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08-26 投稿


apocalyptic 发音

英:[əˌpɑːkəˈlɪptɪk]  美:[əˌpɒkəˈlɪptɪk]

英:  美:

apocalyptic 中文意思翻译



adj.天启的; 启示录的; 决定性的; 预示大灾变的

apocalyptic 词性/词形变化,apocalyptic变形

副词: apocalyptically |异体字: apocalyptical |

apocalyptic 短语词组

1、Apocalyptic and post apocalyptic fi ─── 启示录和后 ─── 启示录

2、apocalyptic love ─── 末日之爱

3、apocalyptic super system ─── 世界末日超级系统

4、apocalyptic books ─── 启示书

5、apocalyptic movies ─── 世界末日电影

6、apocalyptic literature ─── 启示文学

7、apocalyptic super system webtoon ─── 世界末日超级系统webtoon

8、apocalyptic buckets ─── 末日桶

9、apocalyptic sky ─── 世界末日的天空

10、Apocalyptic and post apocalyptic fiction ─── 启示录和后 ─── 启示录小说

11、post apocalyptic adj.(《 ─── 圣经》中所说的)世界末日后的;浩劫后的

12、apocalyptic instrumental ─── 启示录乐器

13、apocalyptic fiction ─── 末日幻想

apocalyptic 相似词语短语

1、apocalyptists ─── 启示论者

2、apocalypticism ─── n.启示论

3、apocalyptical ─── adj.天启的,启示论的

4、apocalypse ─── n.启示;天启;大灾难

5、apocalyptism ─── n.终末论

6、apocalypses ─── n.启示;天启;大灾难

7、apocalyptist ─── n.启示文学作品作者;相信世界末日说的人

8、apocalyptically ─── 预示灾祸地;启示地;(使人想到)世界末日地

9、postapocalyptic ─── 局部后性

apocalyptic 常见例句(双语使用场景)

1、A victory is a victory, but what struck viewers in Iowa was that Iraq has heavily-armed apocalyptic factions they have never even heard of. ─── 仗是打赢了,但是让爱荷华州的观战者震惊的是,他们从未听闻伊拉克有具备灾难性打击能力的重型武装派别。

2、Therefore, a detailed study of the operating mode of these workrooms and an analysis of the essence of the competition will obviously be apocalyptic to us in the system reform, and the development of the publishing industry. ─── 因此,深入研究图书工作室的运作模式,剖析工作室与出版社竞争的实质,对出版体制改革和出版业的发展具有深刻的启示。

3、And that is the triumphant result of all this purgatory, justifying all excesses: we do ultimately encounter an apocalyptic radiance, a glimmer of what peace must be like. ─── 这整个折磨的光荣结局也就在此,所有的过度也就有了合理的依据;找们终于还是见到了启示一般的光辉,也瞥到宁静会是什么模样。

4、Apocalyptic means are lost amongst our dead ─── 启示录的意义全部迷失在我们的死亡中

5、In the future M &M games, we will deal with the "apocalyptic" consequences of the main plot featured in Heroes 5. ─── 在将来的魔法门系列游戏中,我们将会处理由英雄无敌5里事件所引发的“启示录”。

6、I felt, through the lack of these humble stimulants, the force of some primitive memory in which the coming of night with its stars and its moon was apocalyptic ─── 由于没有烟酒的刺激,我觉得纯朴的记忆力油然复苏,忆起星月之夜的降临颇能发人深省。

7、To which nations did the prophet Ezekiel refer when he described how apocalyptic nations would wage war against Jerusalem before the final hour leading to the messianic age (Ezekiel 38-39)? ─── 在中所预言的,在耶稣再来的前一刻,作为前导而在末日战争中攻击耶路撒冷的国家又是哪些国家呢?

