arrogate 发音
英:['ærəgeɪt] 美:['ærəɡet]
英: 美:
arrogate 中文意思翻译
arrogate 短语词组
1、arrogate horse ─── 霸王马
2、arrogate village ─── 阿罗盖特村
3、arrogate to oneself ─── 冒称,妄称; 擅
4、arrogate lawn definition ─── 僭越草坪定义
5、arrogate meaning ─── 傲慢的意思
6、arrogate to v. ─── 硬性归于
7、arrogate definition ─── 僭越定义
8、arrogate to itself the power ─── 霸占权力
9、arrogate means ─── 傲慢意味着
10、arrogate cause of death ─── 夸大死因
11、arrogate lawn ─── 荒野草坪
arrogate 词性/词形变化,arrogate变形
动词第三人称单数: arrogates |动词现在分词: arrogating |形容词: arrogative |动词过去分词: arrogated |动词过去式: arrogated |名词: arrogation |
arrogate 相似词语短语
1、arrogative ─── 傲慢的
2、arrogated ─── vt.冒称;霸占;没来由地将…归属于
3、Harrogate ─── n.哈罗盖特(英国英格兰北部约克郡城镇)
4、arrogates ─── vt.冒称;霸占;没来由地将…归属于
5、abrogate ─── vt.废除;取消
6、arrogator ─── 收养人
7、abrogates ─── vt.废除;取消
8、arrogance ─── n.自大;傲慢态度
9、abrogated ─── vt.废除;取消
arrogate 习惯用语
1、arrogate to oneself ─── 冒称; 妄称
arrogate 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Arrogate all authority to oneself ─── 大权独揽
2、Don't arrogate evil motives to me. ─── 不要栽脏给我。
3、Differences between Political Party and Country--Why The Party Cannot Arrogate to Itself the Role of Government? ─── 政党与国家的区别--为什么不能以党代政?
4、to arrogate the right to make decisions ─── 擅自窃取作决定的权力
5、To monopolize power; to have sole power; to arrogate all authority to oneself. ─── 为了能够掌权,他不惜使用各种卑劣手段。
6、to arrogate privilege to oneself ─── 僭取特权
7、"And who are you, then, that arrogate to yourself this tyrannical right over free and rational beings?" ─── “那么你认为你是谁,竟敢用这种暴虐的态度对待自由而理智的人?”
8、To usurp imperial titles and arrogate to oneself another rank ─── 窃号僭称
9、5.The condition and the aims of life are both represented in religion poetically, but this poetry tends to arrogate to itself literal truth and moral authority, neither of which it possesses. ─── 译文:生活的目标和条件在宗教中诗一般的呈现,但这种诗意往往把宗教所并不具有的朴实真理和道德威力没有来由的归于宗教。
10、Stress the center in the arrangement of national administrative power, arrogate all powers to oneself to make singly privately; ─── 在国家行政权力的安排上突出中心,实行单一专权专任制;
11、To be on mainstream position " lineal " the summary analysis of the replaces arrogate to oneself to change process of economics and characteristic, be helpful for not only.. ─── 对居于主流地位的“正统”经济学的替代擅变的过程和特点的总结分析,不仅有利于把...
12、And so I would arrogate no particular merit to lit-erary men for the possession of this faculty of do-ing good which some of them enjoy.It costs a gen-tleman no sacrifice to be benevolent on paper; ─── 达尔杜弗之流不断谈论高尚情操,而其品德却不比他们所指斥、所欺骗的人高尚,这类人物自然不配受到人们信任,而应加以讥刺;
13、But the world does exhibit its variety in such a funny way that it tolerates the odd chaps who unilaterally arrogate the would-be superiority to themselves. ─── 但世界并不展示其品种在这样一个有趣的方式,它容忍奇数章谁独揽单方面的想成为自己的优势。
14、arrogate v. ─── 自称是;
15、arrogate to ─── 硬性归于
16、arrogate to oneself ─── 冒称妄称
17、The condition and the aims of life are both redivsented in religion poetically, but this poetry tends to arrogate to itself literal truth and moral authority, neither of which it possesses. ─── 生活的目标和条件在宗教中诗一般的呈现,但这种诗意往往把宗教所并不具有的朴实真理和道德威力没有来由的归于宗教。
18、Once the pure subjectivity was cleared up and the myth of subject was exposed, the alienation must arrogate the reality. ─── 一旦抽象主体性被消解,主体神话被揭穿,异化就自然而然僭越为本体性存在。
19、arrogate vt. ─── 冒称;
20、to arrogate; to monopolize ─── 独揽
21、Stress the center in the arrangement of national administrative power, arrogate all powers to oneself to make singly privately; ─── 在国家行政权力的安排上突出中心,实行单一专权专任制;
22、It should not be for external forces to arrogate themselves that role; often, they do not have enough knowledge to decide rightly. ─── 外部势力绝不能老越俎代庖;通常情况是他们掌握不了充分信息来作出正确决策。
23、Don't easily arrogate evil motives to others. ─── 别轻易地认为他人存心不良。
24、arrogate all powers to oneself ─── 独揽大权
25、"No, indeed," replied Monte Cristo with a smile, "I do not arrogate to myself the right of so doing." ─── “不,”基督山带笑道,“我不敢想能有那种权利。”
26、3.But once the electoral process isfinished, those elected to high political office arrogate to themselvesthe planning, directing, and controlling of every aspect of social andeconomic life. ─── 然而一旦选举结束,这些政府高官就可以随欲规划,指导,和控制社会经济生活的各个方面。
27、On the history, the figure of deal of Chinese arrogate to oneself, actually more ground is the impress that stays to world place by abroad Chinese. ─── 历史上,华人擅做生意的形象,其实更多地是由海外华人给世界所留下的印记。
28、Do not arrogate wrong intentions to your friends. ─── 不要硬说你的朋友存心不良。
29、Rotation of arrogate to oneself leases a building, what responsibility should assume? ─── 擅自转租房屋,应承担什么责任?
