aneurismal 中文意思翻译
aneurismal 相似词语短语
1、aneurism ─── n.动脉瘤
2、aneurisms ─── n.动脉瘤
3、aneurismatic ─── 动脉瘤
4、aneurysmal ─── adj.动脉瘤的
5、aneurysm ─── n.[内科]动脉瘤(等于aneurism)
6、aneurismally ─── 动脉瘤的
7、aneurysms ─── n.[内科]动脉瘤(aneurysm的复数形式)
8、aneurysmally ─── 动脉瘤性
9、neurism ─── 神经症
aneurismal 常见例句(双语使用场景)
1、Keywords Aneurismal bone cyst Perioperative time Stress reaction Nursing; ─── 动脉瘤样骨囊肿;围手术期;应激反应;护理;
2、Mikulicz's aneurism needle ─── 米库利奇(氏)动脉瘤针
3、Methods Of 48 cases with intracranial aneurism, 42 were performed with clapping of aneurism, 6 with coating of aneurism. ─── 方法48例颅内动脉瘤显微手术,其中瘤颈夹闭术42例,瘤壁加固术6例。
4、Its reason in the congenital aneurism sees most much by the skull in. ─── 其原因以颅内先天性动脉瘤内最多见。
5、Sinus of Valsalva aneurism ─── 乏氏窦瘤
6、Bad distribution of congenital aneurism body wall, general all thinner. ─── 先天性动脉瘤体壁厚薄不均,一般均较薄。
7、Numerical simulation has become an important method for the study of cerebral aneurismal hemodynamics,which lead to a deep insight into the field of hemodynamic mechanism. ─── 有很多的方法和技术被应用到脑动脉瘤血液动力学的研究中,包括临床影像学观察、动物实验及体外模型实验。
8、Analysis of imaging diagnosis and misdiagnosis of aneurismal bone cyst ─── 动脉瘤样骨囊肿的影像学诊断及误诊分析
9、Aneurism is as good a word as any other. ─── 肯定有人死了。"
10、aneurism needle ─── 动脉瘤针
11、Objective To summarize experience of intracranial aneurism by direct operation. ─── 目的总结颅内动脉瘤直接手术的治疗经验。
12、Therefore, how to define a proper constitutive relation for aneurismal wall should be considered carefully in the hemodynamic simulation. ─── 因此,在颅内动脉瘤血液动力学数值模拟研究中,合理地定义动脉瘤壁的本构关系确实是需要被仔细考虑的。
13、Radiological features and clinical diagnosis at early stage of aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage ─── 动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血的影像学特征及早期临床诊断
14、Now and then become interlining aneurism. ─── 偶尔成为夹层动脉瘤。
15、or clog a artery in the brain leading to a stroke or aneurism. ─── 或阻塞脑部的某一条动脉而导致中风或动脉瘤。
17、aneurismal bone cyst ─── 动脉瘤样骨囊肿
18、Reason aneurism burst often brings about arachnoid haemorrhage finishing speech, also can form the haematoma inside cerebral essence to defeat ventricle even. ─── 故动脉瘤破裂常导致蛛网膜下腔出血,也可形成脑实质内血肿甚至破入脑室。
19、Congenital aneurism burst often has rage, overworked, waterWine, be pregnant the inducement such as evening. ─── 先天性动脉瘤破裂常有情绪激动、劳累、饮酒、怀孕末期等诱因。
20、(3) is arachnoid haemorrhage finishing speech is much by the aneurism inside skull or hemal deformation be caused by. ─── (3) 蛛网膜下腔出血多由颅内动脉瘤或血管畸形所致。
21、Aneurismal dilatation or aneurysm on the optic dick in 18 eyes (90%) and at or near the major branching of arterioles in 16 eyes(80%). ─── 能查眼底的20眼中,视盘动脉瘤即视盘根部膨大或呈瘤状18眼(90%),视盘附近动脉干上的动脉瘤16眼(80%),所有病例均有动脉瘤。
22、Congenital aneurism is disease of blood-vessel of a kind of head, often bring about arachnoid haemorrhage finishing speech, be not the tumour inside true skull. ─── 先天性动脉瘤是一种脑血管病,常导致蛛网膜下腔出血,并非真正的颅内肿瘤。
23、- A near fatal aneurism? ─── |- 一个几乎致命的动脉瘤?
