腔充得肿胀起来。
3、Yes. Go ahead with your incision. ─── 好了。做您的切口吧。
4、Well, don't stimulate the incision when you have a bath. ─── 当你洗澡时不要刺激伤口。
5、The entire ilium and hip joint can be reached through the iliac part of the incision. ─── 整个髂骨和髋关节都可以通过本切口的髂骨部分到达。
6、Coronal incision has been the standard approach for the open reduction of frontal sinus fractures. ─── 摘要冠状切割法一直是前额窦骨折复位的标准皮肤切开方法。
7、Lyc IOLs (Acri.Tec Company,Germany)were implanted into the eyes through 1.75 mm incision. ─── Tec公司生产的Acri. Lyc疏水性的丙烯酸酯人工晶状体;
8、Tiny made Keyop watch as he poked the cherry tomato with his knife and made a horizontal incision like a mouth. ─── / 当他用他的刀拨开樱桃蕃茄而且使一个水平的切成开口喜欢一张嘴的时候,极小的使 Keyop 看。
9、An elective caesarean section with a lower segment uterine incision was performed in our hospital on Aug 4,1996. ─── 1996年8月4日在我院施行子宫下段选择性剖腹产手术。
10、Objective To investigate the effect of small incision ECCE and IOL implantation for hypermature cataract. ─── 摘要目的探讨过熟期白内障小切口囊外摘出人工晶状体植入手术方法,减少并发症,提高疗效。
11、Surgical incision of the perineum during childbirth to facilitate delivery . ─── 分娩时切开外阴以助生产的手术.
12、Small incision cataract extraction is safe,effective and convenient for traumatic cataract. ─── 小切口非超乳白内障摘出术在外伤性白内障手术中是一种简便、安全、有效的方法。
13、Right outside malleolar fracture did incision skill is secured inside restoration, how long can you go to work? ? ─── 右外踝骨折做了切开复位内固定术,多久可以上班啊??
14、The surgeon closed the incision with stitches. ─── 外科医生缝合了伤口。
15、Splint incision with left arm and pillow. Push on the mattress with right arm and swing feet over the edge of the bed. ─── 屈膝。用左臂和枕头夹住切口。右臂按床垫,摆动两腿至床沿。
16、The incision on my leg smarts. ─── 我腿上手术的伤口会痛。
17、Yes. You have to examine the incision for any unusual symptoms every day. ─── 中译)是的,你必须每天检查切口看有无不寻常的症状。
18、The surgeon took up my vessel opened by incision with great skill. ─── 外科医生用非常高明的手术扎紧了我那被切开的血管。
19、The term "fluvial incision" refers to vertical incision of stream channel into bedrock. ─── 摘要流水下切是指河流河道在基岩中的垂直切割。
20、To protrude through a wound or surgical incision. ─── 伤口或外科切口处突出
21、Surgical incision of a tonsil. ─── 扁桃体切开术
22、Make a small incision below the ribs. ─── 在肋骨下方切开一个小口。
23、Extracapsular cataract extraction with small incision and manual chopping nucleus. ─── 小切口手法碎核白内障囊外摘除术。
24、Surgical incision into an ovary, as to perform a biopsy or remove a tumor. ─── 卵巢切开术切开卵巢的外科手术,如为施行活体检查或切除瘤
25、Two patients presented acutely less than 4 weeks after surgery with frank purulence draining from the incision area. ─── 两名患者在术后4周以内就发生了严重的切口部位溢脓。
26、Objective To evaluate the application of scalp coronal incision for repositioning orbital margin fracture. ─── 摘要目的探讨头皮冠状切口在各类眶缘骨折整复中的应用。
27、Results Among the 95 patients, 2 cases had dysuria and there was no incontinence, no incision infection, and no hemorrhage after surgery. ─── 结果95例结扎前列腺动脉保留尿道前列腺切除术病人术后排尿困难2例,无尿失禁、切口感染、和术后大出血。
28、One case fractured again as a result of suffering a new trauma in 11 months later, 2 of incision infe... ─── 其中1例术后11个月外伤再骨折,2例切口感染,2例患肢膝关节屈曲受限。
29、Objective To assess trans-scalp coronal incision for complicated maxillofacial fractures. ─── 摘要目的探讨经头皮冠状切口入路治疗复杂颌面部骨折的效果。
30、It occurs in the laceration and contusion as well as in the clean surgical incision. ─── 撕裂伤,挫伤和外科清洁切口,都会发生这种现象。
31、Once the uterus has been rotated, grasp the uterus over the cannon bone of the calf and draw uterus to incision site. ─── 一旦子宫体旋转好后,要紧紧抓住胎儿胫骨移到切口位置。