8、Greenpeace called it "a glimpse into an apocalyptic future." Friends of the Earth dubbed it "a looming humanitarian catastrophe". ─── 绿色和平组织称它为“未来启示录的瞥见”,地球友人(英国媒体)称它为“人道主义灾难的预现”。

9、With luck the IOUs, officially called “registered warrants”, will turn out to be more symbolic than apocalyptic, provided that banks accept them and that a budget deal arrives soon. ─── 如果运气好的话,银行接受了官方所谓“已登记支付书”,预算协议很快达成,打白条就更具象征意义而没有预测出的那么可怕。

10、In contrast to the apocalyptic visions often associated with climate change, it’s the widespread mundanity of climate-linked transformation that the report highlights. ─── 与世界末日假设往往与气候变化有关不同的是,这份报告强调的是气候变化是全球性的。

11、The Star Prophecy was applied to the coming Messiah himself in contemporary radical Jewish documents, such as the apocalyptic War Scroll found at Qumran. ─── 恒星预言应用于与激进派犹太手稿同时代的弥赛亚的来到,这样的天启式战争手稿发现于库兰姆会社。

12、an apocalyptic scene ─── 末世景象

13、Yet the movie's depiction of the fallout from climate change stretches reputable science to apocalyptic proportions ─── 然而,影片所描述的气候变化的后遗症把著名的科学理论夸张成天大的灾难。

14、Within about two years practically the entire European continent and much of North Africa had been burned over by this disaster of apocalyptic proportions. ─── 在大约两年内实际上整个欧洲大陆和大部分北非已经被在透过灾难性的比例的这个灾难上方烧毁。

15、Wish the earth wasn't apocalyptic. ─── 希望地球不是世界末日.

16、The air is chill and stagnant, the language apocalyptic. ─── 空气寒冷而污浊, 语言则是《启示录》式的.

17、Wish the earth wasn't so apocalyptic, ─── 希望地球不是世界末日,

18、Stripped of its apocalyptic tone, what this amounts to is an advocacy of teaching names, dates and places by rote(Stefan Kanfer) ─── 除去其夸张的预示灾难的口吻后,这几乎等同于鼓吹按死记硬背的方式来教姓名、日期和地点(斯特凡 坎费尔)

19、"now speaks in apocalyptic terms about the probable conflict ahead" (Financial Times) ─── “现在以预示灾变似的话语讲着未来可能发生的冲突”(金融时报)

20、This is far lower than some of the apocalyptic projections in recent years, but also far higher than mild warming rates focused on by skeptics and industry lobbyists. ─── 这远远低于近年来的一些世界末日式预测,但也远远高于无神论者和行业说客们感兴趣的适度升温比率。

21、now speaks in apocalyptic terms about the probable conflict ahead(bFinancial Times) ─── 现在以预示灾变似的话语讲着未来可能发生的冲突(b金融时报)

22、It is rather apocalyptic gloom that possesses him: thoughts about the inevitability of injustice and some sort of inescapable ultimate doom. ─── 可以说,他有着一种悲天悯人的阴郁情绪:忧虑非正义是无法避免的,担心某种无可逃遁的最终末日。

23、Ever since China entered its phase of high economic growth 30 years ago it has faced apocalyptic warnings that its huge population and rising wealth would lead to food shortages. ─── 自从30年前步入经济高速增长阶段以来,中国一直面临如同世界末日来临般的警告:其庞大人口和不断增长的财富,将导致粮食紧缺。

24、It is rather apocalyptic gloom that possesses him:thoughts about the inevitability of injustice and some sort of inescapable ultimate doom. ─── 可以说,他有着一种悲天悯人的阴郁情绪,忧虑非正义是无法避免的,担心某种无可逃遁的最终末日。

25、Photographers occasionally use it as an apocalyptic backdrop. ─── 倒是摄影师偶尔会把这里当作世界末日的背景.

26、Before long, however, the episode began to look less apocalyptic than it had momentarily seemed. ─── 然而,这个原本似乎具有灾难启示色彩的事件持续未长,转瞬之间程度就降低了。

27、Who else was an apocalyptic prophet? Paul. ─── 还有谁是启示主义先知?保罗。

28、And you hope that more Tibetan compatriots have the chance to own and read this unique apocalyptic holy Book, your support will be warmly welcomed. ─── 如果您愿意让更多的藏族人民能早日读到并拥有这一本来自独一真神启示的圣书,我们欢迎您的支持。

29、But the consensus around the Gulf Coast is turning more apoplectic and apocalyptic. ─── 但在墨西哥湾海岸的舆论正变得越来越激烈和末世论.