24、Arachnoid under the cavity hemorrhage (SAH) usually is the brain base aneurism or brain artery abnormally bursts, the blood direct inflow arachnoid under cavity is the result of. ─── 蛛网膜下腔出血(SAH)通常是脑底部动脉瘤或脑动脉畸形破裂,血液直接流入蛛网膜下腔所致。
25、Wu Zhongxue: Progress of Intervention Treatment for intracranial aneurysmEncephalic Aneurism ─── 吴中学:颅内动脉瘤介入治疗进展
26、This article compared and gave some opinions about several methods of building aneurismal model and put forward a new method of making intracranial aneu... ─── 本文对建立动脉瘤模型的几种方法进行了比较评述,并在此基础上提出了一种新的颅内动脉瘤动物模型的制作方法。
27、The hemodynamic mechanism has been considered to be the main factor related to the cerebral aneurismal growth and rupture. ─── 血液动力学机制被认为是导致脑动脉瘤生长乃至破裂的主要因素。
28、Keywords Bone cyst;aneurismal;Tomography;X-ray computed;Magnetic resonance imaging; ─── 关键词骨囊肿;动脉瘤样;体层摄影术;X线计算机;磁共振成像;
29、Treatment of intracranial aneurism by intravascular thrombolism ─── 血管内栓塞治疗颅内动脉瘤的护理
30、Congenital aneurism is good the far end that sends the artery at annulus of artery of compositive head base or its branch. ─── 先天性动脉瘤好发于组成脑基底动脉环的动脉或其分支的远端。
31、Congenital aneurism often is located in cerebral surface, also can be located in inside cerebral essence. ─── 先天性动脉瘤常位于脑表面,也可位于脑实质内。
32、Congenital aneurism often appears later in manhood symptom. ─── 先天性动脉瘤往往在成年以后出现症状。
33、Influence of Sinus of Valsalva Aneurism Complicated with Ventricular Septal Defect on Echocardiographic Diagnosis Accuracy ─── 乏氏窦瘤合并室间隔缺损对超声心动图诊断的影响
34、orbital aneurism ─── 眶动脉瘤
35、eyelid aneurism ─── 眼睑动脉瘤
36、Keywords Aneurism subarachnoid hemorrhage combined by intracerebral hematoma Setting of body position Nursing; ─── 关键词蛛网膜下腔出血伴脑内血肿;体位摆放;护理;
37、Such aneurismal bleeding usually has abrupt onset and high risk of rebleeding. ─── 这类动脉瘤的出血通常是突然发生的而且再出血的风险很高。
38、retinal arterio-venous aneurism ─── 视网膜动静脉瘤
39、The research still shows that the risk of dying from stroke, aneurism,high blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases are also increased. ─── 研究还表明,死于中风、动脉瘤、高血压和其他心血管疾病的危险也有所增加。
40、Surgical or radiological intervention is definite for aneurismal rupture-related gastrointestinal hemorrhage. ─── 对于血管瘤破裂所导致的消化道出血,外科或放射科介入才是根本的治疗方式。
41、Keywords computed photography;computed tomography;aneurism; ─── 计算机摄影;体层成像;动脉瘤;
42、In the meantime, return the place of can affirmatory aneurism, size, amount; ─── 同时,还能确定动脉瘤的部位、大小、数量;
43、Surgical management of intracranial aneurysms with aneurismal wall calcification ─── 瘤壁钙化颅内动脉瘤的手术治疗
44、Aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) is the leading cause of non-traumatic SAH.Prompt diagnosis and management can significantly reduce morbidity and mortality. ─── 动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血是最常见的非外伤性蛛网膜下腔出血,早期确诊和及时治疗可以显著降低病残率和死亡率。
45、Via the head angiography can be made clear is belong to the aneurism inside skull or be hemal deformation. ─── 经脑血管造影就可以明确是属于颅内动脉瘤或是血管畸形。
46、wall shear stress formed under the impact of blood flow is most prominent in the neck of aneurysms than other locations and is weak in the aneurismal wall. ─── 切应力由于血流冲击瘤壁形成,主要存在于瘤颈处且方向可变化,瘤壁很微弱;
47、aneurism, aneurysm ─── 动脉瘤
48、Head Trauma accompanied with Subarachnoid Hemorrhage Induced by Rupture of Intracranial Aneurism ─── 颅脑损伤合并颅内动脉瘤破裂蛛网膜下腔出血
49、Meta Analysis of Factors Related to Hydrocephalus after Aneurismal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage ─── 动脉瘤蛛网膜下腔出血性脑积水相关因素Meta分析
50、Wheeler's needle holder and aneurism forceps combined ─── 惠勒(氏)动脉瘤及持针两用镊
51、Surgical management of intracranial aneurysms with aneurismal wall calcification ─── 瘤壁钙化颅内动脉瘤的手术治疗
52、Keywords Dual-source CT;Aneurism;Chest pain;Coronary vessels;Aortic dissection; ─── 双源CT;动脉瘤;胸痛;冠状血管;主动脉夹层;
53、Haemorrhage of congenital aneurism burst often has the possibility that breaks out repeatedly, coming on first more inside a month, especially inside a week again the chance that burst bleeds is more. ─── 先天性动脉瘤破裂出血常有反复发作的可能,多在首次发病1个月内,尤其是第一周内再次破裂出血的机会较多。