32、Objective To research a kind of rhytidectomy without the scar of the coronary incision, and with long effectiveness. ─── 摘要目的探讨效果确实可靠持久、无冠状切口的额、颞部除皱方法。
33、Objective: To provide a new operative incision for aural surgery. ─── 摘要目的:报道耳外科新的手术入路的显微解剖与临床应用。
34、The incision has just been stitched up. ─── 刀口刚缝好。
35、A surgical incision into the stomach. ─── 切腹术一种进入胃内部的医学术
36、He made an incision into the leather. ─── 他把皮革割开了一个口子。
37、Keep dry of the incision area. ─── 保持手术部位清洁、干燥。
38、BN group received BN52021(5 mg/kg),while NC group received only abdominal incision. ─── BN组以BN52021(5 mg/kg)代替生理盐水静注; NC组仅做剖腹术。
39、Transverse incision should be adopted if operation and safety are not affected. ─── 在不影响手术操作及安全的前题下,采用横向切口。
40、But a limited causality is no longer a causality at all, as our wonderful Spinoza recognized with all incision, probably as the first one. ─── 但是有限的因果完全没有因果牵涉,卓越的斯宾诺莎对此已有认识仗恃他的分析,何况他很可能是第一人。
41、An incision is made along the floor of the bicipital groove. ─── 沿肱骨沟的底部切开一个切口。
43、A generous right subcostal incision is made, occasionally with extension in the upper midline. ─── 在右肋下作一个大的切口,偶尔在上中线有所延伸。
44、Surgical incision of the uterus, as in a cesarean section. ─── 子宫切开术对子宫的外科切除手术,比如在剖腹产术中
45、Small incision trabeculectomy for closure angle glaucoma. ─── 小切口小梁切除术治疗闭角型青光眼
46、Objective To evaluate the effect of phacoemulsification with foldable IOL implantation by corneal incision. ─── 摘要目的分析透明角膜切口白内障超声乳化折叠人工晶状体植入术的疗效。
47、Small incision sutureless extracapsular cataract extraction with IOL implantation. ─── 小切口白内障囊外摘出术适于县市基层医院。
48、Abstract: Objective To explore the etiology of incision hernia of abdominal wall. ─── 文摘:目的探讨腹壁切口疝的发病原因。
49、Results The heal rate, length of stay, medical cost of the two perineum incision suture methods have significant difference. ─── 结果两种会阴切口缝合方法的愈合率、住院时间、医疗费用等有明显差别。
50、The absence of an incision eliminates the risk of hemorrhage and infection. ─── 不会有开刀的出血和感染。
51、At the 120th day, localized atrophy of optic nerve occurred under the incision. ─── 手术后第120天创伤下方部位呈现局部视神经萎缩性改变。
52、To open the joint posteriorly, make an incision through the capsule posterior to the tibial collateral ligament. ─── 于胫侧副韧带后方切开关节囊,从后方显露关节。
53、Surgical incision into the abdominal wall, especially into the flank. ─── 剖腹术切开腹壁尤其是侧腹的外科手术
54、If you have steri-strips on your incision, you may remove any that have not already fallen off after 1 week. ─── 如果伤口使用了免缝胶带,一周后可将未脱落的除去。
55、Endoscopic incision of the ureterocele was chosen as a temporary internal diversion for this case. ─── 今将此种诊断的独特性与优点及选用内视镜切开输尿管囊肿为暂时性内分离术,提出讨论。
56、Traditional parotidectomy via preauricular and neck incision leaves a conspicuous scar across the lateral neck. ─── 摘要传统之腮腺肿瘤切除手术于颈部外侧造成明显之手术疤痕。
57、Result Forty-two cases were all cured, 3 cases incision infection. There was no abdominal abscess, incision fistula or other complication. ─── 结果本组全部治愈,感染3例,未出现吻合口瘘及腹腔脓肿并发症。
58、An incision was made into his leg. ─── 他腿上切开了一个口子。
59、Of or relating to a medical procedure in which a part of the body is entered, as by puncture or incision. ─── 侵入的属于或关于身体的部位被侵入,例如被穿刺或切口穿入之医疗过程的
60、Surgical incision into the abdominal wall,especially into the flank. ─── 切开腹壁尤其是侧腹的外科手术。