30、In the movie, the world faces an apocalyptic natural disaster 伟 and Mayan prophesy is cited as having predicted the catastrophe. ─── 在影片中,世界面临着一场带来末日的自然灾害,据说玛雅人早就预测到了这场灾难。

31、The ideographic novels are mysterious and "apocalyptic". ─── “表意”具有神秘色彩,带有“启示录”意味。

32、Their whole existence, their very reason for being, it was all tied to this one apocalyptic event. ─── 他们全体族群,他们存在的意义,全都要交联在这个启示命运的时刻。

33、THE torrential rain that fell on Britain's end-of-empire parade on the night of June 30th 1997 conjured up apocalyptic visions of the future of Hong Kong. ─── 1997年7月30日夜晚,一场倾盆大雨宣告了大英帝国在香港统治的结束,也占卜了香港未来的前景。

34、The language of bankers and analysts grew apocalyptic as they warned that the near total seizure gripping money markets could turn into widespread financial meltdown. ─── 昨日,因第三财务季度结束,银行需要平衡帐目,对资金要求增加,货币市场的压力进一步加大。

35、is how we date apocalyptic literature. ─── 我们就是这样推算启示文学的创造年代。

36、apocalyptic adj. ─── 启示录的;天启的

37、It is action packed, adrenaline filled, apocalyptic survival experiment for the daredevils. ─── 这是包装的行动,肾上腺素填补,世界末日的生存实验,为冒险者。

38、Well, based on Mayan Calendar and the Dresden Codex, the Egyptians and the Mayans had the end-times of 2012 as an apocalyptic event. ─── 嗯,根据玛雅历和德累斯顿抄本,埃及人和玛雅人都将2012年的末日描述为天启事件。

39、Movies like Mad Max which portray an apocalyptic world devoid of animals may still be fiction, but experts insist that we need to take action to ensure such a landscape doesn't become reality. ─── 像电影“疯狂的麦克斯”,就描写一个缺乏动物的世界,可能还是个小说般情节,不过专家坚持我们需要行动,来确保这样的情景不会成真!

40、Full trailer for apocalyptic movie film "2012" ─── 全挂车的世界末日电影电影“ 2012 ”

41、weakness of the book is its apocalyptic tone. ─── 本书的弱点在于它启示录般的基调。

42、Apocalyptic Ruins - 20071228 - Bottoms-Up, Brantford, Ont - Brantford metal seething seeking the town Browntown in Ruins Apocalyptic sound NOW! Deal With it! ... ─── 20071228名声大震第二季终极决战决战100秒魏晨一个人睡-这么好听的歌!可是最近的辛苦上传总被不良人士打1星的评价!是乐橙的听完歌都来打5星!!!支持晨晨的视频!...

43、London, UK: Looking through plastic curtains at visitors checking out Dominique Gonzalez-Foerster's apocalyptic installation, 'TH.2058' ─── 英国,伦敦:图为透过塑料窗帘看到的参观者人影。这是在检查多米尼冈萨雷斯-福斯特的世界末日秀‘TH.2058’。

44、Jesus also preached the imminent end of the current era of history, or even the literal end of the world and in this sense he was an apocalyptic preacher. ─── 耶稣也鼓吹当前这个历史时期即将来临的终结,或者即使是这个世界的终结是字面的意思,但在这种情况下,他是一个启示性的先知。

45、Earlier this year, I began to listen to the apocalyptic ramblings of Christian radio's "prophecy experts." ─── 今年早些时候,我开始听世界末日随笔基督教广播电台的“预言专家。”

46、apocalyptic literature ─── 启示文学

47、It is a tragedy of apocalyptic dimensions, a human catastrophe comparable to the melting of the ice-caps and the devastation of the rainforests rolled into one. ─── 这是一场启示录般的悲剧,这其中人为的灾难性错误就好像人类既破坏了雨林,侧必承受冰盖消融的后果。

48、It is quite characteristic of apocalyptic visions for animals to symbolize human beings. ─── 启示性异象的特色,就是用兽代表人类。

49、Many politicians and climate skeptics have criticized computer models as erring on the side of predicting temperatures that are too hot and outcomes that are too apocalyptic with global warming. ─── 很多政客和气候怀疑论者批评电脑模型在预计气温方面有错误,结果太热了,并且对于全球变暖的结果过于悲观。

50、now speaks in apocalyptic terms about the probable conflict ahead(Financial Times) ─── 现在以预示灾变似的话语讲着未来可能发生的冲突(金融时报)

51、Orchestral sound walls build up around the listener, creating an apocalyptic atmosphere that leads you into the dark and menacing world. ─── 管弦乐筑起的声墙环绕在听众周围,塑造出启示录般的氛围,带你进入一个黑暗险恶的世界。

52、The reason is, I'm fascinated by the apocalyptic recovery. ─── 原因是我对世界末日之后的恢复非常的着迷.

