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08-10 投稿


automatons 发音

英:[ɔːˈtɒmətənz]  美:[ɔˈtɑməˌtɑnz]

英:  美:

automatons 中文意思翻译



automatons 短语词组

1、automatons 5e ─── 自动装置5e

2、automatons for short crossword ─── 短填字游戏机

3、automatons dnd ─── 自动机dnd

4、automatons rs ─── 自动机rs

5、automatons define ─── 自动机定义

6、automatons shoot and drive ─── 自动射击和驾驶

7、automatons eso ─── 自动机eso

8、automatons definition ─── 自动机定义

automatons 词性/词形变化,automatons变形

名词复数: automatons |形容词: automatous |

automatons 常用词组

cellular automaton ─── 细胞自动机

finite automaton ─── 有限自动机

automatons 相似词语短语

1、automaton ─── n.自动机;机器人;自动机器

2、automates ─── vt.使自动化,使自动操作;vi.自动化,自动操作

3、automatics ─── n.自动学;自动手枪;自动装置(automatic的复数)

4、automats ─── n.自动售货机;[自]自动机;自动贩卖式餐馆

5、automating ─── adj.自动化的;v.使自动化;自动操作;采用自动化技术(automate的ing形式)

6、automation ─── n.自动化;自动操作

7、autochthons ─── n.土著

8、automatous ─── adj.自动的;机械的

9、automatises ─── 自动的

automatons 常见例句(双语使用场景)


2、Writing in the science journal Nature,Shapiro and his team describe their DNA computer the automaton which can answer certain yes or no questions. ─── 在《自然》科学杂志刊登的一篇文章里,沙皮罗和研究小组成员把DNA计算机视为能准确判断是非的自动装置。

3、A cellular automaton model was developed to simulate the primary spacing selection of dendritic array during directional solidification. ─── 发展了一个元胞自动机模型来模拟定向凝固中枝晶阵列的一次间距选择。

4、non-deterministic stack automaton ─── 不确定堆栈自动机

5、An automaton that is created from biological materials and resembles a human being. ─── 人形自动机用生物材料做成的类似人形的机器人

6、These docile lunatic automatons are no more trouble to their guards than cattle. ─── 对警卫来说,这些驯良的,机器人般的疯子和家畜一样不会带来多大的麻烦。

7、A cluster reasearch of TDT based on object migration automaton ─── 对象迁移自动机在TDT中的聚类研究

8、elementary cellular automaton ─── 初等元胞自动机

9、non-erasable stack automaton ─── 不可擦堆栈自动机

10、No one has the right to turn us as the automatons. ─── 没有人拥有把我们当自动机器人的权利。

11、Evolution Rules of Elementary Cellular Automaton Based on Karnaugh Map ─── 基于卡诺图初等元胞自动机的演化规则

12、strongly-connected automaton ─── [计] 强连接自动机

13、But in reality, the automatons are actually saving lives. ─── 但在现实中,机器人实际上正在拯救生命。

14、non-deterministic push-down automaton ─── 不确定下推自动机

15、Some of these ancient temple automatons were quite elaborate. ─── 这些古代神庙的机器人中有些还设计得颇为精妙。

16、The NFA (Non-deterministic Finite Automaton) model of GECISM accurately describes this system and meanwhile is the basement of performance analysis and system test about GECISM. ─── GECISM的NFA(Non-deterministic Finite Automaton )模型精确定义了GECISM的属性和特征,为GECISM的性能分析、系统测试提供了理论 基础。

17、graphical cellular automaton ─── 图形细胞自动机

18、DNA algorithm of Hamilton path problem based on finite automaton ─── 哈密顿路径问题的一种基于有穷自动机的DNA算法

19、Based on the assumption that congestion events consist of a renewal process sequence, the TCP AIMD congestion control is modeled as one-state stochastic hybrid automaton. ─── 互联网中的拥塞控制是一个离散事件与连续变量相互作用的混杂动态过程. 假定拥塞事件为一个更新过程序列,采用含有一个状态的随机混杂自动机模型,描述了TCP拥塞控制中的AIMD过程.

20、Man like every other animal is by nature indolent. If nothing spurs him on, then he will hardly think, and will bahave from habit like an automaton. ─── 人如其他动物一样本性慵懒,如果没有什么鞭策着他,他几乎不思考,只是象机器人一样按照习惯去做。

21、For the most part, automatons are improved while they are off. ─── 对大多数移动机器来讲,它们是在关机状态下得以改良的。

22、Now, the arrival of increasingly humanoid automatons in workplaces, in an era of high unemployment, is bound to provoke a reaction. ─── 现在,在工作场所越来越多得人类机器人的到来,对于一个高失业率的时代,必然要激起一点反应。


24、There are similar concerns about automatons designed to watch over the elderly. ─── 对于照顾老人的自动化机器也有相似的忧虑。

25、In this paper,it is mainly discussed a finite-state deterministic fuzzy automaton(FDA),which is not only equivalent to corresponding fuzzy language and is also equally powerful as other automata. ─── 作者讨论了有限态确定模糊自动机FDA与它相应的模糊语言以及FDA与其它自动机的等价性。