61、Incision into a capsule, especially that of the crystalline lens of the eye, as to remove cataracts by surgery. ─── 囊切开术,晶状体切开术指被膜或囊的切割,尤指眼球晶状体的切割,如通过外科手术摘除白内障
62、For Joe Siciliano's surgery, Dr. Colvin used a robot named Aesop to move the light illuminating the incision. ─── 在乔 - 西西里阿诺的手术中,科尔文医生用了一台名叫伊索的机器人来移动光源照亮切口。
63、The stab wound or incision for the drains must be adequate . ─── 一个戳创或为引流而作的切口必须恰当。
64、Doctors have to make a large incision to get to it. ─── 医师必须切得很深才吸得到脂肪。
65、Superior buccal gingival sulcus incision dissection was made inferior to zygomatic bone and zygomatic arch periosteum. ─── 口腔内上颊龈沟入路在颧骨及颧弓骨膜下剥离。
66、An arc incision was taken in posterior sacroiliac joint, and Pfannenstiel incision in the anterior. ─── 后侧取骶髂关节弧形切口,前侧Pfannenstiel切口。
67、We placed the cell-seeded scaffolds directly onto the infarcts, closed the surgical incision and waited. ─── 我们将含有细胞的支架直接放在梗塞部位上,缝合手术切口,然后耐心等待。
68、Transurethral incision (TUI) is a simple and safe procedure. ─── 摘要经尿道切开手术是一种简单且安全的手术。
69、Transurethral incision with cold knife is the most effective method for the treatment of BNC. ─── BNC最佳的治疗方法是经尿道行冷刀切开术.
70、An incision was made into his hand to take out the splinter. ─── 他手上切开了一个口子以便取出那根刺。
71、The term gastrostomy refers to making a small incision in the stomach. ─── 它通常是经皮的,意思是“穿过皮肤”,在内窥镜的帮助下,一个医疗手段。
72、The technique involves making a tiny incision in the skin. ─── 该技术需要在皮肤上切个小口。
73、Operative incision of 78 cases were primary healing. ─── 78例患者手术切口均一期愈合。
74、Surgical incision of the uterus,as in a cesarean section. ─── 对子宫的外科切除手术,比如在剖腹产术中。
75、Some surgeries that used to need a large incision can now be done using a few small cuts. ─── 一些外科治疗过去需要大的切口而现在只需要一个较小的切口。
76、It involves a scanner and a small incision in the neck and has so far been shown to be 80% accurate in determining the cause of death. ─── 目前一台扫描仪和在颈处一个小小的切口能在验明死因的准确率上达到80%。
77、The nurse quickly sponged off the blood round the incision. ─── 护士迅速把刀口周围的血用海绵吸掉。
78、Crucial incision on the wound could prolong the healing time. ─── 十字切割的伤口痊愈时间长。
79、Following administration of antibiotics and incision and drainage, fistulectomy can minimize the recurrence of AST. ─── 急性化脓性甲状腺炎经抗生素及切开引流治疗后,若能施行瘘管切除,应可降低复发机率。
80、The mean length of incision was 13.7 cm in DHS group, 8.7 cm in PFN group. ─── 平均切口长度DHS组13.7cm,PFN组8.7cm;
81、After incision, on the cross section also can have redfiliform. ─── 切开之后,断面上还会有红色的丝状物。
82、Objective To analyse the theraputic effect of Primary Incision plus Radical Operation in Perianal abscess. ─── 摘要目的探讨一期根治术治疗肛门直肠周围脓肿的疗效。
83、Surgeons made a larger incision than normal to ensure that the heart would not be squeezed or touch any part of the womb. ─── 手术医师作了比常规更大的切口,以保心脏不被挤压或接触到子宫壁。
84、The nurse bandaged a sprained ankle; bandage an incision. ─── 护士用绷带把病人扭伤的脚踝包扎起来;包扎伤口。
85、Authors of both studies achieved 100% union in a total of 63 cases;the approach was through a small volar incision. ─── 两项研究中所有63例骨折达到100%愈合率,均通过掌侧小切口入路。
86、Surgical incision into a joint. ─── 关节切开(术)切开关节的外科手术
87、The incision should be long enough not to hinder any part of the operation. ─── 手术切口要有足够的长度,不能影响任何一步手术的进行。
88、Doctor: H'm, there is an abscess round that tooth. An incision should be made to drain the pus. ─── 医生:唔,你这颗牙边上长了个脓肿。必须切开把脓放出来。
89、The decision is more important than the incision. ─── 在一个成功的手术中,决策比刀法更重要。
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