53、But if natural disasters are merely random events caused by the uncaring and blind forces of nature, does this offer us any comfort or meaning in the face of the apocalyptic events on Boxing Day? ─── 但如果天灾只是冷漠盲目的自然力量造成的偶然事件,这让我们好过些了吗?还是,给节礼日的预示性灾难提供了任何意义?

54、He attempts to explore dismal landscapes, where apocalyptic marches echo and thunder. ─── 他试图探索那些回响着神启之音的凄凉之地。

55、an apocalyptic view of history ─── 对历史抱极其悲观的观点

56、He attempts to explore dismal landscapes , where apocalyptic marches echo and thunder. ─── 他试图探索那些回响着神启之音的凄凉之地.

57、State police in New Mexico have removed four children from an apocalyptic church whose leader claims to be the Messiah. ─── 新墨西哥州警方从信奉世界末日的教堂中带走,其教主自诩为救世主。

58、For them, no single image of Jesus will do.These thinkers see Jesus as both apocalyptic prophet and reforming sage, as purifier of Judaism and builder of a new order. ─── 他说:“作为一个西方圣经研究学者,我倾向于对这些(福音书的)故事持怀疑态度,但是作为一个历史学家我只得把它们当作是可信的。”

59、"When we look at the chaos in the world around us, we can well imagine that even if these apocalyptic prophecies may not be wholly true, they are nevertheless not totally impossible." ─── 只要放眼目前纷乱违常的世界局势,就可以想见世界末日虽不一定遭言中,却也并非不可能发生。

60、Then, unexpectedly and seemingly unprovoked, the EVE gate collapsed in an apocalyptic catastrophe of a scale never before witnessed by the human race, ruining the New Eden system in the process. ─── 然后,在无预警和徵兆的情况下,EVE星门崩坏了,造成人类由史以来最严重的灾害,这过程中新伊甸系统也跟著破坏了。

61、He will do the same in the apocalyptic battle when the Prince of Peace will end all wars on earth and bring universal peace. ─── 当和平的王子要结束地上一切的战争,并为宇宙带来平安时,祂也会在启示录的战争中做同样的事。

62、The apocalyptic blockbuster depicts a world in which global warming triggers a cascade of events that practically flash-freeze the planet. ─── 末日浩劫描绘一个由于全球变暖引发了一连串事件,几乎冻结地球的故事.

63、Some may bridle at the apocalyptic scenarios he raises but these often serve a legitimate purpose. ─── 如果有了核武器,伊朗就可以对中东地区的温和政府采取行动而不用承担责任,并在当地开展军备竞赛.

64、The air is chill and stagnant, the language apocalyptic. ─── 空气寒冷而污浊,语言则是《启示录》式的。

65、Your characterisation of Confucianism, with its simultaneous apocalyptic and grandiose predictions for China, is barely more than a cartoon. ─── 你对于儒教的描述以及你同时作出的有如天启一般浮夸的中国预言就像一副卡通画。

66、So often a diagnosis anywhere on the autism spectrum is discussed in apocalyptic terms. ─── 通常,一个人得到了孤独症的诊断常常被描述得像世界末日。

67、Although ending the race to drink up before closing time has not moderated drinking habits, neither have apocalyptic predictions come to pass. ─── 虽然在酒吧关门前停止斗酒没能改变人们的饮酒习惯,但是也没有让如世界末日般的预言得以实现。

68、Apocalyptic screams mean nothing to the dead ─── 天机死无益

69、The Essenes were a strict Torah observant, Messianic, apocalyptic, baptist, wilderness, new covenant Jewish sect. ─── 艾塞尼派是一个严格的律法奉行者,弥赛亚的,启示录的,施洗约翰,荒野,新的契约犹太人的教派。

70、"Stripped of its apocalyptic tone, what this amounts to is an advocacy of teaching names, dates and places by rote" (Stefan Kanfer) ─── “除去其夸张的预示灾难的口吻后,这几乎等同于鼓吹按死记硬背的方式来教姓名、日期和地点”(斯特凡·坎费尔)

71、At any other time, numbers like these would be apocalyptic, but they're what pass for good news these days. ─── 要换作别的时候,这样糟糕的数据足以让人产生大难临头的感觉,但当前这些数据却会被看作好消息。

72、Yet the movie's depiction of the fallout from climate change stretches reputable science to apocalyptic proportions. ─── 然而,影片所描述的气候变化的后遗症把著名的科学理论夸张成天大的灾难.