26、Among our tests was an omission experiment, in which the automaton's operation was evaluated with one molecular component removed at a time. ─── 删除实验是我们进行的其中一个测试:一次移除一种分子组成,然后评估自动机的表现。

27、Corps Automaton Requirements ─── 军自动化申请

28、biomolecular pushdown automaton ─── 分子下推自动机

29、After the bot incursion, Yahoo's technical staff realized that it needed to create a software gatekeeper that would allow human users in and keep automatons out. ─── 在机器人程式入侵之后,雅虎的技术人员了解到,必须研发新的软体来守卫门户,以便让人类使用者进入,而把机器人阻挡在外。

30、In spite of our warnings he plowed ahead with the involuntariness of an automaton. ─── 他不顾我们的警告,以机器人似的无意识状态一往直前。

31、These tripodal automatons, named for the eight-eyed gasbag-headed vine walkers found on Skako are generically referred to as tri-droids. ─── 这种三条腿的机器人以斯卡科上一种有八个眼睛和气囊状脑袋的触须行走生物命名。它一般也被称为三联机器人。

32、But most judges are not automatons -- whoever presents the most appealing case story will have a decided advantage. ─── 但是大多数法官都是讲感情的,会“讲故事”一方当事人就会博得法官的好感并因此获得一种既得优势。

33、completely specified automaton ─── 完全自动机

34、They're not quite the automatons and androids of popular culture, but the small sporting robots on the field in Germany are no less entertaining . ─── 他们看上去既不像机器人,也不像流行文化中的模拟机器真人。但在德国的小小运动员机器人却给我们带来了不少乐趣。

35、Inter-lane Coupling Effect of a Two-lane Cellular Automaton Model ─── 元胞自动机双车道模型耦合效应研究

36、transition-based generalized Büchi automaton ─── 基于迁移的扩展Büchi自动机

37、But in reality, the automatons are actually saving lives. ─── 但在现实中,机器人实际上正在拯救生命。

38、error-correcting tree automaton ─── 差错校正树状自动机

39、Naming will be handled in the same way that dragoons and puppetmasters select their wyvern or automaton’s name, but there will be more options than ever before! ─── 名字的选取跟龙骑士和宠物师的宠物一样,由系统选取,不过将会有更多的选择。

40、For a nondeterministic finite automaton (NFA), a new input may cause the machine to be in more than one state, hence its non-determinism. ─── 对于非确定有限自动机 (NFA),一个新输入可以导致机器进入多于一个状态,因此是非确定性的。

41、engineering design automaton .(EDA2) ─── 工程设计自动化

42、It was also during Edo times that the mechanical dolls or automatons of varying complexity known as karakuri ningyo came into being. ─── 也是在江户时代,机械玩偶或被称为karakuri,从此复杂程度不同的自动机器应运而生。

43、Cellular automaton models have calculation difficulties when the maximum speeds of the vehicles are different from each other or the number of the vehicles is very large. ─── 对于元胞自动机模型,当各车辆的最大速度不一致且车辆数目较多时,会产生计算困难。

44、Study of a Cellular Automaton FI-and-NS Mixed Model for Traffic Flow ─── 元胞自动机FI和NS交通流混合模型的研究

45、Region counting algorithm based on region labeling automaton ─── 基于区域标定自动机的区域个数统计算法

46、two-way deterministic finite automaton ─── 双向确定型有限自动机

47、The National Science Foundation invited the automatons and their creators to an exhibition intended to showcase the best advanced robotics technology the U.S. has to offer. ─── 因此,美国国家科学基金会将于本周末举办一个展览,向人们显示该国最为先进的机器人技术。

48、A modified three-dimensional cellular automaton (CA) model was developed to predict the formation and evolution of mesoscopic structures in alloys. ─── 为预测合金介观组织的形成与演变,提出了改进的三维元胞自动机(CA)模型。

49、nondeterministic stack automaton ─── 不确定的堆栈自动机

50、deterministic finite automaton ─── 决定性有限自动机确定的有穷自动机

51、They're not quite the automatons and androids of popular culture, but the small sporting robots on the field in Germany are no less entertaining. ─── 它们不是流行文中完整的自动化机器人和机器人,但在德国运动领域上,小型机器人总是给人带来乐趣。

52、In trying a variety of programs with our simple molecular automaton, we also found a way of further improving its performance. ─── 在尝试利用简单的分子自动机来执行各种不同程式的过程中,我们也发现了改良自动机表现的方法。

53、The concept of composition of finite automata is first proposed in finite automaton public key cryptosystem. ─── 在有限自动机公开钥密码体制中首次提出了自动机化合的概念.