30、Don't arrogate wrong intentions to your colleagues. ─── 不要硬说你同事们动机不良。
31、Generated at one of 10 gold medals in the women's arrogate 9, 10 gold medals in men arrogate 7. ─── 其中在已产生的10枚女子项目金牌中独揽9枚,10枚男子项目金牌中独揽7枚。
32、My cousin first, don't understand, so not arrogate events for guard to see her."unfortunately. ─── 我表哥初来报到,并不了解事件的来由,所以没有作提防才不幸见到“她”。
33、Its last analysis, it is not freedom of thought which endangers Jewish values, but the freedom which some people arrogate to themselves not to think at all. ─── 归根结底,危及犹太人价值观的并不是思想自由,而是某些大无端赋予自己的根本不动脑筋的自由。
34、assume arbitrary power in finance; arrogate financial power to oneself ─── 独揽经济大权
35、I do not arrogate to myself the right to decide. ─── 我不擅自决定。
36、Because humanness is unripe the ground is not familiar, original not she of intercourse of arrogate to oneself liked to get online chat. ─── 因为人生地不熟,本来就不擅交际的她喜欢了上网聊天。
37、Actually, although Chinese and Jew are with the figure of deal of arrogate to oneself be felt by the world, but these two nations still have however on commercial figure very big different. ─── 其实,华人与犹太人虽然都是以擅做生意的形象而被世界感知,但这两个民族在商业形象上却还是有很大不同。
38、At the same time, due to resource arrogate English in Asia, the only emu oil exporters. ─── 同时,由于资源独揽,英吉利是亚洲唯一的鸸鹋油出口商。
39、I do not arrogate to myself the right to decide. ─── 我不擅自决定。
40、Man as an animal species shall not arrogate to himself the right to exterminate or inhumanely exploit other animals. ─── 必须使用或开发替代方法,或以其它方式取代动物试验。
41、The conditionthe aims of life are both represented in religion poetically,this poetry tends to arrogate to itself literal truthmoral authority, neither of which it possesses. ─── 生活的目标和条件在宗教中诗的呈现,但这种诗意往往把宗教所并不具有的朴实真理和道德威力没有来由的归于宗教。
42、In giving these outlines I do not mean, fellow-citizens, to arrogate to myself the merit of the measures ─── 同胞们,我叙述了这些要点,并不是我要霸占这些措施的功绩。
43、1.Rotation of arrogate to oneself leases a building, what responsibility should assume? ─── 擅自转租房屋,应承担什么责任?
44、arrogate an ulterior motive to a person ─── 擅自认为某人别有用心 [居心叵测]
45、Differences between Political Party and Country--Why The Party Cannot Arrogate to Itself the Role of Government? ─── 政党与国家的区别--为什么不能以党代政?
46、arrogate power to oneself ─── 擅取权力
47、9.The condition and the aims of life are both represented in religion poetically, but this poetry tends to arrogate to itself literal truth and moral authority, neither of which it possesses. ─── [参考译文] 生活的目标和条件在宗教中诗一般的呈现,但这种诗意往往把宗教所并不具有的朴实真理和道德威力没有来由的归于宗教。
48、And so I would arrogate no particular merit to lit-erary men for the possession of this faculty of do-ing good which some of them enjoy. ─── 所以我不会硬说文人之具有行善的能力是什么特别的优点,他们中有些人就是喜爱那样做。
49、And so I would arrogate no particular merit to literary men for the possession of this faculty of doing good which some of them enjoy. ─── 所以我不会硬说文人之具有行善的能力是什么特别的优点,他们中有些人就是喜爱那样做。
50、Don't arrogate wrong intentions to your colleagues. ─── 不要硬说你同事们动机不良。
51、Boss is accidental inquiry, he period period Ai Ai ground cannot fluent answer, even labial arrogate to oneself trembles unceasingly. ─── 上司偶然问话,他就期期艾艾地不能流利回答,甚至嘴唇擅抖不已。
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