73、Parts of the ocean there look just absolutely apocalyptic. ─── 海洋的很多区域看上去完全像是世界末日。

74、Freddie's Buys outnumber its Holds by 13 to five, with no Sells.And, despite the chorus of catcalls from the Apocalyptic bear cohort, short interest in the stocks is not notably high. ─── 此预期可谓谨慎,预期数字经过针对预期风险所作出的调整,这种调整长期来看意义重大,但短期内却几乎没有什么影响。

75、But you know, Jim? You know, I'm reminded of a lot of these apocalyptic cults I've covered over the years... ─── 但你知道吗,吉姆?你知道,我曾在过去很多年来一直听到很多这些天启灾难...

76、On the Activity of "Commentary to the Islamic Classics with Confucianism" and its Apocalyptic Significance to the Dialogue between Civilizations in the Present Age ─── "以儒诠经"活动及其对当代文明对话的启示意义

77、Indeed, the latest projections from reputable climate scientists border on the apocalyptic. Why? ─── 事实上, 最近一次著名气候专家的看法已经非常吓人了, 为什么?

78、Stripped of its apocalyptic tone,what this amounts to is an advocacy of teaching names,dates and places by rote(Stefan Kanfer) ─── 除去其夸张的预示灾难的口吻后,这几乎等同于鼓吹按死记硬背的方式来教姓名、日期和地点(斯特凡·坎费尔)

79、DEAN : It's hilarious -- you know, in that apocalyptic sort of way. ─── 这是个大笑话,你知道,那些像启示录一般的故事。

80、In the movie, the world faces an apocalyptic naturaldisaster andMayan prophesy is cited as having predicted thecatastrophe. TheMayans saw this coming thousands of years ago,says onecharacter. ─── 在影片中,世界面临着一场带来末日的自然灾害,据说玛雅人早就预测到了这场灾难。一位角色说,玛雅人在几千年前就看到了这点。

81、Indeed, the latest projections from reputable climate scientists border on the apocalyptic. ─── 真的, 来自一些著名的气候科学家的最新预测接近了启示录.

82、When he wakes up from it, he discovers he has an ability to see people's futures by coming into physical contact.But the visions he has are often frightening, and even apocalyptic... ─── 撞伤后的尊尼,变成有奇特的超能力,不但能预测护士家失火,也能看到大夫的过去,顿成镇上的风云人物。

83、Nobody desires to return to chaos without having first experienced an apocalyptic vertigo. ─── 世人只有体验过末世般的眩晕感,才会向往归于混沌.

84、apocalyptic warnings of the end of society ─── 对社会末日骇人听闻的预警

85、an apocalyptic view of history ─── 对历史抱极其悲观的观点

86、Although ending the race to drink up before closing time has not moderated drinking habits, neither have apocalyptic predictions come to pass. ─── 虽然在酒吧关门前停止斗酒没能改变人们的饮酒习惯, 但是也没有让如世界末日般的预言得以实现.

87、California is famous for its sunshine. But the dry weather can cause apocalyptic disasters. ─── 加州是个阳光普照的地方,不过乾燥的天气却造成警世的灾难。

88、apocalyptic - ? ─── 启示的, 幸灾乐祸的 - ?


apocalypse n. 启示,天启

apocalyptic adj. 启示的;天启的;预示灾祸的,预示大动乱

apocrypha n. 伪经,伪书

apocryphal adj.伪经的,假冒的

apogee n. 远地点(太阳等距离地球最远的点)

apolitical adj. 不关心政治的

apollo 阿波罗;n. (希神)阿波罗

apologetic adj.道歉的,歉意的

apologise v.道

apologist n. 辩护者,辩证者,护教论者

apologize vi.道歉,谢罪,认错

apologue n. 寓言,教训

apology n.道歉,认错,谢罪

apoplexy n. 中风

apostasy n. 背教,脱党

apostate n. 背教者,变节者

apostatize 背教,脱党

apostle n. 基督十二使徒之一,最初的传道者

apostolic adj.(十二) 使徒的; 使徒时代的

apostrophe n. 书写中撇号(')(表示省略或所有格)

apothecary n. 药剂师

apothegm n. 格言,箴言

apotheosis n. 神化,典范

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