54、A DNA Model of Autonomous Pushdown Automaton ─── 一种可自治下推自动机的DNA模型

55、3D elastoplastic cellular automaton ─── 三维弹塑性细胞自动机

56、Based upon physical background of the concerned model,cellular automaton is suitable to deal with the complex dynamic systems which are difficult to be described quantitatively by mathematical method. ─── 元胞自动机能够基于现象本身的物理机制,对于难以用数学方法定量描述的体系如微观组织的演变等具有良好的适用性。

57、variable structure automaton ─── 可变结构自动机

58、Manufacturing the welding clamps, meters, engine underpan, vehicle door, rear axle and jigs totally 114 sets, and manufacturing welding clamps of autowelding automaton for Shanghai G.M. Co.,Ltd. . ─── 四川旅行客车制造有限公司丰田面包车焊接夹具流水线制造,并在现场安装调试。

59、Man like every other animal is by nature indolent,if nothing spurs him on,then he will hardly think,and will behave from habit like an automaton. ─── 人类就像动物一样生性懒惰,如果没有任何事物去鞭策他,那他将不去思考,他的行为就像机器人。

60、The first step constructs an NFA (Nondeterministic Finite Automaton) equivalent to the regular expression, where the operation for constructing finite automata with e -moves is omitted. ─── 万法是首先构造与正则表达式等价的非确定有限自动机(NFA),这里省略了构造带。

61、Constructing Pattern-Matching Automaton for Intrusion Detection System ─── 一种构造入侵检测系统模式匹配自动机的方法

62、finite element-cellular automaton model ─── 元胞自动机-有限元模型

63、2-dimention cellular automaton modeling ─── 二维元胞自动机建模

64、And splits can split both ways: sometimes they suggest a party that is broad and tolerant, rather than a tribe of line-toeing automatons. ─── 4,5人是这种内部圈子的理想规模)而分歧有两方面的意义:有时分歧显示政党既开明又包容,而不是一个循规蹈矩的机器人的部落。

65、labeled finite automaton(LFA) ─── 带标签有限自动机

66、Hugo's recently deceased father, a clockmaker, worked in a museum where he discovered an automaton: a human-like figure seated at a desk, pen in hand, as if ready to deliver a message. ─── 后来父亲离奇地丧生于博物馆的大火中,雨果执著地想修好这个能写字的机器人,想通过机器人写的字得知父亲想留给自己的信息。

67、Traffic lane coupling effects of cellular automaton in the traffic flow model ─── 元胞自动机交通流模型中的车道耦合效应

68、Program for locating center of hole based on finite automaton principle ─── 基于有限状态自动机原理的孔中心定位程序

69、6.the automaton can cook meal.and also can do washing. ─── 6、机器人不但会烧饭,而且还会干洗衣活。

70、labeled generalized Btichi automaton ─── 带标签的广义Büchi自动机

71、only an automaton wouldn't have noticed. ─── 只有麻木人不会注意到。

72、She followed him diffidently through the clattering automatons, keeping her eyes straight before her, and flushing slightly. ─── 她怯生生地跟在后面,走过隆隆的机器,眼睛直视着前方,脸上微微有些发红。

73、A cellular automaton model for mixing traffic in two-lane system ─── 双车道多速车辆混合交通流元胞自动机模型的研究

74、Design and implementation of finite state automaton on USSD dialogue ─── USSD对话有限状态自动机的设计与实现

75、TheCA was extended base on cellular automaton basic theory and was more appropriate withdevelopment rule of geography phenomenon, and can simulate the evolutionary process ofurban complex system. ─── 在阐述细胞自动机基础理论的基础上,对细胞自动机进行扩展,使其符合地理现象的发展规律,并且能够模拟城市复杂系统的演化过程,并详细介绍了城市空间结构CA概念模型的构建路线。

76、mechanical cellular automaton ─── 力学元胞自动机

77、An autocrat prefers his subjects to be automatons , rather than intelligent human beings. ─── 独裁者希望他的国民都是自动调节器,像智能机器人。

78、nondeterministic finite automaton ─── 不确定性有限自动机不确定的有穷自动机非确定的有限自动机

79、To predict land use change, Cellular Automaton was adopted and the possible integration of CA and Temporal GIS was discussed. ─── 另外,初步探讨了基于时态的土地利用缓冲区分析,考察交通干线、枢纽等对土地利用的影响。

80、she followed him diffidently through the clattering automatons , keeping her eyes straight before her , and flushing slightly. ─── 她怯生生地跟在后面,走过隆隆的机器,眼睛直视着前方,脸上微微有些发红。

81、Secondly, domino model, pyramid model, reverse pyramid model, and cellular automaton model have been presented in order to explain the concepts of brittleness clearly. ─── 其次,为了形象化说明复杂系统脆性的概念,提出了多米诺骨牌模型、金字塔与倒金字塔模型、元胞自动机模型等几种基本模型。

82、completely specified finite automaton ─── 完全规定的有限自动机

83、H. Emmerich, E. Rank, An improved cellular automaton ─── 专题报告209号,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,1991.

84、To turn into an automaton. ─── 变为自动装置

85、Key words: household appliance; remote control; home automaton; telephone network; ring-detecting. ─── 关键词:家用电器;远程控制;家庭自动化;电话网络;振铃检测

86、DNA algorithm of primeness test based on finite automaton ─── 基于DNA有穷自动机的素性测试法

87、Using the Equivalence Class to Make the Automaton ─── 利用等价类构造有限状态自动机

88、We are human beings , not automatons . ─── 我们是活生生的人,而非机器人。

89、Fuzzy finite-state automaton ─── Fuzzy有限状态自动机

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