54、Intracranial aneurism is a high-risk condition in that rupture of the aneurism may result in sudden intracranial hemorrhage,and mortality rate of aneurism rupture re-bleeding is very high. ─── 颅内动脉瘤的危险性在于动脉瘤破裂发生急剧的颅内出血,而动脉瘤破裂后再出血患者死亡率极高。
55、brain aneurism ─── 脑动脉瘤
56、Intracranial aneur ysm is a disease which can seriously do harm to human health.The laws of its ge nesis, developments and outcomes are still unclear. ─── 颅内动脉瘤是一种严重危害人类生命安全的疾病,其发生、发展和转归的规律仍未完全明确。
57、Study on correlative factors of prognosis in aneurismal subarachnoid hemorrhage ─── 动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血患者预后的相关因素研究
58、But then when I saw the price tag, I just about had an aneurism. ─── 不过之后当我看到它的标价牌时,我简直是吓了一大跳。
59、Keywords Quality of life Psychological function Brain aneurism Interventional therapy; ─── 生活质量;心理功能;脑动脉瘤;介入治疗;
60、Also somebody thinks congenital aneurism is formed on the foundation of keep of certain and embryonic hemal vestiges. ─── 也有人认为先天性动脉瘤是在某些胚胎血管残迹留存的基础上形成的。
61、So Making intracranial aneurysm model is very significant for clinical treatment to discuss the aneurismal shape,pathology,physiology and evolvement. ─── 探讨动脉瘤的形态、病生理、演变过程,建立颅内动脉瘤动物模型,探索其发病机制,对临床治疗具有重要意义。
62、Intraeranial aneurism ─── 颅内动脉瘤
63、Present study on the etiology of abdominal aortic aneurism ─── 腹主动脉瘤病因研究近况
64、arteriovenous aneurism ─── 动静脉瘤
65、It's not a tumor or an aneurism! ─── |不是肿瘤或动脉瘤!
66、Surgical treatment of aneurismal bone cyst of the lumbar spine ─── 腰椎动脉瘤样骨囊肿的外科治疗
67、Keywords :Bone cyst,aneurismal; ─── 关键词: 骨囊肿,动脉瘤样;
68、Conclusions Intracranial aneurism should be actively operated in order to prevent reblooding. ─── 结论为防止再次出血,颅内动脉瘤应积极手术。
69、The main signs were bowel-wall thickening (n=7), 5 of the 7 cases showed aneurismal sign. ─── 主要征象有肠壁增厚7例,其中5例见肠腔呈动脉瘤样扩张。
70、retinal aneurism ─── 视网膜动脉瘤
71、instrument for ligating of aneurism ─── 动脉瘤结扎器
72、conjunctival aneurism ─── 结膜动脉瘤
73、Methods Forty-six cases were treated with GDC to embolize the aneurismal sac via femoral artery approach. ─── 方法对46例前交通动脉瘤患者采用经皮股动脉穿刺行全脑选择性血管造影术,应用GDC进行动脉瘤囊内栓塞;
74、The main signs were bowel-wall thickening (n=7), 5 of the 7 cases showed aneurismal sign. ─── 主要征象有肠壁增厚7例,其中5例见肠腔呈动脉瘤样扩张。
75、Study on the nursing for early setting of body position for patients with aneurism subarachnoid hemorrhage combined by intracerebral hematoma ─── 动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血伴脑内血肿早期体位摆放的护理探讨
76、The hemodynamic mechanism has been considered to be the main factor related to the cerebral aneurismal growth and rupture. ─── 尽管目前对脑动脉瘤发生发展的机制尚未完全阐明,但血液动力学机制被认为是导致动脉瘤生长乃至破裂的主要因素[1]。
77、Do you ever think what you can hold if you get aneurism or breast cancer as you are absorbed in pursuing such things? ─── 试想一下,在你专心于这些物质追逐的时候,你得了动脉瘤或者乳腺癌,又能如何呢?
78、Be like the patient of arachnoid haemorrhage finishing speech, as a result of,often be the aneurism inside skull or hemal deformation be caused by. ─── 如蛛网膜下腔出血的病人,常是由于颅内动脉瘤或血管畸形所致。
79、Operation cooperation of intervened treatment for encephalic aneurism ─── 颅内动脉瘤介入治疗的手术配合
80、Study on the effects of fertilizer application in grassland of Aneur lepidium chinese ─── 羊草草地施肥效果探究
81、In summary, vascular aneurismal lesion should be included in the differential diagnosis of a duodenal submucosal tumor-like lesion. ─── 我们归纳结论如下,血管动脉瘤性的病灶应该列入十二指肠黏膜下肿瘤的鑑别诊断。
82、the hemodynamic factors have great relationship with aneurismal abiogenesis, it became the hotspot of aneurismal study in the world in recent years. ─── 在各种影响因素中,血液动力学因素与该病的自然发生史密切相关,因而近年来成为国内外研究的热点。
83、Hanson sees a former patient who has a recurrence of a life-threatening brain aneurism whose brother is dead set against his operating on her again. ─── 旧病人看到重影,检查后发现动脉瘤复发,韩德建议动手术,但手术只有两成机会成央A且过程中需要停止病人的心跳,即病人必定会在手术中死亡,情况令人担忧。
84、Keywords Moya Moya disease;Aneurism;Cerebral vascular; ─── 烟雾病;动脉瘤;脑血管;
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